Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 212: The third level of reverse birth has a fourth level, first meeting Princess Yu Shu (5K

"This Pawnshop No. 8 is really a huge treasure."

Zhang Chulan looked yearningly.

"It would be great if you could give me some experience in cultivation, so that I wouldn't be in too much danger even if I go on a mission in the future."

The old Taoist priest was more concerned about the immortal appearance evaluated by his father.

"My father has seen more heroes than all of us combined. To be evaluated as an immortal by my father, could it be that Lu Su became an immortal in the Qin Dynasty, so he didn't appear in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang in later generations?"

"You know, this Taiping Yaoshu can become an immortal."

Hearing the old Taoist priest's guess.

Everyone also realized that this was a very likely thing to happen.

If Lu Su finally became an immortal.

With her feelings for the owner of the notebook, she would definitely give the owner of the notebook the strongest help.

Zhang Chulan thought of Zuo Ci at the beginning at this time.

"The owner of this notebook, my master's father, thought that it was the Zuo Ci who sent him back to the Qing Dynasty."

"But now it seems that it is more likely that it was this Lu Su!"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's guess, everyone looked curious.

It seems that this matter is really possible.

After all, although the owner of the notebook helped Zuo Ci to become an immortal, if we talk about the depth of feelings, Lu Su's feelings for the owner of the notebook are not as deep as those of the owner of the notebook.


The motivation of this Lu Su is much stronger than that of Zuo Ci.

While everyone was thinking.

Feng Baobao continued to read the remaining notes.


[After Lu Su successfully integrated the cultivation talent of this female cultivator, his own cultivation talent had reached an extremely terrifying level. ]

[It can even be said that it is a little stronger than my talent. ]

[Seeing this scene, I was also a little moved. Maybe I also need a talent to improve my strength. ]

[This world is like this. ]

[The gap between people is actually very small in nature. ]

[Even if the talents of two mediocre people are put together, they are much stronger than most geniuses in this world. ]

[So next I will start to choose talents that can make up for my shortcomings. ]

[After checking, I found a person's talent. I was also a little surprised when this person's name appeared in the pawn items of this No. 8 pawnshop. ]

[I never thought that Li Bai's cultivation talent would appear here. ]

"Li Bai!"

Everyone was surprised.

Even this poet had come to the No. 8 pawnshop?

It's incredible.

And what exactly did this Li Bai lack that he was willing to pawn his cultivation talent.

After all, everyone knows how crazy this Li Bai is about seeking immortality.

He even wrote the famous sentence "The immortal touches my head, and I will be immortal after tying my hair."

From here, we can see.

How crazy is this Li Bai's obsession with becoming an immortal.

But what exactly.

It actually made this great poet in history do such a crazy thing!

At this moment.

Feng Baobao has continued to read the rest of the notes.

[Li Bai's name made me stunned for a long time. ]

[I don't know what he exchanged at the beginning. Then I checked the transaction record and found that Li Bai exchanged for infinite talent. In other words, his cultivation talent is strong enough to match this infinite talent! ]

[Then I couldn't wait to use Li Bai's talent for myself. ]

[But my comprehension has reached the top, so Li Bai's talent did not increase my comprehension. ]

[I found that Li Bai's cultivation talent is best at cultivating a kind of skill to the highest level, and it will automatically derive the next stage of the highest level. ]

[That is to say, although I have now practiced the three levels of reverse birth to the third level of the highest level, Li Bai's cultivation talent can derive the fourth level. ]

[This is a talent that even the top level of comprehension cannot match, because even the top level of comprehension can only comprehend things within the rules. 】

【Li Bai's talent is so arrogant and unreasonable. You don't need to study it yourself. It will automatically derive the fourth level of cultivation for you. 】

Hearing that Li Bai's talent is so powerful, everyone felt a sense of absurdity.

He actually gave up this top talent that is almost BUG level for that infinite talent.

It's simply a waste of heaven.

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"If it is true as the owner of the notebook said, the third level of reverse life cannot reach the sky, maybe the fourth level can really."

"The third level has been completely transformed, I don't know what the fourth level looks like."

The old Tianshi's eyes flashed slightly.

"If the original Zuo Zhangmen cultivated to the fourth level of reverse life, I'm afraid that would be truly invincible in the world."

Hearing the old Tianshi say this, Zhang Chulan felt that his master was a little self-deprecating.

Everyone in the world doesn't know that his master is the most powerful alien in the alien world.

Even if Zuo Rutong came in person, there is no way to touch his master.

Then, Zhang Chulan said:

"Master, why are you so modest? Everyone knows that you are the strongest in the alien world."

The old master shook his head.

"No, that's not the case."

"My strength is only based on my life cultivation, and it is more in the scope of human beings."

"But I know that the three levels of reverse life, let alone the third level, can offset all attacks from the outside world, and the whole body will be instantly recovered if it is injured by Qi."

"Not to mention the third level, my father's notes have already explained it very clearly, the whole body is Qi, returning to the origin."

"Even high explosives can't kill it."

"And when it reaches the fourth level, I can't imagine what kind of realm it can reach."

