Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 72 Comparison between the Soul Separation Technique of the Five Immortal Sect and the Yang S

[The Soul-Living Technique can relieve the mind from leaving the body, separation of the soul and body, and the treacherous and changeable effects. One can be worth a hundred. 】

[But this exercise is very harmful. Because the soul is often separated from the body, there are often bizarre words and strange actions during the exercise, just like schizophrenia]

[According to the Five Poison Messengers, although this is not as good as the cult leader’s exclusive Hundred Evil Body method, it is already a rare skill in the world. 】

[However, I don’t like this Soul Leaving Technique. After all, Quan Zhen Chu Yang Shen’s method of cultivating both life and life is much better than this thing. 】

[But in order to be able to get close to the Five Poison Saint Lan Ling, I can only start practicing and see if I can remove the harmful effects of this technique. 】

Hearing the mention of Chu Yang Shen from the owner of the note, Zhang Chulan immediately thought of Huang Ming, a disciple of Quanzhen Longmen who had fought against Xiao Xiao in the Luotian Dajiao.

Even Hidden Dragon, who specializes in collecting intelligence, was amazed by the strength of his life.

According to Zanglong, the philosophy of this Quanzhen sect is to abandon all strange and obscene skills and concentrate on cultivating one's own life.

Being able to emerge from the Yangshen is an extremely extraordinary thing.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan asked.

"Is it possible that the founder of the Soul-Living Technique and the Quanzhen Sect's Chuyang Shen are the same person?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's question, Zhuge Qing gave the answer.

"The world is so big, there are countless strange people and strange people, and there are also countless techniques that can clash with one's ideas."

"This is like the horizontal training of Kung Fu. There are Iron Head Kung Fu, Golden Bell Cover, Iron Clothes Shirt, Chai style horizontal training, Vajra Indestructible Kung Fu, Thirteen Taibao horizontal training and so on."

"These skills will ultimately make a person invulnerable and invincible."

"Perhaps the person who created this technique had roughly the same idea as the founder of Quanzhen Longmen."

"But in the end, due to lack of understanding, this flawed technique was created."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"You are right, but this Quanzhen sect seems to be very low-key, but judging from the strength of the Luo Tian Dajiao, it is very powerful. I don't know why."

Zhuge Qing laughed.

"Zhang Chulan, of course you don't know when you have just entered the alien world."

"This Quanzhen Dragon Gate is famously low-key."

"Besides, it is enough for the leader of the Dao sect to have your Tianshi Mansion. If they join again, it will put great pressure on other sects."

"You know, Quanzhen has experienced several great revivals. The most famous one is the Longmen Daxing under the leadership of Taoist Wang Changyue. The term Quanzhen Longmen also comes from here."

"At that time, which sect in the world would dare not obey Quanzhen's orders."

"But later on, for some unknown reason, the Quanzhen sect changed its past style and became extremely low-key and reserved, and other sects gradually began to come to the fore."

Zhang Chulan looked surprised.

"I didn't expect this to happen. It seems that every sect cannot underestimate it."

After telling this episode, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[When I started practicing, I discovered that this Soul Leaving Technique was not as unbearable as I imagined. 】

[Although there will be countless whispers echoing in my ears during the practice, as long as I stick to my mind, I can offset the harm and make my soul stronger. At the same time, I also gained the ability to dispel poison. 】

[As long as the poison has been poisoned by yourself, you can remove the corresponding poison for others. 】

[At the same time, it can also inflict poison on normal targets that I have been hit by before. 】

[In other words, I need to constantly look for new toxins to poison myself. The more toxins I am poisoned with, the more powerful my Soul Leaving Technique will be. 】

[By analogy, if I soak in aqua regia once, wouldn’t I acquire the property of being able to melt even gold? 】

When he heard that the owner of the note said that he wanted to take a walk in Wangshui, Zhang Chulan felt that the world was in chaos.

Good guy, I call him good guy!

What is aqua regia?

That is a billion times more powerful than sulfuric acid!

It can dissolve almost all organic matter, even gold!

In the past, if anyone wanted to take a walk in Aqua Regia, he would definitely laugh at the other person as dreaming.

But this is what the owner of the note said.

That doesn't seem impossible.

Zhuge Yunxia had never heard of this Wang Shui.

Then he asked Zhuge Qing.

"Xiao Qing, what is this aqua regia?"

Zhuge Qing hesitated after hearing this, not knowing whether he should say it or not.

"Xiao Qing!"

Zhuge Yunxia urged.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qing had no choice but to tell what he knew.

"Grandma, this aqua regia is an extremely corrosive substance, hundreds of millions of times more powerful than sulfuric acid. It can be said that no organic matter can survive in it."

Zhuge Yunxia was shocked when she heard this.

"Does my dad actually want to soak in this liquid?"

Zhuge Qing saw Zhuge Yunxia's worried look and quickly comforted him.

"Grandma, you can't say that."

"Maybe senior didn't go. After all, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing."

Hear this.

Zhuge Yunxia nodded.

"I just hope my dad doesn't get so dizzy that he even thinks of using such dangerous things to practice martial arts."

"That's something even metal can't withstand. No matter how much people practice, they're still flesh and blood!"

Zhang Chulan's heart moved after hearing this.

"Grandma Zhuge, have you ever heard of the Trinity Sect? The technique they practice is called the Three Levels of Reverse Regeneration. Isn't it possible to transform oneself into Qi?"

"As far as I know, your father knows the Trinity Cultivation Technique."

"If you use the third level of reverse life, I wonder if you can resist the water king."

Zhuge Yunxia shook her head.

"I have also seen the skills of the three-one sect. It is true that they can transform themselves into Qi, but the degree of Qi transformation is limited. It is impossible to completely transform into the innate Qi."

"If the water king is really as powerful as you say, I think even the top Zuo Menchang in the world can't resist it."

"Not to mention my father's miscellaneous school."

"He is definitely not as good as Zuo Menchang in the third level of reverse life."

Hearing Zhuge Yunxia's words, everyone also had an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Zhang Chulan praised.

"It is true that having an old person in the family is like having a treasure."

"If it weren't for Grandma Zhuge, we would never know so many things."

Although Zhuge Yunxia is more than a hundred years old, she still feels very comfortable listening to Zhang Chulan's words.

"This child is so sweet."

Zhang Chulan then looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, please continue reading."



[I'm going to try the regia water thing again in the future. I might be able to use the poisons of the Tang Sect to cultivate the Soul Separation Technique. ]

[And the news that I have mastered the Soul Separation Technique has spread throughout the Five Immortals Sect. ]

[It's because I am the first person in hundreds of years to master the Soul Separation Technique within a year. ]

[The leader of the Five Immortals Sect summoned me and gave me a centipede. ]

[This centipede is an ancient species, born to be a Gu King, but it is not as good as the Green Spider Poison Mother in the hands of the Five Immortals Saint. ]

[And I also took this opportunity to talk to the Five Immortals Saint. Although Lan Ling is a saint, she has never left the Five Immortals Sect in her life. ]

[Easy to coax, easy to deceive. ]

[Sometimes I feel guilty for deceiving a little girl. ]

[But for the sake of the plan, it is also natural to sacrifice some of my own appearance. ]

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