Chapter 9809, Believe It or Not

Yun Chujiu sighed at the crowd: "Stop joking with everyone, I hesitated and decided to tell everyone about one thing.

Originally, I was worried about how to bring everyone together, but now I have this opportunity. "

She paused, and continued: "I discovered this incident accidentally, because it's important, so please be mentally prepared."

Shu Yao said impatiently: "Don't you tell me? Why so much nonsense?!"

Yun Chujiu was not annoyed, just glanced at her and continued:

"There is a vague black shadow in Ao Guomiao's spiritual consciousness. Based on this inference, if the Ao Guo Miao is taken, the black shadow is likely to enter your spiritual consciousness.

The seriousness of this matter, I guess I don’t need to say more? "

As soon as Yun Chujiu said this, there was a dead silence at the scene, and then it was fried!

"What? There is a dark shadow in Qiao Guomiao's consciousness? What is that dark shadow?"

"No matter what it is, you can't let it enter the sea of ​​consciousness!"

"Why do I think she is talking nonsense?! How can there be shadows in Ao Miao's consciousness?"


Shu Yao was the first to question: "Mei You, aren't you making up nonsense to fool us?"

Yun Chujiu shrugged: "Is there a dark shadow? You will know if you go back and check it. Am I making such a stupid mistake?!

I just told you this out of morality. As for believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me in the end. "

Shu Yao sneered: "That's not necessarily true, maybe you are unbalanced in your heart, so you deliberately made up such a nonsense to deceive us."

Yun Chujiu is happy!

"What's wrong with me?"

"Is this unclear?! Your orifice fruit seedling has not been planted, and it is still sluggish until now, not even a flower bud, let alone the fruit.

So you are jealous that we can take Aoguo immediately, and you have fabricated such a big lie. It is really shameful! "Shu Yao mocked.

Yun Chujiu looked in the direction of Shu Yao's finger, Xiao Qiao'er did not look very good.

Originally she wanted to put it in the spirit beast bag, but it said that it would leave here soon, and she was a little reluctant, so Yun Chujiu planted it in the soil again.

Xiaoqiaoer is different from other Qiaoguo seedlings. It's probably early if you want to bloom and bear fruit!

Unexpectedly, Shu Yao was a bit negligent in taking this as a fuss.

Yun Chujiu hadn't expected everyone to believe her. She had already said it, and she believed it or not.

So I didn't bother to explain: "Whatever you want, I have already said things anyway, at least I have a clear conscience."

After Yun Chujiu finished speaking, he went to take care of Xiao Qiao'er without paying attention to everyone.

Most people didn't believe Yun Chujiu's rhetoric, but decided to go back to the station to investigate and see if there were any dark shadows.

After the crowd dispersed, Chi Wu approached Yun Chujiu and said: "Little sister, second brother listens to you, do you say I am not convinced by this trick?"

Yun Chujiu thought for a while and said, "If you can do two things, you will take it.

First, after losing the memories here, I can still believe my rhetoric about the shadows.

Second, learn to divide divine consciousness, and be willing to lose a strand of divine consciousness. "

Chi Wu thought about it for a while and said, "Little sister, even if you say that the moon is square, I believe it, so the first point is not a problem.

The second point is that although I haven't divided my spiritual consciousness, it shouldn't be a big problem to practice.

So, I still eat this trick! "

(End of this chapter)

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