Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 211: Slaughtering the Qin nobles, Lu Su's immortal appearance! (5K chapter)

When everyone heard the introduction of the three books of heaven, earth and man, they were shocked.

This world actually has three such powerful and magical books. If you can master these three books, wouldn’t you be able to control everything!

Zhang Chulan couldn’t help but ask at this time.

“Is everything destined?”

“Even my words have been decided?”

“If so, this world is too hopeless.”

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, the old Taoist priest said:

“Chulan, don’t forget one thing, that is, although the development process of all things is deduced and recorded by this heavenly book, there is still the variable and opportunity of the human book.”

“I guess this is the reason why the heavens are derived from 49 and the people are derived from one.”

“That is to say, fate is not unchangeable, and everything is not destined.”

“For us, there is still a chance to get rid of fate.”

Hearing the old Taoist priest say this, Zhang Chulan nodded.

“Yes, Master.”

Dr. Xia was very strange at this moment.

"There is one thing I don't quite understand, that is why this human book chose Xiaochuan and brought him back to the Qin Dynasty."

"I don't know what attracts it to Xiaochuan."

Zhang Chulan said:

"Dr. Xia, let's listen to Sister Baoer read on."

"See how the owner of this notebook arranged this human book."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Dr. Xia nodded.

"Well, that's good."

Then everyone looked at Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

【I asked Duo Kuohuo if there was any way to take this human book off Yi Xiaochuan, but Duo Kuohuo told me that everything can only be chosen by the human book itself, and it cannot be taken out by any method. 】

【That is to say, if I want to get the human book, I need to let the human book recognize me. 】

【But Duo Kuohuo knows very little about this human book, so he can only monitor Yi Xiaochuan at all times. 】

【At the same time, it is also necessary to prevent Yi Xiaochuan from dying, otherwise, the human book will continue to escape to who knows where. ]

Hearing this, Dr. Xia was relieved.

Yes, yes.

If Xiaochuan had the owner of the notebook behind him to protect him, his life would be much safer.

[After learning that I couldn't let Yi Xiaochuan die, I summoned the Wancai Qingsui Gu and ordered it to guard Yi Xiaochuan day and night until I took the human book out of his body. ]

[After making all these preparations, I returned to Pengcheng. ]

[The most important thing now is to build a force, but you can't build a force without money. I can't take out the treasure in my swallowing capsule. The large amount of wealth that appeared out of thin air will only affect history. Although the energy of the Yu Guang Guang has recovered a little, it is not enough for me to change such a big history. ]

[The most important thing now is to make money. ]

[The fastest way to make money is naturally to trade without capital. ]

[Although there are many big households in Pengcheng, they are all my future bases and cannot be moved, so I can only aim at other places. ]

[Finally, after various investigations, I set my sights on Shouchun next door. There are many wealthy families there, and with the developed trade, there are also many traveling merchants. As long as I do a few consecutive jobs, I can get the first pot of gold to create power. ]

[But I can't do this alone. I must find some Chu survivors in Pengcheng. ]

[After all, no relationship is as strong as robbing together. ]

Hearing the theory of the owner of the notebook, everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Su Zaiqiao even held his forehead.

This grandfather of mine really does things in an unconventional way.

[Finally, I used Jingju's identity to select ten Chu survivors who were still determined to restore the country. ]

[These people are Mi Qiong, Xiong Ying, Qu Yao, Jing Yun, Zhao Qiang, Xiang Heng, Wu Zhi, Shen Xuan, Huang Xin, and Pan Si. They are all brave and fierce, and there are three strange people among them, and none of them have married, and they are all alone. 】

【It can be said that they are all people who are full of beautiful yearning for the future life. 】

Hearing this.

Dr. Xia couldn't help but sigh.

"I really didn't expect that the ten tiger generals under Xiang Yu were actually summoned by the owner of the notebook at this time, but because of Xiang Yu's failure, the endings of these ten people were not very good."

"They all died in the chaos later."

Hearing this, everyone sighed.

Xu San spoke at this time.

