Chapter 9810 is almost

Fei Yi and Qi Dong also heard the conversation between Chi Wu and Yun Chujiu.

After Chi Wu made the decision, Fei Yi also made the same decision as Chi Wu.

The three Qidongs were still hesitating. The second point Yun Chujiu said was not difficult for them, mainly the first point.

Although they were obedient to Yun Chujiu's words here, it was because of their memories.

If the memory here is erased, Yun Chujiu would be a little pharmacist from the Buddha Prison to them, and they would never believe what she said.

Is this fruit to eat or not to eat?

After about an hour, someone came.

Yun Chujiu was not surprised by this, there was indeed a black shadow in Qiao Guomiao, and everyone would definitely come to her to verify this when they returned.

However, she did not expect that the first person to call was the Flying Leopard team where Qishen was.

Last time, Qi Shen wanted to force Yun Chujiu and the others to hand over the spring water and beads, with the idea of ​​arrogance and desperation last time, because there was a problem with the Qiao Guomiao, and he gave up.

Contrary to Yun Chujiu's expectation, Qi Shen and the others changed their previous arrogant attitude and came close to it.

"Ten Thousand Beast Sects have our two teams together, so we should unite and help each other.

Before, we wanted to make a difference, so we made some unpleasantness, which is really bad. "

Qibei sneered: "Just tell me what you want to do? The set is almost unnecessary."

He's not stupid, he's nothing to do or steal.

Qi Shen's face was a bit ugly, Qi Jin glared at him, then smiled and said:

"Junior Brother Qibei, we were indeed wrong before, but after all, we are brothers from the same sect, and we are always closer than others.

We are here this time to ask about the dark shadows in the Qiao Guomiao, will the dark shadows enter our sea of ​​consciousness? "

Qibei sneered in his heart. When it was used, it was a brother, and when it was not used, it was an irrelevant bystander.

He said lukewarmly: "The Aperture Fruit is not yet mature, and we can't be sure that the dark shadow will enter the Divine Sense."

Qi Jin was not annoyed, and looked at Qibei inquisitively: "Will you eat this fruit tomorrow morning?"

Qibei was a little impatient: "Do you care if I eat or not?! If it's okay to leave, don't get in the way here."

Qi Jin hasn't made a statement yet, and others have come one after another.

Headed by the Hurricane team and the Thunder team, it's just that the people from the Hurricanes team looked friendly, but the six members of the Thunder team didn't like each other.

Qi Wenhao turned towards Yun Chujiu and said, "Miss Mei, after we went back, we did find a dark shadow in Qiao Guomiao's spiritual sense, which proves that what you said is true.

No matter what this dark shadow is, Qi always accepts Mei's favor. "

Yun Chujiu said in a heart that Qi Wenhao could do well, at least a little more humane than Shu Yao and the others.

Qi Wenhao continued: "Miss Mei, I'm here this time to ask for some details and your views on this shadow. Can you give me any advice?"

To be honest, before entering the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain, all the people present did not look at Yun Chujiu.

Even if she won the Xingrui Award and Hongmeng won the first place, in the eyes of everyone, it was a blind cat and a dead mouse, not a real skill.

But now, something has changed somewhat.

She dared to take the lead in robbing the Thunder team, with unusual courage.

When dripping cliff, she took the initiative to go down to fetch spring water, her tolerance was unusual.

When I was gathering today, I figured out a way to release cigarettes, and my mind was very flexible.

In addition, she discovered this dark shadow, so everyone is willing to be honored to listen to her opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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