Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 232 Zhang Jue's reincarnation, Zhuge Liang who lived from 1,800 years ago appears!!!


Everyone was surprised when they heard this conclusion.

"Has Zhuge Liang lived from the Three Kingdoms period to now?"

"Is it possible that Zhuge Liang has immortality?"

Zhang Chulan kept thinking about all the details of the Millennium Killing Bureau in his mind. He had always ignored one person before, the person who gave these reincarnated figures of the Three Kingdoms the initial jade stone.

Is it possible?

Is this Zhuge Liang who lived from the Three Kingdoms period to the Republic of China?

Liu Deshui was surprised to hear that Zhuge Liang might have immortality.

"Then who was Zhuge Liang who died of illness in Wuzhangyuan at that time?"

"After all, he really died, because his death also indirectly led to the defeat of Shu."

"If he really achieved immortality, why did he retreat and disappear into history?"

Everyone was puzzled when they heard Liu Deshui's voice.

Feng Xingtong was a little unbelievable at this time.

"Historically, this alien has been rated as the greatest alien, bar none."

"Obviously, I have mastered extremely powerful power and was one step away from becoming an immortal. However, I gave up this opportunity, and then my whole life goal was to help the Han Dynasty."

"It's hard for anyone to understand how rare this kind of sacrifice is."

"But now I'm told that Prime Minister Zhuge lived until the Republic of China, and may even live into modern times. It's simply incredible."

"If someone had told me this before listening to the notes, I would have thought they were out of their minds, Watts."

"Who would believe such a bizarre thing."

After hearing Feng Xingtong's historical evaluation of Zhuge Liang, Liu Deshui on the side said:

"Everyone in the world knows about Zhuge Liang, but no one knows about Senior Su."

"Didn't Senior Su also give up the opportunity to become an immortal and escape his own destiny, and pursue the possibility that can allow everyone to escape their destiny?"

"If we hadn't found Senior Su's notes, how would we know what a huge sacrifice Senior Su had made for us!"

After hearing Liu Deshui's words, everyone also recalled it.


The owner of the notebook, like Zhuge Liang, the greatest stranger in the legend, gave up the opportunity to become an immortal.

And unlike this Zhuge Liang, the owner of this notebook has a greater pursuit. He is not giving up his chance to become an immortal for a certain royal family, but for all mankind.

Think of this.

A feeling of admiration began to appear on everyone's faces.

No matter what wrong things this note owner has done, this one can make up for all the mistakes, not to mention that most of the things this note owner did are beneficial to the common people.

This merit.

Big indeed!

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao at this moment.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading and see what else comes next."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

Then he continued reading the notes in his hand.

[I asked how she knew this angle, and she told me that a mysterious man brought a bear to deliver jade some days ago, and she also used the backhand left by the old immortal Nanhua in her previous life to calculate it. This is Zhuge Liang, and the bear standing next to him is Wei Yan! 】

[Wei Yan was cursed because he kicked over the seven-star lantern. From then on, he could only be reincarnated into different animals in every life. 】

[I immediately realized after finishing this chapter that in the late Qing Dynasty, I should have seen this Zhuge Liang, but at that time I thought that I was not good at learning and was defeated easily. Now I know that that person turned out to be Zhuge Liang, I also feel that I was not unjustly defeated! 】

"No wonder, no wonder the owner of the notebook couldn't defeat that mysterious man even though he was so powerful. It turned out to be Zhuge Liang!"

Zhang Chulan sighed after finishing speaking.

"This is really dramatic."

"I don't know who is stronger between the notebook owner and Zhuge Liang."

"After all, Zhuge Liang actually lived for 1,780 years!"

"The master of the note may not even have a fraction of his cultivation years."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Xiao Zizai clasped his hands together.

"Why do we have to fight?"

"This kind of thing is just about a conflict of interest. I haven't seen any conflict of interest between the owner of the notebook and Zhuge Liang for the time being."

"If there is no conflict of interest, I don't think there can be a fight."

Hearing what Xiao Zizi said, Zhang Chulan scratched his head.

"Indeed, it would be better not to fight, but it shouldn't be Zhuge Liang who planned the millennium plan, but why did he plan the millennium plan to play with so many figures from the Three Kingdoms period?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's question, Xiao Zizai shook his head.

"I don't know either. Maybe he has his own purpose."

"All right!"

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he looked at Feng Baobao, and Feng Baobao also continued reading the notes in his hand.

[Zhang Jiao also told me that she did not want to accept the awakening power of jade in her life, but Zhuge Liang seemed to insist on her awakening and forcefully awakened her memory, but she did not use the jade that belonged to her. It's buried in my backyard. If I want it, I can take it away now. 】

[I accepted Zhang Jiao’s suggestion without any hesitation. 】

[This jade has a very good energy storage effect, especially when it stores pure true qi. In terms of capacity and stability, it is much stronger than the crystal core battery. ]

[After digging the jade from Zhang Jiao's backyard, Zhang Jiao told me that if I took the jade, Zhuge Liang would be watching me, and he might come to me at any time. ]

[But this is exactly what I want. I want to see how Zhuge Liang achieved immortality, or whether he got it from a book.]