"One rise and one fall."

"Perhaps these ten people were not famous in the original history, just some soldiers, and their ending may also be death."

"But with the help of this notebook owner, I think it's okay to be able to leave a name in history."

Dr. Xia nodded.


"So many people have been born and died throughout the ages, and how many people can leave their names in history books."

"Being able to leave your own name is not in vain in this world."

Everyone also sighed in their hearts.

Being able to leave your own name in history requires not only ability, but also luck.

After Dr. Xia finished speaking, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[After preparing our weapons and luggage, the eleven of us set off for Shouchun. ]

[The next step is to do some big things. ]

[However, intelligence work is very important. We need a lot of intelligence to see which merchants have money and where the money is kept. ]

[Otherwise, if we just rob them foolishly, we can only rob some superficial wealth at most, and there is no way to clean it up. ]

[Finally, after our many inquiries, we set our sights on the largest merchant in Shouchun. ]

[This man is a nobleman of the Qin Dynasty, and he is engaged in the salt and iron business, which is expressly prohibited. ]

[If it were before the unification of the Qin Dynasty, the salt and iron business he was engaged in would be absolutely prohibited, and even nobles would be beheaded. ]

[But now that the Qin Dynasty has been unified, the speed of corruption of the Qin nobles is beyond imagination. Many beheading businesses dare to be done openly. I think even if Fusu succeeds to the throne, it will be difficult for the Qin Empire to continue. ]

Dr. Xia sighed at this time.

"The owner of the notebook is right. Fusu is essentially a very incompetent person, and even a very cowardly and simple person."

Hearing Dr. Xia say this, everyone couldn't help but look at him.

After all, Fusu's evaluation in history is quite positive. Even most people think that if it was not Hu Hai who succeeded to the throne, but Fusu, there would be no overlord Xiang Yu and Emperor Gaozu of Han Liu Bang.

Looking at the archaeological master in front of him, Zhang Chulan asked curiously.

"Dr. Xia, why do you say that?"

"After all, in the evaluation of history, Fusu is still a very good person, and he even openly resisted Qin Shihuang's burning of books and burying of scholars."

After hearing this, Dr. Xia shook his head.

"I said Fusu was cowardly and simple because of his behavior, not the impression that later generations gave him."

"When Li Si fabricated the fake Qin Shihuang edict that sentenced him to death, Fusu had only three behaviors. He started crying, then entered the room, and then committed suicide with the sword Qin Shihuang gave him."

"It can be said that he followed any order from Qin Shihuang, including asking him to die."

"If this is not a manifestation of incompetence and cowardice, then what is it?"

"At that time, Meng Tian didn't believe it, and even advised Fusu to wait for a while, and it wouldn't be too late to commit suicide in a month. Anyway, he was going to die, so he might as well confirm the authenticity of the edict first."

"But Fusu went back to the room and committed suicide immediately after crying. Meng Tian was stunned at the time."

"If this is not simple, then what is it?"

After hearing this sentence, everyone seemed to open the door to a new perspective.


If it were me, I would never commit suicide no matter what.

Even if this edict was true, I had Meng Tian's support at the time, and it would be no problem for hundreds of thousands of troops to replace me.

Zhang Chulan sighed.

"Indeed, after what Dr. Xia said, Fusu is really stupid and naive."

Dr. Xia nodded.

"Of course."

"It is rare to see such naive people in history."

"At least resist."

"If he doesn't resist, I can't understand what Fusu was thinking."

Dr. Xia sighed heavily after he finished speaking.

"So sometimes I think."

"If Fusu had a personality like that of Yan Wang Zhu Di, history would have changed greatly."

"But there is only one Yan Wang Zhu Di, and Fusu is only Fusu."

"History has no assumptions."

Dr. Xia stopped talking after he finished speaking, and everyone was digesting what Dr. Xia had just said.

At this time, Feng Baobao also continued to read his notes.

