Chapter 9798 Diligence

Sandan rolled her eyes: "Perhaps she thinks that the previous fruit seedling was too disobedient, so she wants to cultivate a new one!"

Big head happy!

"If you say you lack the heart and the eye, you are really the lack of the heart and eye! If she wants to cultivate new fruit seedlings, she has so many seeds in her hand, do she need to run out?

Besides, if you don’t want that fruit seedling, can you just destroy it? Why do you have to carry it?

I think something big is about to happen!

It's better for us to plan early, or we will die. "

When it said these words, it was not in human language, so it was not afraid that they would hear it later.

Sandan said disapprovingly: "I think you are just worrying about it! Even if something serious happens, that stinky girl will not kill us, at best it will let us fend for ourselves."


Sandan yawned lazily: "Which so many why, anyway, I think that stinky girl has a hard mouth and a soft heart, not the kind of person who kills them all."

Datou wanted to say it again, Sandan had snored and fell asleep.

The big head turned his head to look at the other Shi Paixiu, who were also sleeping.

It feels so tired immediately, forget it, let it be fate!

Yun Chujiu took Xiaoqiaoer to fetch its planting stakes, and Er Gouzi "kindly" gave Yun Chujiu suggestions:

"Master, how tired you have been carrying the little sister with your hands!

Sister Xiao Qiaoer signed a contract with you, you can put it in the beast bag! "

Yun Chujiu knew exactly what Er Gouzi had made, but it was really inconvenient to hold it with his hands, so he put Xiao Qiao'er into the beast bag.

Er Gouzi eagerly approached Xiao Qiao'er. Before speaking, Xiao Qiao'er said coldly, "If you don't want to die, shut your dog's mouth!"

Ergouzi died before he got out of school, and he was frustrated in his heart.

However, this guy never knew what being discouraged, so he comforted himself, Xiao Qiaoer sister is now in anger, and it will be fine after a while.

The road went smoothly, and no one else was encountered.

This is thanks to Xiaoqiaoer, who can control other Aperture Fruit Seedlings, so if something goes wrong with them, Shu Yao and others naturally cannot leave the station.

After turning the mountain bend, I arrived at the open area last time.

Unlike the last time the ground shook and the mountains shook, it was very quiet at this time.

As soon as Yun Chujiu took Xiao Qiao'er out of the spirit beast bag, the stones on the ground began to agitate.

Xiao Qiao'er ignored the stones, the leaves and roots shook at the same time, and the ground began to tremble.

As the tremor became stronger and stronger, a huge planting pile emerged from the ground.

This planting stake covers almost the entire open area.

Yun Chujiu thought to himself, it seems that Xiaoqiaoer didn't brag before, and its roots might really cover the entire mountain in its heyday.

I don't know what Xiao Qiao'er used. After a while, that huge planting pile kept shrinking, and finally it became the size of a palm and fell into Yun Chujiu's hands.

Yun Chujiu looked around, and then asked: "You have enclosed the divine consciousness with the dark shadow inside? Can you separate the divine consciousness now?

Just in case, blow it up first. "

Xiao Qiao'er was also afraid of the black shadow and nodded in agreement.

Yun Chujiu took out an empty puppet tray, and asked Xiao Qiao'er to inject the split divine consciousness into it.

Immediately after, she also divided a strand of divine consciousness into the puppet plate, and saw a reduced version of the small and a cloud of dark shadows.

When she was looking at it, the dark shadow let out a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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