Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 223 The Ultimate World, Li Muxuan Achieves Semi-Immortal Body

Upon hearing about the ten-year agreement, those present who did not know the contents of the previous notes showed doubts.

What is this ten-year agreement?

Looking at the confused eyes of everyone, Zhang Chulan had no intention of answering, but listened intently.

Seeing Zhang Chulan like this.

Feng Xingtong also swallowed the questions that came to his lips.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice also continued to appear.

Start reading the rest of the notes.

[There is no difference between the Changbai Mountains and ten years ago, but what surprises me is that the centipedes that I had originally caught have multiplied in large numbers, and the longevity substances in the body have not decreased but increased. 】

[The newly born alien centipedes can be said to have 60% more longevity substances than the centipedes I captured before. 】

[I was in a hurry last time and did not carefully explore the source of these centipedes, so I started to explore the source of these centipedes. 】

[Then I used the third level of the three levels of reverse rebirth, turned it into an innate energy, and got into the ground where the centipedes were breeding to find out. 】

"The third level of reverse birth?"

"Innate energy!"

Liu Deshui was extremely surprised. He knew all this very well.

To know.

Even the original Zuo Sect Master failed to break through the three levels of reverse life to the third level. Who is the owner who wrote this note?

"Chu Lan, who is the owner of this note? Can you tell me?"

"Are you from Trinity Gate?"

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Chulan thought of the notes he had heard before. If counted, Liu Deshui could be regarded as half the apprentice of the owner of the notes.

at last.

Zhang Chulan decided to reveal the identity of the note owner in Trinity Gate.

"Yes, Grandpa Liu, he is from Trinity Sect. I even know his name."

"Who is it?"

Liu Deshui was a little curious and asked eagerly.

"This senior's name is Li Jinyan!"

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he looked at Liu Deshui, wondering what his reaction would be.

In the end, it was exactly what he expected.

Liu Deshui was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

I didn't expect to hear this name at this time.

"Chu Lan, is it really Li Jinyan?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, it's Li Jinyan."

"He has practiced the third level of rebirth to a very profound level."

Hearing this, Liu Deshui shook his head helplessly.

"Chu Lan, do you know who this Li Jinyan is to me?"

Zhang Chulan said nothing after hearing this.

Even if he knew, he couldn't say it here.

Seeing that Zhang Chulan did not answer, Liu Deshui began to answer on his own.

"This man once taught me a skill. I count him as his registered disciple. It was because of the skill he taught me that he saved my life, but I don't dare to show off outside."

After saying that.

Liu Deshui sighed.

"I really didn't expect that this note was actually left by his old man."

At this time, Liu Deshui thought that Feng Xingtong had told him that he had heard several notebooks from the Republic of China period, but he was not interested at that time.

But now it's the note left by that person.

Then he is very interested.

Thinking of this, Liu Deshui looked at Feng Xingtong.

"Xingtong, didn't you say you heard other notes before?"

"Tell me the contents of those notebooks when the time comes."

Naturally, Feng Xingtong would not refuse.

"Okay, Mr. Liu."

At this moment, Feng Baobao continued reading while holding his notes.

[After arriving at the place where these centipedes breed, I discovered that it turned out to be close to a magma pool. The high temperature of the magma pool hatched an unknown number of these centipede eggs. 】

[At the same time, I feel that I should have discovered the third kind of longevity substance, which is the sulfur smell floating in the air. 】

[No, it should not be the breath of sulfur, but the breath of immortality. 】

[It is because these centipedes breathe this gas for a long time that their lifespans are so long. 】

Feng Zhenghao was a little surprised when he heard the note said that he had found the third kind of immortality substance.

"Is it possible that, in addition to the elixir of immortality and the fountain of youth, there is also a gas that can increase lifespan just by breathing it?"

Zhang Chulan also thought of these three forms of immortality substances.

"The elixir of immortality is a solid, the fountain of youth is a liquid, and this breath of immortality is a gas."

