Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 247: The immortals from heaven come down to earth to capture people and repair the moon

When they heard that the moon might break, everyone was surprised.

Could it be that the moon is a machine that often breaks down?

I don’t know how the moon was originally made.

Or, why did the person who built the moon build the moon, and what is the use of the moon after it was built.

For a while, countless questions appeared in everyone’s mind and lingered.

At this time.

Zhang Chulan on the side spoke.

“You say, this moon is not the place where the heaven is.”

“Once Emperor Zhuanxu broke through the earth and cut down Jianmu, and from then on the gods and the people in the underground could no longer communicate.”

“At the same time, according to various mythological histories, there were no legends about the moon in ancient times, which means that in the distant times, the moon did not exist in the sky.”

Zhuge Qing on the side understood what Zhang Chulan meant at this moment.

"You mean, the moon and the earth were originally connected, and it is very likely that Jianmu connected the two."

"Then Emperor Zhuanxu sent people to cut Jianmu and separate the two."

"So in the end, the current situation was formed?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, that's what I mean."

"And there is evidence."


Everyone was a little surprised to hear Zhang Chulan suddenly say that there was evidence. What kind of evidence could there be?

After all, these are myths and legends that have been separated for who knows how many years.

Looking at the eyes of the crowd, Zhang Chulan immediately spoke.

"Everyone, the evidence I'm talking about is actually an iconic landscape in the United States, and that place is Devil's Tower."

"This Devil's Tower is like a wooden stake left after a very large and tall tree was cut down."

"And didn't I say it before? Zhuanxu has two grandsons, one named Chongju Tian and the other named Liya Di."

"It's definitely unrealistic to lift the sky, but what if you lift the moon?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

Zhuge Qing held his chin and thought.

"So that's what happened."

"If it's based on your conjecture, then this is really possible."

"I just don't know what the power of the aliens at that time could reach. If they could lift the moon, they might have the ability to blow up mountains."

The ability to blow up mountains?

Everyone's eyes were full of yearning, because in this era, let alone blowing up a mountain, even blowing up a small mound is a great thing.

This can already be called a top alien.

At this time, Feng Baobao on the side continued to read.

【After hearing what they said, I asked them what the treasure was, but they were very secretive about this last treasure, and seemed to be reluctant to tell me. 】

【Seeing this scene, I asked, if the moon needs 82,000 people to repair it, who will the heaven and earth send to catch people at that time. 】

【The two told me that they would catch people, but they were also very troubled by this matter, because for them, catching people means being contaminated by karma, and they are just ghosts. If they are contaminated by too much karma, it means that there is a high possibility of death. 】

【And for me now, the karma they are contaminated by is not even one percent of the total karma I have now, plus I have the Supreme Yoga, this karma is nothing at all. So I said, if they can give me the last treasure of the moon, I can go to catch people on the ground on their behalf. 】

【The two were also very moved at this moment, and told me that they would have a good discussion and then tell me what the final decision was. ]

[After the two left, I waited for a long time at Hefeng. About three hours later, the two came to me with a flawless round gem emitting white light. ]

[They said that this was the last piece left from the last repair of the moon, called Xuanyuan Lingzhu. They were ghost immortals and could not use this thing. Only celestial immortals could absorb the energy in it and comprehend the cosmic truth in it. ]

[After I took the Xuanyuan Lingzhu in my hand, I suddenly felt a strange feeling lingering around me, but it seemed that because of the insufficient life level, this feeling was just a feeling and could not benefit me at all. ]

[But I still have Lu Su, and this so-called Xuanyuan Lingzhu can be used by Lu Su to comprehend. ]

[After making a good deal, I left here and prepared to go to Earth to capture 82,000 evil people to work hard in mining on Mars, which would also purify the Earth's environment. ]

[However, these people do not need to be captured immediately, but they need to notify me in a special way. 】

【Looking at other stars that are farther away from Mars, I am going to wait until this matter is completed before looking at the specific situation. 】

When hearing this story, everyone couldn't help but be very curious.

