Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 216 The true power of Tiangongtang Jitianzhixie, the Twelve Golden Men of the First Emperor!

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the note owner's actions.

Zhang Chulan even rubbed his brows.

"Could it be that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang didn't originally want to revolt, but were finally forced to do so by the owner of the notebook?"

Dr. Xia couldn't laugh or cry at this moment.

"So this is the revisionism of history?"

"If it hadn't been for time travel, these historical events would never have happened."

"The history that follows will become a history that we are unfamiliar with."

“Or, in other words, it’s the kind of history we have no way of understanding at all.”

"That's all, I won't say any more, let's just listen to what this girl Bao'er has to say next."

After hearing this, everyone understood what Professor Xia meant.


If Yi Xiaochuan, Gao Yao and the owner of the note had not gone back to the past, this kind of history would never have happened.

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read from his notes.

[When I came to Daze Township, I happened to see Chen Sheng and Wu Guang heading towards Xianyang with a group of corvees. Looking at the situation, if nothing else happened, there would be no rain for more than ten days in a row, so Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were able to successfully The corvee was sent to Xianyang. 】

[Seeing this situation, I immediately realized that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang could not be sent to him. 】

[So I used the Taoist art of Taiping to summon dark clouds and rain. 】

[Although my attainments in this area are not as high as Lu Su's, it still works to create a heavy rain. 】

[As a result, Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and his group were unable to move forward because the road was slippery, and their feet even sank into the mud every step they took. 】

[The roads of the Qin Dynasty are not as developed as those of later generations. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang had no choice but to take the corvees to a sheltered place to wait for the weather to clear. 】

[Of course, I will not let them get what they want. I will let it rain heavily for the next three consecutive days until they eat up all the dry food they carry. 】

[After eating all the dry food, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang had no choice, because three days had passed. Even if they went to the Qin Dynasty, they would still be decapitated. When everyone was dead, Chen Sheng shouted the sentence that influenced later generations for thousands of years. Famous quote: "Princes, generals, and ministers are so kind!\

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