Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 233 The final destination of the corpse-reincarnated immortal, a savage wearing the mask of

[Nichang thought I was looking for her because I missed her, but she didn't expect me to ask this question. ]

[But she still told me the truth about where these corpse-reincarnated immortals went. ]

[Nichang told me that corpse-reincarnated immortals are not qualified to be officials in the heavens. Even the lowest-level heavenly soldiers are served by gods. Only those who can be officials have ascended to heavenly immortals. ]

[In order not to be contaminated by the vulgarity of the world, these corpse-reincarnated immortals can only wander outside the Xuanhuang, which is what later generations call outer space. ]

[There are also some corpse-reincarnated immortals who live in the Moon Palace, that is, on the moon. The legendary Chang'e flying to the moon is adapted from the story of a female fairy. ]

[The corpse-reincarnated immortals only come down to travel the world when they feel lonely. ]

[Sometimes when they meet someone they like, they will pass down the Taoism and pass it down as a good story. ]

When everyone heard this, their eyes were stunned.

I really didn't expect that it would be like this.

Wang Zhenqiu's eyes were surprised.

"If that's the case, then most of the people who have encountered immortals in the legend are probably corpse-reincarnated immortals."

"But corpse-reincarnated immortals are also immortals, and I don't know how much higher they are than us."

"If you have the opportunity to meet a corpse-reincarnated immortal, it would be a great fortune."

At this moment, Zhang Chulan suddenly thought of the King Xian who had set up the chess game and the banquet to invite the corpse-reincarnated immortal. Perhaps, he knew about this, so he made such a plan to invite the corpse-reincarnated immortal to come.

At this time, Liu Deshui said:

"There are many cases of encountering gods in history."

"The most famous one is the legendary chess game. It is said that a woodcutter named Wang Zhi went up the mountain to chop wood one day and met two gods playing chess there."

"Because he was obsessed with it, he put his axe aside and watched the two gods playing chess. After a day, Wang Zhi found that the axe handle he put aside had already rotted, and the axe was even rusty."

"When he went down the mountain, he found that more than a hundred years had passed in the world, and even his wife and children had died of old age."

After saying this, Liu Deshui sighed softly.

"I don't know if Wang Zhi encountered a corpse-reincarnated immortal."

"But even if it is a corpse-reincarnated immortal, its methods are endless!"

Everyone listened to Liu Deshui's sigh, and each of them was thinking. There are too many such legends in history, and they don't know if they will have the opportunity to see these legendary gods in this life.

At this time.

The voice of Feng Baobao continued to ring in everyone's ears.

[After being intimate with Nichang, Nichang left. She hoped that I could become an immortal, and then she could see me all the time. ]

[After learning that Yu Ji might be hiding in outer space, I started to prepare a plan to find Yu Ji. ]

[But even if Yu Ji is a corpse immortal, he is still an immortal. What's more, this guy has the Earth Book in his hand that can change everything in the world. The Immortal Execution Order may not be able to kill him, so I must be more careful now. ]

[Even with the help of Goddess Duo Kuo Huo and Lu Su, you must be extremely cautious to have a chance of survival! ]

Feng Baobao let out a long breath at this moment.

His tone was slightly relaxed.

"All read!"

After hearing Feng Baobao finish reading, everyone felt a sense of loss in their hearts. I wonder if the owner of the notebook finally found Yu Ji.

If he did, I don't know what the scene would be.

And Yu Ji has the Earth Book in his hand, which can change everything in the world at will. This function is terrifying to think about.

It is almost invincible!

Zhang Chulan had just hung up the call with the old master when the exclusive communicator between Hei Guan and his supervisor Ren Fei suddenly rang.

After answering the call with headphones, Hei Guan's expression suddenly changed.

After hanging up, he looked at all the temporary workers.

"There's work."

"We'll leave now."

Everyone was surprised to see Hei Guan say this. They didn't expect that Yun Nan had just solved a big trouble.

