Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 239: The leader of Quanxing before the black-robed prime minister and Zhang Boduan went to t

[Now that Tiankui Star and Tianshang Star have been found, I will not delay any longer. After marking them, I will search for other places. ]

[Finally, I found Tianji Star, Tianyong Star, Tiangang Star, Tiansha Star, etc., 108 magic stars, which is exactly the number of Tiangang and Disha. ]

[At the same time, I found that it was not only me who was looking for it, but some people in Quanxing of this era were also looking for the reincarnation of these 108 magic stars. ]

[Quanxing seems to want to do something with the reincarnation of these 108 magic stars. ]

When they heard this, everyone was a little surprised.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but speak.

"Quanxing in the Northern Song Dynasty?"

"I don't know what members of Quanxing in that era."

Ding Shiman, who was standing aside, spoke at this time.

"Because the history of Quanxing is kept in reserve, I know a little about it."

"In the Northern Song Dynasty, the people in the underworld did not call themselves sects but various societies."

"For example, the Archery Society that the owner of the previous note joined, and other illegal organizations include the Lifeless Society, the Stick Society, the Overlord Society, and the Desperate Society."

"And Quanxing called itself the Quanxing Society at that time."

"The acting president of Quanxing at that time was a man named Liu Heiniao, who even planned to assassinate Song Shenzong in an attempt to cause chaos in the world, but failed later, resulting in the annihilation of most of the people in Quanxing, and they hibernated underground for decades before gradually recovering their vitality."

"But Song Shenzong was poisoned because of this assassination and died at the age of 38. Otherwise, it is not certain whether the Southern Song Dynasty would have appeared later."

Dr. Xia on the side was surprised.

"This kind of information will not be recorded in detail by the historians. What you said today is an out-of-print historical material."

"Could it be that there are still many historical materials in Quanxing?"

Ding Shiman nodded.

"Of course, the world only knows that the black-robed prime minister Yao Guangxiao led Quanxing to show off his dragon-slaying skills in the prosperous times."

"But there were many Quanxing leaders in the past, but they were not remembered by history because they did not make such shocking achievements."

Hearing Ding Shian's words, Zhuge Qing shook his head.

"Now think about it, this group of Quanxing is boring enough. In order to find some fun for their own disciples, they want to stir up chaos in the world."

"This Liu Heiniao is like this, and so is the black-robed prime minister Yao Guangxiao."

"Even Wu Gensheng in the Republic of China is like this."

"To be more recent, I think Quanxing Gong Qing is not a good person either."

Ding Shian shook his head at this moment.

"Actually, this is also the characteristic of Quanxing. Everything is for fun, or in other words, it is to find one's own way."

"Whether the head of Quanxing is the acting head or the head, the goal is no more than this."

"Helping the people under them find the way is what they want to do."

"Or in other words, it is what they must do, and this is also the responsibility of the head of Quanxing."

Hearing Ding Shian say this, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but ask.

"Then Brother Ding, have you found your way?"

Ding Shian nodded when he heard it.

"Of course I found it. My way is to become stronger and make myself safer."

"My goal and my way is to cultivate to the point where no one can threaten me anymore!"

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at his master.

I don't know how many moves his master can take to defeat Ding Shian.

At this moment.

Feng Baobao continued to read the notes in his hand.

【After learning that Quanxing actually wanted to attack these demon stars, I began to look for Quanxing, wanting to ask what the purpose of these Quanxing was. ]

[After all, these demon stars are all born with special powers, and even I envy the special powers that some of them have. ]

[When they grow up, they will definitely cause chaos in the world and make everyone restless. ]

[After a period of searching, I found a base of Quanxing. This is a mountain stronghold. The choice of the members of Quanxing is to occupy the mountain and rob passing merchants for a living. ]

[After arriving at this mountain stronghold, I captured the owner of the mountain stronghold and asked him if he knew what the purpose of Quanxing's search for the reincarnation of the demon star was. ]

[But the owner of the mountain stronghold refused to say. I had expected this situation. There was no shortage of various torture instruments in the mountain stronghold, so I asked the younger brothers of the owner of the mountain stronghold to tie him up and torture him. ]

[However, before the torture was used, the owner of the mountain stronghold had already told the purpose of Quanxing like a bamboo tube pouring beans. ]

[That is, there is a guy with the ability to predict in Quanxing now. He predicted that these 81 demon stars will definitely change the Song Dynasty in the end. 】

【So now they want to make a plan to subtly let all the demon stars join Quanxing, so that they can overthrow the Song Dynasty. 】

【After learning about their decision, I had a rough idea, so I asked the village chief who had the ability to predict. The village chief told me that the guy's name was Liu Wuya, and he might be the next president of Quanxing. 】

When they heard Liu Wuya, everyone was stunned.