【After making a plan, we broke into the noble's house overnight. 】

【This Qin Dynasty noble can be said to be evil on weekdays, so we killed the whole family of this Qin Dynasty noble and only spared some lower-level servants. 】

【In the end, we found 80,000 gold from the home of this Qin Dynasty nobleman, which can be said to be a huge fortune, enough for me to initially build a force. 】

Hearing that there were only 80,000 gold, Zhang Chulan, who did not understand the value of Qin Dynasty currency, could not help but look at Dr. Xia.

"Dr. Xia, I wonder how much this 80,000 gold is."

Dr. Xia sighed.

"This Qin Dynasty's one gold is actually one catty of copper. At that time, one catty was sixteen taels, and the value and purchasing power of one tael of copper is equivalent to about 300 yuan today."

"That is close to 400 million in cash."

"Plus the low productivity of that era, this 400 million in cash can be said to be equivalent to our 400 million around 2000."

Everyone was quite surprised to hear that so much money was robbed in one go.


400 million in 2000.

It's enough to feed a modern army.

Sure enough, no matter when in ancient times, the salt and iron business was a huge profit.

[Because we wanted to avoid the limelight, we did not choose to sell the stolen goods immediately. At the same time, in order to prevent these careless guys from squandering the money and exposing themselves, I did not give them a penny. ]

[The destruction of this branch of Qin nobles caused an uproar in the entire court of the Qin Dynasty. ]

[Qin Shihuang Yingzheng even sent an army of several thousand people, led by Meng Tian, ​​to Shouchun to investigate. ]

[However, I did a good job of post-processing at the time, and these Qin officials could not find any clues at all. ]

[In the end, we had no choice but to return home. Qin Shihuang was furious and began to increase the corvée in Shouchun and surrounding areas. ]

【As ​​for Yi Xiaochuan, Wancai Qingsui Gu told me that because the quota increased, Liu Bang, the head of the pavilion, set his sights on Yi Xiaochuan and wanted to include him in the list of corvée labor and send him to Xianyang. 】

Dr. Xia sighed.

“It turns out that this is the reason why corvée labor was aggravated in history.”

“Xiaochuan is just too naive by nature, and it is easy for him to be deceived by someone like Liu Bang who is proficient in thick black studies.”

Hearing thick black studies.

Zhang Chulan laughed.

“Dr. Xia, your friend’s son Yi Xiaochuan has read history, and I believe he will not let Liu Bang succeed.”

Dr. Xia nodded gently, his eyes full of worry.

Obviously he knew how easy it was for his friend’s son to trust others.

“I hope so.”

Feng Baobao’s voice continued to ring.

【At the same time, Wancai Qingsui Gu told me that part of the reason why Liu Bang wanted to add Yi Xiaochuan to the corvée list and get him out of Pei County was that Liu Bang liked Lü Zhi. Because of this, after getting Yi Xiaochuan out of Pei County, he had many opportunities to get close to Lü Zhi. 】

【In my opinion, Lü Zhi is a cruel woman by nature. Perhaps because she likes whatever she lacks, she actually likes Yi Xiaochuan, a naive guy. 】

【They are a perfect match for Liu Bang. 】

【As for Yi Xiaochuan, as long as his life is not in danger, I will not let Wancai Qingsui Gu take care of him. If he joins the corvée, he joins the corvée. It is also a good thing to send him to Xianyang to experience more things. 】

【Not long after, Wancai Qingsui Gu brought the news that Yi Xiaochuan was included in the corvée list. I was a little curious about what made Yi Xiaochuan, a rather cunning guy, willing to join the corvée list. 】

【Finally, Wancai Qingsui Gu told me that it was Yi Xiaochuan who took the initiative to become sworn brothers with Liu Bang, and then Liu Bang deliberately put on an embarrassing look in front of Yi Xiaochuan, and then tricked Yi Xiaochuan into joining the list of corvée labor. 】

"I'll tell you!"

Dr. Xia slapped his thigh, obviously very upset.

"Although Xiaochuan is very smart, he has a shallow understanding of human nature."

"I was still tricked by Liu Bang!"

Hearing Dr. Xia's annoyance, Zhang Chulan on the side hurried to comfort him.

