Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 226: Entrance to the Fountain of Youth, a Chance for the World to Upgrade

The world is upgraded?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

It’s unclear what the owner of the note meant by the chance of upgrading the world.

Liu Deshui was a little unfamiliar with this term.

"The world is upgraded?"

"What does this world upgrading mean?"

When Zhang Chulan saw this, he opened his mouth to explain.

"Grandpa Liu, this upgrade also means upgrading."

"In other words, our world can be upgraded."

"World upgrade?"

Liu Deshui looked surprised.

"To what level can the world be upgraded, and in what form?"

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"No, I don't know."

"Perhaps, we will go back to the ancient times when there was no Jedi Heavenly Power, and at that time humans and gods could communicate freely and normally."

"And the power of the spells we are learning now will be greatly enhanced."

"Perhaps even ordinary people's lifespans will become longer."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Liu Deshui looked expectantly.

"Then if this is really possible, it would be a good thing for the world to be upgraded. By then, this world will belong to us aliens!"

Zhang Chulan was shocked when he heard this.

"Grandpa Liu, how could you have such an idea? This world belongs to all of us."

Liu Deshui laughed when he saw this.

"This is just my personal thought. After all, if the world is upgraded, the gap between ordinary people and us aliens will continue to widen, and even guns and cannons will be unable to do anything to us."

"When this time comes, even if I don't tell you, you should be able to realize that this will be our alien world!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Chulan's tone froze.


What Liu Deshui said is true.

By then, everyone will be at Xiang Yu's level, how can the world not be in chaos?

at this time.

Xu San on the side spoke.

"If this is the case, then the proportion of the population red line must be further expanded to ensure that the world is not in chaos."

I heard Xu San mention the population red line again.

Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"Third brother, can you tell me how much the ratio should be reduced?"

"For example, now the power, destructive power, and defense of the alien's skills have all increased tenfold."

"Should the ratio also be reduced to 1:500,000?"

Xu San shook his head.

"If this is really the case, the impact of aliens on social stability will be exponentially increased."

“It is absolutely not possible to reduce the ratio with simple conversions.”

"If the strength of the aliens is ten times higher than the current total, according to my estimation, it must be at least twenty times smaller, which is one million to one."

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that based on the population of our Dragon Kingdom, there can only be a maximum of 1,400 aliens?"

Xu San nodded.

"Yes, that's the truth."

"But now our world has not changed at all compared to the Republic of China. In other words, the owner of this note has not upgraded the world."

"I don't know if he considered this matter and that's why he didn't upgrade."

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"If this is the case, then we aliens may be an obstacle to the arrival of the new world."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, everyone fell into deep thought.


If their current strength were increased tenfold, I really don't know what they could do.

Xiao Zizai knows himself very well.

Then he spoke.

"I know very well what kind of virtue I am. Once my strength increases tenfold, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress my inner demons at all!"

"Let's not talk about this yet."

Xu San interrupted Xiao Zizai's words at this time, and then looked at Feng Baobao.

"Keep reading, baby, and see what else there is."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this, and then continued reading the notes in his hand.

[I asked Lu Su what the secret of the world's upgrade was, and Lu Su told me that Zhuan Xu's Jedi Heavenly Power made it impossible for people to communicate with gods, but it left a gap between the heaven and the human world. 】

[And that gap is the Fountain of Youth. 】

[If I blow up the Fountain of Youth, I can open the passage between the heaven and the human world, and then the grand occasion of ancient times will be recreated. 】

[Another advantage is that this Fountain of Youth is a two-way entrance to the human world. Human beings can exit and enter through this entrance at will. 】

[But the gods in the heaven, except for immortals like them, cannot come in and out at will. 】

[At that time, immortal matter will fill the world, and the lifespan of human beings will return to the grandeur of ancient times. People who live to be one hundred years old will be considered in their prime. 】

[But the only thing I worry about is the aliens, because this will also lead to the completion of the laws of heaven and earth, and the power of today's aliens will increase ten times and dozens of times. 】

[I am very worried about this kind of thing. Nowadays, these aliens no longer regard themselves as the same existence as ordinary people, do not regard ordinary people as human beings, and even manipulate ordinary people at will. 】

[If the power of these alien methods is now increased by ten or dozens of times, I don’t know what will happen, but I think there will definitely be a dictator with extreme power. 】

[I absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing. 】

[These aliens are the biggest obstacle to the arrival of the new world, and they must all be eradicated! ]

When they heard this, everyone was shocked.

They never expected that the owner of the notebook would make such a decision.

Feng Zhenghao murmured to himself.

"In terms of identity, we belong to the aliens. This owner of the notebook actually wants to eradicate all the aliens. Doesn't that mean that we are also on the elimination list of this owner of the notebook."

"There is another thing. If there are no aliens in this world, doesn't it mean that no one in this world will ever become an immortal?"

