Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 224 Zuo Ruotong and his Taoist partner Li Muxuan, the real reason for the decline of the Tri

After hearing that the owner of the notebook had killed Wang Yaozu with a palm, Liu Deshui couldn't help but shook his head.

"No matter how old he is, Li Muxuan has a childish temper. If you don't follow his will, he will never be obedient."

"Otherwise he wouldn't be called the evil boy of Quanxing."

"It seems that his skills are going to be wasted."

Hearing Liu Deshui's conclusion, Zhang Chulan was not surprised.

"There are descriptions of Li Muxuan in the previous notes."

"It's very annoying that you don't worship the owner of the notebook and the head of the Sanyi Sect, Zuo Rutong, but worship an old man Quanxing who came out of nowhere."

Liu Deshui's face was dull.

"Are you saying that Senior Li once had the idea of ​​taking Li Muxuan as his apprentice?"

Seeing Liu Deshui's dull look.

Zhang Chulan immediately remembered a record he had read in the notebook.

That is, Liu Deshui wanted to worship the owner of the notebook as his master, but the owner of the notebook did not accept it.

Now he heard that Li Muxuan actually gave up worshipping the owner of the notebook as his master.

Naturally, he was somewhat skeptical about life.

Looking at Liu Deshui, who was full of doubts, Zhang Chulan didn't know how to tell him for a while.

Just then.

Seeing Zhang Chulan like this, Feng Baobao immediately read out his notes to help Zhang Chulan out.

[Li Muxuan was very sad when he saw Wang Yaozu's death, and he immediately swore to kill me in his lifetime. ]

[But I immediately exposed the loophole in this guy's words, that is, I taught him the Taiping Yaoshu, and if Wang Yaozu's tuberculosis had not been treated with the medical skills in the Taiping Yaoshu, he would have died in bed two years ago. ]

[In this way, I let Wang Yaozu live two more years. ]

[Li Muxuan was speechless after what I said, and didn't know how to explain to me for a while. ]

[And I told Li Muxuan that if he still wanted to come to me for revenge, then I would wait for him at the Trinity Gate for the next year. 】

【But if he doesn't come within this year, or if he can't take revenge, then he will quit Quanxing and stay by my side as my attendant from now on. 】

【Li Muxuan finally chose to agree to my proposal, and said that within a year, he would try his best to find an opportunity to kill me! 】

【As for the rest of Quanxing, I didn't have the addiction to killing, so I left there and started walking to Hu Jian's Sanyi Gate. 】

Hearing that the final outcome was this, Liu Deshui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, Li Muxuan is still sensible, otherwise, I really don't know what his final fate would be."

Xiao Zizai looked regretful at this time.

"If I let Li Muxuan fall into my hands, I wouldn't be so lucky."

While speaking, Xiao Zizai wiped the corner of his mouth, and it seemed that he was eager to kill.

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"Brother Xiao, didn't you rely on the method of the Three Demon Sect to get rid of your desire before? Why are you back now?"

Xiao Zizai smiled helplessly.

"This thing only treats the symptoms but not the root cause!"

"However, it is much better than before. Otherwise, I couldn't help it when I came here."

After saying that, Xiao Zizai stopped talking and began to recite the Heart Sutra in his heart to curb the desire in his heart.

Seeing Xiao Zizai like this, Zhang Chulan also thought of the disadvantages of the Three Demon Sect's skills mentioned in the previous notes.

That is, once the three corpses are cut, they will never stop for the rest of their lives.

If you want to completely get rid of the three corpses, you need the head of the Three Demon Sect to remove them for them, otherwise you will be drowned by the endless desires.

Or in other words.

Only by completely clearing your mind and completely abandoning all desires can the three corpses stop growing.

Just as Zhang Chulan was thinking, Feng Baobao's voice continued to sound.


