Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 249: The method of metamorphosis left by Zhuge Kongming, transformation from wet egg to fetu

A method to become an immortal?

Everyone was extremely surprised.

What method can make people become immortals!

And judging from the tone, it seems that there are no restrictions, and it seems that anyone can use it.

At this time.

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

【When I heard that Zhuge Liang actually found this method, I was very surprised. I don’t know what method can actually make people become immortals. 】

【Zhuge Liang seemed a little mysterious at this moment. He told me that since he gained infinite life because of this seven-star lamp, he has been targeted by God. 】

【His state is different from using longevity substances. He has stolen the secret of heaven. His body is always in the best state. He doesn’t need longevity substances to prevent his body from aging. 】

【Speaking of his method, it has to start with Liu Bowen. 】

【Everyone says that Liu Bowen is the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang. Although Zhuge Liang has gained endless life and has not reincarnated, Liu Bowen is related to him. 】

【That's because Liu Bowen was the reincarnation of the divine machine he made to conceal the secrets of heaven, that is, the reincarnation of the soul of a puppet. 】

【At the beginning, Jiu Tian Ying Yuan Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun came down to earth to kill Zhuge Liang, the guy who stole the secrets of heaven, but this puppet helped him to ward off disaster. 】

【After being struck by thunder, I don't know if it was fate, but after the puppet was scorched, it immediately rained heavily in the sky. The irrigation for a day and a night produced a mountain torrent, which washed the puppet into a bottomless mountain cave. 】

【Speaking of which, this mountain cave was originally the residence of a ginseng spirit after it turned into a demon. After the puppet rushed down, it directly hit the ginseng spirit. 】

【It was also the ginseng spirit that was unlucky. It happened that it was cultivating its inner elixir at that time, and its body was at its most vulnerable. In addition, Zhuge Liang added countless metal mechanisms to the puppet's body, and its body weighed two hundred kilograms. It fell from the hole of more than a thousand meters underground, and directly smashed the ginseng spirit into a meat paste. 】

【After being smashed into a meat paste, a wisp of the ginseng spirit's spirit remained and attached to the body of the magic puppet. 】

【After a long time, this wisp of spirit cultivated again, and Zhuge Liang made the magic puppet no different from an ordinary person, so the soul of a human was born. However, after the magic puppet lost its power, it became a dead thing, so this soul found a nearby family to reincarnate, and the reincarnated child was Liu Ji Liu Bowen. ]

[It is said that Liu Ji knew the past and the future, and helped Zhu Yuanzhang gain the world, but Liu Ji Liu Bowen was also very naughty since he was a child. He climbed trees to catch birds and played pranks, causing trouble everywhere, just like Li Muxuan when he was a child. ]

[However, Liu Bowen did not have a good family background like Li Muxuan, so Liu Bowen's family thought about it and sent Liu Bowen to the Taoist temple to be a little Taoist boy. ]

[I hope the master in the Taoist temple can discipline Liu Bowen and let him stop being so naughty. ]

[The temple master is also a Quanzhen who has obtained the Tao. He can see that Liu Bowen has an extraordinary background and has a good affinity with the immortals, so he wants to test Liu Bowen to see if Liu Bowen has that fate. 】

【So the master took Liu Bowen around, and when Liu Bowen grew up, he told him that there was a way to become an immortal in Tangwu Mountain. If he could get the heavenly book, he would give Liu Bowen a great opportunity to become an immortal in the future. 】

【The heavenly book naturally refers to the human book on my body. Liu Bowen was also very excited. He had long been very interested in those strange people in the world, so he rushed to Tangwu Mountain without stopping. 】

【And this scene was all seen by Zhuge Liang at that time. 】

【At that time, Zhuge Liang was just one step away from becoming an immortal after reading two lines of the heavenly book. If he had not been framed and brainwashed by the male succubus Liu Xuande, he would have been a true immortal in the sky now. 】

【This Zhuge Liang no longer had the qualifications to continue to read the heavenly book, so he also wanted Liu Bowen to see more heavenly books, and then comprehend the method of becoming an immortal and pass it on to him. 】

