Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 231: Meet the soul ferryman Zhao Li again, and his true identity turns out to be a great mon

[The reason Uncle Jiu was able to escape was because he knew some Five Elements Taoism, so he was not caught. Now he also wants to go to the Magic City to see if there is any chance. 】

[Now I am meeting an old friend in a foreign land, so I simply take Uncle Jiu with me on the ferry to the Magic City. 】

[After arriving in the Magic City, I asked Ahriman to get 200 US dollars and opened a demon-killing detective agency for Uncle Jiu that specializes in subduing demons. 】

[At the same time, what surprised me was that I saw Li Zhao in the magic city, this weird guy who claimed to be the soul ferryman. Later, Uncle Jiu told me that this so-called soul ferryman was actually a ghost from the underworld. 】

What's wrong?

Everyone's scalp tightened after hearing this.

Although I have long known that there are countless gods and ghosts in this world, I still feel a little nervous if I hear it.

Zhang Chulan suddenly thought of something while looking at the Feng family.

"Feng Xingtong, when you captured the soul of Grandpa Wangzi Zhong, did you see any hidden dangers?"

Hearing these words, Feng Xingtong couldn't help but be startled.

"At that time, I didn't know there was such a thing as a conspiracy. At that time, Grandpa Wang Zizhong took the initiative to let me arrest the spirit, and then he stayed with me all the time."

"As for the shady stuff, I've never seen it at all."

After Feng Xingtong finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

"Is it possible that ghosts will come to capture the soul after death?"

Liu Deshui figured out the key.

"Yinza is essentially a spirit body and an elf."

"The General Ju Ling is dedicated to restraining all spirits. If he dares to come here, he may be at risk of being detained."

Feng Xingtong also nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, at that time I didn't know there was such a thing as a ghost. If the ghost suddenly came and took away Grandpa Wang Zizhong's soul, then I would definitely give the ghost to the soul."

The explanations of the two people also made everyone suddenly realize.

It seems that the intelligence work was done well. Otherwise, the soul of Mr. Wang Zhong was taken away indiscriminately. I am afraid that I would end up riding on the spirit-detaining general.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice continued reading.

[But one thing I am surprised about is that this official Zhao is already blind. Fortunately, he is very powerful and does not have much impact on his normal life. 】

[I asked him what happened and why he lost his eyes. Zhao Li told me that he just saved a person and gave him his eyes. 】

[I didn’t tell me any other specific details. 】

[It seems that this official Zhao is a good person, no, a pure good guy, so he would do such altruistic things. 】

[Uncle Jiu told me that there are many different departments and organizations in the underground underworld. The place where Zhao Li lives is called Hades, and it is run by a woman named Chacha. This woman was once a human being, and her brother’s name is His name is Chi You, the Chi You who once started a war between humans and gods. 】

[And this matter is actually not that humans are wrong, but that God is wrong. 】

[Later, the Emperor of Heaven compensated the position of Pluto to this woman named Chacha, but instead established the Underworld, a new organization in charge of all souls. 】

[These are basically the two major factions in the underground underworld. 】

[Others, such as Taishan Fujun and Tubo, who contain the souls of dead gods, are beyond the scope of discussion. 】

"God's soul?"

Zhang Chulan looked surprised.

"Can God die too?"

"I thought God was immortal."

Su Zaiqiao on the side spoke.

"Didn't I say before that immortals are not immortal?"

"It should be normal for this god to have normal birth, aging, illness and death, but the life, aging, sickness and death cycle of the god may be countless times longer than that of humans."

"This is like the legendary Dachun, which uses eight thousand years as spring and eight thousand years as autumn. According to its calculation, the four seasons of the year add up to thirty-two thousand years. Assuming that a god can live from birth to death. To live to be one hundred years old means that you have to live for 3.2 million years before you die.”

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"It seems so."

"I just don't know how many gods there are. If there are many, and the population is as large as the humans on our planet, doesn't that mean that gods will die every day?"

"Looking at it this way, Lord Taishan and his uncle are quite tired."

At this time, Feng Zhenghao's heart was filled with turmoil. Previously, he wanted to arrest a weak god, but now it seems that these gods all exist with flesh and blood and souls.

Good thing you know this.

If you want to start arresting, you will definitely hit a wall if you rely on Julingsend.

If the Lord of Taishan Prefecture accommodates the soul of such a god, wouldn't it be possible to capture the soul of a god by squatting there?

Think of this.

Feng Zhenghao's heart beat a little faster.

Over the past many days, through understanding the contents of the notes, he understood the insignificance of his own power.

And if this plan succeeds.

Then at least he has the ability to protect himself!

That is the soul of God.

Even if he dies, he cannot be compared to other elves!

As if sensing something unusual about Feng Zhenghao, Feng Xingtong raised his head and glanced at his father.

Based on his understanding of his father, he would definitely be very interested in this kind of existence.

Then, Feng Xingtong withdrew his eyes without any trace.

And Feng Baobao has already started reading the rest of the notes.

