Chapter 9964 slowly

The old lady is used to saving money, and thinks it’s good to have black taro.

Many people eat black kudzu, which is bitter and astringent. She is generous enough to entertain guests with black kudzu.

If the old lady knew that Gu Qingbai had given Yunchujiu four icegrass plants in the afternoon, she would probably have been talking about Guqing for several days.

Gu Qing can dig ten icegrass in a day, and almost half of it is collected in Chengdu and given away.

Everyone sat down to eat, Chiwu and the others really couldn't get used to the taste of black taro. Each of them barely ate two, and they all said they were full.

Gu Qing's heart moved. Originally, he was a little doubtful about the identity of the four Yun Chujiu, and he had just been hospitalized in a hurry before.

But at this time, there was a bit of confidence that these four people usually eat very well, otherwise they will not be uncomfortable with black taro.

Maybe I really have friendship with that Yuan teacher.

With this thought, he became more enthusiastic about Yun Chujiu and the four of them, and even poured half a bowl of water for each of them after the meal.

The old lady feels distressed, but it's not good to lose her son's face in front of outsiders.

Fortunately, none of the four of Yun Chujiu drank it. Although they were a little thirsty, they couldn't drink it when they saw the muddy water in the bowl.

Gu Qing felt that the living standards of the four people were much higher than him, and the old lady felt that the four children were too sensible!

Gu Qing asked the old lady to rest first, while he stayed and talked to Yun Chujiu and the others.

He was straightforward: "Slowly girl, are you looking for me for something? If it's useful to me, just say it."

Although it didn't last long, he could see that Cong Slow among the four was obviously in charge, and the other three listened to her.

"Uncle Gu, we really have something to ask for.

We want to live with you for a period of time, you can rest assured that we will not live in vain, we will follow you to dig ice grass, half of the harvest will be your rent. "Yun Chujiu said.

Gu Qing was very puzzled. Want to live with him for a while?

According to what she said, they are in very good conditions, and they also have connections with the Yuan teacher. Why did they come to live with him?

He deliberately asked the reason, but he was afraid of offending, so he was frustrated. There were several vacant houses on the left and right, and it was nothing for them to live in.

If they really have a connection with the Yuan teacher, they might be able to save their wives.

Right to bet!

Thinking of this, he smiled: "Slowly girl, what are you talking about?! You are willing to live with me, that is worthy of me, but don't say that the rent is not the rent, it's too far away!"

Yun Chujiu said with a joy: "Then don't call me slow girl, just call me slow!"

Gu Qing nodded and said yes, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Uncle Gu, are you going to dig ice grass tomorrow? Let's go with you!" Yun Chujiu said.

Gu Qing agreed very happily: "Okay, then we will leave after breakfast tomorrow."

He didn't even think about whether the four of them would dig ice grass, because digging ice grass is a necessary skill for sky blindness, it's just the difference between good and bad technique.

In this effort, the old lady has cleaned up the two vacant rooms.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi are in one room, and Yun Chujiu is in one room with Jia Shuyao.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi were quite uneasy, but they didn't have a better way of distribution. They had to find an opportunity to tell Yun Chujiu to be careful and beware of some fake Shu Yao.

Yun Chujiu felt that they had been worrying too much. At least for now, the fake Shuyao would never do anything, and would even protect her when there is danger.

Of course, you still have to beware, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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