Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 217 The Yisi battery inside the Jin man, the person from the Gongshu family who swapped bodi

"Have the twelve golden men also been transformed into institutions?"

Dr. Xia muttered to himself.

"No wonder these twelve golden people in history disappeared in the end. It turned out that they were transformed into institutions by the Gongshu family."

"I originally speculated that these twelve golden men were pushed down by the princes and kings and used to forge weapons."

"Looking now, that's not the case at all."

"It's really interesting that the Gongshu family actually made him a spy."

Hearing what Dr. Xia said, Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"The Gundam of this note owner is made of Hematite Elite. Although I have never seen Hematite Elite, I think it should be an extremely strong metal. How can the Twelve Gold Man touch it?"

"I guess the next step is to kill these twelve golden people instantly."

Dr. Xia shook his head.

"These twelve golden men are definitely not used to deal with the Gundam controlled by this notebook owner. They are most likely used to deter the rebels."

"After all you want."

"Same as when Zhang Han's army saw the Gundam controlled by the note owner, they immediately lost the courage to resist."

"The other rebels don't have Gundams to protect them, so they will naturally surrender without a fight."

"It seems that the original history must have been artificially modified by everyone, and all these alien things were changed."

Zhang Chulan looked nostalgic.

"In that case, the historians in the Huangdi period were more ethical."

"It can faithfully record what happened at that time, but because of this, most of us just regard these things as myths and legends."

Dr. Xia nodded.

"Chu Lan, you are right, it is indeed like this."

"After all, in the eyes of the rulers at the time, the continuation of these histories would be detrimental to their rule."

"Okay, let this girl Bao'er continue reading and see what happens next."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"That's fine,"

Afterwards, Feng Baobao continued reading from the notes.

[Subsequently, I asked Seisaku to investigate what kind of power the Gongshu family had, so that they could actually have such a huge energy to activate the Twelve Golden People. 】

[However, none of the sent craftsmen were able to successfully obtain specific information and came back. It seems that the Qin Dynasty had some method to identify the craftsmen. Most of the craftsmen sent were identified and killed, and none were caught. To be honest, they are some timid guys who did not go deep into the hinterland. 】

[In the end, I had no choice but to go there in person and take a look at the differences between the Gongshu family’s mechanisms and weapon refining techniques and those of the Moh family. 】

[Then, I disguised myself as a rogue swordsman and started heading towards Donghai County, which is now under the control of the Qin Dynasty. 】

[Now the rebels near Donghai County are frightened by the Jin people of the Qin Dynasty. They have no idea of ​​​​confronting the Qin Dynasty. However, they also know that being caught by the Qin Dynasty will mean death, so they all choose to go up the mountain or hide in the countryside. Grass falling in the wild becomes a bandit. 】

[And after I came to Donghai County, I immediately caught a Qin Dynasty Wu Commander, killed him and took his identity, and observed the Qin Dynasty Jin at close range. 】

[Because Donghai County is located along the coast, the people of the Gongshu family did not pay much attention to it. They only sent two children of their own family to control a Jin man to help Donghai County. 】

[This golden figure is not made of gold, but is made of iron and bronze melted together into molten iron. It is actually a metal giant of copper-iron alloy. It is about 20 meters in length, which is almost the same as before Gundam appeared. This is one of the tallest metal buildings during the Qin Dynasty. 】

[I don’t know what kind of power it has now gained to turn this rather crudely made golden man into a war machine like the killing demon. 】

[Finally, I found the right opportunity and killed one of the Gongshu family members, disguised myself as the other person, and started talking to the other Gongshu family member. 】

[In the end, I was surprised to find that the Gongshu family actually made something called an Yis battery as the core energy source of the Jin people to activate the Jin people. 】

[In other words, this Gongshu family did not refine weapons, but transformed the Jinren into technological products! 】

"Is that really what happened?"

Everyone looked extremely surprised when they heard the rest of the note.

"Why do the technological products from the Qin Dynasty sound so outrageous?"

"Yes, after all, it took more than two thousand years for this kind of technology to be developed."

"I don't know why the He Gongshu family made the battery. Could it be that the owner of the notebook created the Gundam, which caused the history to be corrected and allowed a person from the Gongshu family to fight against the Gundam?"

Dr. Xia heard this and said:

"Speaking of it, this battery is not troublesome to make. As early as 1800, someone sandwiched a piece of cloth soaked in salt water between a copper piece and a zinc piece to construct a small unit, and then these Small units are stacked up to form a battery that can produce a stable current."

"But batteries can be made, but the battery that can drive such a huge golden man is not something that people of that era can make."

"And not to mention that era, even in our modern times, there is simply no way to create a battery that can drive thousands of tons of robots."