I don't know what kind of people were captured in the end.

Dr. Xia raised his glasses.

"Unfortunately, there are too many missing people during the Republic of China period. Even if we want to investigate who the 82,000 people are now, it will be extremely difficult."

Hearing Dr. Xia say this, Zhang Chulan on the side spoke up.

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that the people who were captured during the Republic of China period, after a long period of mining, have a chance to be appreciated!"

"Then become a new ghost fairy."

"Even if the ghost fairy is worthless and threatening in the eyes of the owner of the notebook, for us, it is already an existence that is out of reach."

"From the Ming Dynasty to our time, there must be millions of aliens, but none of these millions of aliens can become immortals."

"But there are only 82,000 people sent to Mars to mine. It is almost certain that someone can become a ghost fairy. It is extremely lucky."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this.

Everyone also reacted.


There is a chance of becoming a ghost fairy if you are caught on Mars to mine. How many people have spent their entire lives practicing to the extreme but still cannot become an immortal.

Comparing the two, it is simply a world of difference.

At this time.

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

【After I came back, I stayed in the Magic City, but what I didn't expect was that the old Taoist Cui came to me with the golden toad and said that he was destined to be poor and could not bear the blessing brought to him by the golden toad. ]

[Seeing Master Cui like this, I asked him to tell me in detail. ]

[What happened after I left? ]

[Master Cui told me that after taking Concubine Dong's things, he put the golden toad at home, and then he went to another place alone to sell Concubine Dong's things. ]

[After all, Concubine Dong was a concubine, and the things buried with her were not bad, so the locals might not be able to take them. ]

[In addition, digging graves has been a serious crime since ancient times. Once he is discovered in the local area, he can't expect to live a peaceful life for the rest of his life. ]

[So he walked all the way south, and didn't dare to talk to the people in the antique shop until he came to the Confucius Mansion. ]

[But the antique shops here also saw at a glance that the things in Master Cui's hands were not clean, and they were afraid of getting sued. After going back and forth, almost more than 30 antique shops didn't take them. ]

[Master Cui had no choice but to stay in a hotel and prepare to walk south to see if the foreigners would accept this. ]

[After all, foreigners are not as afraid of wolves and tigers as these antique shops. What they like most is to buy antiques from Longguo and then sell them back home. ]

[Through this back and forth, they earn more money than those who sell them antiques, so they are also very generous when buying. ]

[Now that the German devils have occupied Qing Island, he will continue to go to these German devils' territories to see what is going on. ]

[But the fact that he went to more than 30 antique shops before had long been noticed by people, so on the night he stayed in the hotel, a group of bandits broke into the hotel and robbed everything he had on him, and shot him in the shoulder. ]

[It was also the fate of Master Cui that was not to die. Although he fainted due to excessive blood loss, he was finally sent to the Western Hospital for rescue. ]

[After saving his life from the Western Hospital, Master Cui became much more honest and rushed all the way home. ]

[After all, he had the Golden Toad. Even if he lost so many of Concubine Dong's burial objects, it wouldn't take long for him to have other windfalls. ]

[However, man proposes, God disposes. After returning, Taoist Cui was haunted by Concubine Dong's wronged spirit. ]

[According to Taoist Cui, Concubine Dong didn't dare to come to me, so she wanted to seek revenge on him. ]

[After thinking about it, he finally used his real ability to kill Concubine Dong. ]

[But Taoist Cui would be unlucky if he used his real ability. After he calculated for himself, he found that the bad luck was caused by this Golden Toad. ]

[As long as the windfall given to him by the Golden Toad arrived, he would definitely die. ]

[So he asked for information everywhere, and with the help of divination, he found me, wanting to return the Golden Toad to me, so that he would no longer have windfalls, and he could live a stable life for the rest of his life. 】

【After learning about this old Taoist Cui, I was just a little helpless. In the end, I took the golden toad of this old Taoist Cui and gave it to Ahriman. 】

【Ahriman's business is getting bigger and bigger now. It can be said that there are cooperations in various countries. If this golden toad is given to her, her fortune can also be icing on the cake. 】

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan was stunned.