[So I said goodbye to Zhang Jiao and came to Sichuan and Chongqing alone. Sichuan and Chongqing are Zhuge Liang's hometowns, so it is definitely convenient for him to find me. During this period, I went to Huode Sect by the way. ]

[I don't know what's going on with Huode Sect now. It can be regarded as extremely wealthy, and there are even many more disciples. These disciples are also very talented. I think three of them have learned fire escape by throwing life talismans. ]

Liu Deshui smiled after hearing this.

"I'm afraid my sworn brother Feng Ping is in there."

"After all, my sworn brother said that he was the first one among his fellow disciples to surrender."

Hearing Liu Deshui say this, Zhang Chulan on the side looked curious.

"I don't know if my grandfather Feng Ping is still alive. When I asked Grandpa Xu Xin, he didn't tell me where Grandpa Feng Ping was."

Liu Deshui smiled mysteriously after hearing this.

"I can't tell you about this."

"But you don't have to be too curious. You will know what you should know when the time comes."

Seeing Liu Deshui like this, everyone was also very curious.

Could it be that Feng Ping is not dead?

If so, the current strength of Huo De Zong cannot be underestimated.

After all, in the era of the Republic of China, Feng Ping was extremely popular. If there were not too many geniuses at that time to cover his light, Feng Ping could be called a genius in any other era.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.


[Seeing this scene, I don't know what good fortune the Huode Sect has gained in these years. When I found the head Fengrao, Fengrao was also very surprised by my arrival and invited me to the reception room. ]

[I asked Fengrao what was going on during this period. He actually accepted so many disciples. Could it be that those disciples who went out to be chefs came back? ]

[Fengrao told me that it was the chef named Liu Angxing who came back. When he came back, he brought all his savings over the years and gave them to him. ]

[But he is not here now, but went to the United States to fry steak. The well-done steak he fried was tender and delicious, and was very popular with those rich Americans. ]

[But if you are in Longguo, you need to learn many dishes and often prevent picky customers from finding faults. If you open a restaurant in the United States, you don't need to be so troublesome. You only need to know a few dishes to make these rich Americans obedient. ]

[After learning about this, I couldn't help but sigh that things are unpredictable. I don't know how much money Liu Angxing made to save this dilapidated Huode Sect to this extent. ]

[I waited for a long time in Huode Sect, and during this time I met a very good guy Feng Ping. This kid is indeed talented. Out of respect for talent, I taught him many improved methods of controlling fire. ]

[The rest of the days in Huode Sect were relatively peaceful, but I wanted to see how patient Zhuge Liang was! ]

[Finally, after I lived in Huode Sect for ten months, Zhuge Liang came to me when I was out one time. This guy was indeed the one who beat me with a dog. Looking at Zhuge Liang's face that was no different from that year, I asked him why he got immortality. ]

[Zhuge Liang told me that he deceived the heavens through the method "Seven Stars Borrowing Life" obtained from the human book, and thus obtained infinite life. 】

【The reason why he came to me now is that he wants to break this thousand-year killing situation with me. 】

【I asked who set up this thousand-year killing situation, and Zhuge Liang told me a well-known name, Yu Ji, the immortal of the East China Sea. 】

【All this started when Sun Ce killed Yu Ji. 】

When they heard that it was because of Sun Ce killing Yu Ji, everyone was stunned.


It was Sun Ce who did the evil. How come so many people from the Three Kingdoms period are involved now?

【Zhuge Liang told me that Yu Ji was preaching in Sun Ce's territory, and was feared by Sun Ce. In the end, Sun Ce found a reason to kill him. 】

【But at that time, Yu Ji had already become a half-immortal body. After being killed, he became an immortal and became a real immortal. 】

【The corpse-reincarnation immortal is also an immortal, with many magical powers, so he set up a game and selected 9981 Three Kingdoms characters who can be infinitely reincarnated to play with Sun Ce's soul. It can be said that as long as Yu Ji is not dead, this thousand-year killing game will never stop. 】

【When Zhuge Liang was selected, he immediately looked for a way to crack it. In the end, he had no choice but to use the method of stealing the secrets from the books he read that year to extend his life to infinity, so that he would not be used as a puppet by Yu Ji to participate in this fight. 】

【I asked Zhuge Liang why he was responsible for sending jade to awaken the power and memory of these Three Kingdoms characters. 】

[Zhuge Liang told me that he had nothing to do, because he had seen that all the reincarnated characters in the Three Kingdoms would fall into their tragic fate once they did not awaken their own power and memory. 】

[Awakening power and memory can lead a glorious life. By the way, you can study how to escape this fate. 】

[And at the end, Zhuge Liang asked me if I could help these reincarnated people escape their tragic fate! 】

[I naturally won’t refuse this kind of thing. This is why I won’t read it when I get it. 】

[Zhuge Liang told me that the real fight will begin ten years later, during which he will look for those reincarnated figures from the Three Kingdoms and awaken their power and memory for them. 】