【So Zhuge Liang set up a stall outside Tangwu Mountain, and then led Liu Bowen to come and tell fortunes. During the fortune-telling process, Zhuge Liang began to share his experience of reading the Heavenly Book, and warned Liu Bowen that once he felt his eyes were heavy, he must pinch his thighs or other painful places with his hands, and he must read three or four lines. 】

【After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, he used the Qimen Bureau to hide himself. In Liu Bowen's eyes, Zhuge Liang could be said to be a living immortal, and at the same time, he was more certain that he had a chance to be an immortal. 】

【After entering Tangwu Mountain, Liu Bowen quickly found the human book under the golden toad. Because no one had told him the function of the golden toad in advance, in his eyes, the golden toad was just a big yellow toad. 】

【After taking down the big yellow toad, he began to open the Heavenly Book and began to read. 】

【He read for three days, and felt very sleepy. Liu Bowen pinched his thighs hard according to the method Zhuge Liang gave him, and forced himself to read three lines. 】

【He also learned the Five Elements Taoism, the Eight Trigrams, the treacherous military tactics, the good strategies for governing a country, etc. He was able to travel through the Three Mountains in the morning and the Five Peaks in the evening. 】

【After leaving Tangwu Mountain, Zhuge Liang had already been waiting here and asked him what he had learned. 】

【Now that Liu Bowen had read the heavenly book, he had a broader vision and realized that Zhuge Liang was not really helping him, so he asked Zhuge Liang why he came. 】

【Zhuge Liang saw that he could not frame him, so he told his story half-truthfully. 】

【He said that he was a scholar in the Song Dynasty, but he was born to like to seek immortals and visit the way, and he often stayed away from home for three to five years. When he returned home one time, he found that his wife had remarried and even his children had taken someone else's surname. 】

【The reason for all this was that he ate a fire date on his way to seek immortals and visit the way, and slept in a cave for more than ten years. 】

【When his family saw that he had not returned home for more than ten years, they just thought that he had died there. 】

【Later, he became homeless and lived from the Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty because he took the fire date. 】

【Liu Bowen was still a latent Taoist, so he did not doubt Zhuge Liang's words. Zhuge Liang told him that he had also read the heavenly book, but because of his shallow roots, he only read half of it and realized the Qimen Dunjia. 】

【He now felt that it was not a good thing to stay in this world, so he hoped that someone with a predestined relationship could realize a way to cultivate immortality and let him ascend to heaven. 】

【Liu Bowen wanted to help him, but he couldn't say it when he got to his lips. Zhuge Liang immediately knew that this was a punishment from heaven for stealing the secrets of heaven, and he would never let him get other ways to become immortals. 】

【Seeing this scene, although Liu Bowen didn't know why, Liu Bowen was kind-hearted and was ready to help him, so he told Zhuge Liang that if he ascended to heaven in the future, Zhuge Liang could pry open his coffin to see the skills he left behind. 】

【But who knew that Liu Bowen angered Zhu Yuanzhang, was provoked by the emperor's anger, and finally ended up with a sudden illness and death. 】

【And because there is a method to become an immortal in Liu Bowen's tomb, it has been supervised by the heaven. 】

【But recently, for some reason, this supervision department disappeared for a while, and Zhuge Liang immediately seized the opportunity to get this method that can become an immortal. 】

When they heard this, everyone immediately guessed.

Could this be related to the alien race hitting the moon?

Zhang Chulan's eyes were surprised.

"If this is the case, can we say that the moon is very likely to be the heaven?"

"After all, the disaster that can make this supervision department fail to perform its duties must not be small."

"Plus, this kind of thing happened recently, and the possibility of overlap between the two is too high!"

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Zhuge Qing nodded.

"Indeed, what you said is very likely."

"I just don't know what the method of becoming an immortal that my ancestor got was, and why he didn't practice it himself but came to find the owner of the notebook."

Everyone was a little emotional after hearing this.


This kind of initiative to deliver the method of cultivating immortals to the door is indeed worthy of suspicion.