[On this journey, I found that the world today can be said to be getting worse and worse. There are refugees fleeing famine in rags everywhere along the way. Wild vegetables, grass, tree roots, and tree bark have become supreme delicacies, until there is nothing left to eat, and some people even start eating Guanyin soil. 】

【The most impressive one was an old lady with bound feet who came with her grandchildren and daughter-in-law to escape famine. The children were malnourished and the wild vegetables and tree roots they ate were indigestible, which caused their stomachs to grow bigger and bigger, and finally they even became translucent. 】

【I couldn't bear to see such a miserable situation, so I used my money to open a porridge stall every time I passed by a place. However, my generous behavior attracted the attention of some warlords. 】

【For these warlords, starving people to death is a small matter, but not making money is a big matter! 】

【People kept coming to the porridge stall I opened to smash the place, and they kept blackmailing me. 】

【Out of the psychology of past lives, I only gave these warlords a small punishment and a big warning. 】

【When I came to Hujian, I had very little money left. 】

【After I came here, Zuo Ruotong was surprised to ask me where I had been all these years, and I told Zuo Ruotong all the experiences I had seen on the road. 】

【For all this, Zuo Rutong could only sigh helplessly. For such a world situation, even if he was the top of the world, he could not change anything. 】

[In the remaining time, I began to meditate and practice in a cave in the back mountain of Sanyi Gate, and told Zuo Ruotong not to send anyone over if there was any movement on my side. ]

[Zuo Ruotong also nodded in agreement to this matter. Although he didn't know what I was up to, he still gave me this face. ]

[Time passed quickly for half a year. During this half year, I successfully cultivated all the subsequent advanced skills that I obtained by relying on Li Bai's talent to perfection. ]

[However, Li Bai's talent has a limit. If the extended skills are cultivated to perfection, then the follow-up cannot be extended, and can only rely on one's own understanding to understand. ]

[But human power is limited. Even if the understanding is against the sky, it is impossible to comprehend more and more profound things from this skill. ]

[So I continued to study and improve the three levels of reverse birth. ]

[If there is a predestined method, the three levels of reverse birth may become the foundation of my immortality. ]

Hearing this, Liu Deshui looked surprised.

"Didn't it say that after practicing the third level of Reverse Life, one can become an immortal?"

"What does Senior Li mean? Do we need to improve it and study it further?"

Hearing Liu Deshui say this, Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"It's like this, Grandpa Liu. The third level of Reverse Life can't reach the sky. In the end, it can only transform itself into the innate Qi like the owner of this notebook, but there is no way to become an immortal."

Liu Deshui's eyes were dull.

"No, it's impossible!"

"Didn't history say that there were immortals in the third level of Reverse Life?"

"Otherwise, how could the Sanyi Sect dare to be known as the world's number one Xuanmen at that time?"

"If the third level of Reverse Life can't reach the sky, then what's the point of learning it?"

Liu Deshui still couldn't suppress the shock in his heart.

Because the biggest regret in his life was that he didn't learn the third level of Reverse Life. In his eyes, if he had learned the third level of Reverse Life instead of the horizontal training kung fu of Yanwu Hall, and combined with the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Method, wouldn't it be easy to practice to the highest level and become an immortal.

Zhang Chulan's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on his head.

It's like getting all the college entrance examination papers before the college entrance examination, telling you that as long as you learn all the questions on them, you can get full marks and go to Tsinghua and Peking University.

But when it comes to the exam, you find that the college entrance examination papers you got before are fake, and the questions are not like this at all.

This kind of loss and discomfort is definitely not what ordinary people can imagine!

Thinking of this, Liu Deshui looked at Zhang Chulan.

"Chulan, in the notes you heard before, are there any examples of other people practicing the three levels of reverse birth breaking through to the third level?"

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan shook his head.


"I haven't heard that other people will break through the third level of the three levels of reverse birth, but the owner of this note said that the left leader of the Sanyi Sect has a great chance of breaking through to the third level of reverse birth."

Liu Deshui was stunned after hearing this.

Based on his understanding of the left leader, I am afraid that the despair he experienced and produced would be more serious than he is now.

I don't know if the left leader was willing to be killed by Wu Gensheng because of this incident.

Now he really hopes that Senior Li can improve the three levels of reverse birth into a technique that can lead to immortality.

Otherwise, the Sanyi Sect will really be in vain.

