Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 248: Lu Su is promoted, the Water Official, the Heaven Official blesses, the Earth Official

Everyone was surprised when they heard that 180,000 people were needed this time.

What happened to the moon? It requires so many people to go up there.

Is it possible that the damage caused this time is far greater than before?

At this time, no one spoke, but listened carefully as Feng Baobao continued to read the next thing.

[I was very curious when I learned that there were actually 180,000 people, so I asked these two ghosts and immortals what happened. 】

[These two ghosts and fairies didn’t hide it from me, they just said it was because the main body of the moon was blown up. 】

[I asked the two ghost fairies again why they were destroyed by the explosion, but the two ghost fairies on the moon were a little hesitant, and finally told me after I pressed them. 】

[It is said that the space battleship of an alien race exploded by itself. I am a little curious about this. I don’t know why the spaceship of this alien race exploded. I also knew from before that there are countless gods in the universe, so I didn’t He didn't ask about anything else, but asked these two ghosts and immortals what gods that alien race believed in. 】

[The two ghosts and fairies couldn’t answer my question. They just said that the alien race in this spacecraft kept shouting the name Goragon before they died. Maybe this Goragon is the god they believe in. 】

[After I learned the whole story, I stopped asking. Instead, I asked the two ghost fairies if there was a time limit. The two ghost fairies told me that I needed to catch them all within a month. I only needed to give away the 180,000 people. By driving them into an area, they can take these 180,000 people to Mars. 】

[But beforehand, I will give each of these 180,000 people a bowl of jade rice, so that they can gain the ability to survive on Mars. 】

[I asked what this jade crumb rice was, and the two ghosts and immortals told me that it was a food unique to the heaven. After eating a bowl, you can not only live in a place without air, but also not be hungry for a month. 】

[The conditions for growth are also very simple, that is, scatter the seeds of the jade rice into the water, and many jade rice will grow. 】

[After I learned that there was such a miraculous crop, I couldn't help but be a little tempted. If more seeds and corn from this jade crumb rice were brought to the earth, then no one would starve to death in the world. 】

[But I gave up this idea after thinking for a long time, because once food becomes abundant, the world's population will double. 】

[The earth is too small to accommodate so many people. 】

Hearing that the owner of the note did not plan for a bumper harvest, everyone's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Because if he made this choice.

Then there will not be so many famines later.

Think of this.

Dr. Xia sighed quietly.

He has experienced the era of not having enough to eat.

"I didn't have enough to eat at the time, and even tree bark became a good thing, especially elm tree bark, which tasted special. But if we had this jade crumb rice, we would definitely save a lot of people from starving to death."

I heard Dr. Xia say this.

Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"I don't know how many souls there are on the earth. The number of souls on the earth today has increased several times compared to this time in the last century."

"But if you are reincarnated, the people who died before are simply not enough to be reincarnated!"

"There's a big problem with the logic."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Zhuge Qing on the side spoke.

"I also thought about this problem, but in the end I figured it out, that is, there are many people in this world who are just being human for the first time."

"And some people have been reincarnated many times."

Zhang Chulan suddenly realized after hearing this.

"No wonder so many people are inhumane now. It turns out they were not human at all in their previous lives."


Zhuge Qing immediately affirmed Zhang Chulan.

"That's it."

"For these people, they were not human at all in their previous lives, and naturally they did not have human conscience and morality."

"But this situation will get better if you die again and be reincarnated."

"Because you have been a human being for a lifetime, you will be better off. And the more you reincarnate as an adult, the higher your moral qualities will be."

“This cycle continues, and it promotes a positive cycle.”

"The bad things we are going through now are just a period of pain."

Zhang Chulan suddenly realized after hearing this.

"It seems that we will never see the situation improve in this lifetime."

at this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued reading the remaining notes.