Hearing Feng Zhenghao say this, Liu Deshui on the side said:

"Since Senior Li said this, he has his reasons for doing so."

"You see, he considered what we considered, and what we didn't consider, he also considered in the end."

"Perhaps, his doing this is the best decision."

Hearing Liu Deshui say this, Zhang Chulan on the side asked:

"Grandpa Liu, don't you question this decision?"

Liu Deshui laughed after hearing this.

"Question, what question?"

"We just do what Senior Li says."

"Even if he wants to come over and destroy my entire cultivation, I will wait here."

After saying that, Liu Deshui's eyes showed a supreme worship for the owner of the notebook.

Zhang Chulan had seen this kind of eyes.

That was the look that only appeared in the eyes of those pilgrims in the snow area.

In other words.

His Grandpa Liu had already worshipped the owner of the notebook as a god.

I really don't know what perspective Grandpa Liu had when he looked at the owner of the notebook when he was a child.

All I know is the few words in the notebook.

It will definitely be distorted if it is really put into real life.

At this time.

The old Taoist priest looked at the terrified crowd and said:

"If my father really wants to eliminate it, I'm afraid that by this time, there will be very few strange people, or even none."

"Perhaps, he will choose a more gentle way to minimize the impact of such things."

Only then did Liu Deshui react.

Then he looked at Feng Zhenghao.

"Senior Li, is he the father of the old master?"

Feng Zhenghao nodded.

"Yes, he is the father of the old master. I have never told you about this."

Looking at the old master, Liu Deshui looked envious.

"Old master, I wish I had a father like your father."

The old master's face darkened.

"Liu Deshui, what are you talking about."

Liu Deshui waved his hands quickly.

"No, old master, that's not what I meant. I'm just envious."

"After all, Senior Li can be said to be my idol for life."

Looking at Liu Deshui calling him Senior Li, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but interrupt.

"Grandpa Liu, in fact, the owner of this notebook is not surnamed Li, nor is he called Li Jinyan."

"But surnamed Su, this Li Jinyan is just a pseudonym among his many identities."

After hearing this, Liu Deshui was obviously shocked.

"Chu Lan, what are you talking about?"

"Is the name used by Senior Li his alias?"

"How many aliases does he have?"

After hearing Liu Deshui's words, Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"No, I don't know Grandpa Liu, but I think there are a hundred of them. This is also the reason why the owner of the notebook has not heard of his reputation in modern times."

"Many things were obviously done by him, but he used many different identities."

After hearing this, Liu Deshui sighed.

"No wonder, no wonder the skills he taught me were not the skills of the Sanyi Sect."

After saying that, Liu Deshui stopped talking.

Obviously digesting the information he just got.

Zhang Chulan then looked at Feng Baobao on the side.

"Sister Baoer, you continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded slightly, then continued reading with the notebook in her hand.

【Thinking over it, I feel that I still have a lot of time, and the means cannot be too radical. Boil the frog in warm water, and let the strange people in this world disappear slowly. 】

When everyone heard the owner of the notebook say that he wanted to boil a frog in warm water to eliminate all the aliens, they were shocked.

I don’t know what method it is.

It can subtly make all the aliens disappear.

【I couldn’t think of any method for this method for a while, and finally Lu Su told me that I could do something with the dragon vein. 】

【The dragon vein is the source of power for all the aliens, and it is also the key to the emergence of cultivation talents and innate aliens. 】

【You only need to build a magic array on the dragon vein to effectively prevent the emergence of aliens. 】

【In the future, this is like implanting a virus program in a computer program to prevent this function. 】

【As long as the magic array she gave me is laid at the source of the dragon vein, there will be no more humans with cultivation talents and aliens with innate superpowers in a hundred years. 】

When everyone heard this, they were shocked.

I never thought.

The owner of the notebook actually laid this array at the source of the dragon vein.

Prevent the emergence of aliens from the source.

If this is the case, when the last batch of aliens die of old age, there will really be no more aliens in this world.

Just then.

Zhang Chulan thought of the self-cultivation furnace. If there is a self-cultivation furnace, it can also create aliens.

But in a blink of an eye, he thought of the disadvantages of the self-cultivation furnace. It must be controlled by an alien with cultivation talent at the other end. If this is the case, when all the pure aliens are dead, there will be no use for this kind of self-cultivation furnace. .

If there were other ways to turn humans into aliens in this world, the holder would probably become the most powerful being in the world.

At this time, a flash of memory appeared in Wang Zhenqiu's eyes.

"The time that the owner of the note first mentioned was 1935. More than half a year has passed since the tormenting of Li Muxuan. Doesn't that mean that the formation was arranged in 1936?"

"In more than twenty years, there will be no innate strangers or people with cultivation talents born in this world!"

After hearing Wang Zhenqiu say this, everyone also realized this matter.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that when the aliens born before 2036 die, there will no longer be any aliens?