"After all, these are all imaginations, castles in the air. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't know what's going on."

Hearing his master say this.

Zhang Chulan on the side had a brain hole.

"If the three levels of reverse life can't reach the sky, it means that even if it reaches the fourth level, it still can't reach it."

"But through the performance of the three levels of reverse life, I have a brain hole, I don't know if I can say it."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, everyone was a little curious.

Su Zaiqiao immediately urged.

"Zhang Chulan, you are just wasting everyone's time, hurry up and tell me."

Zhang Chulan chuckled.

"Qiaojie, don't be impatient."

"The first and early second levels of the three levels of reverse life still put people in a solid state."

"The second level is equivalent to a liquid state, no matter how much damage is caused, it can be changed back to its original state."

"I think the third level is not the whole body Qi, that is, the gas state."

"Then will the fourth level directly become a plasma state."

"That is, the high-energy state of matter."

"Not only can it recover infinitely, it also has extremely powerful energy that can cause various damages."

Hearing this, Xu Si on the side suddenly said:

"Isn't this the immortal body of the fire boy of Yakan?"

"It can transform itself into a flame form."

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"If this Fire Boy's Immortal Body finally returns to its normal form, it will still be hurt."

"This fourth level of Reverse Life, I guess it was healed at the time of injury."

"In terms of practicality, it is much stronger than this Fire Boy's Immortal Body."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, everyone nodded slowly.

The old Taoist priest said at this moment:

"It seems that there is a method of the fourth level of Reverse Life in this world."

"I just don't know what kind of expression Old Lu will have when he knows this news."

Zhang Chulan chuckled.

"Master, I think this Master Lu will definitely doubt his life there."

"After all, I have practiced the third level of Reverse Life for my whole life, and I have been spinning in the second level."

"Until this third level of Reverse Life has the fourth level, the expression on his face will definitely be wonderful."

Seeing Zhang Chulan's smirk, the old Taoist priest shook his head.

Perhaps Old Lu's reaction will really be the same as Chulan imagined, and he will constantly doubt his life in his heart.

At this moment.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.


[For Li Bai's behavior, I can only understand that he was deceived by the original owner of the No. 8 pawnshop. ]

[Or, he thought his talent for cultivation was ordinary, but in fact he did not practice any of the techniques to the full level, so he naturally could not discover the secret. ]

[Now no matter what, Li Bai's talent is still a bargain for me. ]

[After integrating Li Bai's talent, I successfully obtained the advanced methods of the techniques that I had practiced to the perfect state before. ]

[Nine Star Golden Light Mantra, Circle Turning Method, Will-raising Method, Fire Swallowing Method, Five Immortal Method, Soul Separation Method, Hundred Evil Body Method, etc. ]

[No less than a hundred kinds of cultivation methods made me miserable for a while. ]

[Although I thought my brain was enough, I couldn't hold on after so many methods came out at once. ]

[I fell asleep immediately, and Lu Su was taking care of me during this time. ]

[When I woke up, all my cultivation insights had been integrated. I just needed to practice them one by one until perfection in the following time. ]

[I asked Lv Su and Lv Su told me that it was half a month later. During this period, my little bug kept coming back, and chose to go back when I was sleeping. ]

[I realized that it was Wancai Qingsui Gu who had something to tell me, so I began to call Wancai Qingsui Gu. ]

[Although Wancai Qingsui Gu was thousands of miles away at this time, we had telepathy and came to my side after breaking through the space. ]

[Wancai Qingsui Gu told me that when Yi Xiaochuan was doing corvée labor, he seemed to have met his former friend, a man named Gao Yao. ]

[In order to prevent his brother Lu Wan from doing corvée labor, Liu Bang drugged Gao Yao, a friend of Yi Xiaochuan, and sent Gao Yao to be a government slave. Yi Xiaochuan was sent to build the Great Wall to resist the Rongdi people. 】

Zhang Chulan was a little curious at this time. He didn't know what this official slave was.

"Dr. Xia, what is this official slave."

"I haven't heard of it."

Dr. Xia sighed at this time.

"I didn't expect that Xiaochuan and the chef of their archaeological team traveled to the Qin Dynasty together."

"As for Liu Bang, he was really cruel. He actually sent Gao Yao to be an official slave."

"You know, most of the official slaves in the Qin Dynasty were family members of some criminals, and they were also the reserve team of eunuchs."

"When the palace is short of eunuchs, they will go to this official slave camp to select."

"I just hope that this chef Gao Yao will not be selected to be a eunuch in the palace in the end."

Hearing Dr. Xia say this, Zhang Chulan also felt the malice from ancient times at this moment.

"Is this the case?"

"If this Gao Yao ends up being a eunuch, I don't know how much he would hate Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty."

Dr. Xia sighed again.

"Who says it's not true?"

"And the eunuch hierarchy at that time was extremely strict, and being beaten to death was commonplace."

"It can be said that after becoming a eunuch, the probability of death increases by 50%."

"Except for being there all day and worried, there is nothing else you can do, and you can't decide your own fate at all."

After hearing this, everyone felt a chill down their spines.

Fortunately, we are in a civilized society now, otherwise, the people at the bottom don't know how miserable their lives are.