However, they couldn't say much in Tianxiahui now, so no one asked much.

Zhang Chulan didn't ask until they walked out of Tianxiahui.

"Brother Guan, what exactly is going on?"

Everyone looked at Hei Guan with curiosity.

Hei Guan looked serious when he saw this.

"A savage ran out of the Great Rift Valley of Savage Mountain. According to research, this savage is wearing the mask of King Anugaya and has extremely strong luck."

"At the same time, I don't know what kind of Taoist magic he learned, and he can even summon the heroic spirits of the army to fight."

"Ordinary aliens have no way to subdue him. Now we can only go out."

When they heard that it was a savage who came out of the Great Canyon of Savage Mountain, everyone was stunned.

Why didn't they see him when they went there before, and how was this savage released?

Zhang Chulan immediately asked:

"Did they say how old this savage is?"

Xiao Zizai shook his head.


"I didn't ask specifically, but now I can ask Ren Fei to send me a video of the video there."


Everyone asked the company's people to come and send them to the airport.

While waiting, Hei Guan also brought the video there.

In a busy downtown area, a savage wearing a very strange mask and ragged clothes kept shuttling in the downtown area.

The strangers in the company also went to arrest them, but this savage knew how to condense his true energy into darts to deal with everyone.

He also spits flames from his mouth and burns down the surrounding facilities.

This barbarian's mouth-breathing flames are extremely powerful, like a high-temperature flamethrower, and he sprays out extremely fast, as if there is a blower behind his back, which is suspected to be the method of the Huode Sect.

Finally, when the aliens of the company surrounded the savage, the savage could summon many soldier spirits surrounded by black energy to fight.

It looks like the evil spirit from the Liangshan witchcraft contract.

The black tube said at this time:

"Citizens have been evacuated, and the Internet has been cut off in the entire city."

"Then it's up to us."

Everyone was extremely surprised when they saw the wild man's methods in the video.

"Who is this savage? He actually knows so many powerful techniques."

Zhang Chulan frowned slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"Looks like this guy is in trouble."

"The mask he wears on his head is that of King Anugaya. This kind of mask can bring strong luck to people, and can often avert danger at critical moments."

"An enemy with many means, powerful combat power, and lots of luck is definitely everyone's nightmare."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's analysis, Wang Zhenqiu didn't take it seriously.

"In this case, why not find someone with better luck to fight him."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Someone with better luck?

Who is that?

At this moment, Wang Zhenqiu pointed at Zhang Chulan.

"Well, isn't this right here?"

"Who among us has better luck than Zhang Chulan?"

Zhang Chulan was helpless when he saw Wang Zhenqiu focusing his attention on him. You are simply diverting trouble away from him.

Clarinet's eyes lit up at this moment.

"Yes, this kind of thing is most suitable for Zhang Chulan."

"Chu Lan, what happens next is up to you."

"After all, it has been obvious to everyone during this period that it is not unfair to say that you are the luckiest among us."

Zhang Chulan helplessly spread his hands.

"It's whatever you say."

Seeing that Zhang Chulan agreed, the black supervisor said:

"This kind of thing, talking about it, does put you in danger."

"We will protect you next."

"All we need is that you lure this savage into our encirclement."

"After all, people who are unlucky can't do this."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will do my best!"

Feng Baobao looked at Zhang Chulan with a confident look on his face, blinked his eyes, and began to think about how to protect Zhang Chulan.

The world will meet.

Looking at the people leaving in a hurry, Feng Xingtong looked curious.

"I don't know what mission these people received that made them leave in such a hurry."

After hearing this, Feng Zhenghao on the side said:

"These are not ordinary people. I think these are the legendary temporary workers who do dirty work for the company."

"Each one has vast magical powers and diverse methods."

"I don't know why Chu Lan wants to let them come."

"I also listened to the contents of these notes."

Liu Deshui spoke at this moment.