[Then I took the eighteen corn seeds from these two ghost fairies. As long as I put these eighteen corn seeds in the water, a vine would grow, and 180,000 bowls of jade rice would naturally grow. 】

[After collecting the eighteen corn seeds, I began to look for those 180,000 people. 】

[However, I don’t plan to gather these 180,000 people at once. Instead, I plan to gather 10,000 and 10,000 people. Then, after eating the jade crumbs, I will hand them over to the two ghosts and immortals to send them away. 】

[I first found Ahriman. With her energy, she quickly gathered 10,000 criminals for me. After feeding these criminals a meal of jade crumbs, I called the two ghost immortals. 】

[After learning about my plan, they did not reject it. They just said that they could get it together within a month. 】

[During the rest of the time, I continued to catch those guilty people, but with my current ability, I couldn't identify them quickly. At this speed, it would take at least two months. 】

[Although Ahriman didn't know what I was going to do, he told me a very good way, which was to spend money to fish. ]

[She would contact people in the French Concession and ask them to recruit people in the name of recruiting police officers in the concession. If you want to be a police officer in the French Concession, you must have experience in gangs, bandits, robbers and criminal organizations. As long as you come in, you will be given ten dollars. ]

[There must be a dead husband under a heavy reward. Soon this news spread throughout the Shanghai Triangle, and countless desperate criminals began to come, and I gathered people very quickly. ]

[In just one week, I sent more than 60,000 people to Mars. ]

[However, this plan only worked in the front. Some people who felt something was wrong later gave up coming. In ten days, together with the original criminals, I gathered a total of 80,000 people and sent them to Mars. ]

[As for the remaining 100,000 people, I thought of the Tiandihui. With the power of the Tiandihui, it would not be difficult to gather tens of thousands more. ]

[So I went to the Tiandihui site without stopping and asked Pei Nantian to do the same operation as Ahriman. ]

[Because there are really too many criminals hiding in Hong Kong, a little more than in the Shanghai Triangle. ]

[After this operation, 90,000 people were obtained. ]

[There are still ten days for the remaining 10,000 people, so I am not so anxious. ]

When hearing the operation of the owner of the notebook, Zhang Chulan suddenly spoke.

"If this clue is used as a clue, can't it be said that we can find the movement track of the owner of the notebook."

"Although there are many missing people in the Republic of China, I think the operation of the owner of this notebook should be unique."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Xu San nodded.

"If you say so, it is true. Although there is no need to hold the idea of ​​finding the owner of the notebook, if you look for it through his movement track, there may be a great possibility of finding new notes."

When it comes to new notes, Zhang Chulan suddenly remembered that Dr. Xia said before that he would go to Hongmen to help the president of Hongmen decipher the notes.

"Dr. Xia, I wonder if you have seen the notebook of Hongmen before."

Dr. Xia nodded after hearing this.

"I went to see it, but the man was very cautious and didn't even let me see it. He just asked me some questions about Taoism."

"I came back after asking."

"I guess it takes a certain level of Taoism to decipher this notebook in front of the president of Hongmen."

"But he doesn't know that there is a girl Baoer in the company who knows the notebook directly."

Hearing Dr. Xia say this, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but speak.

"If that's the case, won't we never have the opportunity to see this notebook."

Xu Si waved his hands after hearing this.

"That may not be the case."

"The company is negotiating with them now, but some places have not been discussed yet."

"According to him, no one other than the people of Hongmen and the people who deciphered the notebook can know the contents of this notebook."

Zhang Chulan was a little angry after hearing this.

"Then according to his request, wouldn't the company help him for nothing?"

"Also, the people who decipher the notes for them will remember the notes after reading them? Then how can they ensure that the people who decipher the notes in the company will not leak the contents of the notes?"

Xu Si shook his head.

"Of course they have a solution."

"I heard that they have a sorcerer named Wang Xiaoming who can erase a person's memory within half an hour."

"In other words, after deciphering the notes, the memory can be erased, and this can be done."

Zhang Chulan frowned more and more as he listened

"In this case, there is no need to help them."

"Helping them will not benefit the company."

"It may even cause irreparable harm to Sister Baoer."

Xu Si also nodded.

"Yes, I don't want to help them, that's what I mean."

"Let this notebook stay in Hongmen forever. It's not like there is no time for the Hongmen president to change terms. The next Hongmen president will be replaced by an obedient one."

Xu Si's words were slightly murderous.

After all, this concerns the safety of Sister Baoer.

Once Sister Baoer gets into trouble, he will not forgive himself.