"Then the only possibility now is that the Gongshu family got the support of aliens, which made it possible to make such a powerful battery."

Hearing that the aliens were involved, Zhang Chulan said:

"Isn't it said that there is a group of aliens who want to rule the earth? Wang Zhenqiu's previous department suffered heavy casualties."

"So if that's the case, the group of aliens in the Qin Dynasty is very likely not the aliens we have now."

"It seems that these aliens are also good and bad."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, please continue reading and see what's next."

Feng Baobao nodded, and then continued reading from the notes in her hand.

【The moment I learned that the Gongshu family actually transformed the Jin people into robots, I realized that it is very likely that the Gongshu family has inherited some prehistoric technology, or even got some help from alien technology. 】

【But soon, I realized that I was wrong. ]

[Because I learned through trickery that the Gongshu family had a young genius named Gongshu Rulong. When he was young, I didn't see anything special about him, but when he was thirteen, he had a high fever. After the high fever, he seemed to have changed into a different person. He began to learn all kinds of knowledge everywhere, and even had to relearn the language. ]

[In other words, after the high fever, he forgot all his knowledge, even common sense, and needed to relearn in order to integrate with normal people. ]

[For this kind of thing, at first they all thought that Gongshu Rulong had offended ghosts and gods, and invited many alchemists to exorcise Gongshu Rulong, but in the end, there was no effect. ]

[In the end, they could only let it go. ]

[And when Gongshu Rulong was sixteen years old, that is, last year, he suddenly had a high fever again. After the high fever, he remembered everything before the age of thirteen, but he had completely forgotten everything from the age of thirteen to sixteen. 】

【The patriarch of the Gongshu family was alarmed by this matter and asked him some questions in person, but Gongshu Rulong could not answer them at all. 】

【Gongshu Rulong said that he had been to a dreamy place in the three years since he left. That place was a library full of different knowledge. He liked the knowledge called science and technology the most, so he began to learn the knowledge in it. 】

【And this battery that can drive the golden man was also made with the knowledge he learned. 】

【After listening to this story, I immediately realized that it was the great race Yis who exchanged bodies with the young man of the Gongshu family, and let the young man bring a lot of advanced scientific knowledge. 】

【I am very curious about this matter. What is the purpose of this great race that conquered time? Why would it choose such a time node to let this young man who helped the Qin Dynasty appear! 】

"The great race Yis!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It turns out that the great race Yisi existed during the Qin Dynasty, and there were examples of body exchange with the descendants of Lu Ban!"

"I just don't know if there are any examples of body exchange with Yisi in modern times, otherwise, it will definitely take our technology to a higher level!"

Dr. Xia sighed at this time.

"This kind of race that can ignore the development of time and historical trends is really desirable."

Zhang Chulan was very worried at this time.

"If this is the case, then some plans of the owner of the notebook are likely to be disrupted, and then there will be a possibility of changing history."

"I really don't know if the remaining energy of this Yu Guang disk can help the owner of the notebook withstand the consequences of changing history."

Everyone was curious after hearing this.


This sudden appearance of the twelve golden men has obviously changed history. The great race Yisi that conquered time can naturally eliminate the backlash brought by this history, but this owner of the notebook may not be sure.

I just hope that he can still enter the Gongshu family to study like before, and then solve this trouble.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

【After learning the deep meaning, I chose to go directly into the golden man to study. 】

【Although the internal structure of the golden man is still very rough, it is already extremely sophisticated compared to other mechanisms of the Qin Dynasty. 】

【After careful study, I found that the technology used by the golden man is indeed a technology I have never seen before. 】

【It can even be said that there are some specially engraved runes that can be maintained with the power of the sun, moon and stars to ensure that the golden man will not rust and corrode, and can also make the operator more satisfied. 】

【In this respect, my Gundam mecha is indeed not as good as these golden men. 】

【But I will learn, and then I learned these runes and improved them and engraved them on my Gundam. In addition, the core battery of the golden man can also be installed on the Gundam. Once successful, the battery life can be at least doubled by dozens of times. 】

【But the energy core of the golden man is tightly sealed, so I have no way to do anything. In addition, even if I forcibly dismantle it, the energy core of the golden man will be damaged, and I will not be able to study anything in the end. 】

【So in the end I could only withdraw and wait for the day to join the Gongshu family. 】

[This day came very quickly. A month later, two disciples of the Gongshu family came to take over the shift and told us that we could have a good rest for two months after returning. ]

[Now Gongshu Rulong has made something that can ensure the longevity of the Qin Dynasty. ]

[I am naturally very curious about this kind of thing. ]

[I don’t know what Gongshu Rulong has made, so after the shift change, we came to the place where Gongshu Rulong was, which is the base camp of the Gongshu family. ]

[This place is the Sanqin land in the future, but the current Sanqin land is not as desolate as in the future. It can even be said that the Loess Plateau is not the Loess Plateau, but a lush forest mountain range. The various large gullies in the future are now all filled with water. ]

Hearing this, Dr. Xia’s eyes were full of regrets.