At this time,

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

[It was just that Zhuge Liang was a little afraid to practice this method of becoming an immortal for a while, because it was too strange, so strange that he felt it was a trap left by Liu Bowen, and now he could only trust me, so he wanted to give me this method to see what the problem was. ]

[I was also very curious about his question. I didn't know what kind of method Liu Bowen left behind that made him afraid to practice. ]

[Then, Zhuge Liang handed me a book and warned me not to believe everything in it. ]

[After hearing Zhuge Liang's warning, I didn't say much, but started to read the book. ]

[But this book made me more and more frightened. ]

[Because if you follow the method of practice in this book, then the original practice system will be completely overturned. ]

When they heard that the original practice system would be overturned, everyone was shocked.

"What's going on?"

"What's the content? Why would the owner of the notebook say such a thing!"

"Overthrowing the existing cultivation system means that the path of practicing Qi is wrong?"

"What a big tone!"

Just when everyone was confused, Feng Baobao continued to read.


[I don't know what kind of mental state Liu Bowen wrote this, but this method is simply unheard of. ]

[This method is different from the traditional Qi training system. Even ordinary people who have no talent for cultivation can practice it. ]

Let ordinary people who have no talent for cultivation practice?

Everyone became more curious after hearing this.

What on earth is this!

If this method of cultivation spreads, wouldn't it cause the world to be full of strange people!


[This cultivation method has no name, but I want to give it a name, let's call it "Wet Egg Fetus Transformation". 】

【The method of practicing this wet oviparous transformation is to meditate according to the secret manual in advance, and finally condense the soul into an extremely refined energy. This ball of energy contains all your memories and thoughts, and then you are killed by other creatures. 】

【But the order of being killed by other creatures cannot be wrong. It needs to follow the order of the four types of wet oviparous transformation. 】

【First is the wet-living creature, that is, the creatures such as fish, shrimp, crab, octopus, and cuttlefish. These creatures that need water to survive and reproduce can be called wet-living creatures. 】

【After being killed by a wet-living creature, you will also be reincarnated into the offspring of that type of wet-living creature. 】

[That is, if you are killed by a carp, you may be reincarnated as a grass carp, crucian carp, silver carp, carp, etc. ]

[After reincarnating as a wet creature, you need to be killed by an oviparous creature. ]

[Oviparous means that all living things develop inside an egg, similar to viviparous, but outside the womb. Some wet creatures are also oviparous, so they are also included. ]

[After reincarnating as an oviparous creature, you need to be killed by a viviparous creature. ]

[After reincarnating as a viviparous creature, you need to be killed by a metamorphosis creature, that is, a creature like a ghost, a celestial being, or an elf. Strictly speaking, the goddess Dokuho can be considered a metamorphosis creature. ]

[After going through these processes, you will become a celestial being, which is equivalent to a celestial being like Nishang. ]

[However, because they are not celestial beings created by gods, they are qualified to cultivate immortals. 】

【At this point, no matter what method you practice, you can easily reach the maximum level instantly. In addition, you have reincarnated four times, and you are not affected by the cause and effect of the past. It only takes a thought to become an immortal. 】

When they heard about the introduction of the method left by Liu Bowen, everyone was shocked.


It turned out to be such a method, it is simply too bizarre.

Zhuge Qing spoke slowly at this time.

"If you practice such a method without a master to protect you, I am afraid there is no way to complete the practice."

"The risk is too great, it can be said to be extremely dangerous!"

"If you are not careful, all your previous efforts will be wasted, and you will be reduced to a creature with scales and armor and no consciousness."

Hearing Zhuge Qing say this, everyone felt sympathetic.


According to this method of practice, it is impossible to succeed without someone to watch over you.

Moreover, no one knows where they will be reincarnated. The earth is so big, how can they find it in the first place? If they don’t find it in the first place, then they will die in an abnormal order on the way, and they will never be reincarnated again!

This method is simply a fantasy, too bold!

At this time.

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

[I asked Zhuge Liang what he thought, and Zhuge Liang told me that he hoped I could become his protector and protect him from reincarnation. ]

[If successful, he will also help me become an immortal. ]

[I don’t quite understand why Zhuge Liang trusts me so much, and then I expressed my doubts. ]

[Zhuge Liang also knew that I would have such doubts, but all this still has to start from my previous three lives! ]

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