Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9898: Ugliness brings trouble

Chapter 9898

Shen Kuang and Su Manrong were a little embarrassed. The only areas of activity that the leader of Gan made were Kanhuotang and Zhenhuotang. If you don't go to Zhenhuotang, where?

Upon seeing this, Yun Chujiu asked to leave Huotang to go back and forth. She didn't sleep last night. If she hadn't gone to the chief of Xiangtang today, she might not have gone to Huotang.

Shen Kuang and Su Manrong heard Yun Chujiu say that they wanted to go back to Lihuotang, and they wished to send her back to the yard immediately, so as to avoid accidents.

As a result, a group of four walked slowly in the direction away from the fire hall.

Not long after going out, a few people walked towards him, and Shu Yao was the leader.

Shu Yao's seeing Yun Chujiu was extremely jealous when his enemies met. If his gaze can be turned into substance, it is estimated that Yun Chujiu has already become a sieve at this time.

Although she wished to choke Yun Chujiu to death, the leader Gan gave an order and she just snorted and walked directly past Yun Chujiu.

Shu Yao didn't speak, but the women who followed her said strangely:

"Senior Sister Shu Yao, she's the scallion? She looks good with her name, thin, like a scallion!"

"Maybe you don't know? Her cousin's name is Huan Jiang, who is both **** and green onion. Their family probably runs a restaurant!"

"Don't you praise her and open a restaurant? Their whole family are all criminals, all criminals!"


Seeing that Shu Yao didn't scold them, they became even more ridiculous, and their words became more and more ugly.

Su Manrong looked at them and said to her heart, ignorant people are fearless! You are going to be unlucky!

To her surprise, Yun Chujiu still walked forward slowly as if he hadn't heard anything.

But Chi Wu turned his head and said to the female disciples: "There are so many ugly people!"

The women immediately targeted Chi Wu again:

"You fat man, who do you call ugly? Look at your short and fat appearance, like a winter melon!"

"Following raccoon all day long is a dog leg!"


Chi Wu hated people saying that he was short and fat, and when he was about to reply, Yun Chujiu pointed his finger at the Wuding Medicine Master jade plate on his waist.

Chi Wu suddenly understood, carrying his hands on his back, and pretending to sneer coldly: "You are so presumptuous! Senior Brother Shen and Senior Sister Su, they insult me, Wuding Pharmacist, what punishment should they receive?"

Shen Kuang and Su Manrong couldn't help but look at the jade medallion on Chi Wu's waist. They only realized afterwards that both Huanqiu and Chi Wuke were Wuding pharmacists, and both of them were just Siding pharmacists.

Those female disciples obviously thought of this incident too, their expressions showed panic, and they looked at Shu Yao hurriedly for help.

Shu Yao said indifferently: "Don't rush, if it takes a long time, be careful that the leader punishes us."

Shen Kuang and Su Manrong knew that these words were for them, and if the affairs of the leader were delayed, they would not be able to eat and walk around.

But if you don't do anything, will Huanqiang be unhappy?

They seem to have forgotten that Raccoon is just a prisoner, and they are probably surprised by what happened yesterday.

At this time, Yun Chujiu smiled and said, "Ah, I thought it was a group of ducks walking past me. I didn't expect it to be Sister Shu Yao!

After a few days, Sister Shu Yao looked better. "

Shu Yao: "..."

For a while she didn't know whether she should be angry at being scolded by the duck or whether she should be happy to be said to be better.

But one thing can be determined, this scallion is even more annoying!

"Sister Shu Yao, what exactly are you doing with these ducks? Do you need my help?"

(End of this chapter)

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