[I asked Zhao Li why he didn’t go back to Hades, and Zhao Li told me that he could feel that there was something of his in Hades, but he didn’t know what it was. In addition, since he was blind now, Hades would not do it for him. If such a person is treated, the final outcome can only be that the organization is withdrawn, and then he stays in the underworld with those lonely ghosts for the rest of his life. 】

[Then I asked the goddess Duokuohuo to help me take a look and see what was going on with this official Zhao. 】

[Goddess Duokuohuo told me that this Zhao official had a memory that was purged from the first forty years of his life, and the subsequent memories were all false. 】

[At the same time, Goddess Duokuohuo told me that this Zhao official is not a ghost, but a ghost fairy. 】

[I was very surprised when I heard this conclusion. I never expected that Zhao Li was actually an accomplished monk! 】

Zhang Chulan was very surprised when he heard this sentence.

"Why did the owner of the note say that this official Zhao was a ghost, instead of saying that he was an eminent monk?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's question, no one knew how to answer.

Because it was the first time they heard this statement.

At this moment, the old Heavenly Master opened his mouth and said:

"I know a little bit about this."

Hearing what the old master said, everyone also turned their attention to the mobile phone in Zhang Chulan's hand. They didn't know how this ghost fairy got confused with the eminent monk.

The voice of the Heavenly Master came slowly from the mobile phone.

"It was recorded in the "Zhong Lu Chuan Dao Collection"."

"In the past, Zhongli Quan had a discussion with Lu Dongbin, the founder of Chunyang. Lu Dongbin once asked what this ghost immortal was. Zhongli Quan told Lu Dongbin that the gods, humans and ghosts in the world were the last among the five immortals. Through practice, they transformed themselves into The Yin God transcended and no longer has his own name in the underworld, which can be regarded as immortality in disguise. "

"But after becoming a ghost immortal, you can't even enter the heaven. You can only wander between heaven and earth to find a pure land."

"After the Buddhist monks have cultivated to this level, they will call themselves Arhats and say that they have achieved enlightenment."

"But they are said to be immortals, but they are actually ghosts. They are not even as good as corpse-dismantling immortals."

After hearing the old Heavenly Master's explanation, everyone finally understood that this was actually the case.

At this time, the old Heavenly Master continued:

"Zhong Liquan has a clear explanation for this kind of behavior of the Buddhists, that is, he has not understood the true meaning of the Tao from the beginning. He only wants to succeed, and his whole body is like a dead tree, and his mind is like ashes. "

"In other words, if the spirit cannot be kept within, the will will not be firm."

"During meditation, Yin gods will appear. They are ghosts with clear spirits, not pure Yang immortals. But because this spirit will not dissipate, they are called ghost immortals."

"Some people who believe in Buddhism think they have achieved the right path after they have cultivated to this level. In fact, they have gone astray."

Zhang Chulan thought of the scene in Journey to the West at this time.

"If that's the case, I now understand why Tang Monk's body was left at Lingyundu in Journey to the West."

"The person who came out of Lingyun by boat was not Tang Monk, but a ghost. However, this ghost was not a Yin ghost, but a Buddhist ghost."

The old master nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, because of this scene, Journey to the West was resisted by many Buddhists when it came out."

"But they practice this kind of Dharma, so no matter how much they resist, there is no way to stop the spread of Journey to the West. But now, even the eminent monks who have obtained the Dharma have disappeared, so the current monks no longer resist, because of this It’s just a broken foundation.”

After hearing what the old Heavenly Master said, everyone suddenly realized.

Xiao Zizai spoke at this time.

"Indeed, even this kind of Dharma, which Zhong Liquan despises, no one has succeeded in practicing it. This is not only a tragedy for Buddhism, but also a tragedy for the entire practice world."

"Speaking of which, I have studied Buddhist scriptures over the years and can understand the deep despair hidden in the words of Buddhist sages."

"Now is the end of the Dharma era. Perhaps, everything can only wait a hundred years for the notebook master's plan to take effect before it can be rejuvenated."

After hearing this, everyone was silent.

Practice practice.

No one can ever really tell them what spiritual practice is!

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice has continued to come.

[I asked Li Zhao if he really didn’t remember anything about the past, and Li Zhao told me that he only had one memory, that is, he had a piano, a guqin, and there was a woman next to the piano. Accompany him, and remember nothing else. 】

[I asked Goddess Duokuohuo if she could retrieve Zhao Li’s past memories. Goddess Duokuohuo told me that if I could retrieve the piano in Zhao Li’s memory, there was still a high chance of it. memory. 】

[Then I divined through the mountains and divined that the piano is now in Hades. 】

[Out of sympathy for such a good man and good ghost, I decided to enter the underworld and retrieve the piano in my memory for Mr. Zhao. 】

[When I told Zhao Li my decision, Zhao Li also agreed with my decision, so I took Zhao Li to the Hades. 】

[The plasma state of the third level of reverse generation can be said to be the purest energy body. It is natural to enter the underworld, and the Yin Qi cannot invade at all. 】

【However, because Zhao Li was blind, he was not good at leading the way, so I caught an evil ghost and dug out his eyes and pressed them on Zhao Li. Although they were a little rotten, they could still be used. 】

【After entering the Hades' mansion, the Hades Cha Cha soon discovered Zhao Li's trace and found me at the same time. 】

