Chapter 9932 The Buddha

Summoning his own long-feathered phoenix crested eagle to the hall master, although it is not as good as the golden feathered vulture of the leader Gan, it is more than enough to carry a few of them.

Hall Master Xiang Bigan will enjoy it. I don't know what spirit weapon is turned on. The few people on the carved back are no different from those in the house, and they can't feel the cold wind whizzing by.

The hall master Xiang even took out the tea table and chatted with the two of Meng Yaoshi.

Shen Kuang had a good relationship with Yun Chujiu before, and he was very good at being a human being. He took out some snacks and everyone was sitting together. The atmosphere was quite warm.

Shu Yao took out two plates of Lingguo, first sent one to the Hall Master Xiang, and then walked over with another plate of Lingguo, and said with a smile:

"Sister Huacong, Brother Shen and I have not been to the Buddha Prison. Why don't we introduce it to us?"

Yun Chujiu glanced at her: "I'm sorry, I have a toothache."

Then, he picked up a nut, slapped it, and bit it open.

Shu Yao: "..."

Even if you want to lie, can you please be a little sincere? !

Within the knowledge of the sea, Shu Yao's soul felt that Yun Chujiu's doing so was very relieved, but she was more concerned about when the counterfeit would start?

Hall Master Xiang and Yao Shi Meng are very strong in cultivation, and the counterfeiters will definitely not do it when they are there. They should find an opportunity to distract them before doing it.

At that time, I can only hope that Huan Cong can show off her ability to clean up counterfeit goods, and recognize that she is a fake, so that she will have a chance.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Shen Kuang took the initiative to find a topic:

"It is said that the sacred beast of the Buddha is actually two sacred beasts, one is named ‘floating’ and the other is ‘tu’. The one at the end of the Hongmeng Realm is a floating, and the other is a slaughter at the end of the Buddha’s prison.

I have only seen Fu, but I haven't seen Tu. You must have seen both. I wonder what the difference is? "

Seeing that Yun Chujiu was still eating nuts, Chi Wu took over the conversation: "It's similar in general, but Tu is fatter."

He didn't say anything about the Lord Niu Lu giving Tu Jingshi, who knows what's going on in it, it's better to do more than less.

Shen Kuang nodded. He had found a topic casually just to adjust the atmosphere, and he was not really interested in the Buddha.

But Shu Yao's eyes flickered slightly after listening, and her face became stiff for a moment.

Don't look at Yun Chujiu's cracking, cracking, eating nuts, but he kept watching her from the corner of his eye, so he looked straight.

Yun Chujiu said that the more and more things Shu Yao looked at, the more things were wrong, but he didn't look like a house seized. If he was seized, he would not know many things, and it would definitely reveal flaws, and it would be impossible to stay undiscovered.

But if you didn't seize the house, why would it feel like you have changed individuals?

In the evening, even though it was on the eagle's back, a rotation was arranged.

Yaoshi Meng and Hall Master Xiang would naturally not do this kind of drudgery, and they were not at ease with the three Yun Chujiu, so they let Shen Kuang and Chi Wu spend the night together.

Yun Chujiu found an opportunity and told Chi Wu to pay attention to Shu Yao's movements.

In fact, Chi Wu also noticed something wrong with Shu Yao, even if Yun Chujiu didn't say anything, he would be more vigilant.

However, the evening was calm and nothing happened.

When chatting the next day, Shu Yao seemed to say unconsciously:

"Sister Huon, I heard they say you have a greyhound, can you let me open my eyes?"

Yun Chujiu glanced at her like a fool: "We are on the carved back now, do you think it is appropriate for me to release my spirit pet?

Sister Shu Yao, why do I feel that your brain is not so good these days? Isn’t it something dirty? "

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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