Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 240 Zhang Boduan's previous life, cutting off the limbs of the immortal and transformin

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Director Huang, have you seen any traces of man-made transformation?"

"After all, it's easy to see from the air."

Huang Boren shook his head.

"No, you should have seen it before. That place looks like a place with no limbs and only some trunks and heads left. That's why I said this."

"So this Twenty-Four Festival Valley must have gone through something to become what it is today."

When Huang Boren said this, everyone was a little curious.

What happened in the Twenty-Four Festival Valley?

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice came to everyone's ears.

[This can be said to be a quick trip. After Zhang Boduan and I arrived at the 24th Festival Valley, which has not yet been transformed, I saw the difference between this place and later generations. 】

[First of all, the mountains here stretch so long, they look like the peaks of a long-dead giant lying on the ground. 】

[Compared with later generations, it can be said that the hands, feet, and limbs are complete, and the fingers and toes also form strange forests and rocks, which shows the difference. 】

[At the same time, the scope of the Natural Qi Bureau is also many times larger than that of later generations. If I hadn't been able to transform into an innate Qi and blend into the Qi Bureau at will, it would have definitely taken a lot of time to resolve it. 】

[However, Zhang Boduan has now become successful in cultivation and can easily see through the Qi Bureau, so the two of us entered it casually. 】

[While passing through the Spine Valley, Zhang Boduan suddenly told me that he wanted to engrave the three-car force method in this valley so that those who come here can realize the three-car force by themselves after walking through this valley. 】

[The main focus is on a person who has no talent for cultivation, even a person with no talent for cultivation can become a stranger. 】

[I asked Zhang Boduan why he chose to do this. 】

[Zhang Boduan told me that the reason why he did this was that he looked down on the ignorance of the world. If the valley he painted could lead to a great road, it would be considered a fate. 】

[I did not stop this matter, because these twenty-four valleys have indeed made many people successful in later generations. 】

[Zhang Boduan relied on his own perfected Yang Shen to inscribe the guidance method of Sancheli onto the valley. It only took one day to complete it. It must be said that his soul can be said to be infinitely close to that of an immortal. 】

Everyone was surprised when they heard that this piece of Bo Duan was actually depicted with Yang Shen.

Zhuge Qing's eyes were extremely surprised

"I have also seen those Quanzhen Taoist priests create a Yang God. Although the Yang God is more tangible and qualitative than the Yin God, it is actually still very fragile. If it encounters an extreme attack, it will easily be shattered."

"But this is different. I carved my own technique on the entire valley in one day. Although I don't know how big the valley is, even if it is as big as our warehouse, it is amazing."

Hearing what Zhuge Qing said, Zhang Chulan said:

"I heard from the notes that Zhang Boduan is close to an immortal, and is not even a semi-immortal. I think it is normal for him to have such power."

Zhuge Qing was still a little surprised.

"A Yang Shen of this level will be a real Chao Beihai Mu Cangwu after he comes out."


Zhuge Qing's eyes were filled with admiration.

"In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were still monks who could achieve this level. I just don't know why the Quanzhen people went back to practice more and more."

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"At this time, to be honest, it's like the end of the Dharma."

"In more than a hundred years, the aliens will all be gone. It's better not to think about it so much."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Zhuge Qing did not refute.

"Indeed, this time is like the legendary Age of Ending Law, but why did you say that the aliens will be gone after more than a hundred years?"

Zhang Chulan was stunned when he heard this.

Okay, I spilled the beans.

"It's nothing, I just think that the aliens will definitely be eliminated in the future, that's why I say that the aliens are gone."

Zhuge Qing nodded.

"Yes, what you said is correct."

"Modern technology is too terrifying. How can aliens compete with technology?"

"But one thing I want to say is that although the aliens are inferior to technology in combat, in other aspects, the aliens can completely defeat the technology."

"If nothing else, let's take us warlocks as an example. Can these technologies help us avoid disasters like us aliens?"

Hearing what Zhuge Qing said, Zhang Chulan stopped refuting.

