under hope

Chapter 10

"Let me study quietly! If anyone talks again, I can……"

The monitor's majestic voice instantly silenced the noisy class.

He hid behind the book and secretly looked at the girl's serious expression, his heart beating uneasily. Just one look from the girl easily took away his fiery heart.

"I think I like her, or maybe, this is what the book says, the so-called 'love'’"

He tore off a piece of homework paper and wrote down his excitement on it, but as he was writing, he suddenly stopped writing.

"What am I doing? like? No, that’s just a normal part of adolescence, right! I came up with this idea because of adolescence!"

He crumpled the paper into a ball and held it tightly in his hands.

"Yes, puberty will cause me to pay too much attention to a certain person of the opposite sex, and she is the class president and often speaks, so I pay so much attention to her!"

He thought like this and dropped the paper ball in his hand into his desk pocket.

"But...the monitor is very gentle. I didn’t bring a skipping rope in the gym class before, so she lent it to me."

He sniffed the palm of his hand gently, as if the smell he held in his hand still remained.

"If she were not the monitor, I think I would pay attention to her, after all, she is so gentle."

He tore off another piece of homework paper and started writing again.

"Yes, yes, I do like her and I want to tell her how much I like her."

He wrote five lines of words one by one. Looking at his finished product, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"There is no end to my thoughts, I want to create more memories with her."

He folded the homework papers carefully and put them under his stationery bag. He looked at the monitor's back again, his eyes becoming obsessed.

"The monitor sits very straight, and her hair is tied into a single ponytail. It would be great if it were a double ponytail. If I were with her, would she be willing to tie up a double ponytail for me?"

He began to daydream, and his vision became blurry. In a daze, the squad leader's clothes seemed to be gradually fading in his eyes.

"No! What am I doing?!"

He rubbed his eyes suddenly and buried his head deeply.

"What am I thinking? You can't tarnish such a beautiful girl, it must be that damn little advertisement on the web page!"

He pinched his cheeks to let the dirty thoughts leave his mind.

"My thoughts towards the squad leader are pure and legitimate."

He repeated the vow he had just made in his mind, using it to wash away all dirty thoughts.

"Just wait until get out of class is over now, just wait until get out of class is over."

He muttered silently in his heart.

Waiting is always long. In the torrent of time,"waiting" seems to have the ability to pause time. He was restless waiting.

"Maybe this is just my illusion. It was the small advertisement that made me think that way. After all, the monitor is also very beautiful."

He began to think wildly again. His hand had already reached into the stationery bag. He wanted to tear off the piece of paper and let this unclear thought dissipate with the passage of time.

"No! Will not! That intention can't be filthy, it definitely won't be!"

He convinced himself and pulled his hand back.

Finally, cheerful music sounded on the radio, and the class was filled with all kinds of talk and laughter - class was over.

He plucked up the courage to stand up from his seat. , walking towards the squad leader's seat with mechanical steps.

Although the distance was only two or three meters, he walked with great difficulty. Big beads of sweat kept dripping on his shoulders. He held the note and worked hard towards victory. Dawn takes steps

"Monitor, that...this is for you."

He put the note on the squad leader's desk, and without waiting for the other party to answer, he fled to his seat without looking back.

"It worked."

The boulder that was weighing on his heart finally fell to the ground, which made him feel much better.

"Will you agree? No, she might refuse. After all, she is the monitor, so she might have already made her own choice."

He raised his head and secretly looked at the monitor

"Eh? Have you figured it out so quickly? Maybe..."

Seeing the monitor walking towards him, he was a little overwhelmed and hurriedly pretended to be reading.

The monitor just put the note on his desk and left without saying a word.


Although he already had the idea of ​​being rejected, he still didn't dare to look at the note that was returned.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid of being rejected, but my heart has been reached, and that's enough."

He tried his best to convince himself.

It was a red cross. There was a small red cross on the folded note, and there were two words written in the lower right corner.

"Feel sorry."

He read aloud in his mind

"Yes, falling in love will always be accompanied by failure."

He crumpled the note into a ball and threw it into the trash can together with the ones in his desk pocket.

The next afternoon, he was already sitting in front of the computer at home.

"As a result, he didn't say a word after that."

He was lying on the computer chair, looking at the ceiling and murmuring.

"I wonder what the monitor looks like when he is asleep?"

Unconsciously, he thought of the monitor's appearance again.

"Wavelet! Check if the windows are closed properly! The protective cover has just been repaired. If any garbage comes in, use a broom to rub it into the trash can."

Mother's voice came from outside the door.


He responded loudly and turned to look at the window.

"Ah, there is a gap left. Hmm...a plastic bag blew in?"

He closed the window, balled up the plastic bag with his hands and threw it into the trash can.

"Well, now it's perfect."