This sounded a little familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Ding Shiman on the side spoke.

"Don't think about it. The Liu Crow who appears in this note is the same Liu Heiniao who later led the leader of Quanxing to assassinate the emperor. Perhaps he disliked the sound of Crow, so he later changed his name to Liu Xuannio. Later Somehow, everyone calls him Liu Heiniao.”

After hearing this sentence, everyone looked like they suddenly realized that this was what it was like.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to sound.

[After learning that Liu Crow had the ability to predict the future, I asked the owner of the copycat where Liu Crow was. The owner of the copycat told me that Liu Crow had been active in Bianjing and had a branch there. Fortune-telling stalls specialize in fortune-telling for various dignitaries. 】

[After learning about this incident, I slaughtered the entire village and set off towards Bianjing. 】

[Now that I have come to Bianjing again, I feel like I am revisiting my old place. 】

[After enquiry, I also found Liu Crow's fortune-telling stall. After years of development, it has now become a fortune-telling parlor. You cannot enter without an invitation. 】

[So I stole an invitation and entered the fortune-telling parlor smoothly. I have to say that Liu Crow lived up to his name, with skin as dark as ink, small and sharp eyes, and two mouths like those of a crow. If he didn't have an Asian face, you could just call him a Kunlun slave. 】

[After arriving at Liu Wuwu's fortune-telling parlor, I asked Liu Wuwu to calculate my origin. 】

[Who would have known that Liu Wuwu really had something. Not only did he figure out that I came from the next generation, but he also figured out the purpose of my coming here. 】

Everyone was shocked when they heard that Liu Wuwu had such a strong fortune-telling ability.

Good guy.

So strong?

It was actually possible to calculate that the owner of the notebook came from a later generation. You must know that the owner of the notebook had a cosmic disk to protect him.

[Liu Crow's fortune-telling ability really surprised me. I asked Liu Crow how he knew that I came from the next generation. Liu Crow said that he had a precognitive dream last night, dreaming about a white man. The bearded old man told him that tomorrow a person from later generations would come to him to tell his fortune, and he must receive him well. 】

[I also admire Liu Crow’s precognitive dream, but I don’t know who gave him the dream. 】

[My plan to conceal my identity was ruined, so I got straight to the point and asked Liu Crow why he was looking for the eighty-one demon star reincarnations. Could it be that he wanted to rebel? 】

[Liu Wuwu told me that this is not because he wants to rebel, but that these 108 magic stars are really destined to their Quanxing. If they can all join Quanxing, then Quanxing will usher in an unprecedented peak. Expect. 】

[But what Liu Crow could predict was limited. He had no idea that Kuixing would sell everyone that day. 】

[There is no need for me to remind him about this kind of thing. After bidding farewell to Liu Crow, I continued to look for Zhang Boduan to see how his current government officials were doing. 】

[It has been more than ten years since I last saw him. What I didn’t expect was that Zhang Boduan was not consistent with what was recorded in history. Now he has devoted himself to Taoism. Apart from official duties, he studies Taoism every day. Until now, He didn't even get a wife. 】

When they heard that Zhang Boduan had already practiced Taoism at this time, everyone was a little surprised.

Because Zhang Boduan was not an important figure in history even if he became an immortal. Why did history change?

With suspicion, everyone continued to listen.