"Since Chu Lan is willing to let them come, it means that the contents of the notes are unprotected against them."

"Xiao Feng, it's better not to worry about this."

Feng Zhenghao shook his head quickly when he saw this.

"Master Liu, I don't have this idea."

"But when I listened to that note before, I had a plan in mind."

"Since we, the Feng family's spiritual commanders, can ignore all the gaps between humans and spirits, can we try to squat in Mount Tai to capture the soul of a death god?"

"The world today is getting more and more crazy, and all kinds of powerful existences can be said to be emerging in endlessly."

"In addition, powerful elves are too rare. Now, I can only rely on this method to improve my strength."

After hearing this sentence, Liu Deshui was surprised.

He didn't expect Feng Zhenghao's ambition to be so big.

"Xiao Feng, you have to think clearly, that is the soul of a dead god. What if it fails?"

"Do you think you can protect yourself?"

Feng Zhenghao shook his head.

"No, Master Liu, I don't know."

"If something happens to me, then the world will ask you to help me more."

"But if it succeeds, the benefits will be a hundred times a thousand times or even ten thousand times!"

"When the time comes, even the Heavenly Master will be able to fight me!"

Seeing that Feng Zhenghao had made up his mind, Liu Deshui could not persuade him any more.

"Okay, I promise you, if something happens to you, I will still be shocked by you in this world and you won't be able to leave!"

"When the time comes, I will also go to the Truth-Seeking Association to say hello and help your children."

Feng Zhenghao nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Thank you Mr. Liu!"

Feng Xingtong and Feng Shayan on the side did not speak, because they knew that the decision made by their father would not be changed. All they could do now was to pray in their hearts that their father would succeed!

Yunnan Quentin City.

This is the closest city to the Five Immortals Sect and the Savage Mountain Rift Valley.

The savage who ran out of Savage Mountain had gradually calmed down and was eating and drinking in a night market that was already deserted.


Zhang Chulan and his temporary workers have also arrived here. Seeing the savages eating and drinking without any scruples in the distance, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

I don't know if he can do it.

The black pipe looked at Zhang Chulan at this time.

"Chulan, don't worry about anything next. Just run away and lead this savage to the northwest. There is a suburb that has not been fully developed. If you take action there, there will be no extra casualties!"

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing it.


"I'll try!"

After saying that, Zhang Chulan swaggered towards the night market.

At this time, the city residents in the residential buildings on both sides also looked at this scene with curiosity.

"Is this savage a superman? I saw with my own eyes that he can spit out flames and burn an armored vehicle."

"Who is that young man? Should we go and warn him?"

"Don't. If the shouting attracts the attention of this savage, he will spit out flames at us. We won't be able to bear it. By then, the mortgage will not be paid off and the house will be burned down."

"That's right. What's the use of knowing that there are supermen in this world? I will still have to pay the mortgage when I wake up tomorrow."

"That's right. Don't be the first one to do this!"


At the same time, Zhang Chulan had already approached the savage.

Looking at the savage who was chewing a piece of potato skin in his hand, Zhang Chulan also saw from the wrinkled and spotted hands of the savage that the savage must be very old.

At least 80 years old or older.

A savage of this age may have seen the master's father.


It was the master's father who taught the savage magic.

Just as Zhang Chulan was thinking, the savage noticed Zhang Chulan, and then mumbled a lot of words.

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Zhang Chulan immediately realized that the savage could communicate.

He just didn't know what he meant by these words.

But before Zhang Chulan could speak, the savage became very excited.

He directly condensed a willow-like true qi dart in his hand and attacked Zhang Chulan!

Seeing this, Zhang Chulan quickly cast the Golden Light Curse and communicated with the power of the moon. The pure white golden light shield appeared in front of Zhang Chulan.


The true qi dart exploded directly on the shield outside Zhang Chulan's body. The strong explosion shook Zhang Chulan and staggered. The golden light curse on the outside of his body was also shaky.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Chulan didn't want to fight anymore.