He smiled proudly

"By the way, Xiaobo, be careful not to touch the garbage blown in with your hands."

My mother's warning came from outside the door again.

"Ah, too bad, I just touched it, but maybe it was originally something in the house, but it was just blown away by the wind."

He didn't pay attention. He just squeezed a little more hand sanitizer when washing his hands before meals.

After the meal, he couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer and open the previous web page. This time, he canceled the pop-up advertisement first.

"What will the monitor's sleeping face look like?"

He opened the search engine again and entered the words"Sleeping Face"

"Oh, yes, yes, let me take a look."

He scrolled the mouse wheel and looked at pictures of sleeping faces from various creatures one after another.

"Sleeping face, sleeping face... The monitor's sleeping face must be more unique."

Looking at the dazzling array of pictures, his eyes seemed to have a picture of what the monitor looked like when he was sleeping.

"Tsk, my back is a little itchy."

He scratched his back anxiously and didn't stop until the skin was broken.

"Phew, feel good. Eh? What's wrong with the feet?……"

He started rubbing his ankle again

"It's so annoying, let's go to sleep."

He turned off the computer and lights, and lay on the bed

"It would be great if I could see the monitor's sleeping face, the monitor's sleeping face, well, leave it to the Dream God."

He closed his eyes and fell asleep with expectations.

In the middle of the night, he was woken up by a strange feeling in his body.

"Tsk tsk, what's going on? I feel so itchy."

He didn't want to open his eyes, so he moved his fingers to scratch the itchy place.

"Huh? Why is it so hard that I can't scratch it?"

He was a little confused. His fingers seemed to have touched something hard. Could it be the bed cabinet?

He opened his eyes and found that his room suddenly became gray, just like the filter effect of editing software.

"what happened?"

He sat up and found that his body had grown an exoskeleton similar to that of an insect, and he also had a long tail on his butt. He even had six arms? No, one pair should be feet. The incredible changes in his body made him He felt strange, but also a little excited. In his eyes, his new palms were covered with dense barbs.

His sense of smell also became more sensitive. He could smell many flavors and even see The path to taste

"Maybe I can find the monitor's home and secretly watch her sleeping, yes, just take a look."

He opened the window and climbed out of the apartment building, looking for the monitor's unique smell among the many smells.

"Found it, it tastes the same as on the note"

"Found it, the smell of prey!"

A deep voice sounded in his head

"That's right."

He didn't think much about where the sound came from, and began to crawl on the wall following the monitor's scent trail.

"It's almost here, I want to see the monitor's sleeping face"

"It's almost here, I want to taste the fresh meat of the prey!"

The strange voice in his head always frightened him, and the voice seemed to be getting louder and louder.

"Found it, the squad leader lives here"

"Found it, the prey is hidden here!"

The smell disappeared here. The squad leader must be somewhere here. All he needs to do next is to confirm one by one.

He climbed over each glass, trying to smell the unique smell wafting from the gaps.


The window of a house suddenly opened, and he hurriedly hid in the shadows. His black body gave him good protection.

After the window was closed, he continued his search.

"This is it, the monitor's room, I can hear the monitor's breathing!"

"This is it, the prey's lair, I can hear the prey breathing!"

But how to get in? He was in trouble. Breaking the window would definitely wake her up, and she wouldn't be able to see her sleeping face.

"saliva! Use saliva!"

The voice in his head shouted.

He opened his mouth instinctively and sprayed green liquid from his mouthparts. The glass was quickly melted by the liquid and a big hole was formed.

"Opened, Sleeping Beauty's box!"

This time, his voice was consistent with his mind, which made him a little confused about whose thoughts it was.

He climbed into the house, tore the obstructive curtains, and came to the owner's bed.

"Yes, that's her, the cute and charming monitor!"

"Yes, that’s it, delicious and tempting fresh meat!"

The voice in his head was so loud that it almost covered his own voice.

The girl in front of him was in a deep sleep. Her eyelashes were very long, and her chest was rising and falling rhythmically with her breathing.

"It's time to leave now, I will keep this image deep in my heart."

He was a little reluctant to leave, but found that his body was flying higher and higher, and gradually left the squad leader's room.

"It smells so good, I'm hungry."

The voice in his head completely swallowed him up. He wanted to move his body again, but found that he had no hands or feet at all.

"Poor guy, you can't taste the delicious food."

A black monster was standing in front of the monitor's window at the moment, its slender head turned towards him, staring at him with its eyeless face.

"No! Monitor, monitor... Is it all my fault? I shouldn't have thought about secretly looking at my sleeping face or something."

He repented silently. The houses in front of him became smaller and smaller, and he also lost all his senses in the sky.

Everything returned to darkness, and that sleeping face would forever become his last world, or his eternal regret.

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