Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 73: Miao Master's Gu Technique, Seven Emotions Gu

Hearing that another little girl had fallen into the hands of the owner of this note, Zhang Chulan quietly observed Zhuge Yunxia's expression.

Seemingly noticing Zhang Chulan's expression, Zhuge Yunxia chuckled.

"Boy Chu Lan, I have already expected this result."

"My father is indeed a restless man."

Zhang Chulan smiled awkwardly.

I didn't expect that this old lady Zhuge would see through it.

"Grandma Zhuge, you are really sharp."

But at this time, Zhuge Yunxia thought of something.

That's because she doesn't know if her father has left another seed in the Five Immortals Sect!

Think of this.

Zhuge Yunxia's face was a little uneasy.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Chulan quickly looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."

[During the time I was spending time with Lan Ling, news came from Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle that the location of King Xian’s tomb was found. 】

[But the outside of King Xian’s Tomb is surrounded by mountains and is guarded by poisonous miasma, so it is impossible to reach the inside of King Xian’s Tomb without being familiar with the road. 】

[So this time we not only need to find someone who can get rid of the poisonous poison, but we also need to find someone who is very familiar with the local terrain and routes. 】

[After telling me the news, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle left again, planning to go to the nearby Miao Village to see if anyone had been inside. 】

[And on my side, I also successfully captured Lan Ling. 】

[But I didn’t expect that Lan Ling actually placed a love poison on me. If I had any dissatisfaction, my body would be eaten away by the poisonous poison and I would die. 】

[This little girl is really an elf. 】

Zhang Chulan was quite surprised when he heard this sentence.

"This Lan Ling sounds like a little girl who doesn't know much about the world. She actually knows how to use Love Gu. And this Love Gu sounds like it's too powerful."

Zhuge Qing also sighed with emotion.


"The other half will eat it up if they have any alienation. It sounds really scary."

At the same time, Zhuge Qing began to feel a little scared and decided that he would never find a woman who knew how to do voodoo in the future.

After hearing Zhuge Qing's words, Zhuge Yunxia snorted coldly.

"Xiao Qing, your generation takes relationships too seriously."

"It's not like we used to. Once we find it, we will stick to it for the rest of our lives and it will never change again."

As she spoke, Zhuge Yunxia's eyes suddenly felt sad.

Apparently he was thinking of something sad.

When Zhuge Qing saw his grandma like this, he immediately understood that his grandma was missing the grandfather who died in the war.

Then Zhuge Qing immediately vowed to guarantee it.

"Grandma, I know, I will correct it in the future!"

Seeing Zhuge Qing being so obedient, Zhuge Yunxia nodded slightly.

"That's good, that's good."

"If Weiguo could see so many good seedlings coming out of the Zhuge family, they would definitely be happy."

But when Zhang Chulan saw Zhuge Qing's vow, he couldn't believe it.

When I came back by plane before.

This guy also asked for a flight attendant’s WeChat account.

At this time, Zhuge Bai on the side suddenly asked:

"Grandma, who is Wei Guo?"

Looking at the young Zhuge Bai, Zhuge Yunxia laughed.

"I originally thought I would wait until you are an adult before I tell you. Today is a good time, so it doesn't hurt to tell you now."

Speaking of which.

Zhuge Yunxia paused.

"Weiguo, he is my husband."

"His full name is Qian Weiguo, and he is a very good man."

"It's a pity that he died in a battle with the Japanese."

"But many sects sacrificed their lives at that time, and I don't know how many sects were wiped out. So I feel that my husband died a worthy death."

"There is nothing to be too sad about. In a few years, I will go down to accompany him."

After hearing Zhuge Yunxia's words, Zhuge Bai immediately became unwilling.

"Grandma has a long life of two hundred years! She will definitely not die!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The surrounding villagers were also amused by Zhuge Bai.

And Zhang Chulan asked at this time:

"Grandma Zhuge, do you know what this Miao master's Gu techniques are?"

"This love Gu sounds really scary."

Zhuge Yunxia laughed.

"Boy Chu Lan, you don't have to be afraid. This Seven Emotions Gu is nothing powerful. As long as you have enough cultivation, you can be immune to this Seven Emotions Gu."

"Seven Emotions Gu?"

Zhang Chulan was keenly aware of the meaning.

"This Seven Emotions Gu, is it possible that there are seven kinds of Emotions Gu?"

Zhuge Yunxia nodded.

"Right, that is it."

"Seven kinds of love poison: sincerity, obedience, leaning, profit, speed, temptation, and ignorance."

"Among them, the sincerity Gu and the infatuation Gu are the most difficult to deal with and the most feared."

"Once you are infected by the sincerity poison, it means that you can only tell the truth from now on. If you tell any lies, you will suffer pain comparable to that of thousands of ants."

"Back then, this sincerity Gu was specially used to torture war criminals, and a lot of useful information was obtained."

After hearing the effect of Sincerity Gu, Zhang Chulan felt a little yearning.

"This thing is really useful!"

"What about Grandma Zhuge, the infatuation Gu? What effect does it have?"

After hearing this, Zhuge Yunxia first told a story.

"It is said that during the Republic of China, many Han people from nearby cities came to Miao territory to do business. Later, they got together with some Miao girls. The leaders of the caravan refused to go home no matter how hard they were beaten. You must know that these men have wives and children at home, and they have great responsibilities. Normal people wouldn’t do that at all.”

Zhang Chulan knows everything.

"Grandma Zhuge, are you saying that these people have fallen into the Miao girl's infatuation spell?"

Zhuge Yunxia smiled and nodded.

"That's right, that's it."

"This infatuation Gu can make others become extremely infatuated with you, unable to extricate themselves. Because it is too evil, it is no longer allowed to be practiced after the founding of the People's Republic of China."

"There are so many strange methods in this world, it's hard for people to guard against them."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, his eyes were filled with emotion.

Then let Feng Baobao continue reading.

[This Love Gu naturally poses no threat to me, but in order to reassure the little girl Lan Ling, I had to pretend not to know. 】

[After a period of time, I found an opportunity to let others break up our relationship, which immediately made the leader of the Five Immortals very angry. 】

[Because the Five Immortals Saints are not allowed to marry for life, naturally they are not allowed to fall in love. 】

[Otherwise, we can only be reduced to the lowest level of the Five Immortals. 】

[This is all within my plan. How could I really let Lan Ling become a member of the Five Immortals? 】

[According to the canon, if the Five Immortals Saint wants to get married, she must advance to the next level and become the leader of the Five Immortals. 】

[One of the prerequisites for becoming the leader of the Five Immortals is the identity of the Five Immortals Saint, and then challenge and defeat the other party in front of everyone. 】

[With my help, Lan Ling cultivated the Soul-Leaving Technique, and I also added part of the toxin from the pill bite into this Soul-Leaving Technique. 】

[Although the power is not as powerful as the genuine pill bite, it is enough to deal with the idiot leader of the Five Immortals! 】

Pill bite?

The people in Zhuge Village looked horrified.

After all, this is the unique skill of the Tang Sect. It is said that once the pill bite comes out, it will be difficult for the gods to save it.

I don’t know how many powerful heroes died in the hands of this pill bite!

Ancestor's father knows how to swallow pills?

Where did he learn it? Did he leave the cultivation methods to his ancestors?

For a time, all the villagers had different thoughts and seemed to want to verify.

Thanks to 20230302, God-level Devil, 20230101, Yiru Mortal, and 20200430 for their rewards, thank you, thank you!

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