Although relying on the three levels of reverse birth can make it unique in the world.

But if you still want to call yourself the world's number one Xuanmen, it will be a bit unreasonable.

Just when Liu Deshui was thinking.

Feng Baobao had continued to read.

[After I had been in seclusion for more than 200 days, thunder and lightning suddenly rolled over the Sanyi Sect. For these thunder and lightning, I immediately recognized that they were the thunder methods in the Taiping Essential Technique performed by Li Muxuan. ]

[I don't quite understand why Li Muxuan didn't come to me, but chose to go directly to the Sanyi Sect. ]

[Then I came to the front yard of the Sanyi Sect and unexpectedly found that not only Li Muxuan, but also Wu Gensheng was here. ]

[It's just that the two of them were wearing children's clothes, which looked a bit out of place. ]

[At this time, Li Muxuan's lightning was constantly striking Zuo Ruotong, and as Zuo Ruotong was at the peak of the second level, his skin and flesh were constantly being torn and reorganized to change their forms. ]

[I pulled Lu Jin over to ask him what happened, and Lu Jin told me that Li Muxuan and Wu Gensheng had sneaked into the Sanyi Sect pretending to be new students, and were discovered by his master Zuo Ruotong while secretly learning the third level of Ni Sheng. ]

[And this Li Muxuan didn't know where he learned the thunder method, but he suppressed his master Zuo Ruotong and couldn't move at all. ]

[After knowing all this, I don't quite understand why Li Muxuan and Wu Gensheng wanted to secretly learn the third level of Ni Sheng. ]

[However, when I looked at Zuo Ruotong's state, I found that he was enjoying it. At the same time, I also saw that Zuo Ruotong's third level of Ni Sheng was also rising steadily. ]

[He has been trapped in the second level of Ni Sheng for so many years, but he doesn't have a Taoist partner who can tear his body apart at will. 】

【And now, Zuo Ruotong obviously regarded Li Muxuan as the Taoist partner, the Taoist partner who could tear his body apart at will! 】

【Wu Gensheng also saw this scene, but for some reason he did not stop it. 】

【At the same time, because of the strengthening of the dragon vein power last time, his own realm is far more powerful than what I have seen before, and it can even be said that it is not inferior to Zuo Ruotong who is at the peak of the second level. 】

[This strength is also considered first-class in the world. ]

When Liu Deshui heard that Wu Gensheng's strength was so strong that he was even on par with Zuo Ruotong, his eyes widened.

"No, it's impossible!"

"My impression of the fourth brother is just that the fourth brother has good horizontal training skills and his divine spirit."

"Although he can be considered a first-class master, he can't be compared with the Zuo Sect Leader at all."

Seeing Liu Deshui like this.

Zhang Chulan immediately realized that Wu Gensheng might have disguised himself for a lifetime and never revealed his true strength in front of anyone!

At this moment.

The old Taoist priest who had not spoken suddenly sighed.

"No wonder, no wonder this guy dared to come to Longhu Mountain alone."

"If those Quanxing people hadn't come to rescue him, I'm afraid he would have the confidence to retreat unscathed."

"It's ridiculous, I actually wanted to kill him on the spot."

"Now I see that I was too naive."

Zhang Chulan saw this and said quickly: "Master, he has been strengthened by the dragon vein, so he is naturally not worried."

At this time, Liu Deshui respectfully bowed to the old Taoist priest.

"Old Taoist priest, Huaiyi had already told me that your strength was definitely among the top three at that time, and even most of the older generation could not beat you."

The old Taoist priest suddenly laughed.

"Let's not talk about this."

"I still remember that you also held back at the Lu family's birthday banquet, otherwise Lu Jin would have suffered."

"But I was obsessed with cultivation and didn't care so much. I didn't give Lu Jin any face. Fortunately, Lu Jin is also a broad-minded person. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would still hate me now."

Hearing the old Taoist priest say this.

Liu Deshui couldn't help but recall the scenes he experienced that year.

Especially when Lu Jin tried to hold back his tears and said that I didn't mind at all, that feeling, I'm afraid it will never come back.

Just then.

