Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 218 The feasibility of technological revolution, the thousand-year layout of the owner of th

After hearing this description, all the people on the company's board of directors couldn't sit still.

They never expected that this so-called Isis battery would have such excellent and perfect performance!

Not only is the material easy to obtain, but since it could be made at will in the Qin Dynasty, the production method must be extremely simple!

Zhao Fangxu took a deep breath at this time.

He had already thought about how much change would happen if this kind of battery was obtained in today's society.

"This battery is too precious and too terrible."

"If the owner of the notebook left any production method, even if all the previous notebook information is added together, it is not as valuable as this battery."

"To put it more extreme, even a hundred elixirs that can make you immortal on the spot are not as good as this battery!"

Hearing what Zhao Fangxu said, Zhang Chulan, who had been in the circle of aliens for some time, couldn't think straight for a while.

"Chairman Zhao, what do you mean?"

Seeing Zhang Chulan asking, Zhao Fangxu laughed.

"This is something that can cause an energy revolution!"

"If this kind of battery is mastered by our country, it means that traditional petrochemical energy will be quickly eliminated."

"In terms of energy, our country will no longer be strangled by foreign countries, and the cost of energy will be greatly reduced. Projects that were originally delayed due to high energy costs will be restarted, and technology will usher in a big explosion!"

Zhao Fangxu became more and more excited as he spoke.

A beautiful blueprint appeared in front of him at this moment.

When he said this, he even stood up.

"Perhaps the mode of transportation will undergo a fundamental change."

"Traditional gasoline and gas vehicles will become history."

"Like the new energy electric vehicles and aircraft that we are vigorously promoting now, the endurance and performance will also be greatly improved."

"The cost of long-distance flights will be greatly reduced. In the future, space travel may become commonplace."

"And other fields such as navigation and space exploration will definitely usher in explosive development."

"Our Dragon Country's economy will also take off under the impetus of this battery."

"And environmental improvement. After we have this battery, we don't have to rely on fuels such as oil and coal. Greenhouse gas emissions will also be sharply reduced. It can even be said that it is only a matter of time before the ecology returns to the state of primitive civilization!"

"However, this will bring unimaginable social changes, and may also lead to tense international relations. At the same time, the employment structure will also be greatly adjusted."

"But overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. It can be said that the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, and even all the disadvantages can be ignored!"

Zhao Fangxu's words were passionate, and everyone present was excited.

Dr. Xia adjusted his glasses.

"Indeed, what Mr. Zhao said will become a reality after we obtain the manufacturing method of this battery."

"I just don't know if the owner of this notebook has left the manufacturing method of this battery. If he has, it will really benefit the present and future generations."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan hurriedly looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, please read quickly and see if there is any manufacturing method of this battery in the next notebook."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

Then he continued to read the notebook in his hand.

[Now that we have obtained the manufacturing method of this battery, the ideas that could not be realized with Zhenqi can be realized at this moment. ]

[And next, I also started to study how to install weapons and defense devices for Gundam. ]

[And drew the most preliminary design blueprint. ]

[The first design blueprint I made was the defense device, the energy shield generator. The principle of this energy shield generator is similar to the Golden Light Mantra, and I also referred to the inspiration generated by the Golden Light Mantra. 】

【Under the charge of this battery, the energy shield generator can generate a powerful energy shield, which is about a thousand times stronger than the Golden Light Curse I cast. At the same time, after being damaged, it can also be quickly repaired by relying on the battery charge. 】

When Zhang Chulan heard that the defense strength was a thousand times that of the Golden Light Curse released by the owner of the notebook, he was a little bit unimaginable.

"It actually has a thousand times the defense power of the Golden Light Curse!"

"Not to mention anything else, even the Golden Light Curse of my level can block pistol bullets, then the Golden Light Curse of the owner of the notebook may be able to successfully block even cannons."

"This strength of a thousand times the Golden Light Curse is simply unimaginable."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Xu San on the side spoke at this time.

"Chu Lan, this is nothing unimaginable. Ordinary pistol bullets, let's say 54, can penetrate a steel plate of about 5 mm within ten meters. In other words, your own golden light spell defense is roughly equivalent to a steel plate of more than 6 mm thick."

"This notebook owner, according to common sense, can almost withstand the bombardment of a general-caliber howitzer."

"And the average power of a howitzer can probably easily penetrate a one-meter thick steel plate. Then this energy shield generator, which is about a thousand times the strength of the notebook owner's shield, is equivalent to the strength of a steel plate of more than a thousand meters thick."

When they heard this outrageous, everyone was a little uneasy.

A steel plate of more than a thousand meters thick can defend against nuclear weapons, right? Even a nuclear weapon bombing together may not be able to blow through a steel plate of more than a thousand meters thick!

It's really beyond imagination.

Fortunately, the owner of the note only drew a design drawing and had not yet manufactured it.

According to past experience, this kind of defense device will definitely take several years to successfully manufacture.

Otherwise, this kind of defense device would have been too buggy at the time!