"Indeed, no one can compare to you warlocks in this regard."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Just when this topic was about to turn, Dr. Xia on the side spoke.

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Zhuge Qing was a little surprised when he heard Dr. Xia say this.

"Dr. Xia, why do you say that?"

Dr. Xia slowly spoke after hearing this.

"I said that the warlock's pursuit of good fortune and avoidance of disaster may not be replaced by technology."

"Although I specialize in history, I also do some research on magic."

"Arithmetic, in the final analysis, is about calculating every possible outcome. As long as you have enough computing power, you can calculate more accurately than humans."

"Of course, the computer cannot enter the scene and directly ask for answers, but if quantum computers are developed in the future, can warlocks still guarantee their unique advantage?"

Zhang Chulan also thought of something at this time.


"This is like the rapid development of AI now. These AIs have taken away the jobs of painters. Some websites are now using AI to write novels. Maybe the stories we read in the future will be written by AI."

Zhuge Qing couldn't help but sneer after hearing this.

"I think too much. AI is always a machine. Can it have human emotions?"

Zhang Chulan did not speak, but narrowed down the video dialog box with Master Laotian and opened a picture through a certain software.

On the top is an anime girl with huge capital. A simple strip of cloth wraps a little bit of snow-white skin, and other parts are ready to be revealed.

"How about it, it looks good.

"Well, it's pretty good-looking."

"But show me what this means."

Zhuge Qing didn't quite understand what Zhang Chulan meant by saying this, and Zhang Chulan chuckled.

"Drawed by AI."

"Do you still think you warlocks won't lose your jobs?"

Zhuge Qing stopped talking.

Dr. Xia sighed at this time.

"Technology is so advanced now that aliens have no chance."

At this moment, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao on the side.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded.

Then he continued reading the notes in his hand.

[After Zhang Boduan finished carving this passage, we walked towards the head of this place. 】

[When he reached the halfway point, Zhang Boduan suddenly stopped. 】

[I asked Zhang Boduan what happened, and Zhang Boduan told me that he just had a feeling in his heart and that this place was the body of his previous life. 】

[In other words, this place is his previous life. 】

[Now I come to this place again because of destiny. 】

When they heard that the Twenty-Four Festival Valley was actually transformed from the corpse of an immortal, everyone was shocked. The truth was actually like this!

[Then, as if Zhang Boduan had been to this place thousands of times, he passed through the complex acupuncture points in his brain and came to the center. 】

[Zhang Boduan told me that in fact, he realized Taoism too early in this life, and his final outcome could only be the same as in his previous life. The strange small peaks formed on the hands and feet of his previous life's corpse were buried things from his previous life. 】

[He hopes that if I encounter the reincarnation of his Corpse Execution Immortal again in the future, I can guide him not to enter Taoism too early, otherwise he will miss the rules. 】

[And those things are the rewards he gave me. 】

[I also chose to agree to Zhang Boduan's request. It was just to prevent him from entering the Tao. It was definitely easier than guiding Li Muxuan to enter the Tao. 】

[Then Zhang Boduan opened the secret room, which is the Nine-Turn Panhuan Cave. 】

[It’s just that at this time, there are no words in this cave, and it still needs to be engraved by later generations. 】

[After Zhang Boduan was halfway through carving, he looked at me and asked, if I want to leave something behind, I can also carve it for later generations to understand. 】

[Seeing Bo Duan's warm invitation, I was not polite or hesitant, and carved part of what I had learned and understood in this secret place where I could leave a legacy. 】

[And in these words, I will describe what Daji taught me about seizing the gods, part of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, black dragon bones, ghosts and gods, the improved weapon refining method, the mechanism method, and the improved Wuhou Qimen. Go up. 】

[By the way, I left some spiritual insights in it. 】

[I am quite looking forward to the inheritance left here. I wonder if future generations can understand some inheritance from the words I left. 】

[As for me in later generations who have not understood these techniques, it seems that it depends on the desire in my heart. Whatever you desire, it will be easier to understand the corresponding spell. 】

When Zhuge Qing heard that the owner of the note had also engraved Wuhou Qimen on it, Zhuge Qing was a little reluctant.