Zhao Fangxu saw this and spoke immediately.

"Xiao Si, don't be so angry."

"I will personally come to the Hongmen, and naturally I will not follow their words."

After hearing this, Xu Si nodded.

"Okay, Uncle Zhao."

After Xu Si finished speaking, Feng Baobao also continued to read the notes in his hand.

[In the remaining time, I brought two or three thousand people every day. After gathering ten thousand people, I immediately sent them to the two ghosts. ]

[After doing this, I suddenly felt free, and while I was resting, Lu Su also sneaked down to the mortal world. I asked her how she was doing recently, and Lu Su told me that for some reason, the Emperor of Heaven promoted her from the Heart Moon Fox Constellation to the Three Officials Emperor. ]

[The three officials are "Great Compassion, Great Wish, Great Saint, Great Mercy, Upper Yuan Nine Qi Blessing Heavenly Official Yao Ling Yuan Yang Great Emperor Zi Wei Emperor", "Great Compassion, Great Wish, Great Saint, Great Mercy, Middle Yuan Seven Qi Forgiveness Earthly Official Dong Ling Qing Xu Great Emperor Qing Ling Emperor", "Great Compassion, Great Wish, Great Saint, Great Mercy, Lower Yuan Five Qi Relieve Disaster Water Official Jin Ling Dong Yin Great Emperor Yang Gu Emperor". ]

[And the one above her is Great Compassion, Great Wish, Great Saint, Great Mercy, Lower Yuan Five Qi Relieve Disaster Water Official Jin Ling Dong Yin Great Emperor Yang Gu Emperor, in short, the Water Official Emperor. ]

[Heavenly Official Blessing, Earth Official Forgiveness, Water Official Relieve Disaster. ]

[As the Water Official, her current duty and ability is to relieve people from disasters. At the same time, the moment she came down, she helped me to remove the bad luck that was entangled with me. ]

[Before the new bad luck comes, I can say that during this period of time, I will not encounter any bad luck. ]

The old Tianshi looked a little surprised when he heard this.

"I didn't expect that my father's confidante would have such a fate and fortune."

Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"Master, what do you mean?"

The old Taoist priest spoke slowly.

"Do you know who was the first god we Taoists believed in?"

Zhang Chulan heard the old Taoist priest say this, and he understood it immediately.

"Master, are you saying that it is the Three Officials Emperor?"

The old Taoist priest nodded after hearing this.

"You're right. The earliest gods we believe in in Taoism are the Three Officials."

"Later, it was decided that the birthday of the Three Officials would be after the Sanyuan Day, so they can also be called the Three Yuan Emperors."

"The Heavenly Official Emperor is made up of the three qi of green, yellow and white. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Heavenly Official Emperor will come down to the world to judge the sins and blessings of the world."

"The Earth Official Emperor is made up of the qi of Yuandong Hunling and the essence of Jihuang. On the fifteenth day of July, the Earth Official Emperor will come to forgive people's sins."

"The Water Official Emperor is made up of the qi of Fengze and the essence of Chenhao. On the fifteenth day of October, the Water Official Emperor will come down to the world to eliminate disasters for people."

"It can be said that these three emperors are all extremely ancient innate gods. We hold rituals to worship them every year."

When Zhang Chulan heard his master say this, he couldn't help but think of the goddess Duokuohuo who was attached to his master's father.

The status of this goddess Duokuohuo in the shamanism is probably the same as these three emperors.

At this moment, Feng Baobao's voice came.

[After spending some time with Lv Su, I handed the Xuanyuan Lingzhu to her. ]

[Lv Su was very surprised when she saw the Xuanyuan Lingzhu, and told me that she saw many cosmic truths and Tao rhymes on it. ]

[I was very happy that the Xuanyuan Lingzhu could work on her, but the happy time was always so short. Lv Su quickly returned to the heaven to perform her duties and said that she would come to see me every October 15th. ]

[After Lv Su left, Zhuge Liang found my location by some unknown method and told me that he had found a way to free himself from his current fate and become an immortal! ]

I was too tired to write today, and I felt groggy and damp, and my tongue coating had teeth marks. Do you have any prescriptions for removing dampness?

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