Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 225 Lu Su descends to earth, and the taste of being an immortal is really good!

Everyone was shocked when they heard that Zuo Ruotong had disappeared.

What happened to this Zuo Ruotong? He actually disappeared from this world.

Could it be that he really ascended to heaven?

After all, this is too similar to the legendary ascension.

[After Zuo Ruotong disappeared, I began to observe him constantly, but because the causal line between Zuo Ruotong and the world was cut off, I couldn't observe any clues. ]

[However, what outsiders saw was that Wu Gensheng turned Zuo Ruotong into a ball of clear air and disappeared. ]

[The remaining disciples of Sanyi Sect also wanted to take revenge on Wu Gensheng for Zuo Ruotong. ]

[I stopped them and let Wu Gensheng take Li Muxuan away first. ]

[After the two left, I told Si Chong Chengzhen what happened to Zuo Ruotong, but Si Chong Chengzhen was only half-believing and half-doubting. ]

[After all, I was in Sanyi Sect for too short a time, and my words did not have much authority. ]

[Seeing this, I had no choice but to perform the third level of the three levels of reverse life and transform into the innate Qi. After transforming into the innate Qi in front of everyone, Si Chong Cheng Zhen and all the members of the Sanyi Sect all understood that I had broken through to the third level, which no one had broken through for thousands of years. ]

[Originally, there was another person in the Sanyi Sect who broke through to the third level today, that was Zuo Ruotong, but after Zuo Ruotong disappeared, Sanyi Sect only had me as a high-end combat force. ]

[But I told them that I didn’t know whether Zuo Ruotong was dead or not. It was possible that Zuo Ruotong would come back one day in the future, and then I would continue to retreat. ]

[And the Sanyi Sect was the same as usual, and did not change because of Zuo Ruotong’s departure. ]

[But what I didn’t know was that Si Chong Cheng Zhen did not stop, but went to find Wu Gensheng in person to ask him what he had done to the Zuo Sect Leader! ]

After hearing this, everyone had an extremely surprised expression.

What do the two of them want to do? Do they also want to break through to the third level?

After hearing this, Liu Deshui shook his head slowly.

"If that's the case, it's really sad."

"Everyone was happy and nothing happened, but Si Chong and Cheng Zhen went to find him again."

"I heard about the cause of some things when I was in Yanwu Hall. The version that reached my ears at that time was that Zuo Ruotong was killed by Wu Gensheng, and then Si Chong and Cheng Zhen went to seek revenge on Wu Gensheng, and finally was killed by Wu Gensheng's subordinates, that is, Quan Xing's people."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"Is this the case?"

"What happened in the middle that caused Si Chong and Cheng Zhen to conflict with Quan Xing's people?"

Liu Deshui shook his head.

"The Sanyi Sect did not reveal any details at the time, but there is only this version that has been circulated in the world."

"So we can only guess at many places."

"By the way, there was another thing at the time, that is, the Sanyi Sect was not willing to let other sects like us participate in it, that is to say, a large part of it may be that the Sanyi Sect was in the wrong."

Hearing Liu Deshui say this, everyone on the side was a little surprised.


Wasn't the Sanyi Sect completely right in this matter at the beginning?

At this time, Zhang Chulan thought of Lu Jin after hearing this. Where did Mr. Lu's hatred for Wu Gensheng come from all these years?

Could it be that Wu Gensheng did something to Lu Jin and the Sanyi Sect later?

Just when everyone was guessing.

Feng Zhenghao spoke at this time.

"The Sanyi Sect's Nisheng III was unrivaled in the world back then. Even if they lost masters like Zuo Ruotong and Si Chong Chengzhen, they can still be considered one of the top three sects in the world."

"There is no need to provoke the Quanxing group."

"Perhaps, it is because some secret of Nisheng III was discovered by Wu Gensheng. It is very likely that it is the fatal weakness of Nisheng III, which makes the people of Sanyi Sect want to kill Wu Gensheng even if it costs their lives."

"It's just that Sanyi Sect underestimated Wu Gensheng."

