For example, Islam prohibits drinking alcohol.

These are very important to note.

But fortunately, Islam is relatively good.

Rabbit and others nodded immediately, indicating that they understood.

At this time, the village chief also turned around and said something from time to time.

Yang Pra actually didn't understand.

But he knew it was Arabic.

Arabic is also widely distributed and can be found everywhere in North Africa.

However, Yang Chan is not afraid that he will not understand now.

"System, how many exploration points are needed to purchase Arabic?"

Yang Chan asked in the system.

Learning a language or something is not very difficult at all.

It will even be very easy.

Because he can buy it directly in the system mall

【Purchasing Arabic requires 500 exploration points. 】

The system immediately replied


After Yang Chan finished speaking, he felt that there was a new language in his mind.

Language is wonderful, it includes many things.

There is even a lot of popular science...

Of course, his exploration points have also been reduced by 500 points.

【The current exploration points are 101,500 points. 】

But it's worth it.

Because Yang Chan understood what the village chief was saying.

This was to introduce the village to them, and then Yang Chan also started to communicate with him.

"Can you pray to God in Arabic?"

"Sure enough, it is Yang·Omnipotent·Prayer"

"The dog anchor is so fierce that he attracted my rabbit away."

"Yes, Rabbit’s eyes are gleaming when he looks at the anchor now!"

"Draw your sword!"

"Take out my thirty-meter sword……"

This was surprising because Rabbit and Tuoba Goudan could only listen.

Through the conversation, the village chief was also very happy.

Yang Pra knew who they were.

This village turned out to be the mysterious Bedouin people.

The reason why they are mysterious is that the Bedouins generally live in deserts, wastelands, hills and on the edges of agricultural areas.

They live by raising camels.

This also explains why they were able to find such deep wells.

Because they have a lot of life experience.

This experience is passed down from generation to generation.

In order to enjoy maximum freedom, the Bedouin would rather live a hard nomadic life than a settled urban life.

Especially those in the desert, they are called camel nomads.

Some large tribes were formed in the Sahara, Syria, and Arabian desert areas.

That is, the village in front of you is the camel nomads.

The camel nomads are the most prestigious among the Bedouin and occupy most of the land.

The Bedouins were the first to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad already believed in Islam when he preached.

They were fierce, brave, and tenacious, and they were the basic force for Mohammed to unify the Arabian Peninsula and for the subsequent expansion of the Caliphate.

And subsequently spread throughout the vast desert areas of West Asia and North Africa.

They maintain a patriarchal, patriarchal society.

Therefore, they have a lot of enviable aspects.

That is polygamy... and you can marry up to four wives, but very few can actually do it.

"Sheikh, let's give these kids some sweets."

Yang Pray said to the clan leader.

""Sheikh" is the title of all tribal leaders.

It is not his name.

Just like the Chinese"Emperor", it is a title.

Moreover, their rights are indeed great.

The Bedouin do not recognize any laws other than tribal traditions.

Except for the chief of the tribe, they do not obey any government and do not recognize any governance system. There is no concept of discipline, order and authority, and there is no political organization like the leader of the tribe, who is the person with the greatest power.

"no problem."

The patriarch nodded.

Then Yang Yan, Rabbit and the others brought some biscuits, candies and other foods and distributed them to the villagers and children.

This won the unanimous favor of the villagers.

People who believe in Islam are warm and hospitable, which is good. Really.

They arrived at the patriarch's house.

The patriarch's house was probably the largest in the whole village.

They didn't care. It was much better than sitting in the desert.

Then, Yang. Pray for them to focus on the walls.

There are some exquisitely patterned tapestries, simple but brightly colored.

This is the handiwork of Bedouin women who used camels to trade with civilized society a long time ago. Traveling long distances to trade.

A large male camel can carry 800 kilograms of goods at a time. The trade routes traveled by camels cover the entire desert area, and they are almost all found on the Hajj Road, the Frankincense Road, and the Silk Road.

It has something to do with the Bedouin people.

The patriarch smiled and brought out a lot of food to greet them.

He was really warm and hospitable.

"Do you want fresh nuggets or coffee?"

The patriarch asked.

Yang Pray wanted to try fresh nectar.

Others made the same choice after hearing this. You can drink coffee anywhere.

And the main food of the Bedouin people is fresh nectar, sour nectar, Women's milk and cheese are only used during festivals or when entertaining guests.

However, Yang Zong and the others naturally brought out beef and other meats.

They would only bring it out if they were guests. It shows that he really treats Yang Zong and others as guests.

Otherwise, they usually only eat dates and grain products, because coffee and meat are really very difficult for the Bedouin people in the desert. Precious.

Yang Zhen and the others took a sip of the fresh wine.

It tasted very good, but it was a bit fishy.

"What kind of nana is this?"

"This is from a camel. Yang

Chan thought for a while and said


Rabbit and the others responded, and then quickly finished the drink.

The taste was still good.

Then they tried the meat, and they also knew that it might be camel meat.

In addition to being able to eat camel meat here, it may be very popular outside. It 's hard to taste.

The camel meat doesn't taste very good, and it can even be said that it's very hard to eat because the camel meat lacks moisture for a long time.

It felt salty.

Therefore, Yang Zhen only tried a few pieces and stopped eating.

The same was true for Rabbit and others.

Rabbit even only ate one piece because she couldn't bite it... it seemed that her teeth were not good.

But the pancakes still taste good and have a desert flavor, so everyone is trying it.

This is how they feel now.

Although the taste is not that good, it is a good experience.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are also envious and want to appear next to Yang Zhan.

:Three Things to Know About Reading-Collect

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