While Yang Chan was eating pancakes, he also looked at some items in the house.

Because he purchased the Arabic language and culture, he also had a lot of information about the Bedouin in his mind.

There are not many Bedouins, and there are many in Egypt.

But they are widely distributed.

Moreover, because they do not accept Egypt's attraction, they are unwilling to live in the city.

Therefore, Bedouins have no identity.

They live in Egypt but are not Egyptians.

There is no jurisdiction and no identification.

However, although they live an unfettered nomadic life.

But obviously, the Bedouin will still be affected by modernization.

Because if they want to survive, they must trade with civilized society.

They are not primitive people, nor are they a tribe living deep in the Amazon.

They still have caravans coming and going for trade, and outsiders also come here.

Therefore, even though there was no water or electricity here, Yang Pra still saw some daily necessities.

Iron pot, towel, lighter, etc.

There are also their homemade tapestries, which can be traded after they are embroidered with patterns.

Although the value is not very high.

But it was enough to sustain them.

Suddenly, Yang Chan saw a statue.

The wood on which the wood carvings are carved is the date palm tree known as the 'Mother and Aunt of the Arabs'.

This wood carving was very old, and when Yang Chan saw it, he felt worn out.

And it has no luster and is very dark.

Of course, it wasn't the wood carvings themselves that attracted him.

But what it carves out.

It is a humanoid statue.

This humanoid statue holds a giant bug in his hand. looks like a worm

"what is this?"

Rabbit and the others asked quickly.

Yang Pray also shook his head.

But at this time, someone came in from outside the house.

It was a man who looked somewhat similar to the clan leader, but was younger.

Yang Pray guessed that he was the clan leader's son.

"Hello, just call me Alba."

He greeted Yang Chan in a familiar manner.

Yang Chan also said to him:"Just call me Yang."

"Oh, I know you, Job!"

Alba speaks English and is very proficient.

"I took my clan's caravan to Galla before, so I just came back now. Alba said.

And Yang Zhen also knows why he is better at English.

Because if he doesn't know it, he won't be able to communicate with the outside world.

And obviously, he should know more than just English.

He should be the next leader of the clan.

Yang Pra figured this out all at once.

"Gala is a good city."

Yang Pra also said with a smile.

Gala is located in the pyramid complex and is a relatively developed trading city.


Alba was very excited because he recognized Yang Chan.

Even though he was far away in the desert, he still knew Yang Chan.

This is the celebrity benefit in the world.

Moreover, he also said hello in the live broadcast room.

The old patriarch watched Seeing his performance, he left the matter of entertaining Yang Chan and others to Alba.

Tuoba Goudan and the others also got along well with each other.

This was the power of communication.

Soon, Alba also noticed. The statue arrived in Yang Chan’s hands

"Yang, do you like this statue? asked Alba

"No, I'm just curious about what's carved into it."

Yang Chan said to him.

The costumes of this statue are completely different from those of modern times, and the worm in his hand is also very strange.

Because it has a ferocious feel, the sculpture does not look easy to mess with.

But it was still This person is very strange in his hand.

It can be said that it is this incongruity that interests Yang Yan.

"This statue is Shazam. Alba laughed.


"Isn't that a movie?"

Rabbit asked immediately

"Yeah, I watched this movie last year"

"Isn’t that a superhero movie?"



When Alba said this, everyone immediately thought of DC's Thunder Shazam.

This is too similar.

At the same time, they were slightly excited.

Could it be true?

Is the movie based on reality?

But soon, they figured it out.

Shazam is an anime adaptation, how could it be real?

"Isn't Atlantis real?"


Looking at everyone's eyes, Alba also smiled and said

"I don’t know if Shazam is referring to people or cities. Anyway, we have always had legends about the death bug here."

"Death bug?"

At this time Yang Pra also became curious.

"Yes, that's the worm the statue is holding. Alba also nodded.

"Rumor has it that there is this kind of death bug in an area, and it will attack camels on the road."

"And it is the natural enemy of camels. This death bug is very big, as big as a human arm. Oh, it is like human blood sausage, and it also has a mouth."

"Its huge mouth will also emit venom and attack humans."

"And it has extremely strong adsorption power and can also suck blood"

"If a camel is entangled by it, it will kill the camel at an extremely fast speed and then attack the humans in the camel caravan."

"Just like that, suck it on the camel, then slowly squirm and squeeze……"

Alba's movements are very vivid

"You have to know that if you are attacked in the desert, without the camel, humans are almost certain to die, let alone if it attacks humans."

"Once you encounter it, you will definitely escape death."


When they heard his words, everyone took a breath of air-conditioning.

Then they felt their scalp numb.

They all spoke good English, so they understood it very well.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room also understood it after being translated.


This barrage was all over the live broadcast room.

Because it's really disgusting.

Human beings are the most disgusted with creatures such as worms.

Even if they are already well-informed.

I have seen everything in Yang Chan’s live broadcast room, including the seed bank of prehistoric civilization.

But hearing this thing still makes my scalp numb.

This is called entomophobia. The fear of crawling insects is stronger than that of other creatures.

Especially the death bug that Alba now describes.

Not to mention encountering it in the desert, even just listening to it makes me feel uncomfortable.

However, Yang Chan still became interested.

Others also thought it was a legend.

How can there be such a terrifying thing?

"Is this a rumor? Has anyone seen it? Yang

Pran asked immediately

"Of course, the death bug lives in the Gobi Desert and often attacks nearby camel caravans. People have seen it a long time ago"

"All the tribes in this area know of its existence. Alba said, and then paused.

He took a sip of fresh neodymium, and then continued:"However, it usually only appears when the summer is the hottest. When the weather gets cold, it seems to have entered hibernation. Same."_Please download the novel without underlining

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