"It seems that the three living substances correspond to three different material forms."

"It's incredible that there are such coincidences in the world. I feel like it was deliberately created by the Creator."

Liu Deshui was a little surprised at this time.

Then he looked at Feng Zhenghao.

"Xiao Feng, did Senior Li actually find the substance of immortality?"

"If this is the case, doesn't that mean that he is still alive?"

After hearing this, Feng Zhenghao nodded.

"If it is based on theory, this is correct. It is very likely that the existence is not dead."

"It's just that there is no trace of this senior in modern society, so we are not sure where he is now. We can only find it through the clues in the notes he left."

After hearing this sentence, Liu Deshui's eyes were filled with emotion.

"It's good that his old man is not dead."

"He achieved this kind of strength during the Republic of China. If he were still alive today, I don't know what he would be like."

While Liu Deshui was sighing repeatedly, Feng Baobao continued to read the rest of the notes.

[I searched for the source of these immortal auras, and finally found that they were emitted from the underground magma pool. 】

[Strange to say, there is no living substance in the magma of this magma pool. In other words, if this living substance does not exist in the solid or liquid state, but if the gas is evaporated, it will become a substance that can make people live forever. The gas and the living matter also follow suit. 】

[At this time, no matter how stupid I was, I realized that this magma pool was a conceptual type of living substance. 】

[As long as it is a gas, you can live forever, but if it is a solid or liquid, you cannot live forever. 】

[Now it seems that there are still many things in this world that I don’t understand. 】

[After researching for a few more days and seeing no other results, I continued walking towards the bronze door. 】

[The bronze door has not been opened at this moment, but I have a vague feeling that the bronze door has been opened in the past few days. 】

[After waiting for about three days, the bronze door was just like what I had seen ten years ago. The giant door slowly opened, and Yakan and Zhang Qilin walked out of it. 】

[I asked Yakan and Zhang Qilin what they saw inside, and Yakan told me that he saw the ultimate. 】

[I asked again what the ultimate is, and he replied that it is the ultimate of all things. 】

[I was very dissatisfied with Yajian’s answer. I started asking Zhang Qilin again, and he also told me that the ultimate is the ultimate. If you want to know, you can only understand it by going and seeing it in person. 】

[In the face of the two annoying Riddlers, I won’t say anything more. After taking them away from Changbai Mountain, I parted ways with them. Now I still have many things to do. Behind this so-called ancient bronze door Things, I don’t intend to delve into. 】

[After entering this ancient bronze door, you have to wait ten years before you can come back. There are too many secrets in this world, and I don’t have that much energy and time to explore them one by one. 】

[After leaving, I took the time to visit Li Muxuan. 】

Li Muxuan?

After hearing this, Liu Deshui immediately cheered up and listened.

Although I haven't interacted with Li Muxuan since I left Trinity Gate, I played with him for a while when I was a child. Later I heard that Li Muxuan joined Quanxing, and then he got into some trouble and disappeared.

I don’t know if there is any record of his next deeds in this notebook.

[Li Muxuan is now an adult, and he has also mastered the Taiping Art to the transformation state. After reaching this state, he also became a semi-immortal body. 】

[It’s just because of his state of mind that he, a half-immortal, is somewhat unworthy of his name. Some of his spells are not in his state of mind and there is no way to use them. 】

[However, this Li Muxuan, perhaps because he felt that he was capable again after becoming a half-immortal, he and the Ghost Hand King ignored my warning and directly let the Ghost Hand King lead him into the full body! 】

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan's heart skipped a beat.

"I'm afraid something is going to happen!"

Liu Deshui was very interested at this time.

"Li Muxuan has been a ghostly person since he was a child. Maybe he joined Quanxing because it was fun."

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"Grandpa Liu, you don't know that the owner of the notebook once warned him that he will never join Quanxing in his life."