"The Sanqin area was originally a land of abundant fish and rice, but after more than 2,000 years of development, it has now become a barren and barren place."

Everyone was silent after hearing Dr. Xia's answer.


There are too many environmental damages caused by human overdevelopment. I don't know what the earth will look like in another two thousand years.

Could it be that there will be steel cities everywhere on the ground?

While everyone was thinking, Feng Baobao didn't stop.


[The disciples who can be sent out are all of high status, so after I came here, I can go to many places here at will. ]

[When I came to the place where Gongshu Rulong was, I also saw his many inventions. ]

[However, due to the limitations of the times, Gongshu Rulong could only make some relatively basic things. ]

[What surprised me most was a thing called stagnation block. 】

【This stagnation block only needs a small amount of power to start. Once started, it can form a time field around it. The time flow rate of things covered by this time field will be reduced by 100 times. 】

【In other words, as long as you enter this time field, all molecular movements will be slowed down by a hundred times, and it can be used to save many things. 】

【At this time, Gongshu Rulong told me that he had seen stagnation blocks used by those strange-looking people in his dream. They used stagnation blocks to save some things that were difficult to save in the flow of time, such as the books in the library where he was. 】

【The most powerful stagnation block can even make the time flow rate of surrounding objects reach one second to one million years. 】


After hearing this, everyone's eyes fell into a daze.

They didn't expect it at all.

There are such outrageous things in this world.

Zhang Chulan said blankly:

"Stagnation block? If this is the effect, it is really surprising."

"And this stagnation block can not only store items, but also has other uses."

"You can even put it on your body for defense."

"Imagine that a bullet flies towards you. After entering this time force field, its speed will slow down by a hundred times. I think even ordinary people can find and avoid this bullet that slows down by a hundred times in time."

Su Zaiqiao was very curious.

"If that's the case, the time force field can not only affect the attack sent to you, but also affect yourself."

"The two are in conflict, and there is no way to avoid it. You can't avoid it if you can't avoid it."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan laughed.

"Perhaps the Yis have also developed a corresponding device that can allow people carrying such a device to ignore the stagnation block."

Dr. Xia spoke at this time.

"Well, if that's the case, it makes sense."

"But if there really is such a device, the Yis people will probably be able to dominate the universe with this stasis block."

"It won't be reduced to running away 10,000 years later."

When Zhang Chulan heard Dr. Xia say this, he also thought of the flying hydra recorded in the original notes.

I don't know what kind of ability this flying hydra has, it can actually force this great race Yis to 10,000 years later.

And this flying hydra will not be completely extinct until 10,000 years later, which means that the flying hydra is still living in this era.

I just don't know whether it lives on Earth or on other planets.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.

[The stasis block is too dangerous for me, and Gongshu Rulong must not be left. ]

[However, the scientific and technological knowledge mastered by Gongshu Rulong can be said to make me very excited. I must squeeze out all the knowledge of Gongshu Rulong before solving it. 】

When they heard that the owner of the notebook wanted the technological knowledge of Gongshu Rulong, everyone was moved.

According to the character of the owner of the notebook who would not give up until he achieved his goal, he would definitely squeeze out all the knowledge that Gongshu Rulong possessed.

The technology of the Yis people.

I don’t know what it will be.

[Fortunately, Gongshu Rulong’s personality is that of a child. I only need to go along with him and coax him to get what I need. ]

[And I was the first to obtain the manufacturing method of this Yis battery. ]

[In simple terms, this is a super-energy crystal core battery with an irregular polyhedron shape on the outside. The intensity of the light will change with the change of electricity. ]

[It is very simple to obtain the material. You only need to find high-purity white crystal to make it. Through special calcination, the crystal can produce extremely high energy density and extremely stable structure. ]

[Then release and store energy through the special arrangement and special vibration of crystal molecules. ]

[After making this Is battery, I also carefully measured the performance of this battery. ]

[It can be said that this Is battery is extremely perfect. ]

[It has the characteristics of ultra-high energy density, fast charging, self-repair, and intelligent adaptation. ]

[Especially this intelligent adaptation, even if I put this battery directly into the Gundam now, I don’t need to make other settings, and the Gundam can get a steady stream of efficient energy! ]

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