At this time, Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

【And just a few days ago, Yi Xiaochuan and the civilians who built the Great Wall with him were captured by the Tuan Kingdom outside the Great Wall and became slaves. The various things they had experienced recently were too dangerous, so Wancai Qingsui Gu asked me if I wanted to rescue Yi Xiaochuan. 】

【Although I don’t know the specific situation of Tuan Kingdom, Yi Xiaochuan’s life is not under my control if he is not in the territory of Daqin. 】

【So I immediately decided to go there in person to see what was going on. 】

【By the way, rescue Yi Xiaochuan. 】

【Then, I told Lu Su that I would be away for a while, and asked him to keep it a secret for me during this time. Then I used the fire escape to easily come to the territory of Tuan Kingdom. 】

【Here, I did not choose to disguise myself, but directly mixed into the slave camp. 】

【The Tuan people are not good at counting, and they can’t tell if there is one more or one less. 】

【Yi Xiaochuan was very surprised when he saw me and asked me when I was captured. I told Yi Xiaochuan that I was also captured by Liu Bang to build the Great Wall. It was just because I was in the last batch, so he didn't see me when he built the Great Wall before. 】

【Yi Xiaochuan trusted his sworn brother very much and claimed that Liu Bang must have his own difficulties in capturing me. After escaping from Tuan, he personally took me to ask Liu Bang what was going on. 】

【I asked Yi Xiaochuan if he knew a person named Gao Yao. I heard that Liu Bang knocked Gao Yao unconscious and sent him to be a government slave. 】

【Yi Xiaochuan told me that his elder brother was not such a person and would never do such a thing. He must have his reasons for capturing Gao Yao, and perhaps Liu Bang's original intention was not like this. 】

【For Yi Xiaochuan's pedantry and naivety, I lost the desire to talk to him for a while. 】

【If it weren't for the book on him, I wouldn't care about such a person! 】

Dr. Xia sighed slightly after hearing this.

"Xiaochuan is good in everything except that he is too easy to trust others."

"Even though Liu Bang has tricked him into this, he is unwilling to admit that he has misjudged him."

"We can only hope that the owner of the notebook can be more patient with Xiaochuan."

Hearing Dr. Xia say this, everyone felt that Yi Xiaochuan was too confused about right and wrong, and they could not feel any sympathy for him.

At this moment.

Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"As long as the human book in Yi Xiaochuan's body does not leave, then the owner of the notebook will take care of Yi Xiaochuan until the end of time."

"So Dr. Xia, your worries are unnecessary."

Dr. Xia nodded when he heard this.

"Well, I hope so."

At this moment.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

【After leaving the slave camp, I wandered around in Tuan, and at the same time thought about how to let Yi Xiaochuan escape from Tuan. 】

【While I was wandering around, I unexpectedly found Yu Shu playing with some women by the river. 】

【I don't know if it was at this time that I met Yu Shu, so I tried to get closer to Yu Shu, but before I got close, some Tuan warriors blocked me and prevented me from seeing Yu Shu. 】

【Seeing this, Yu Shu walked away with the maidservant beside her. 】

【Seeing this, I knew it was not the time to meet Yu Shu yet, so I left the place and observed everything about Tuan from behind, and practiced many key methods I had just obtained. 】

【This feeling is very wonderful, like floating away from the world, observing the world as a bystander. 】

【In the following days, I took out a notebook and a Hui ink brush to record everything I saw. 】

"It turned out to be from this time."

Zhang Chulan's eyes were surprised.

"Perhaps, the notebook we saw was recorded from this time."

"A notebook from the pre-Qin period!"

"Now I suddenly feel that the clouds and mist are clear and the moon is bright."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Dr. Xia looked curious.

"It's incredible."

"Look at this notebook, it looks so new and it's not even a hundred years old. I'm afraid the owner of the notebook used the Universe Light to travel through time and brought the notebook back with him."

"It hasn't been baptized by time."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Well, it seems to be like this."

Then, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, keep reading."

Feng Baobao nodded, and then read from the notes.

[During the observation period, I didn't expect that Yi Xiaochuan fell in love with Yu Shu at first sight, and kept creating opportunities to meet Yu Shu. I naturally couldn't stand this, so I let Tuan's soldiers see through Yi Xiaochuan's intentions and tortured him. ]

[Not long after, Qin Shihuang sent Meng Tian as an envoy to deliver the imperial edict, and stated that if the Qin Dynasty didn't want to blame Tuan for robbing the workers who built the Great Wall, Princess Yu Shu must be sent to marry, otherwise he would have to send troops to attack Tuan. ]

[It must be said that Yu Shu loved her people very much, and she would protect Tuan from harm even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness. ]

[So a few days later, Yi Xiaochuan and other Tuan slaves followed the wedding car team back to Qin to continue building the Great Wall. 】

【Of course I didn't care about that, so I kidnapped Yu Shu on the way. In order to punish Yi Xiaochuan, and since no one in Qin had ever seen Yu Shu's face, I disguised Yi Xiaochuan as a beautiful woman and sent her to the palace to replace Yu Shu. 】

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