"But now Li Muxuan has obviously chosen to ignore the note owner's warning."

"Perhaps his strength has inflated him."

"I think I can have a chance to meet the owner of the note."

Liu Deshui nodded.

"Well, what you are talking about is very possible."

"Based on what I know about Li Muxuan, he is a guy who is very good at challenging authority and taking advantage of loopholes."

"Even he doesn't know what kind of power he has obtained, and he dares to ignore Senior Li's warning. You know, Senior Li is a being that even the left leader praises."

"I still remember when I was a child, when Senior Li came here, the entire Trinity Gate held an extremely grand welcome ceremony. This means that he must be the same as Zuo Zhang."

When Liu Deshui said this, Zhang Chulan did not say it was because he gave him millions of dollars.

After all, Grandpa Liu didn’t know so many things when he was a child.

"You could also say that."

Liu Deshui looked curious.

"I don't know how Senior Li will deal with this Li Muxuan in the end. This is too disobedient."

"Although the notes say that he has reached a semi-immortal body, I feel that he is no match for Senior Li at all."

The clarinet on the side looked curious.

"If he can be called a semi-immortal, he can definitely be regarded as a first-class master in the world. The process of subduing Li Muxuan in the end is definitely not simple."

"It is even possible that an unprecedented war will break out."

Xiao Zizai was very confident in the owner of the note.

"Who is this? This is the owner of the notebook. Even if Li Muxuan reaches a semi-immortal body, I think he is no match for the owner of the notebook."

"I have a lot of confidence in him."

Hearing Xiao Zizi's words, the clarinet couldn't help but glance at Xiao Zizai.

I heard that he had listened to several more notebooks than me. Could it be that the owner of the notebooks had other tricks that he didn't know about?

at this time.

Feng Baobao has already continued reading.

[When I found Li Muxuan, he was drinking with some people in the courtyard of the Ghost Hand King, including the Ghost Hand King. 】

[The last time I saw the King of Ghost Hands, I felt that this guy had a very serious form of tuberculosis, but he had been suppressing it with his own cultivation, so the symptoms were not obvious. 】

[But after I saw him this time, I found that all his tuberculosis had been cured. It was Li Muxuan who cured the Ghost Hand King's disease. 】

[It’s okay to be ungrateful after the King of Ghost Hands was cured. He actually wanted to drag Li Muxuan to join Quanxing. In my eyes, that’s like an old man who drinks arsenic and doesn’t want to live anymore! 】

[Then I came directly in front of these Quanxing, and after seeing me, the Ghost Hand King was obviously a little afraid, but Li Muxuan didn't have any fear, but looked at me with a provocative face. Naturally, I I saw the underlying meaning of Li Muxuan, which was to have a show to see who is the boss! 】

When they heard that a fight was about to start, everyone held their breath and listened intently, for fear of missing any detail.


A voice came to everyone's ears.

[The other Quanxing people didn’t recognize me, especially one of them named Bai Owl Liang Ting, who spoke rudely to me. 】

[Now I will focus on letting nature take its course and having clear thoughts. Only in this way can we never have inner demons on the path of cultivation. 】

[So I twisted the white owl Liang Ting directly into a twist, and at the same time shocked other people. 】

After hearing this sentence.

Liu Deshui was a little excited.

"well done!"

"Senior Li, just get rid of this scourge!"

"No wonder this guy disappeared. At that time, the Zhengdao sect thought this guy was hiding overseas."

"It turns out that I was killed by Senior Li. It's so happy!"

Hearing what Liu Deshui said, Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"Grandpa Liu, do you know this white owl Liang Ting?"

Liu Deshui nodded.

"I know this very well!"

"This guy can be said to be the most evil villain in the world!"

"If nothing else, let's just say that he once stayed in a sect, and before he left that sect, he killed his master and senior brother with his own hands."

"This is the closest existence to any alien."

"But he killed his senior brother and master without any psychological burden, and then occupied and toyed with his master's wife until she died."