"It's impossible to imagine that Wu Gensheng has such a profound cultivation besides the gods."

"And now Mr. Lu Jin still hates Wu Gensheng so much."

"I'm afraid it's because they were deceived by the truth at the beginning, and someone deliberately didn't let the people of Sanyi Sect know the specific reason."

"I just don't know who this person is, and why he did this."

Hearing Feng Zhenghao's guess, everyone felt it was very reasonable at the moment.


Only in this way can it explain why Sanyi Sect would bite Quanxing like crazy.

In the end, they will not fall to the point where the monkeys scatter when the tree falls.

Just as everyone was sighing.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read the notes.

[In the end, as I expected, this Si Chong Chengzhen died in the hands of Wu Gensheng. It is indeed too naive to want to forcibly cut off the causal line before reaching the third level. ]

[In addition to pity, I am also angry about these two people. I don’t know why these two people went to find Wu Gensheng. ]

[In addition, I also learned about Li Muxuan. ]

[After Li Muxuan left, perhaps he thought that he could not take revenge at all, and he didn’t want to be my servant, so he chose to hide and wanted to break the bet with me. ]

Su Zaiqiao frowned when he heard it.

“This Li Muxuan is still an escapist personality.”

“He chooses to escape when he encounters a problem that cannot be solved. He has no responsibility at all.”

Hearing Su Zaiqiao's words, Liu Deshui shook his head.

"In fact, we can't blame him entirely for this kind of thing."

"I heard Lu Jin talk about him."

"All in all, he has only received a few years of formal education. I have met Mr. Dongshan, and he is very knowledgeable. It is a great blessing to be able to study with him."

"Later on, I was deceived by the ghost-hand king Wang Yaozu. Think about it, what can you learn by following such a complete old man."

"As for responsibility and responsibility, do you think all people have it?"

Hearing what Liu Deshui said, Su Zaiqiao shook his head.

"Total evil boy."


"He really deserves the nickname given to him by others."

Hearing what Su Zaiqiao said, Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"Before, I had some objections to the owner of the note directly killing Wang Yaozu. Now after hearing what Grandpa Liu said, I no longer have any objections."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Xu San, who knew everything, spoke at this time.

"In fact, this matter is not difficult to understand."

"We can understand if we compare Trinity College to today's first-class schools."

"For example, Li Muxuan wanted to apply for admission. In the end, although the principal Zuo Ruotong fell in love with him, he wanted him to have more experience because of his stubborn character, so he was asked to go to a nearby kindergarten for three years to sharpen his temper. ”

"And Wang Yaozu is the principal of Pheasant Technical School or something like that. He directly said to Li Muxuan, I don't need any test, I just need your nod, so that you can successfully enroll."

"Li Muxuan was just a child at that time. No matter how smart he was, he had no ability to distinguish right from wrong or make decisions about his own future."

"Wang Yaozu seized on this, promised Li Muxuan a small profit, and then set a trap based on his character, and finally succeeded in getting Li Muxuan to fall into the trap."

Xu San couldn't help but sigh after saying this.

"I have to say that Zuo Ruotong has a really good temper. The student he liked was cut off by Wang Yaozu, but in the end he didn't kill Wang Yaozu."

After hearing Xu San's explanation, everyone roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

This is the situation now.

It seems to be a tragedy from beginning to end.

If Zuo Ruotong had a more ruthless character, like the owner of the note, so many things would not have happened later.

As for the matter of the third level of rebirth, it is just a topic for later.

Just when everyone was feeling sorry.

Feng Baobao has also continued reading.

[I naturally would not get used to Li Muxuan's evasive behavior, so after leaving Trinity Gate, I found some people who wanted to ask these guys where Li Muxuan was hiding. 】

[But none of these people knew. 】

[Until finally, I found Wu Gensheng and asked where Li Muxuan had gone. Wu Gensheng told me very wisely that Li Muxuan went overseas by boat. 】

[But even he doesn’t know the specific place. 】

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised to hear that Li Muxuan actually went overseas.

"Then Li Muxuan didn't experience the subsequent war, and might even be alive today?"