"How can this be done? Wuhou Qimen is the unique inheritance of our Wuhou sect. How can he keep the inheritance of Wuhou Qimen there privately!"

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but speak after hearing this.

"Zhuge Qing, didn't you listen to Sister Bao'er? The improved one is the improved Wuhou Qimen. It must be different from your original Wuhou Qimen in many places, and it is very likely to be more powerful."

At this time, Zhuge Qing thought of the methods he had seen on Wang Ye.

"If this is the case, then the Qimen skills that Wang Ye masters will be the inheritance left by the owner of the notebook. After all, his skills can defeat our Wuhou Qimen."

"I've been unhappy about this for a long time."

Hearing what Zhuge Qing said, Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"have no idea."


Xu Si, who knew the contents of all the notes, seemed to have realized something terrible.

"There's something I think you all have overlooked."

Hearing what Xu Si said, everyone looked over.

I don't know what he means by that.

Seeing that everyone's attention had turned to him, Xu Si spoke slowly.

"You said that among the original thirty-six righteousnesses, the eight people who understood the eight magical skills learned them in the Valley of the Twenty-Four Festivals!"

"You see, Seizing God can ignore the spirit body and arrest the spirit. Isn't it very similar to the spirit arresting general?"

"And the improved weapon refining method is not similar to Ma Xianhong's divine machine Hundred Refining Method!"

"I think other methods must have been understood by others, but I don't know the specific situation and what effect they have."

"Among them, what I am most worried about is the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts. That is the ultimate skill. If someone comprehends it, the destructive power will definitely be the most powerful among all!"

Hearing Xu Si say this, Zhang Chulan on the side suddenly thought of the little Nascent Soul left by his grandfather.

I don't know what this fool is specifically for.

Could it be that he will use part of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts?

I just don't know which order of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts the owner of the notebook left in the cave.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.

【After leaving my inheritance here, Zhang Boduan told me that he was going to go back and continue to complete his mission in this life. 】

【In other words, everything must be done according to fate, otherwise it will not help to become an immortal. ]

[After Zhang Boduan left, I first came to the left hand of the 24-section valley. After exploring, I found that something was sealed underneath, but I needed to cut off the connection between the left hand and the left arm and the 24-section valley before I could get the things underneath. It seems that the only thing left of the 24-section valley in the future was Tongtian Valley and What Human Cave because of me. ]

[After using the Disha Order to flatten the left arm and the left hand, I successfully got the items buried under the left hand. ]

[It was a gourd of elixirs. I counted them and found that there were exactly 108 pills, which coincided with the number of Tiangang Disha. ]

[I took one pill and felt that my Zhenqi limit had doubled! I have to say that the elixir left by this immortal is really extraordinary. ]

[After taking the second pill, the efficacy began to halve, but the increase in Zhenqi limit was also considerable. ]

[Although the effect of the medicine is halved each time, I took twelve pills in a row and stopped taking it only after the effect was minimal.]

[It's all because my Seven Killing Order consumes a lot of true energy. Previously, my true energy would be emptied after using the Zhuxian Order, but now I can keep some energy.]

When they heard that the owner of the notebook had obtained this kind of heaven-defying elixir, everyone's eyes were full of envy.

Ding Shian envied.

"Doubling the upper limit of true energy can solve the problem of endurance, and can also solve the problem of some spells that cannot be used."

"If you can eat one, your combat power will definitely soar."

"I don't know where the owner of the notebook put these pills."

Hearing Ding Shian say this, everyone else was also curious.


This is very exciting.

From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of this kind of elixir.

If an ordinary alien eats one, he can probably join the ranks of first-class masters. If a first-class master eats it, he can reach a higher echelon!

While everyone was fantasizing, Feng Baobao had already continued reading.

[Then, I looked at the right arm and right hand left by Zhang Boduan in his previous life. ]

[This first piece is so good, I guess the things under this right arm must not be much worse! ]

Brothers, it's almost dropped from the monthly ticket list, please give me some monthly tickets!

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