under hope

Chapter 11

"Captain Zhou, what’s down here?"

"Who knows, the mission given by the dean is to excavate ancient ruins."

On the beach, Zhou Shutong was lying comfortably on a chair wearing work clothes and enjoying the warm sunshine.

"Ancient ruins? We have been digging for three days and there is nothing here but coral and sand."

The man who came to report the work progress complained to her.

"Then just keep digging, a little bit every day, and then rest until the dean realizes his conscience and transfers me back."

She relaxed her body lazily and covered her face with the book she had been reading.

"You don't have to work too hard, just dig a little bit to cope with it, I'll take a nap for a while."

Her voice gradually lowered, she waved her hand towards the man, and then stopped talking.

"Sigh... Hey, tell all the boats to go ashore and rest."

The man left helplessly, turned around and used the communication device to notify the people digging under the sea to come ashore as soon as possible.

It was already noon, and the sun was particularly dazzling. The man tied the beach umbrella next to Zhou Shutong, and then turned around to count the people who had come ashore. team members

"Phew...Brother Yang, what exactly is the order from above?"

"That’s it, Brother Yang, we have been digging sand here for three days, so it’s not like we are being used to set records, right?"

After the man approached, several team members began to complain and looked dissatisfied at Zhou Shutong, who was sleeping beside him.

"Alas, it's not easy for her either. She was doing well in the west, but suddenly she was transferred here."

The man said his favor to Zhou Shutong, took out the list and started to check the number of people.

"Really, what kind of ancient ruins did the dean suddenly create?"

More and more team members climbed out of the submarine that gradually surfaced, expressing their dissatisfaction in a low voice.

"Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty...eh? What about Team 5?"

Looking at the six names on the list that have not yet been checked, the man asked the team members.

"I don’t know, the area they are responsible for is relatively deep, and they may still be coming up."

One team member guessed

"Our excavation depth this time is up to one thousand meters. It only takes a few seconds for the deep digger submarine to surface. No matter how slow it is, it should be up by this time."

The man was a little worried. Just when he was about to tell the team members to go down and search, a voice suddenly came from the communicator.

"Brother Yang, it’s me, the captain of the fifth team."

"Where are you? Come up!"

The man ordered

"Brother Yang, if there is a situation, we have dug out a hollow stone surface, and it covers a large area."

"What? You guys come up first and report to Captain Zhou."


Only 6 seconds after the communication was cut off, a submarine surfaced.

"Let's go."

The man gestured for the others to disperse first, and then led the fifth team to Zhou Shutong.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the chaotic footsteps, Zhou Shutong opened his eyes and threw the book aside.

"Hello, captain!"

The fifth team first saluted, and then the team leader was responsible for explaining the situation.

"Captain, we dug into the stony ground under the sand at a depth of 900 meters under the sea. After testing with instruments, it was hollow."

"What! ?"

Zhou Shutong sat up in surprise. She couldn't believe it. Could it be that she had really found it?

"Maybe it's just a bigger shell."

She said something that even she couldn't believe

"No, Captain. What we dug out alone was 100 square meters, the actual area may be larger, I don't think there are shells that big."

The team leader's serious speech made her a little uncomfortable. If this is really found, it will prove that the ancient ruins really exist. Once this is confirmed, I am afraid that she will never be separated from this project.

As she said, she In fact, I'm quite curious, what is it in the ancient ruins that makes that guy Lin Hongchang pay so much attention to it?

"Everyone lined up, led by the fifth team, to see the so-called hollow stone."

She turned on the communicator on her shoulder and gave the order loudly.


Soon, the five Digger submarines sank into the sea one after another and headed towards the target location with all their strength.

"This is it, Captain."

The submarines all stopped over a large stone surface. Without saying a word, Zhou Shutong put on his diving suit and swam out of the submarine.

Some team members also followed the man's instructions and swam out of the submarine behind Zhou Shutong.

"No way."

Zhou Shutong touched the stone surface with his hand and felt a little weird. There were vague lines on it. If you look closely, it seemed to be artificial cutting patterns.

"I want to see what's down here."

She took the impact gun from the team member on the side and pressed the trigger on the stone face. After a burst of smoke, the scene in the cave stunned her, and the impact gun fell from her hand. Fortunately, one of the team members had quick eyesight and quick hands. , quickly caught the impact gun that was about to fall into the abyss.

"Impossible, how could there be such a big city under the sea?"

She shook her head and gestured for the team members to return to the submarine.

"The fourth and fifth teams drove the submarine to break through the stone surface, and the rest followed Lao Yang back to the shore to prevent us from encountering any accidents below."

After hearing the affirmative answer from the team members, she ordered the remaining two submarines to dig into the stone surface.

