Chapter 9933 I am happy

Shu Yao in the sea of ​​knowledge heard Yun Chujiu's words as if he was beaten up!

Why does Raccoon say that?

Did she find that the speaker was a fake?

Even the master and the brothers and sisters didn't notice the abnormality, but Huan Cong did. What does this show?

The person who knows himself best is your enemy!

The fake Shuyao didn't seem to panic at all, and said embarrassingly: "Sister Huan Onion, I really neglected this matter.

The carved back is very stable, and the exquisite screen to the hall master works very well. I forget that it is on the carved back.

I'm just curious. Most people collect spiritual pets to serve as mounts, so they only collect spirit birds. Why did you collect a lion? "

Yun Chujiu bared her little white teeth: "Because... I am happy!"

The hands inside the fake scallion sleeves are tight. No wonder that idiot said that the scallion oil and salt won't get in. It's really tricky!

She knew that this temptation could not go on, and that it would cause suspicion from the other party if it was not done well, so she drank tea for a short time and stopped speaking.

Seeing that the atmosphere became awkward again, Shen Kuang had to rack his brains to change the subject, but for a while he didn't know what to say.

Yun Chujiu stretched his waist and said, "Let's talk about it. I guess it's my turn to watch the night tonight. I'll sleep first."

She found a corner and lay down.

When other people saw this, they all found excuses and broke up.

Shu Yao in the sea of ​​knowledge was extremely disappointed, that's it?

Huonon ah Huonon, how can you stand against me? !

It seems that unless the counterfeit kills her, she will at best take advantage of her mouth and will not do anything at all.

Then just wait. Since the counterfeit is coming, it must be murderous.

At this moment, Yun Chujiu was lying there, thinking of Qiqian and Tanghulu.

Thinking about it, she suddenly opened her eyes.

She remembered that Shitai later sent a book "British Talk on the Preparation of Candied Haws", which recorded all the ingredients and methods of candied haws.

At that time, Xiao Heishu wanted to eat the book, so it can be judged that it was an ancient book.

However, this book is not the key. The key is that when she was in the Mysterious Realm of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Furnace, the spirit of the small pot allowed her to enter an enchantment, and the shelves inside were all ancient books and medicine.

At that time, she threatened it with Sha's fragments to lift the ban on five books, all of which were written "Talks on the Practice of Candied Haws."

At that time, she was so angry that she was laughed at by Qi Ling.

Could it be the connection between Qiqian and the small pot, the Chaos Open Heaven Furnace?

She couldn't help getting excited, and her spiritual sense penetrated into the storage ring and found the five books in one corner, no, six copies of "Candied Haws Practice Notes".

At that time, she also compared them. These six books are exactly the same, and they were carved out of the same mold.

She deliberately asked the spirit of the small jar, but she had to take out the small jar first, but this was definitely not a good time.

Yun Chujiu had no choice but to forcibly resist the urge to take out the small jar. It was not too late for the past few days, and it would not be too late to wait until the Buddha Prison to find another chance.

In the evening, Yun Chujiu and the fake Shu Yao were arranged for the night.

Shu Yao in the sea of ​​knowledge was very excited. The fake Shu Yao might do it tonight. Naturally, Huan Lian would not sit and wait for death, maybe she could be born again.

After everyone else fell asleep, fake Shuyao walked up to Yun Chujiu and took out a handful of nuts:

"Sister Huon, eat some nuts to refresh yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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