"As for the other victims, as far as I know, there is Gao Yingcai from the Tang Sect. This Liang Ting relied on his power as a grand master to insult Gao Yingcai's daughter in front of him."

"There are countless examples of this, and Liang Ting is extremely evil."

After hearing this sentence, everyone was surprised.

"There are still such people in the world."

"It seems that the owner of this note has really done something good for the people!"

"Yeah, it sounds unimaginable."

Lao Meng gritted his teeth at this time.

"I also have a daughter, and I can imagine how desperate that father must be."

"And according to the tradition of Quanxing, anyone who joins Quanxing must unconditionally accept all the evil things done by other Quanxing."

"In other words, this Li Muxuan can accept such a vicious person as his fellow disciple!"

"On the other hand, Li Muxuan is in the company of evil people, which means he is also a potential evil person!"

"Even if he hasn't done anything evil now, if he's close to red, he'll be red, if he's close to ink, he'll be black. There's no guarantee he'll do anything later."

Hearing what Lao Meng said, Liu Deshui nodded.

"Indeed, this Li Muxuan was called a total evil boy by others back then."

"But I have indeed never seen Li Muxuan do evil things later, so there is no need to worry about this."

Seeing what Liu Deshui said, Lao Meng stopped refuting.

He was very happy to think that this guy Liang Ting was screwed into a mess by the owner of the note.

at this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued reading.

[After twisting this white owl Liang Ting into a twist, the other Quanxing really didn't dare to yell at me anymore, but Li Muxuan wanted to touch me. 】

[Of course I will not spoil this guy. If he continues to be unrepentant, there is nothing wrong with destroying him. 】

Hear this.

Everyone's hearts are tight.

Do half-immortals also give up at will?

[Li Muxuan also knew that I was very powerful, so he used the highest-level thunder method. This thunder method was exactly the thunder method of heaven that Zhang Jiao often used back then. It was even more powerful than the thunder method of today's Longhu Mountain Celestial Master. Better! 】

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he heard that the thunder method was higher than that of Tianshi Mansion.

The owner of this note actually commented like this.

It's really surprising.

After all, the thunder method of Tianshi Mansion was passed down by the ancestral Tianshi Zhang Daoling. They are both immortals like the old Nanhua immortal, so why can't they be compared to the thunder method of the old Nanhua immortal.

[When God punished me, I had already suffered endless thunder punishment, so I naturally ignored the thunder and lightning released by Li Muxuan. 】

[This Li Muxuan saw that he could not defeat me with thunder, so he chose to use the art of spreading beans to form an army to summon the Yellow Turban Warriors. 】

[I have also seen Lu Su use the art of sowing beans to form soldiers. Even though these are just phantoms of soybeans, these yellow scarf warriors are the real soldiers from the lower world summoned. 】

【However, these heavenly soldiers also have many restrictions. As long as the time is up, they will automatically disperse. 】

【I did not choose to confront them head-on, but waited for an incense stick of time, and the power of the heavenly soldiers that Li Muxuan borrowed also automatically dispersed. 】

【If you want to borrow again, you have to wait for twenty-two hours. 】

【As for Li Muxuan's other methods, they have no effect on me. After catching him, I asked Li Muxuan who seduced him to join Quanxing. 】

【But Li Muxuan is very loyal and refused to say anything. 】

【And when I saw that Li Muxuan refused to say anything, I pointed the finger at Wang Yaozu and asked if he was the one who led Li Muxuan to Quanxing. 】

【Wang Yaozu said yes without any excuse for himself, and said that he would kill him if he wanted to. From then on, Li Muxuan would always be a member of Quanxing. 】

【For such a poor and arrogant old guy, I naturally would not tolerate it. After killing him with a palm, I looked at Li Muxuan. 】

【I asked him if he agreed to leave Quan Xing. If he didn’t agree, I wouldn’t mind destroying all his abilities! 】

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