A large hole was quickly cut out by the drill bit on the stone surface, and an underwater coral city suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"What a nice view."

The team members sighed one after another.

Although it seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, the coral used for decoration was still very bright. The city was not big in size, maybe just a small town. The submarine stopped in an empty space that looked like a square. On the ground, their underwater exploration has just begun.

"You work in teams of two, explore separately, and don't worry about me."

After Zhou Shutong gave the order, he took the lead and swam into the city alone.

The houses here were distributed in a diamond shape, and in the center was an exceptionally tall and spacious rectangular building.

She pushed open the bone door and entered a In the house.

The house is very clean, with almost no furniture. It is divided into three rooms. There is an oval-shaped device in one of the rooms. It is empty and made of soft material.

"For sleeping?"

She guessed this. Seeing that there was nothing else, she swam to another cylindrical house.

This house had no door, but had a very wide door frame, which seemed to be to cope with large-scale entrances and exits.

She swam into the house , it was found that there were many stone shelves inside, and an object similar to a harpoon was found on one of the shelves.

"The tip is made of coral and the pole is made of whale bone."

She took the object in her hand and stabbed it into the seaweed on the side.

"Ha, it's quite sharp."

Looking at the seaweed cut by the spearhead, she smiled softly.

Holding the spear, she swam towards the huge building in the center.

The closer she got to the building, the more depressed she felt. The building seemed to It exudes a mysterious force field.

Many dense columns are neatly arranged around the outside of the building, supporting the wide, obtuse-angled triangular roof. The stairs leading to the interior are also very long, giving the overall feeling of majesty.

"It's positioned like a church."

She was thinking this as she cautiously swam inside the building.

What surprised her was that there was a circular staircase winding up inside the building.

"No way, stairs like this would make me faint."

She cried secretly, but she still held her spear on the ground and swam up with difficulty.

"Wait, the light above this is……"

Following the path of the stairs, she finally swam to what seemed to be the exit. She seemed to know that the secret was in front of her.

"Oh my god..."

She rushed out of the water and found that there was a larger space outside the exit, and it was not covered by sea water.

She tried to take off her diving helmet, and was surprised to find that there was oxygen in the space. She grinned Mouth, I don’t know whether I should be happy or scared

"Such a magical technology has been sinking to the bottom of the sea."

She looked around blankly, looking at everything here up and down.

The pillars here were sparser than on the outside of the building, and the blue-colored spheres nailed to them were doing the lighting work. There was a huge statue in the center at the end of the hall. The stone statue looks about three or four meters tall, with human-like arms and a thick snake tail. It also has a dorsal fin and three pairs of eyes.

There is a large amount of long blood stains in front of the stone statue, which extends to the seat of the stone statue. Off stage

"Is this some crazy pilgrimage?"

She couldn't understand the behavior of believers praying to God. If there were gods in the world, she would not have been attacked. After all, there was a special shrine in the school. The hands of the stone statue held a stone that exuded light blue. A shiny round object with a transparent texture. You can see that foam is continuously being produced inside.

"Oxygen seems to be emanating from here..."

She stood on the pedestal and put her nose close to it, and there was a slight air flow that ruffled her hair - this is indeed the source of oxygen.

"I can't move this thing away, so why not take a photo? I remember that helmets have a photo-taking function."

She jumped down from the pedestal, groped up and down the helmet, and finally touched a black bump on the periphery of the helmet.

"Okay, that should be it. She turned the helmet to face the stone statue, took a few steps back, and pressed the button with a click. The flashing light made her more confident that she had not used the wrong function.

"Leave first and go back and send the photo to that guy."

She put on her helmet again and left along the way she came.

Inside the temporary residence

"Hello? It's me, Zhou Shutong"

"Is there any progress?"

"Ah...yes, we found a complex of buildings about 900 meters under the sea, and we also found this from a temple-like building."

She operated the computer and sent the picture.

"This thing can emit oxygen, but I don’t know if it will ever be used up."

She then explained

"Wonderful stuff!"

The man on the screen grinned excitedly.

"Suspend the excavation work first and I will send someone to the site."

The man adjusted his mentality and gave the next instructions.

"Then I can go back, and you can send someone in charge here."

She seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and hurriedly made a request.

"After seeing something like that, you still don't want to stay? Shu Tong"

"You know, I don't believe in God." she said coldly

"Then stay for a while, Shu Tong. You will realize the beauty of those things."

After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Damn it!"

She hammered the table angrily

"Wait, that stone statue..."

She recalled the scene in the video just now and was suddenly shocked.

"It seems that there is the same one on the dean's desk."

She looked out the window at the setting sun, held her chin up with her hand, and showed a puzzled expression.

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