[I asked Zhang Boduan why there was such a change. 】

[Zhang Boduan told me that after he left Bianjing, he drove all the way to his hometown. On the way, he passed a place called Heifeng Mountain. The wind blew here and made shadows look like black wind, even in the daytime. Can't see the road clearly. 】

[He didn’t know the power of the Black Wind Mountain at the time, so he rushed in with his luggage. After encountering the Black Wind, he was shaken so hard that he couldn’t see the road clearly, so he walked around randomly and came to a temple. He didn’t suspect Zhang Boduan at that time. Just walked in. 】

[After entering, Zhang Boduan saw the statue of the North Pole Zhenwu Xuantian God inside, and there was also a female Taoist priest in the temple. 】

[The female Taoist Priest couldn't tell her exact age. After seeing him, she told him that he had the auspicious signs of "good luck, good luck, and soaring on horseback." She handed him a copy of "The True Interpretation of the Golden Pill" and told him He should practice well in the future. 】

[The general purpose of the true explanation of this golden elixir is: the elixir that returns seven to nine liquid gold, seven is the number of fire, and nine is the number of gold. It is to refine gold with fire and return it to its origin, which is called the golden elixir. 】

[But Zhang Boduan, who only read a small part of the Taoist scriptures, could not understand the meaning at all, and could not even comprehend a few words in it. 】

[So after he came back, he studied Taoism all day long, hoping to one day achieve the golden elixir avenue! 】

[After he came back, he practiced every day. One day, he suddenly felt something. He went to the beach alone and observed the rise and fall of the waves. From this day on, his wisdom began to open up and he became familiar with various classics and texts of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Zhang Yaoyi. 】

[Since returning from that day, his practice can be said to have made rapid progress, and he has quickly mastered the true meaning of the golden elixir. He has achieved great enlightenment, cultivated both life and life, and is so happy. 】

[One day he once made a bet with a monk. They entered a quiet room to meditate and made an appointment to go to Yangzhou to admire the Qiong flowers. After they circled the flowers three times, they each took one back. 】

[But after coming back, there was only a Qionghua in Zhang Boduan's hand, but the monk's mouth was empty. From then on, Zhang Boduan knew that he had achieved great success in Yang Shen! 】

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised when he heard this story.

"Didn't the monk also pass by?"

"Why didn't he pick the flowers back?"

At this time, the Heavenly Master in the video was a little unhappy.

"Chu Lan, didn't I tell you before? Buddhism specializes in the Xing sect, not the Ming sect. This Ziyang master practices both the Xing sect and the Ming sect. When he leaves the body, he is called the Chuyang Shen. Even outsiders can see it. , taking the grand road.”

"That Buddhist monk only cultivates nature and does not cultivate life. Although he can enter into trance and trance, what comes out is the yin spirit. Wherever he goes, ordinary people cannot see his body shape. At the same time, this method is extremely unstable. If you are not careful, it will cause trouble. Find another body and be reincarnated.”

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

Previously, he didn't understand what the Chuyang Shen practiced by those Quanzhen Taoist priests was, but today he finally understood why outsiders said that the Quanzhen technique was to cultivate one's nature and life to the extreme.

After saying that.

The Heavenly Master shook his head slightly, as if he was talking to himself or admonishing everyone.

"The human body is rare and time flies by. At the same time, the length of life is unpredictable. There is no way to escape karma and the disaster of life and death. Only by cultivating both life and life can one achieve enlightenment, avoid death, and enter the realm of no life."

"Practice your life, cultivate your nature, and return to your true nature is the best thing to do!"

After the Master finished speaking, he stopped talking.

After everyone heard this, they were shocked.

Although there is still no way to understand what the Heavenly Master said, I can still hear the importance of dual cultivation of life and life from it.

at this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read the notes in his hand.

[Zhang Boduan later told me that he recently wanted to resign as a government official and explore the mountains and rivers. 】

[It is by fate that I can come here today, and we can go together. 】

[At the same time, he told me that he dreamed of a magical place in his dream last night. After waking up this morning, he went there in person. He told me that the place looked like the corpse of an immortal from the air. It can be said that the essence of heaven and earth has been gathered together. If you practice there, you will definitely be extremely fast. 】

[I was quite surprised when I learned about it. I didn’t expect that Zhang Boduan would already know the location of the Twenty-Four Festival Valley at this time. I just didn’t know what he would do next. 】

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard that the owner of the note was going to the 24th Festival Valley with Zhang Boduan.

Huang Boren was the most surprised.

"Does it look like a corpse when you look down from the air? But I took a helicopter back and forth several times. No matter how you look at this Twenty-Four Knot Valley, it looks like a person who has lost his limbs."

"Why is this happening?"

"Where did the limbs of this twenty-four-knot valley go?"

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