Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 246: Mokoga Luo Sword Technique, the Immortal Paradise Built by Immortal Master Ge Hong on M

[After I got the Mokogaro sword technique, I didn't learn it right away, but wanted to see if there was any room for improvement. ]

[It must be said that the Mokogaro sword is the guardian magic of the supreme tantric sect, which can be said to be infinitely mysterious, and there is only a little room for improvement. ]

[After improving it, I spent three days to practice it to perfection, but the problem now is that I don't have a good sword. ]

[So I put my plan to go to the universe on hold, and then go to find materials for forging a sword. ]

[It must be said that the Dragon Kingdom is still vast and rich in resources. In the end, I found a piece of hard meteorite from outer space at the mouth of the dragon vein, which is Xiangjiang. ]

[The collector who gave me the meteorite told me that after the meteorite fell from the sky, the fire burned for three days and three nights before it went out. ]

[Even after it went out, the temperature of the meteorite was around 800 degrees. In the end, he soaked it in ice water for more than a week before it was completely cooled. 】

【I only half believed and half doubted the story he told me. After all, even the iron slurry in the core of the earth can be cooled down in less than an hour if soaked in ice water. 】

【After spending nine thousand dollars to buy it, I started to forge it with Samadhi True Fire, just to completely remove the impurities. 】

【But I never expected that this piece of meteorite iron was not afraid of the burning of Samadhi True Fire at all. In the end, it just changed its shape without any impurities. 】

Hearing that there were things that Samadhi True Fire could not melt, Zhuge Qing couldn't help but be a little absent-minded.

"How can there be such a thing in this world?"

"Even Samadhi True Fire can't melt it."

"You know, according to the records of my ancestors, there is nothing in this world that Samadhi True Fire can't melt!"

Zhang Chulan saw this scene and immediately realized that Zhuge Qing had remembered this matter.

After all, in his cognition.

No matter how powerful your spells, magic tools, or the Eight Wonders are, he has Samadhi True Fire to fight against them.

It's not that there is no power to fight back.

The same goes for the Tang Sect's Danxi.

No matter how the outside world changes, no matter how many brilliant geniuses emerge, no matter how many skills are comprehended, the Tang Sect has Danxi, and no matter how powerful you are, it can still kill you.

Now Zhuge Qing heard that this thing that cannot be melted by the Samadhi True Fire is the same as the people of the Tang Sect hearing that Danxi did not kill people.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan spoke to comfort.

"Zhuge Qing, you don't have to be like this."

"After all, this is something from outer space, a meteorite that fell from outer space."

"It's not something on Earth, why do you care about this."

"It's just like the Tang Sect used Danxi to deal with aliens but failed to kill them. Can you say that Danxi is not powerful?"

"It's not the same system."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's comfort, Zhuge Qing nodded.

"Well, Zhang Chulan, you are right."

"I was too picky about this matter."

"After all, it's an alien thing, and the myth of Samadhi True Fire will never be broken on Earth!"

Zhang Chulan smiled with satisfaction.

"That's right!"

"Okay, let's continue listening."

"Sister Baoer!"

"It's your turn to read!"


After hearing this, Feng Baobao also began to read the notes in her hand.

[After pulling the whole piece of meteorite into the shape of a knife blank, I began to forge and refine it. ]

[Since it is to be used to perform the Mahakala Knife, the shape and style must be designed according to the knife in the hands of the Mahakala Mahakala Dharma Protector God. ]

[After the shape is initially set, I began to look for a suitable soul. ]

[Finally, after my search, I finally found the water spirit, one of the five elements of heaven and earth. This water spirit is born from sunflower water, which is yin water, and the Mahakala Knife is upright and bright, and the yang is fierce and uncast. The combination of the two is just the yin and yang, complementing each other. ]

[After refining this sunflower water spirit into the Mahakala Knife, this precious sword is considered to be a great success. 】

【When I don't need this sword anymore, I can give it to the Tantric sect as a sacred weapon to protect the religion! 】

When they heard that the Tantric sect might have this Mahakala sword, everyone was shocked.

Zhang Chulan was even more scared.

"Good guy, I just called it good guy."

"Fortunately, the Lankavatara Dharma King didn't take this Mahakala sword, otherwise the outcome would still be unknown in the Three-Eyed Kingdom."

Hearing this.

Zhuge Qing was a little curious.

"Then do you think it's possible that the Tantric sect didn't get this sword, but was always carried by the owner of the notebook."

"After all, the owner of the notebook said that he would give the sword to the Tantric sect only when the sword was useless to him."

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"I don't think it's like that. After all, the master of this notebook must be very powerful."

"How could he use this precious sword?"

"Or, use this precious sword to defend against the enemy."

Su Zaiqiao has a different opinion.

"Don't forget what the material of this precious sword is. It is an external space material that even the Samadhi True Fire cannot melt."

"Perhaps this precious sword will be discovered to have more functions in the future."

Hearing Su Zaiqiao say this, Zhang Chulan nodded.


"Maybe you are right."

As the voice fell, Feng Baobao continued to read the notes in his hand.

[When I used this Mahakala sword to perform Mahakala sword skills, I accidentally opened a space. This space was only ten cubic meters in size. When I put a stone in it, the space would automatically close. ]

[And when I opened it again, I saw the stone appear in this space again. After observing this phenomenon, I called it a portable space, which can be said to be a more convenient swallowing capsule. ]

[It's just that I can't be sure of the stability of this space, so I just put some unimportant things into it for storage. ]

[Some important things are still carried with me through my improved swallowing capsule, but this has saved me a lot of trouble. ]

Hearing that the owner of the notes actually used the Mahakala sword to split a portable space, everyone's eyes showed a trace of disbelief.