"Dr. Xia, you don't have to be too upset about this matter. The owner of the notebook will not put Yi Xiaochuan's life in danger, so we don't have to worry at all."

"And as far as I know, the longest corvée labor in the Qin Dynasty was only three years, so Yi Xiaochuan would only suffer for three years at most."

After hearing this.

Dr. Xia nodded.

"You're right, I was too concerned."

"I just hope Xiaochuan can get out of danger later."

After saying that, Dr. Xia looked at Feng Baobao, expecting her to translate the following notes.


[Although this matter is not what I expected, but at this point, I still feel that Liu Bang can finally establish a country with his own set of skills. ]

[Continue to let Wancai Qingsui Gu follow Yi Xiaochuan, and I quietly wait for the opportunity to make this money my power]

[However, during the time I was waiting, I unexpectedly saw Lu Su on the street in Pengcheng. ]

[Out of curiosity, I restored my previous appearance and came to Lu Su. ]

[But what I didn't expect was that Lu Su hugged me the moment she saw me and expressed her heart. ]

[It turned out that she had lost her appetite since I left, and when she heard Yi Xiaochuan say that I might have come to Pengcheng, she took the initiative to find me. ]

[In this era, women who can make such a move can be said to be rare, so I also chose to accept this friendship. ]

[I just don't know why Lv Su didn't stay in the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum with Yu Shu, and I don't know where I arranged her at that time. ]

[After bringing Lv Su back to my residence, I thought Lv Su was trustworthy, so I took the initiative to tell Lv Su about my current situation. ]

[Lv Su was also shocked when she saw that I could disguise myself. She never thought that there was such a wonderful thing in this world. ]

[Then Lv Su told me that she decided to follow me from now on. ]

[I was very satisfied with Lv Su's reaction, and then I taught her the Ice Muscle and Jade Bone Skill. I have to say that Lv Su has a strong talent in practicing Qi, and she successfully mastered the Ice Muscle and Jade Bone Skill in two hours. ]

[I saw that she was so talented, so I also taught her the Taiping Yaoshu. ]

[From then on, I helped the Chu survivors everywhere under the identity of Jing Ju during the day, and returned to my original appearance at night to teach Lv Su. ]

[But the good times didn't last long. Half a month later, Lv Gong brought people to Pengcheng. 】

【He was very angry when he learned that I was just a poor nobleman, because he thought I had no capital to achieve great things. 】

【Lü Su told Lu Gong that she would marry no one but me. 】

【In the end, Lu Gong and Lu Su were so angry that they severed their father-daughter relationship. 】

【I saw that Lu Su was very upset, so I told her that if Lu Gong encountered any danger in the future, I would go to save his life. 】

【Lu Su smiled happily and thought she had followed the right person. 】

Dr. Xia suddenly realized.

"No wonder there is no record in history that Lu Gong had two daughters."

"It turned out that it was because the owner of the notebook severed his relationship with Lu Gong."

"That makes sense."

Feng Baobao continued to talk.


[Because the Taiping Yaoshu is too obscure, even if Lv Su is extremely talented, there is no way to make progress in a short period of time. ]

[There are many secret war methods in this Taiping Yaoshu, which can improve the morale of the army, increase the marching speed of the army, etc. This is why Zhang Jue can rely on a group of farmers to defeat various elites in the early stage in the future. It can be said that it is very helpful for my future plans. ]

[And let’s not talk about anything else. Just controlling the weather is equivalent to a BUG-level auxiliary in this ancient cold weapon era. Even if a dark cloud is summoned above the head during the march, the morale of the army can not be reduced, which is much stronger than marching under the scorching sun! ]

[So I began to constantly look for the cultivation talents of women in the pawns of the eighth pawnshop. ]

[Finally, I found the cultivation talents of an unknown female cultivator in the Sui Dynasty. Although she did not leave her name in history, this talent is much stronger than what I gave to Li Muxuan. ]

[If Lv Su combines the two talents, that is the true appearance of an immortal! ]

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