Chapter 998 loud face

The mentor did not speak, and the expressions were like a dog, and they didn’t say a word.

Yin Sulian couldn't help but feel complacent. It seems that their speed is too fast. These mentor are shocked!

"Actually, the monsters we encountered in the past we encountered, so this speed is faster, if it is a monster that has not been seen, we can not come out so quickly." Yin Sulian pretending to be modest A few words.

Another old man who surnamed Zhang’s disciple: "The four of us are more powerful than others, and the first place is normal. If we can’t get the first, it’s not normal!"

Another eagle hook nose also echoed: "Yin Xuemei, we can't be complacent, but we can't be arrogant. We have some confidence. If we don't have confidence in the first place, aren't the candidates coming out behind are waste?" !"

"That is, we are not confident. The waste from the four Qingxuan continents will not have to go to the wall? Hahaha, I bet they will not come out tomorrow, unless they voluntarily give up and are sent out." A fat man Said with a grin.


Those tutors are very happy. They didn't have a group at the beginning of the cloud. Their behavior can also be interpreted as young and frivolous. However, with the excellent results of the cloud, they are called shameless, stinking!

Yin Sulian was there to smack himself, like four jumping clowns, until the eagle hook nose looked back at the display: "What?! This is impossible! How could the 250 number be on us?"

With the nose of the eagle hook, Yin Sulian also hurriedly turned to look at the display. The 250 number was on the 18th, as if a loud slap fan was on the faces of four people, especially what the cloud said. At first, they will be fat people who will not come out tomorrow.

"Impossible! There must be a problem with the display. How can they be faster than us? They are people? People are not out, it is a problem with the display!" The fat man was guilty.

"That is, it must be a problem with the display! What about them?" Yin Sulian's face turned red. If it was really the beginning of the cloud, they won the first place. Have we just lost the adult? !

"Oh, are you looking for us? I am really embarrassed. I am a little sleepy, so I will sleep. You are only coming out?" Yun said, and smiled.

"You! You, when did you come out?" Yin Sulian’s head slammed, this cloud is really early than us? how can that be? ! It must be that the ocean scene is relatively simple, they are cheap!

"We? We are not too early, it is five or six hours earlier than you." Yun said at a glance.

"Early five or six hours? Impossible! Do you have more than three hours to come out? You deceive the ghost?!" Yin Sulian screamed in anger, as if, can hide the guilt and panic in her heart.

"If you don't believe, ask the instructors!" The cloud snorted and said, don't care.

Yin Sulian looked at the instructors, and the voice was slightly trembling: "She, she said it is true? They really came out in more than three hours?"

One of the instructors coughed twice: "Yes, the team of 250 took only three hours to come out."

(End of this chapter)

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