Dr. Xia spoke at this time.

"I've been to the bunker, and I've met some people who study space technology. They've been studying this technology for years, but they can't even do the simplest space curvature."

"But this has a theoretical basis. Einstein's general theory of relativity describes in detail how matter bends space, as well as superstring theory and M theory."

"It can be said that as long as the space curvature technology is realized, the curvature engine that can jump through space in science fiction movies can be made."

"But it's too difficult, it's impossible to do it."

"I don't know what theory the owner of the notebook is based on to split his own portable space."

Hearing Dr. Xia say this, Zhang Chulan hurriedly reminded him.

"Dr. Xia, don't forget that this is the world of aliens."

"Take the eldest lady Feng Shayan of the Tianxiahui for example. Her innate ability is the ability to create space wormholes to achieve instant space travel and transfer."

"That is, modern technology can't analyze the various abilities of aliens, otherwise, technology would have exploded long ago."

Dr. Xia nodded after hearing this.

"Well, Zhang Chulan, you are right."

"That's indeed the case."

"I also overlooked this fact for a while."

"I just hope those researchers can be more powerful, otherwise, there is no way to achieve overtaking foreign countries."

After sighing, everyone stopped talking and listened attentively to Feng Baobao's notes.

[After getting ready, I went directly to the space universe. ]

[Unlike the last time I hurried to the moon, this time I was more peaceful and could patiently appreciate the beauty from the universe. No, it should not be called beauty, because only with my naked eyes, except for the earth and the sun, the surroundings can be said to be pitch black, and there is no star at all. ]

Dr. Xia was a little emotional after hearing this.

"I didn't expect that the owner of the notes also encountered the same experience as our astronauts."


[When I opened the Ajna Chakra, this situation was completely relieved. Not only did I see the stars from billions of light years away, but I could also see some strange energy hovering over the earth. ]

[I don't know if it's a corpse immortal or a ghost immortal. They don't seem to be actively approaching me, which means that for them, I am not qualified to communicate with them. ]

[But I don't care about this, and then I fly towards Mars, which is very close to the earth. ]

[By driving the etheric energy, I soon arrived at Mars. The desolate scene on Mars can be said to be completely within my expectations. ]

[Various barren mountains, canyons, sand dunes and plains, dark red and brown-red landforms, give people a desolate and strange feeling. ]

[In addition, there are a lot of craters and meteorite impact craters, the largest of which is even deeper than the trenches on Earth. ]

[Also, although the air on Mars is very thin, it cannot be said that there is no air, but it is not breathable for humans. ]

[At the same time, I found that Mars is not a dead star. Here, I also saw the energy hovering above the earth, but compared with the earth, this energy is much less, probably only one-tenth of the earth. 】

【Compared to the strange energies on Earth, these energies are much milder, and some of them are even actively moving towards me. 】

【When a strange energy completely moved towards me, I felt the space in front of me twisted, accompanied by various strange sounds. 】

【I can see that a secret world that has been hidden on Mars is gradually opening up to me. 】

【As the scenery around me changes, I find that my surroundings are no longer as desolate as Mars, but a world with flying cranes, towering mountains, green pines and cypresses, and rushing rivers! 】

When they heard that there was a different world on Mars, everyone was shocked.

Obviously they were shocked by the news.

They never thought that there was life on Mars.

Or in other words, it was a blessed land for immortals!

Zhang Chulan looked puzzled.

"Mars has been called a disaster star since ancient times, and it is called Yinghuo, but I have never heard of such a situation now."

"I don't know which immortal has settled on Mars."

"Or maybe he has become an immortal on Mars!"

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, even the old Taoist priest was very confused.

"I don't know what is on Mars, because there is no record of a cave on Mars in all Taoist scriptures!"

Seeing that the old Taoist priest didn't know, everyone was even more confused.

It seems that Mars.

There is really a big secret!

At this time.

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

[Seeing this scene in front of me, I carefully confirmed that it was not an illusion, so I flew towards the inside of the cave. ]

[When I came to a crane peak, I saw a pavilion surrounded by cranes, and there were two people, a man and a woman, playing chess in the pavilion. ]

[After seeing this scene, I didn't go up to disturb them, but stood aside and watched quietly. ]

[And this game ended in a tie. ]

[After seeing me, the woman stood up and asked me if I was interested in playing Go. Although I had practiced for so many years and had studied many Taoist classics, I had never played Go before. After I refused, the woman did not get angry and directly brought a pot of tea from a distance. ]

[I asked who they were and why they settled in Yinghuo. After hearing this, the two laughed and told me that they were two people who were captured by the Emperor of Heaven to repair the moon during the Tang Dynasty. At that time, there were 81,998 people who were captured together, a total of 82,000 people. ]

[At the same time, the Emperor of Heaven also gave them the ability to survive in this space. ]

[Since then, these 82,000 people have been constantly mining ore from Mars to repair the moon. ]

[Until the Yuan Dynasty, the 82,000 people were exhausted and only the two of them were left. The Emperor of Heaven also gave them the position of immortal officials to look after the mines on Yinghuo. When the moon was repaired again, they could return to their original world. ]

[And this world is a small world that they bribed Ge Hong, one of the twelve prime ministers of the Emperor of Heaven, to help them build. ]

When they heard that it was the old ancestor Ge Hong who took bribes to participate in the construction, everyone was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that in the heavens and the mortal world, there are such means of bribery.


[After hearing this, I asked them how they successfully bribed Ge Hong. They told me that this moon is composed of seven treasures, one of which is rare but indispensable. ]

[They used this rarest and most precious treasure to bribe the immortal. ]

[Recently, they felt that the moon was moving abnormally, and perhaps another group of people would be captured to build the moon soon! ]

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