He fled in the direction he had set.

Before leaving, he cast the little white worm to chop the savage.

The savage's strong luck seemed to be a little bit inferior to Zhang Chulan. The little white worm directly chopped the savage to a crispy outside and tender inside!

The hair exposed outside the mask stood up.

The savage was extremely angry and rushed towards Zhang Chulan.

But this was exactly what Zhang Chulan wanted, and Zhang Chulan also led the savage to run to the suburbs.

Not long.

The savage was led by Zhang Chulan to the deserted suburbs, and the temporary workers were waiting here early.

Seeing that Zhang Chulan successfully led the savage over, everyone was excited.

Not bad.

As long as the savage is subdued next!

Thinking of this, everyone surrounded the savage.

Seeing so many people surrounding him, the savage was also stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had been surrounded.

Then he muttered something in his mouth.

"The left Fu Liujia "whoosh", the right Wei Liuding "shuashua" busy, the front has Huang Shen "huahua" appear, the back has Yue Zhang "clang" bright, the divine consciousness kills "pa pa" fiercely, does not avoid the strong "clang clang" strong, urgent as the rhythm of the bell!"

Because everyone was close and heard clearly, they unexpectedly found that this guy actually used Mandarin.


It's not just simple Mandarin.

It's the official language of the Republic of China!

As soon as the savage finished speaking, a ball of fire began to condense in his mouth, and at the same time, the flames whirred behind him.

Seeing this scene.

Wang Zhenqiu immediately put on the divine gloves and mask, and transformed into Sun Wukong.

At the same time, Huo Dezong's fire-breathing skills also condensed in his mouth.

The next moment.


Wang Zhenqiu took the initiative and blew the flames in his mouth directly at the savage!

And the savage did not dodge.

The flames in his mouth blasted.

It turned into a bright fire column and pushed forward the flames sprayed by Wang Zhenqiu.

The flames sprayed by Wang Zhenqiu were dispersed by the fire column of the wild man in less than three seconds. He had no choice but to frantically turn the Zhenqi long stick in his hand to try to offset the bright fire column.

The black tube closest to Wang Zhenqiu realized that the fire column was not simple, grabbed Wang Zhenqiu's collar and retreated frantically.


The fire column instantly exploded on the cement road where Wang Zhenqiu was originally standing. The intense high temperature caused the cement to explode in an instant, and everyone was terrified.

You can imagine.

If Wang Zhenqiu chose to resist, the consequences would be disastrous!

At this moment.

After the wild man sprayed the fire column, he pinched his palms and continued to chant.

"The five internal organs are buzzing, the blue dragon and white tiger are roaring, the antithesis is moving, the red bird and black tortoise are soaring, the guards are standing straight, and the gods are coming as fast as the command!" As the word "command" came out.

A group of soldiers with black auras constantly walked out from behind him. The armor style of these soldiers looked like soldiers from the Song Dynasty. They also carried bows and swords. They were elite soldiers who could fight both long-range and close combat.

The moment the black soldiers appeared, they attacked the people who were besieging them!

First, they fired a round of arrows, and then they charged on foot.

Three people formed a team, and they were divided into nine teams to attack eight people.

Wang Zhenqiu received special treatment, and two teams of soldiers waved their swords at him.

And Lao Meng, who had the worst physical fitness, was unfortunately shot in the chest by one of the arrows.

At this moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his heart, and even his big breath was a little difficult to breathe. Just when he felt his eyes getting darker and darker, he suddenly felt a cool and refreshing Qi coming from the outside world. Not only was the arrow condensed by the black Qi pulled out, but the wound on his heart began to heal.

Lao Meng looked up.

He found that Xu Ziling from the special service team had come to his side at some point and was healing his heart.

Then a farting sound came from behind Xu Ziling.

"Are you a temporary worker? I don't think it's a good idea. If we hadn't come, you would have died!"

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