Seeing that no one was talking, Feng Baobao also began to read the notes in his hand.

【This Wu Gensheng obviously had no intention of exposing his strength, and when Li Muxuan saw that his thunder method suppressed Zuo Ruotong, it was as if he satisfied some secret fetish in his heart. The true Qi in his body was output like crazy, and even when he saw me, he didn't seem to stop at all. 】

【But this is exactly what Zuo Ruotong wanted. Until the end of the chopping, Zuo Ruotong suddenly turned into a wisp of air and disappeared. 】

【When I saw this scene, I understood that Zuo Ruotong had broken through to the third level of the three levels of reverse birth. 】

【After Zuo Ruotong found that the third level of the three levels of reverse birth could not reach the sky, he floated in front of me with a lonely look and asked me if I had encountered the same situation. 】

【I did not tell him about my situation, but blocked everyone's perception and performed the fourth level of the three levels of reverse birth in front of Zuo Ruotong. 】

【After seeing my form, Zuo Ruotong immediately understood what I told him, that is, the third level of reverse birth could not reach the sky, but the fourth level of reverse birth, or the fifth level of reverse birth, could reach the sky! 】

【Zuo Ruotong also regained his confidence. 】

【At this moment, Wu Gensheng cut off most of his fate and causal lines and broke through my blockade. He began to ask us about the specific feelings after reaching this state. ]

[Seeing Wu Gensheng like this, Zuo Ruotong was like a long-awaited rain, and began to pester Wu Gensheng, wanting Wu Gensheng to use his methods to help him cut off the cause and effect line. ]

[He wanted to try, after performing the third level of the three-fold reverse birth, what kind of changes would happen if he cut off his own cause and effect. ]

[Is it possible to achieve it in one step, or even ascend to heaven in one step. ]

[I told Zuo Ruotong that this was very dangerous, but Zuo Ruotong told me that he had felt that he could no longer suppress the Dan Devour in his body in recent days. ]

[Even if he performed the three-fold reverse birth, he could not suppress it, and could only use a higher-level reverse birth to suppress it. ]

[But such suppression consumes a lot of energy and true qi. If he does not break through to the third level of the three-fold reverse birth today, it means that he will not be able to hold on for long. ]

[I have never seen such a thing, and I don’t know what the consequences of doing this are, but Zuo Ruotong is willing to act as this test subject, and there is a chance of success, so this thing is worth a gamble. ]

[This Wu Gensheng was also very temperamental. Facing Zuo Ruotong's request, he only said one sentence. ]

[That's your fate. I'll take it. ]

[After saying that, Wu Gensheng began to cut off all the causal lines of Zuo Ruotong. However, for him, this causal line of Zuo Ruotong was too difficult to cut off, because Zuo Ruotong was too deeply tied to this world. In Buddhist terms, his karma was too deep. If he wanted to cut it off, he would have to spend 100% of his strength. ]

[And I also saw through my perception that Zuo Ruotong's connection with this world was getting shallower and shallower, just like those people who accidentally broke into the Qi Bureau, and instantly lost contact with this world, and everything had nothing to do with him. ]

[I observed all this very carefully, because this scene was very similar to the time when Zuo Ci and Lu Su ascended to heaven, and it was very likely related to some secrets of becoming an immortal. ]

When he heard that it was very similar to the immortal scene he had encountered before, Zhang Chulan's heart jumped.

Could it be that this Zuo Ruotong really became an immortal!

But if Zuo Rutong became an immortal, then why did Mr. Lu hate Wu Gensheng so much?

After all, this is a good man who helped his master.

Just when Zhang Chulan was confused, Feng Baobao had already continued to read.

[When Zuo Ruotong, who was in the innate Qi, had his last causal line cut off, I also lifted the perception of the shielding of everyone. ]

[Now Zuo Ruotong has no connection with this world. His body, which has become the innate Qi, keeps curling up, as if it is constantly being compressed by the atmospheric pressure. ]

[At the end of the compression, Zuo Ruotong directly turned into a ball of clear air and disappeared. I don’t know whether he ascended or was annihilated between heaven and earth! ]

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