Undead Mage in the End Times

Chapter 88: 1 Word Epiphany

"So, is Jiuye eyeing my goods here? Hehe, thank you for your information, good brother !!! Enlightenment !!" Ye Yang's hand was re-patted on the shoulder of the power actor, a pair Thank you very much.

The phantom looked stiff, and then almost cried: "No, no, I didn't mean that ..."

"Rest assured, Jiu Ye won't know that you ran over to tell me about it. Isn't it that you just reveal the identity of the main messenger behind the scenes, what's the big deal? It's okay, don't take it to heart."

Xie Yeyang's words made that power more uncomfortable.

"Okay, that's all for today, I'll show you the highlights later. Get out."

Xie Yeyang had no intention of killing now, but he still couldn't figure out the details of Jiuye. Second, although he couldn't help killing here, it seemed a little troublesome. He didn't want to jump out of a bunch of people and ask him to compensate.

At the very least, we need to figure out more details here.

Ye Yeyang sent an order in mind, one of the two skeletons returned to the car, and the other skeleton accompanied the "resurrected corpse" beside him.

The skull was wearing a mask, and Ye Yang checked it, and there was no problem.

For safety, he also found a bullet-proof helmet to put on, and then looked at the bullet-proof vest on his body, looked in the mirror, and found that he looked like a black African, and did not clean it up. This disguise was just right.

I left the car and planned to stroll around.

Of course, now it will not run to 80 meters away. Too far may cause the skeletons on the car to get out of control. A car of arms and sundries are left here without anyone watching and not very safe.

Uh ...

There are a lot of shops nearby. There are all kinds of sales. Ye Yang just looks at it casually, mainly to listen more and talk less.

"This surviving camp is so weird, how can you kill people casually? Thieves everywhere, all kinds of robberies on the street, this environment is too unsafe, how can you attract others to settle or trade? How to gather popularity?"

"Big sister, it is said that when this camp was first set up, a group of survivors with considerable strength gathered to want to gather more cannon fodder. Later, a new type of farm was developed, where it was too dangerous to work, and people were often Suddenly mutated plants are killed, so there must be a batch of slaves ... this is to use the inner city to show others, to attract more people, and then slowly persecute them into slaves by various means, there will be enough manpower . What kind of trading area, just with incidental ... "

Xie Yeyang's heart felt like this: It turns out that this survivor's camp is actually like this ...

The environment of the Inner District is definitely better than that in the Outer District, but not everyone can enter. If you are not willing to go in but do not want to leave, you will gather in the Outer District and wait for an opportunity. And the people here are a steady stream of slaves.

But that farm is really dangerous?

I was thinking, Ye Yang suddenly heard the sound of laughter coming from nearby.

"Big sister, is this place nice?" A man with a loud voice uttered.

Looking at it in the past, it is a man with a Chinese character face, with acne on his face, like a middle-aged person, but it is difficult to judge the actual age. Some people are in their forties when they are 17 or 18. I don't know how old this is now.

"This place is also called" very good "?" Next to the man was a woman wearing camouflage clothes, all of which looked very wide and had a wide waist. It was estimated that something like bulletproof clothes was added inside.

"Of course it's‘ very good ’here, I think it ’s good here,” the man said.

"Where is it? I can't see it."

"Because there are so many scums here. You see, there are many thieves, many robbers on the street, those who directly tie people as slaves, those who are forced to be good, and those who are easy to eat, those few refugees ... Others, their eyes are almost green, it looks like a wolf sees a sheep and waits for others to die. None of these guys is a good thing. "

"... I can't understand, what you said is good, because there are so many scums here?"

"Yeah, killing is not forbidden here, and the use of guns is also forbidden. Whoever has a fist is great. In addition, there are so many scums, so here we can safely kill anyone without fear of it. What kind of psychological burden and guilt is so good. Good people like us who like to kill and still have a sense of justice and morality, this is simply heaven. See who is not pleasing to the eye, with an axe splitting in the past, and chopped the thing ... "

Ye Yeyang was silent beside him.

What strange thinking is this? Another neurotic guy ...

等等 "Wait, most of the hair here is scum. There is no psychological burden to kill it ... this is a good thing." Ye Yang's eyes gradually lightened, and his body showed a murderous look.

Since it's all scum, then even if you accidentally kill them all, it's okay.

At the very least, those with swords and guns, or grandfathers and grandfathers, don't need to chop them down at all.

"First of all, those who seem to be powerful in this camp of survivors, wipe out seven hundred and seventy-eight, then bring the remaining people together, let these people from different forces make a name, and then use a little power. Means, using tricks to let them guard against each other and guard against each other, can form a new organization.

"Other people can use force to force a group of people to become subordinates. For the time being, why can't I? I was worrying about how to deal with Zaixing Society. There are such a group of people....... Inquiring about the information of Zaixing Society and collecting information about the giant beasts with mutated surroundings are much better than me acting alone.

"As for their disobedience? Just kill them."

Ye Yeyang seemed to have figured it out, all of a sudden, his mood suddenly opened up.

"First find a way to get together the twelve skeletons, fully armed, and then prepare some corpses that can summon the skeletons at any time, and you can stay in the car until the evening ... well, you do n’t have to choose a specific target at that time, which one to see Just kill them if you don't like them. "

Ye Yeyang was inspired by the harsh environment of this camp, and there was an impulse to kill and kill ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ at this moment, thinking suddenly, the idea was clear.

Uh ...

He intends to purchase a few things, such as food, medicines, etc., if necessary, to drive and escape, and other miscellaneous things, there are on the van, there are arms, but not enough parts need to be robbed.

But after a while, Ye Yang found that the food here was too disgusting, and he didn't know if it was dry or not, and if he was poisoned.

"Compared to Wu Yin City, it's too far away."

From the food here, we can see that the situation outside Wuyin City is really bad.

Uh ...

In a blink of an eye it was night.

The outer city is dimly lit and the surrounding area is dark. Although it is not a "stretching hand and no five fingers", it is not much bright.

There are more than a dozen light beams, which are located in different places and shine at high altitudes, so there are some hazy light shrouded.

"The night is my world!"

There was a rustling sound around Ye Yeyang.

During the daytime, I checked it out. There are a lot of bones in the garbage dump, but the bones are mostly and there is almost no meat.

Under his control, the bones slowly stood up and approached the van.

"Oh? I haven't shot yet, but someone is going to strike me first? Is that Jiuye? Or someone else?"

Ye Yeyang's eyes were bright, and when he saw a dark corner not far away, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at this side, and some of the muzzles of the firearms could be seen pointing to this side.

"Meow ~~"

A few cats ran quickly, trying to attract the attention of the people in the car, and at the same time, there were two silhouettes, running towards the van at a very fast speed.

Ye Yeyang sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Dark fog, diffused in the night.

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