"Sure enough, the biggest inequality between people is the inequality of birth and luck."

"The wife of the owner of this notebook can easily obtain so much wealth, but this golden toad that can change the fate of old Taoist Cui can only be icing on the cake for her wealth."

Everyone agreed with Zhang Chulan's words.


The fortune of the wife of the owner of this notebook does not need this golden toad to make a lot of money.

Even if this golden toad can gather wealth.

It is different when it falls into the hands of different people.

Some are timely help, and some are just icing on the cake.

At this time, Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

【The Taoist Cui who gave me the golden toad was obviously in a much better mood and was ready to return to his hometown to spend the rest of his life. 】

【And seeing the Taoist Cui like this, plus the new mining project on Mars, I asked him if he dared to abandon his family and career and leave with me if I gave him a chance to become an immortal. 】

【The Taoist Cui was also a ruthless person, nodded and agreed, and said that as long as I could give him this opportunity, he would give up anything. 】

[I am still waiting for the two ghost fairies to give me news, so I gave Cui Laodao a piece of large yellow croaker and asked him to go home and give the piece of large yellow croaker to his two sons to start an estate and marry a wife. 】

[Cui Laodao was stunned by the joy. I did not consider that Cui Laodao could not make a fortune. After taking the big yellow croaker, I hurried home overnight. 】

[After arriving home, he handed the large yellow croaker to his wife as soon as possible. He turned around and drank a full gulp of water. He burped and choked to death. 】


After everyone heard this ending, they couldn't accept it for a while.

How could this happen?

Why is it like this?

This thing is absolutely ridiculous.

Zhang Chulan sighed with eyes at this time.

"Sure enough, everyone's fate is doomed. This Cui Laodao has neither the destiny to get rich nor the destiny to become an immortal. That's why fate arranged for him to choke to death here."

Zhuge Qing smiled at this time.

He wasn't surprised by the outcome.

"Similar stories are told in arithmetic books, but in my opinion, human destiny is like a straight line from 0 to 1. 0 determines your starting point, and 1 is your end point."

"No matter how many detours you take in this straight line to prevent yourself from reaching the end, as time passes, you will eventually reach your end."

"It can only be said that Mr. Cui has his destiny."

"I can't blame anyone else at all."

Hearing what Zhuge Qing said, everyone also thought about their own destiny.


Your own destiny must have been determined from the beginning.

Feng Baobao was stunned after hearing Zhuge Qing's words, obviously thinking about where his starting point was.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out.

I simply stopped thinking about it and started reading from my notes.

[After I thought about this incident on a whim, I also regretted it. It was because of my carelessness that this old Tao Cui lost his life. But people cannot be resurrected after death, so I came to his house to pay homage and recited a rebirth mantra. , this Cui Laodao will also be able to find a good family in his next life. 】

[Lao Dao Cui said before that I gave him the big yellow croaker, so his wife and two sons are very grateful to me. 】

[It’s not surprising that Cui Laodao died because I gave him a large yellow croaker. 】

[Because they have been poor all their lives following Cui Laodao, the eldest son is almost fifty and has not yet married a wife, and the second son is even more so. Thirty-seven have never touched a woman's finger. 】

[According to Cui Laodao's wife, this is because of poverty. 】

[As long as Cui Laodao doesn't die, he will bear on them and make them suffer poverty, so this time it can be regarded as a dead end. 】

[Seeing this, I didn’t stay here much. 】

[People’s thoughts during the Republic of China were so simple. 】

[I didn’t wait long. Two months later, the two ghost fairies came to contact me and said that the number had changed this time and that 180,000 people would be captured and sent to Mars for mining. 】

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