Chapter 9899 Handkerchief

The female disciples who were scolded by the duck were gritted with anger, but when they saw Chi Wu playing with the jade card of Wuding Pharmacist, they swallowed abruptly.

Shu Yao snorted coldly: "No need, you don't deserve it any more! Raccoon, could it be that no one has reminded you these days that you have forgotten your identity?

Don't say that your current identity has not been thoroughly confirmed, even if it is confirmed that you are a criminal. "

Yun Chujiu nodded with a face of being taught:

"Yes, I know I am a prisoner.

But what happened to me as a prisoner? "

Shu Yao: "..."

What is it that you are a prisoner? Are you aware of being a prisoner?

She felt that she was mad at any further, gave Yun Chujiu a fierce look, and said to the female disciples: "Let's go!"

Yun Chujiu took out a small handkerchief and waved to their backs: "Sister Shu Yao, walk slowly, I will miss you!"

Shu Yao staggered and almost fell, and said to her heart that this scallion was 80% mad!

Thinking of this, she moved in her heart. Could it be that the artifact spirit of the Mysterious Realm of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Furnace did not agree to the extension, so the prohibition in her divine consciousness took effect?

Thinking of this, she turned her head to look at Yun Chujiu, and saw that she was still waving a small handkerchief at her enthusiastically, how it looked like her brain was sick.

If it weren't for her anxious to do what the leader Gan explained, she really wanted to try again.

Yun Chujiu saw Shu Yao and the others walking away, and said with a reluctant expression: "Sister Shu Yao is not only good-looking, but also good-tempered, I really want to talk to her more."

Su Manrong: "..."

Shen Kuang: "..."

People are gone, you don’t have to say such things against your heart, right?

"Senior Brother Shen, Senior Sister Man Rong, what do you think the Lord Gan ordered Sister Shu Yao to do?"

Su Manrong and Shen Kuang shook their heads, and said to their hearts, we have been with you, where do we know where to go? !

Yun Chujiu seemed to just ask this question, and when they saw the two shaking their heads, he turned and continued to walk away from Huotang.

Shen Kuang and Su Manrong breathed a sigh of relief, they were really worried that Yun Chujiu would not let him go after Shu Yao.

They really think too much, even if Yun Chujiu doesn't realize that he is a prisoner, he won't rush to find Shu Yao's trouble.

What's more, Shu Yao actually endured not quarreling with her. It seems that the things that Meng Leader Gan confessed to her are either very important or urgent. In this case, it is definitely not a wise move for her to find trouble.

When he arrived at the yard, Yun Chujiu smiled and said to Shen Kuang and Su Manrong: "It is estimated that Dingxu will be opened soon, so I won't go out and wander around.

Over the past two days, I have troubled Senior Brother Shen and Senior Sister Su to accompany me. I have nothing good to do. Please accept these two pots of honey. I should be careful. "

Shen Kuang and Su Manrong never expected that Yun Chujiu would give them honey. Although a jar of honey was nothing, but for some reason, they felt that they could get something from Yun Chujiu. It was a great honor.

The two of them pushed back, seeing Yun Chujiu's honest expression on his face, they accepted it.

After the two left, Chi Wu leaned over and asked, "Sister, is the money available?"


Yun Chujiu didn't hide it either, and whispered the conversation between her and the hall master.

Chi Wu looked at Yun Chujiu as if looking at a sparkling spar. The little girl was amazing!

He earned 10 million spars casually, and he was still a criminal.

Fei Yi paid attention to another matter: "Sister, you are not an apprentice who intends to pretend to be Zuo Feibai?"

(End of this chapter)

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