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to recite the remaining notes.

[I think this type of defense device is enough. Naturally, the more weapons there are, the better. 】

[First of all, how can this Gundam function without a lightsaber, so I designed a plasma-cutting lightsaber that can be extended and retracted at will based on the principle of raising weapons. 】

[This kind of plasma cutting lightsaber, under the action of battery energy, the blade is completely composed of high-temperature plasma. It relies on the extremely stable energy output of the battery to keep the blade high temperature and sharp. 10% of the output energy can cut When it comes to solid objects like rocks, 30% can cut through steel alloys at will, and 50% can't even be resisted by hematite elites. If the output power reaches 100%, it can definitely cut through any material in the world! 】

Everyone gasped when they heard that this plasma-cutting lightsaber was so powerful.

Able to cut through all matter in this world.

This tone is a bit too loud.

At this time, Su Zaiqiao was a little curious.

"I've heard of refining weapons and objects, but I don't know what the method of raising weapons and objects is."

At this time, Zhang Chulan thought of Yun who was at the Luotian Dajiao.

A measuring ruler splits the sky and splits the earth, nourishing the ruler into matter and extending the waves.


The plasma cutting lightsaber is designed based on this principle.

At this moment, Xu San looked at the dagger on Feng Baobao's waist.

"By coincidence, this transformation actually belongs to a very rare genre. You can use your own true energy to feed a weapon. This weapon does not need to be a magical weapon. If you cultivate it to the end, it will have the same effect as a magical weapon. "

"For example, Bao Bao's dagger is an incarnation. After a long period of true energy feeding, it directly becomes a good help."

Su Zaiqiao nodded.

"It turns out that I am ignorant."

Zhang Chulan was laughing at this time.

"It's not that you are ignorant, Sister Qiao. I have been in the alien world for so long, and I have only seen two people who use this kind of transformation. Apart from Sister Bao'er, the only one is the cloud on Luo Tian's great altar."

"The measuring ruler in his hand is almost equivalent to his true energy amplifier, which can extend his true energy attack range to fifteen meters."

"I estimate that the design inspiration of this note owner came from here."

"So that's it."

At this moment, Su Zaiqiao felt that he had really made the right decision when he went out this time.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to read this knowledge from books.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[After designing the plasma cutting lightsaber, I started thinking hard, and finally I came up with two other weapons, which are the energy pulse gun and the quantum shaped cannon. 】

[It can be said that the two weapons have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they also have different effects in different combat scenarios. 】

[For example, this energy pulse gun can quickly fire high-energy pulses and can easily penetrate ordinary metal and protective materials. 】

[You can also hit protected moving targets at fixed points, and changing the mode can also make it have an explosive effect. 】

[It is very suitable for dealing with multiple enemies and some enemies that move faster in the air. 】

[This quantum concentrated cannon is different from this energy pulse gun. It can concentrate the attack through long-term energy storage and carry out a one-time super powerful launch, which can be said to be miraculous against large targets. 】

[One protective device and three weapon devices are enough to give this Mecha Gundam complete combat capabilities. It can be said that except that it cannot fly, everything else is perfect. 】

[As for Gongshu Rulong, during the time when I was working on the design drawings, he had already made all the instruments he could make. 】

[In addition to the stagnation block, others include environmental adaptation clothing, thinking enhancers, and material reorganizers. 】

[This environmentally adaptable suit allows the wearer to survive and carry out activities in various harsh environments. 】

[Thinking enhancer can increase brain activity and assist in complex calculations and thinking. 】

[The material reorganizer consumes a large amount of energy to convert the form of matter. 】

[Super energy crystal core battery, stasis block, environmentally adaptable clothing, thinking enhancer, and material reorganizer are the five technological crystallizations that Gongshu Rulong learned during the three years in the Great Library of Yis. 】

[After I obtained the production methods of the five technologies, I sealed the place where the Gongshu family was located. They did not leave their names in history, presumably for this reason. 】

[Then, in the following time, I started to attack the remaining Jin people. After taking away the batteries of these Jin people, the Jin people naturally fell into a state of paralysis. 】

[At the same time, I also realized that creating something like mecha in this era that is obviously beyond the current version will attract very outrageous things to correct, so I sealed the mecha for the remaining time. Got up and didn't use any more. 】

[Fortunately, we have many elite soldiers and fierce generals here. It can be said that we killed the Qin army along the way. 】

[But what is supposed to happen in history will still happen. In September, Xiang Liang was defeated and killed by Zhang Han in the Battle of Dingtao. Xiang Yu fell into grief. The next year, he killed Zhang Han and Wang Li, and I also saw the very exciting battle in history. ]

[It must be said that Xiang Yu's bravery is unparalleled in the ages. This is not empty talk. ]

[Xiang Yu alone killed Zhang Han's 30,000 elites. This guy is really a reincarnation of a demon star! ]

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"Didn't history say that Xiang Yu only killed 10,000 people? How come here, he killed 30,000 people!"

