Undead Mage in the End Times

Chapter 89: Night War, Anti-Siege

怎么 "Why is it fogging?"

"What happened? Why did it suddenly darken? Nothing was heard ..."

Secret figures, one by one panic.

噗噗 ~~

A dull sound came, and the people who touched Ye Yang turned into two corpses and fell to the ground, each hitting their neck, and the carotid arteries sprayed blood like a leaking water pipe.

Two white-bone skeletons, wearing camouflage clothing, but the clothes have been dyed red, and in the night, they are strangely dark.


Ye Yeyang gave the order in mind, and the skeletons quickly touched the surrounding area.

His body was shrouded in darkness, and he walked down from the shadowy side of the car to the shadows of other cars nearby.

Even if someone would rather launch an attack on a van than want arms, it would not hurt him.

Uh ...

Within 50 meters, where Ye Yang saw, the near figures he found were shrouded in black mist and slashed to death by skeletons. The dark mist drifted away, leaving only a few corpses in place.

Xie Yeyang This is to save mental energy, there are no multiple places shrouded at the same time. The skeleton is ready to move in the direction of the person, which is the enemy in which direction is covered by the black mist first.

So, some skeletons wearing weird clothes were found by people across the corner.

不好 "No !!!! That fat sheep is tricky !!!"


虽 Although guns are banned here, it doesn't matter as long as you are not caught. At night, many people don't take the ban at all.

So, the gun fired without hesitation, and the bullet swept towards Ye Yang's skull.

But the biggest advantage of skeletons is that they are not afraid of death and are not easy to be swept away.

Directly fired back, but did not seek accuracy, as long as the random fire was about the range to suppress, and speeded up in the past. Even if the opponent is found to be a skeleton at close range, then ... the other person also becomes a corpse.

Boom! !! !!

In the dark night, a spark bloomed, and a grenade exploded, but the ghostly mist quickly shrouded, and the silhouette in the dark had absolutely no chance to drop a second grenade, and was immediately chopped to death.

Xie Yeyang observed with wide eyes in the dark, using the "resurrected corpse" as a bait to lure the opponent to attack first, and then the skeleton quickly countered.

No more than ten minutes, the fighting around them stopped.

The enemy is either killed or wounded, or one by one quickly retreats, dare not stay.

"It's easier than I thought ... the people with Zaixing Society are not a grade at all. And ... there are fewer people coming."

Xi Yeyang recovered the ghostly ghost mist, and his mental strength was quite a lot, but the "resurrection" of all the corpses in the nearby garbage dump consumed a lot of mental strength.

A total of 12 skeletons, two of which have been revived during the day, and now ten are resurrected, two are broken and resurrected, and the total consumption of mental energy is 120 points. Coupled with other expenses, this mental power is not much.

Alas, as long as all these skeletons are not broken, then you don't have to worry about too much consumption.

Li Yeyang drank a large bottle of "Singer Ginger Black Tea Coffee", which was sweet, bitter and spicy, and the taste was indescribable.

"Clean the battlefield."

Some firearms and equipment were brought over, and the clothes on the body were also taken off.

Ye Yeyang personally helped a skeleton to wear clothes, body armor, a bulletproof helmet, a mask or a black cloth mask. These delicate tasks can't let the skeletons do it themselves, they are too stupid.

At this time, the "resurrected corpse" was ordered to bring up the living mouth.

"What is your name?"

"Monkey, Hou Yuanqing ..."

"Where does Jiuye live?" Ye Yang asked.

"You, how do you know ..." The caught live mouth was a lean man in his thirties who was not tall, but not weak, and struggled hard before, only staring at Ye in horror at this time. Yang.

Ye Yeyang smiled suddenly.

Is it important for him to be sent by Jiu Ye? Whether Jiuye sends someone or not, it's all about hands. Now it's just an excuse for multiple shots.

At the moment, the muzzle was pointed at Hou Yuanqing's forehead, and slowly pulled the trigger.

