Chapter 999, you are nothing

Yin Sulian heard the instructor say this, her head screamed, she couldn’t find a way to sneak in. She remembered what I said before and felt like a joke.

"Someone just said that we have to go to the wall? Oh! We got the first place if we accidentally, don't know if the rest are jumping off the cliff or hanging, or buying a piece of tofu to die?" .

Yin Sulian bit his teeth: "The beginning of the cloud, you don't want to be proud! You just walked the dog, squat, and transport! There are fewer people in the ocean scene selection, maybe the monsters inside are low-order, so let you 捡It's cheap!"

At the beginning of the cloud, she glanced at her: "Low-order? Open your eyes and see if this is a low-level monster?"

With a bang, a sawtooth arowana was thrown to the ground, and the huge impact sounded like an earthquake. Yin Sulian was shocked.

"Excuse me, Miss Yin Er, is this sawtooth arowana a low-level one?" The cloud said coldly.

Yin Sulian said with a hard scalp: "Oh! It’s just a fifteen-order monster. What's so great, we met the 17th-order monster."

"Miss Yin Er, you don't know if the sea beast is going to rise to the third level in the sea? The fifteenth order is equivalent to the eighteenth order on land."

"Hey! What can you brag about when you kill an 18-order monster in three hours?!" Yin Sulin did not accept the softness of her mouth.

"One is too little? So two?"

Dangdang! Another sawtooth arowana was smashed to the ground!

Those instructors saw a sawtooth arowana before, and they felt very shocked. Now that there are two, they are even more shocked. How did the four candidates do it? How could they kill two sawtooth arowanas with their strength?

Yin Sulian said: "Oh! Maybe the sawtooth arowana itself is hurt, but it is cheaper for you."

At the beginning of the cloud, she glanced at her: "Yin Sulian, I can't see you in this life. You can never see the strengths of others. You always feel that you are high and throw away your origins. In fact, you are nothing!"

"The beginning of the cloud! What do you teach me? You shut me up!" Yin Sulian's blushing neck is thick, hate can not kill a cloud.

"The mouth grows on me. Why do you let me shut up? Yin Sulian, you are much worse than your sister. Your sister is heaven, you are mud, you can never compare with her!"

"You shut up! You are nonsense! I am going to kill you at the beginning of the cloud!" Yin Sulian was irritated by the beginning of the cloud, and she was a few winds at the beginning of the cloud.

"Stop! Yin Sulian, here is the place where you can let go!" A tutor yelled.

Yin Sulian was shocked. She was a little hot-headed. Now she calms down and knows that she is in trouble. She even started in Tianyuan College, and she is still in front of many tutors. Isn’t this a public contempt for the mentor? !

Yin Sulian was in a hurry, the eyelids turned over and pretended to faint.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth, so the old tricks are also good to use? She was too lazy to poke her, returning to the Fengming trio and continuing to meditate.

After a while, some candidates passed the test, Yin Sulian sneaked in the inconspicuous place, the mentor also closed one eye, Yin family is big, the face of the sale still has to sell.

(End of this chapter)

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