"Ten thousand and thirty thousand are not the same concept, and they are not even on the same level!"

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but close his eyes and imagine it.

But his mind was empty.

Then he sighed.

"I can't even imagine how one person killed 30,000 people alone."

"If I were on that battlefield, I would probably die of fright on the spot."

Dr. Xia carefully recalled the various historical knowledge he had learned.

"It seems that the record of Xiang Yu killing 10,000 enemies was artificially weakened."

"Otherwise, if he only killed 10,000 people, then the history that was preserved might be 3,000 people, or even 1,000 people."

"It can only be said that after Liu Bang went through the Hongmen Banquet, he hated Xiang Yu to the bone. If the historians of the time and later generations were so cowardly and incompetent, I don't know how much history would be changed beyond recognition."

Everyone was silent after hearing this.

History can be believed but not completely believed. Now we can only speculate what happened at the time through certain details in history.

For example, at the Hongmen Banquet, why did Xiang Yu not kill Liu Bang, and why did Xiang Bo protect Liu Bang instead of Xiang Yu? After all, the two have the same surname and even have relatives in their ancestors.

From this relationship, it is impossible to infer what happened at the beginning just by relying on the words "Hongmen Banquet".

In the end, it only records that Liu Bang escaped with the help of Zhang Liang, Fan Kuai and others. Who are those people and what role did they play in this whole incident?

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

[After defeating Zhang Han, Wancai Qingsui Gu reported a piece of news to me, that is, Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao had an internal conflict. Gao Yao felt more and more unable to control Hu Hai, so he had the idea of ​​getting rid of Hu Hai and establishing a new king. ]

[But Yi Xiaochuan disagreed, because Hu Hai, because he had no mother since childhood, actually regarded Yi Xiaochuan as his real mother to take care of him, which led to Yi Xiaochuan's strong disapproval of Gao Yao's move to kill Hu Hai. ]

[But I think these are all appearances, because Liu Bang is about to attack Hanzhong, and with Yi Xiaochuan's character, he will definitely let everyone surrender to Liu Bang. ]

[But this has no meaning to me. ]

[Now that the world is in chaos, the organization on the Green Tomb has also surfaced and is trying to develop. It is for this reason that I have investigated the Green Tomb thoroughly. ]

[The current Green Tomb has not grown into a powerful existence like in the future, and it only has some influence in Baiyue. ]

[After I learned about the current situation of the Green Tomb, I also went to the Great Rift Valley of Savage Mountain as soon as possible. ]

[Originally, my plan was to make many magical instruments that carried the first five orders of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, and then set them up in the Golden Spider City, and finally attack the time box at the moment the stone tablet fell, opening a gap so that I can escape from the time box in the future. ]

[But now that I have a stagnation block, this stagnation block is obviously more useful than these magical instruments. As long as the time force field on it touches the time box, the two time forces will confront each other, and the gap in the time box can be easily opened. 】

【I made a lot of stagnation blocks to arrange the Golden Spider City. As long as the ancient god entropy in the seal escapes and a certain stone tablet collapses, tens of thousands of stagnation blocks will fall to the bottom. As long as the time force field of a stagnation block touches the time box of the ancient god entropy, I can escape smoothly in the future! 】

Stagnation block!

Zhao Fangxu was very excited after hearing this.

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that there are many stagnation blocks underground in the Golden Spider City now?"

"If these stagnation blocks can be taken out for research, it will be easy to replicate them in batches."

"Although this stagnation block is not as useful to us as the Is battery, it is also a rare technological product."

Su Zaiqiao began to say after hearing this:

"Mr. Zhao, my grandfather and my grandmother have already gone there, and they should be able to find that these stagnation blocks are likely to be in an open state. If this is the case, then someone with extremely fast speed will need to go and get them."

"General speed is not enough, at least it must be dozens of times faster than ordinary humans."

Zhao Fangxu looked relaxed at this moment.

"Don't worry about this. The company is not short of congenital superhumans. There is a superhuman with congenital epilepsy. It is because his speed is hundreds of times faster than that of normal people that he looks like he has epilepsy."

"Let him get it. I think it should be very safe."

"In addition, his supernatural power should be well matched with this stagnation block."

Su Zaiqiao was very surprised to hear that there was such a person in the company.

It seems that the company is really full of talented people.

Just then.

Feng Baobao continued to read.

[After making all these arrangements, I quietly left here. Next, I just need to wait for the Yu Guang Guang to be full of energy to return to the Republic of China. ]

[After returning to the army, other rebel forces heard that Liu Bang led his army to avoid the main force of the Qin army and took the lead in attacking Xianyang. ]

[At this time, Liu Bang's left Sima Cao Wushang told Xiang Yu that Liu Bang wanted to be king in Guanzhong. Xiang Yu was furious and directly set up the Hongmen Banquet to wait for Liu Bang to arrive. ]

[Although I already know the ending of this Hongmen Banquet, I am curious about the ending of Gao Yao and Yi Xiaochuan now. ]

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