I wanted to blast his right ear with a shot and scare him, but Hou Yuanqing urinated directly, fell down and knelt, crying, "Hero, forgive me! I know where Jiuye is, I tell you I'll take you there ... "

"The current affairs person is Junjie, which is very good."

Xie Yeyang gestured slightly, "the resurrected corpse" reached out and pinched Hou Yuanqing's chin, and threw a dark object into his mouth, saying: "Swallow it."

The muzzle pointed at his forehead. Hou Yuanqing had to swallow and his face was bitter.

"The medicine just now was called Shiquan Dabu Pill. I bought it in a pharmacy and ate the qi and nourish the god, even if there is no antidote, I can't die." Ye Yang said with a smile.

Hou Yuanqing's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly begged for mercy.

He didn't believe that stuff was really "Shiquan Dabu Wan", thinking it was very toxic. Poisons in the last days are much more powerful than before, and many people use them.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, cover your mouth with something, be careful not to make a sound, otherwise you will be stunned."

Ye Yeyang took a look at his system menu and recovered his mental strength to more than eighty, which is enough for the time being.

I was going to sleep for a while, and it was safer, but soldiers were expensive, and if I didn't set off immediately, I might miss a good opportunity.

"The team in charge of the survivor's camp didn't send anyone over to check it out? The night here is more dangerous than expected." Ye Yang secretly murmured.

I just fired and no one managed it, no grenade explosion? This is strange.

"You have to be careful. The ghost knows if anyone is waiting to fire a black gun in the dark? However, Jiu Ye is unlikely to think that the people he sent out will be annihilated, nor is it likely that I will kill him directly, half It's less likely that someone will ambush on the road. "

After a moment of groaning, Ye Yang let a group of skeletons run in front of the ground, and he and the "resurrected corpse" and another skeleton were shrouded in the ghostly mist and walked against the roots of the wall, and the body completely melted into the darkness It is almost impossible to encounter an attack.

Moreover, as long as the distance is not more than 90 meters, the skeletons in front will not get out of control, and it is safe to keep the distance between the two sides within 80 meters.

"This ... this is Jiuye's residence ..." Hou Yuanqing pointed out a certain three-story house.

The houses in the survivor's camp are not very high, usually two or three floors, this is intentional, to avoid some buildings that are too high, hiding snipers or something, that even the managers of the survivor's camp It's dangerous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This kind of thing is not allowed to happen.

"Are you sure?" Ye Yang's voice came from the intercom on the skull.

"OK, sure ..."

"Okay !!!" Ye Yang nodded slightly a few meters away.

At the order, the skeleton shot the Hou Yuanqing directly, then lost two grenades and a flashing bullet into the house, then rushed over.

Is it possible to kill the wrong person?

Ye Yeyang didn't care about it at this moment. Anyway, this camp is mostly scum, and it is unlikely that there are guys in the outer area that can't be temporarily aroused. What are you afraid of killing?

Boom! !! !!

The door of the house was blasted open, and skeletons rushed towards it.

However, there were bullets blasting out quickly, and the sound of chugs continued.

Boom! !! !!

A grenade was thrown out, blowing up several skeletons. Then he heard constant gunshots inside.

"Why does it seem to have been prepared for a long time ... Yes, in this environment, Jiu Ye must be deadly, not guarding, how is it possible?"

Qi Yeyang was thinking, and suddenly, there were some figures moving around the house, and guns aimed at the house seemed to surround it.

"Trap?" Ye Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

I thought to myself: "It's so cunning, but ... it's not like a trap set up for me. It should be Jiuye who doesn't believe his men, and he's ready to use this hand at any time. I don't know if I used this house to seduce my opponent or here There is an underpass under the house, and you can run out through the underpass if you are in distress, and then you can take back your hands.

"If I personally killed the building with a skeleton, I have already been recruited, but now ..."

Ye Han's face showed Mori Han's murderous power.

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