【I was also a little surprised that the Hades' perception was so strong that he discovered us as soon as he entered. 】

【But I was not afraid in this state. Since I couldn't steal it, I would take it back! 】

【Then I fought with the Hades. In the end, I was so excited that I didn't care about the restrictions I set for myself and directly used the Samadhi True Fire. 】

【This Samadhi True Fire is dedicated to burning the souls of all things in the world. The Hades Cha Cha naturally didn't dare to take it head-on. 】

【After the Samadhi True Fire came out, I didn't want to fight anymore. After taking the piano from the Hades' mansion, I left here with Zhao Li. ]

[After returning to the world of the living, Zhao Li told me that this Hades Cha Cha was very vengeful and would definitely come to seek revenge on me in the future. ]

[Now I am lacking some threats from the outside world, which is exactly what I want. ]

[Then, the goddess Duo Kuo Huo took action and brought back Zhao Li's memory. ]

[Zhao Li also immediately remembered his past. At that time, he was a Buddhist disciple. After he achieved the Asura fruit position, he encountered a harp. Inside the harp lived an elf. After a long time of getting along, he fell in love with the elf, and thus lived a happy life. ]

[But the good times did not last long. The sound of the harp spread to the underworld and was heard by the Hades Cha Cha, so he took away his harp. ]

[He also immediately went down to the underworld, killed the previous generation of Meng Po, and successfully broke into the residence of the Hades, but the strength of the Hades was far stronger than him. After being defeated, the Hades Cha Cha cleared his memory and implanted his memory of being a ghost messenger. From then on, he became a soul ferryman until now. 】

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Never expected that this Hades, who even the ghost fairy could not defeat, was defeated by the owner of the notebook.

So what is the strength of the owner of the notebook?

At this moment, Wang Zhenqiu suddenly said:

"I seem to have seen the method of this Hades Cha Cha somewhere."

"But it's not this method, but the people affected by this method!"

Hearing Wang Zhenqiu say this, Zhang Chulan on the side couldn't help but speak.

"Wang Zhenqiu, are you talking about that Ma Xianhong?"

"Ma Xianhong who lost a part of his memory?"

Wang Zhenqiu nodded.


"I'm talking about him. This guy still wants to get his memory back, but how can the person who used this method on him let him get it back so easily!"


Zhang Chulan suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"If that's the case, it means someone has mastered the means of Pluto Cha Cha. I wonder if this person can implant memories in addition to deleting them."

"If he can implant memories, that's terrible. By then, I'm afraid there will be puppets controlled by this person all over the world!"

Wang Zhenqiu recalled Ma Xianhong's state and shook his head.

"Not necessarily. You saw Ma Xianhong before."

"Ma Xianhong's appearance is obviously not controlled by others. Maybe this person only has the ability to delete memories, not implant memories."

Everyone was relieved after hearing this.

If that's the case, it's okay! There's not much threat yet!

Just then.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.

【Now that the piano and memories have been found, Zhao Li is happy, but Zhao Li finds that the spirit in his piano is gone. The spirit he loves deeply is now unknown. 】

【Seeing this, I took Zhao Li to the underworld to confront Pluto Cha Cha and ask where the spirit in the piano has gone. ]

[But the Hades told us that she had never played the zither since she snatched it back from Zhao Li. A few years ago, she was angry and sent the spirit in the zither to reincarnation. Now it should be ten years old. ]

[I was relieved when I heard that it was only ten years old, because at that time, people were only married at the age of fourteen, and ten years old meant that they had not yet married. If they were married, it would be too disgusting for Zhao Li. ]

[Then I asked the Hades to hand over the reincarnation location, and then took Zhao Li to search for it, but no one expected that the Hades had no martial ethics. Although it was only ten years old, the spirit in the zither was reincarnated into a boy. ]

When they heard that the final result was this, everyone frowned.

This Hades Cha Cha is too insidious.

He actually treated the spirit that Zhao Li loved so much like this.

It was obviously taken back by you, but you didn't cherish it and treated it casually.

This Zhao Li is a bit too miserable.

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to read.

【Zhao Li didn't care much. He said he wanted to take the boy as his apprentice and teach him Buddhism so that he would not suffer from reincarnation. 】

【I also understand and respect Zhao Li's choice. 】

【But when I was about to leave, I accidentally discovered Zhang Jue's reincarnation. 】

【Zhang Jue's reincarnation in this life is female, and it seems that he was reincarnated immediately after his death in the previous life, so his age seems to be around ten years old, and he was born in a butcher's family. 】

【Now I showed my true face, and Zhang Jue recognized me at a glance. Now she has not obtained the jade, so she has not obtained the power, so she is still confined to this butcher's family. 】

【I took the opportunity to buy meat to talk to Zhang Jue, and Zhang Jue told me something, the truth of something he could not forget in his previous life. 】

【That is, she knew why the thousand-year killing game could not be ended, it was entirely because there was a person who had not appeared and was not dead. 】

【And this person was Zhuge Liang, who had lived from more than 1,800 years ago to the present. This Zhuge Liang had achieved immortality! 】

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