"People who have practiced the entire Taiping Art, I wonder if they will establish a sect overseas."

After hearing this, Wang Zhenqiu laughed.

"If this Li Muxuan has changed his name, then I don't know his whereabouts yet, but if he has not changed his name, then I probably know where he is now."

When Wang Zhenqiu said he knew where Li Muxuan was, everyone looked at him curiously.

I don’t know where the place Wang Zhenqiu mentioned is.

Wang Zhenqiu looked at everyone's eyes and smiled proudly.

"Nathan Island."

"Have you heard of it?"

Nason Island?

Zhang Chulan just got the news about Nason Island from Xu Si some time ago. He didn't expect that Wang Zhenqiu also knew about it, but he was relieved to think that Wang Zhenqiu's news might be much better informed than other people in charge.

However, Feng Zhenghao was not surprised when he heard it.

"I know Nathan Island. It is a place that hides evil and evil. In addition to housing criminals from various countries, it also asks for supplies from many countries every year without any feedback."

"I heard that this time it's our turn in the Dragon Kingdom. I don't know how the company will receive it."

Zhang Chulan looked surprised.

Feng Zhenghao is really well-informed. No one in his company knows about it, and he has never heard the third brother and fourth brother mention it.

At this time, Su Zaiqiao looked curious.

"Why don't you destroy this place that harbors filth and evil? Instead, you need to provide supplies to the islanders on Nathan Island every year."

"Housing criminals from all over the world is already a very serious matter."

Feng Zhenghao shook his head.

"It's not that simple, little girl, this is related to the game between countries."

"The so-called Nathan Island is just the best result of the game between various countries."

"And there is also some untrue news. I don't know if you want to hear it."

Zhang Chulan looked curious.

Such unfaithful news often hides the truth.

"President Feng, what's the news? Can you tell us?"

Other temporary workers also looked curious.

I don’t know what kind of unreported information could make President Feng take it so seriously.

Feng Zhenghao looked at the curious eyes of everyone and laughed.

"After all, we have exchanged information."

"There is a king on Nathan Island."

"If you want to replace this king and become the new king of Nathan Island, you must break the golden branches of the sacred tree of Nathan Island and then challenge King Nathan."

"And the information I want to tell you is."

"That means the golden branches on Nason Island were broken, and the golden branches were broken, which means that according to the tradition of Nason Island, the island will be opened. Before the island was opened, all the surrounding areas of Nason Island were lightning and thunderstorm areas. You can’t even fly there, let alone a ship.”

"But after the island is opened, the thunderstorm area on Nason Island will disappear. In other words, people from all countries can go to Nason Island."

"But I said before that this news is not true. I heard it from a member of the Masonic Society, Behemoth."

"He just said it casually when he was drunk."


Zhang Chulan's eyes were a little strange, and then he thought about it.

The president of Tianxiahui said that he joined the Masons.

Feng Zhenghao looked at Zhang Chulan's strange eyes and said:

"Chu Lan, don't look at me with that strange look in your eyes. It's no big deal to join the Masons. It's just a loose organization. I heard that you got 10% of the shares of the Tang Group, so what happens next? Tang Jian will also take you to join the party."

"Don't resist when the time comes. This kind of organization is very beneficial to us businessmen."

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"President Feng, you seem to be able to read minds."

Feng Zhenghao laughed.

"This is just the simplest speculation."

"It's not even a mind-reading skill."

"Maybe we will still have some business dealings by then."

at this time.

Zhang Chulan suddenly remembered the information Wang Zhenqiu had just mentioned.

"Wang Zhenqiu, didn't you say before that you might know where Li Muxuan is?"

"It's not that I almost forgot when I thought about it."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Wang Zhenqiu laughed.

"I almost forgot too, believe it or not?"

After making a joke, Wang Zhenqiu retracted his smile and said:

"As far as I know, this Li Muxuan has been on Nathan Island and has lived there for many years."

"Xia Liuqing told me this matter, otherwise no one would know about it."