[And he also hopes that I can help them find a way. 】

[After Zhuge Liang left, I fell into thinking. I don’t know why Yu Ji, the corpse-discipline immortal, has such powerful magical powers and can manipulate the fate of others at will. 】

[Finally, I asked Goddess Duokuohuo, and Goddess Duokuohuo told me that this may not be Yu Ji's power, but that Yu Ji obtained the Book of the Earth, one of the three books of heaven, earth, and man. 】

[Because the Book of the Earth can change everything in the world, it can naturally also change the fate of these characters during the Three Kingdoms period. 】

[And there is another thing, that is, nine is the ultimate number, and ninety-nine and eighty-one figures from the Three Kingdoms are probably the limit that Yu Ji can control. 】

[The top priority now is to find Yu Ji who has been hiding in the dark. Not only can he free the eighty-one figures from the Three Kingdoms period, but he can also find the book from the ground. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone! 】

Everyone looked surprised after hearing this.

I never expected that this was the truth!

Zhang Chulan looked at his master with doubts and surprise in his eyes.

"Master, why would Yu Ji wantonly take revenge on mortals? After becoming an immortal, shouldn't he be indifferent to everything?"

The Heavenly Master sighed helplessly after hearing this.

"Of course a true immortal is like this. It can be said that everything before becoming an immortal has nothing to do with him."

"But the corpse-dissolving immortal is different. Think about it, Nanhua, the old master of Zhangjiao, is the corpse-dissolving immortal. Didn't he leave many back-ups for him out of love?"

"I think this should be related to the fact that Shijie Immortal has not completely cut off everything in the world. This is also the reason why Nanhua Old Immortal died of old age."

"It can be said that corpse-dissolving immortals were very common in the Han Dynasty. At first, Li Shaojun was very popular with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Later, after Li Shaojun died, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered his coffin to be opened. After opening it, the coffin contained nothing but Li Shaojun's clothes. Except, everything else disappears.”

"Later, it was said that Li Shaojun sent many civil servants and good generals to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the most famous of which was Na Huo Qubing."

"That is to say, Zhijie Immortal cannot completely eliminate the cause and effect, and there are still many people who are concerned about it."

After finishing speaking, the old Heavenly Master sighed softly.

"Where there is love, there is naturally hatred."

"There is nothing wrong with Yu Ji's revenge on Sun Ce, who killed him before he was alive, but bringing so many innocent people into the game is a bit too much."

Hearing what the old Heavenly Master said, everyone looked thoughtful.


What Yu Ji did was very unethical.

Zhang Chulan had a flash of inspiration at this moment.

"If you say this, doesn't it mean that Yu Ji has a lifespan? I don't know how long his lifespan is or how many years he can live."

Wang Zhenqiu was rubbing his chin at this time.

"The old immortal Nanhua died of old age in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and Guangchengzi created the method of cultivating immortality. In other words, even from Guangchengzi's time, the old immortal Nanhua lived for more than three thousand years at most."

"But I think it won't live that long specifically, probably more than two thousand years."

"In other words, Yu Ji will not have many years to live when he arrives in the Republic of China. Looking at it this way, once Yu Ji dies, won't the restrictions and imprisonment on these Three Kingdoms figures be automatically lifted?"

"As far as I'm concerned, there's no need for any method at all."

"All we need to do is endure this Yu Ji to death."

Su Zaiqiao on the side spoke at this time.

"We can naturally come to this conclusion by thinking from God's perspective, but we cannot help but think this way when we are in the middle of the game."

"In addition, there may be a book in Yu Ji's hand. I guess my grandfather will never give up this opportunity."

Wang Zhenqiu nodded after hearing this.

"Well, these books are indeed very important, but I don't know what will happen to the books in the notebook after they are collected."

Su Zaiqiao looked longingly.

"I think this must be very powerful, and it will probably destroy the entire world and restart it."

Wang Zhenqiu was shocked when he heard Su Zaiqiao say this.


"I don't want to be destroyed and restarted. I also want to have more fun."

Zhang Chulan saw that the conversation was almost over, and then looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."


Feng Baobao immediately started reading from the notes.

[Although I am determined to find Yu Ji, Yu Ji is an immortal after all, and it is not easy to find him. 】

[After much thought, I can only ask for help from foreign aid and wait for Lu Su to come down to earth to see if I can find this place in Ji. 】

[At the same time, I found that after I had this idea, the feeling of being spied on for a long time disappeared, as if this feeling had never appeared in me. 】

When he heard this sentence, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but think about it.

It seems that the person who has been spying on the owner of the notebook is the immortal Yu Ji.

No wonder the owner of the notebook could not find the existence of the person spying on him from beginning to end.

[After learning that the person who had been spying on me was Yu Ji, I also understood that I was afraid that Yu Ji had been eyeing me for a long time, but I didn’t know why he hadn’t interfered with me. ]

[With this doubt, I called her according to the method that Nishang taught me to contact her. ]

[Nishang was also successfully summoned from the heaven by me, and told me that she could only stay for one hour, otherwise she would be discovered and sneaked into the lower world. ]

[And I immediately asked my doubts, that is, where have all the corpse-reincarnated immortals from ancient times to the present gone now? ]

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