Calculated based on the maximum lifespan of an alien.

At most, by around 2150, the aliens will have completely disappeared.

So will the new world mentioned by the note owner come?

Think of this.

Everyone's eyes were full of surprise.

At this moment, Feng Zhenghao didn't want to believe it.

"As far as I know, Behemoth has developed a series of SP compounds, which have a slight chance of transforming ordinary people into aliens."

"By then, this compound will have been iterated for who knows how many times, and I'm afraid it will be able to 100% transform ordinary people into aliens."

"Then by then, wouldn't the Behemoth Company become a giant, independent of the control of the then regime?"

Hearing what Feng Zhenghao said, Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"I also know something about this SP compound."

"But President Feng, you seem to have forgotten one thing, that is, these people who have succeeded in using SP compounds are probably people with cultivation talents themselves."

"It is precisely because of their cultivation talent that they can succeed in using SP compounds."

"Others who don't have the talent to practice will still fail should they fail."

"Besides, guns were already more powerful than aliens during the Republic of China. We don't know how technology will develop in the next century."

"By that time, even if the stranger can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, I'm afraid there will be no way to resist."

Feng Zhenghao nodded after hearing this.

"Well, what you said is indeed correct."

"Even now, we are helpless against those guns and cannons."

"Even if you can resist it for a while, you can't resist it forever. After all, true energy is not infinite."

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu thought of the third level of rebirth.

"It's a pity to say that if the Trinity Sect had not been separated back then, with their incredible self-healing abilities and each person holding a machine gun, they wouldn't have been able to kill everyone during the war! "

Wang Zhenqiu's words awakened everyone.

Indeed, this can be considered a BUG-level skill on the battlefield.

And Wang Zhenqiu also looked at Feng Shayan.

"And you, Feng Shayan, your hundred-step divine fist is a waste of space power on you, a complete waste of natural resources!"


Feng Shayan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"How do you say that?"

Wang Zhenqiu tilted his head helplessly.

"Back then, Luotian Dajiao's competition was uploaded everywhere on Yiren.com. I also watched your Hundred-step Divine Fist that uses space to shift. It was completely devoid of any creativity."

"Even if you hold an alloy knife in your hand, or wear a finger tiger, it's better than your bare hands."

"Of course, if the country didn't control firearms, you could always carry a grenade in your pocket and send the grenade to anyone who didn't like it. This would be done without anyone noticing."

"When the time comes, aren't we going to destroy whoever we want?"


Feng Shayan was stunned.

Having been asked by Feng Zhenghao to learn the Hundred-step Divine Fist since she was a child, she did not dare to have such rebellious thoughts.

At this moment, Feng Zhenghao stopped him.

"If that's the case, then don't say anything."

"Sha Yan, practice the Hundred Steps Divine Fist well next, don't think about whether this kind of thing is possible."

Hearing what Feng Zhenghao said, Feng Shayan nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, father."

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel silently for this Feng Shayan.

In their opinion, this Feng Shayan was really helpless.

I don't know what kind of pressure Feng Zhenghao put on this woman to make her behave so well.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice sounded again.

[After obtaining Lu Su’s formation, she told me that she could not leave her post for too long and would come down to see me often in the future. 】

[Farewell to Lu Su, I flew all the way towards the source of the dragon vein. 】

[Although I once had the idea of ​​not using the third level of non-reverse birth, now that I encounter this situation, I don't care much. I can only use the Ten Thousand Transformations I learned from Hu Haiwang to break through the blockade of the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau and enter it. 】

"Hu Haiwang?"

After hearing this, Liu Deshui couldn't believe it.

"Why, has Senior Li ever interacted with Hu Haiwang?"

"I also learned some techniques from him."

Zhang Chulan opened his mouth to explain at this time.

"Grandpa Liu, actually this is just a coincidence."

"Grandpa Hu Haiwang just happened to help the owner of the notebook, and then the owner of the notebook helped him to comprehend the return of all changes, so Grandpa Hu Haiwang taught him this."

Zhang Chulan's words made Liu Deshui nod.

"So that's how it is. Being able to break the Qi situation is also a remarkable technique."

"It's almost the same as the fourth brother's divine spirit."

Zhang Chulan stopped talking after hearing this.

If Grandpa Liu knew that the return of all changes was based on the divine spirit, I don't know what kind of expression he would have.


[After using the return of all changes to come to the source of the dragon vein, I set it up in this dragon vein according to the formation given to me by Lu Su, and set the power source of the formation to the cosmic energy in it. ]

[After the formation was arranged, I felt that I seemed to have done something of great merit in the dark, and this merit could almost offset the cause and effect of my sinking of the island country in the future! 】

【At this moment, I was inspired and couldn't help but use the divination technique I learned in the pre-Qin period to tell a fortune. I unexpectedly learned that Taoist Cui from Tianjin may have seen the Book of Man, one of the three books of heaven, earth and man! 】

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