Everyone was stunned when they heard that Li Muxuan actually went to Nathan Island.

Never imagined.

This guy actually hid in such a place.

I'm afraid this is also because he was afraid that the owner of the note would find him, so he hid in that place.

Zhang Chulan asked.

"That means that Li Muxuan has not lost contact with us over the years, but has always been in contact with Quanxing people?"

Wang Zhenqiu nodded.


"However, I didn't have any contact with Quanxing people in the beginning. The first time was in the 1980s, when Granny Jinfeng received this letter from Li Muxuan."

"At that time, all people knew that he was in a place called Nathan Island."

"And one more thing."

"That is, Li Muxuan came to the mainland in the 1990s, but only stayed for a short period of time and then left in a hurry."

"Before I left, I took in a few disciples. Now, one of the six thieves of Quanxing is his disciple."

When Zhang Chulan heard what Wang Zhenqiu said, he immediately remembered the human magnet training class that Dr. Xia mentioned before.

He was still curious at the time.

This magnetic reversal in all directions is obviously the unique skill of the Ghost Hand King, and it was only passed down to Li Muxuan.

It seems that this training class is run by Li Muxuan's apprentice.

This can be regarded as the establishment of a sect.

While Zhang Chulan was thinking, Feng Baobao had already continued reading.

[Although I can ask the specific location of Li Muxuan through the interior scene, but now I feel that there is no need. 】

[According to this development, he will not become an immortal even if he practices the art of peace honestly. 】

[It’s just a pity that Old Immortal Nanhua will sink in reincarnation for the rest of his life from now on. 】

[After returning to Trinity Gate, I explained some things and left Trinity Gate. 】

[To me, today’s Trinity Gate has no reason to stay. 】

[Now I need to go through life, experience more and learn more in this world of mortals. 】

[However, during my travels, Lu Su came down to earth and found me. She had just returned from a trip to Taixu. For Lu Su, she has not seen me for more than two thousand years. 】

[Now that Lu Su is an immortal, I have also tasted the taste of an immortal. I have to say that the taste of an immortal is really good! 】

Hear this.

Everyone's expressions were a little surprised.

The old Heavenly Master turned his head and looked a little uncomfortable.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing for his father's secrets to be exposed in front of everyone.

But the embarrassment did not last long, Feng Zhenghao's face was full of shock.

"Chu Lan, could it be said that there are immortals among the confidante of the owner of this notebook?"


"There really are immortals in this world!"

Hearing Feng Zhenghao ask this, Zhang Chulan did not answer.

Liu Deshui on the side said:

"Xiao Feng, isn't there no doubt about the existence of immortals?"

"Have you ever doubted the existence of immortals?"

Hearing Liu Deshui say this, Feng Zhenghao smiled awkwardly.

"If you haven't seen immortals with your own eyes, you really don't believe them."

Liu Deshui shook his head slowly.

"Xiaofeng, that's not the case."

"Of course immortals exist. If you doubt this, you will never become an immortal."

"Although I know that the thoughts of the aliens are floating now, you can't lose the most ambitious goal of becoming an immortal."

After hearing this, Feng Zhenghao nodded hurriedly and dared not refute.

"Okay, Grandpa Liu, I will pay more attention in the future."

Seeing this scene.

Zhang Chulan immediately helped Feng Zhenghao out.

"Grandpa Liu, let Sister Baoer continue reading."

Seeing this, Liu Deshui didn't say much.

"Well, that's good, let her continue reading."

"But in the end, the old man still has to say that aliens can become immortals, no matter what kind of aliens, they can become immortals!"


Feng Baobao continued reading.

[Afterwards, I asked Lu Su when she would leave again, and Lu Su told me that she was now the star official in charge of the Heart Moon Fox Constellation, and it was no problem for her to occasionally go down to the mortal world for a few hours. ]

[A few hours is a few months in the mortal world, and I am already satisfied to be able to stay for such a long time. ]

[And what Lu Su said next made me take it seriously. ]

[That is, she accidentally learned a secret during her years of wandering in the void, the secret of the world's upgrade! ]

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