Chapter 9965 Chicken Legs

The room was dilapidated, and there was no bed. There were only two mats on the floor with many patches.

Although the mattress is worn, it looks clean.

The fake Shu Yao was about to warn Yun Chujiu a few words, when she saw her sneaking out a chicken leg and gnawed it.

Fake Shu Yao: "..."

There is only some dry food in her storage ring, and more of it is bigudan.

I have eaten two black taro just now, there is no need to eat anymore.

She drank some water, lay on the mattress and closed her eyes.

She suddenly figured it out without warning. Since Huan Cong was concerned about Zhen Shuyao's life and death, she would treat her for a while.

It's this time, and I still don't forget to eat it, it's really worthless!

Thinking of this, she sniffed gently, hum, the smell of chicken legs is really unpleasant!

"Hey, do you have one?"

The fake Shuyao didn't want it in her heart, but for some reason, her hand seemed to have her own thoughts, and she caught the chicken leg that Yun Chujiu handed over.

Take a bite, um, it's actually not that bad, it's okay.

After nibbling the chicken legs, the fake Shu Yao was somewhat embarrassed and had nothing to say:

"Tomorrow, I will follow Gu Qing to dig icegrass. You didn't ask what tools are needed, let alone how to dig. Can we dig icegrass?"

Yun Chujiu looked at her like a second fool: "If you ask, wouldn't it be exposed?! Which sky blind won't dig ice grass?!

"What about tomorrow?"

Yun Chujiu took out the melon seeds and said while slurping: "Acting on the occasion! If you don't need tools, you should be able to dig it if you look at it several times with our clever energy.

If you need tools, then find a reason to borrow Gu Qing's tools and we will take turns to dig.

How big is it that is worth your frown? !

I was wondering, just your brain, why did you send you to complete the task? Isn’t there anyone in your place? "

Fake Shuyao nodded when she heard the first few sentences, thinking that Yun Chujiu's method was good.

When I heard the next two sentences, my face was blue with anger, wishing to tear Yun Chujiu's mouth apart.

Before she had time to say anything, Yun Chujiu happily said:

"Are you angry? I am teasing you! Such an important task must be attended by outstanding people. I guess you should be very outstanding among you, right?"

Fake Shuyao gave a cold snort, ignored her, but her face calmed down.

Yun Chujiu's heart is funny, just like her mental quality, she still wears a vest, it's really overwhelming!

The two of them didn't talk any more, because they were tired, they fell asleep quickly.

Before dawn the next day, Gu Qing got up.

Before he greeted him, the four Yun family also got up.

The old lady wanted to bake some black taro, but Gu Qing persuaded: "Mother, don't be busy. I'll buy some black taro steamed buns on the way."

The old lady didn't say anything, she handed him a water hyacinth and told a few people to pay attention to safety and come back earlier.

Gu Qing agreed and took Yun Chujiu's four out of the yard.

When passing by the steamed bun stall, he bought dozens of black taro steamed buns, and a few people ate them while walking.

Gu Qing took out the water hyacinth: "Come on, drink some water!"

Yun Chujiu said hurriedly: "Uncle, we all brought water hyacinth, don't worry about us."

Gu Qing actually guessed something. Yun Chujiu and the others didn't drink water last night. Seeing that their lips were not dry and peeled in the morning, they probably brought water by themselves.

Therefore, he said nothing more after he was polite.

In fact, he was relieved in his heart, because water is more precious than food, and it is best to save some nature.

(End of this chapter)

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