Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 263 Regarding the notebook owner's conjecture, has the world ever experienced a restart

When they heard that the owner of the notebook had actually come to the modern era, everyone suddenly looked at each other, and at the same time, a chill rose from the bottom of their hearts.

Could it be that.

The owner of the notebook has always been in the modern era?

If he is in the modern era.

Then where has he been now?

Could it be that he has been watching us all the time?

Thinking of this.

Everyone's heart was shrouded in a shadow.

Zhang Chulan realized something at this moment.

"No, no, no!"

"How can it be like this?"

Everyone was attracted by Zhang Chulan's words at this moment.

I don't know what he meant by this.

Seeing this, Zhao Fangxu immediately said:

"Zhang Chulan, talk slowly and sort out your thoughts."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this, and then began to speak out his guesses and analysis.

"I think there is one thing everyone should know, that is, the brocade box that opened this notebook was obtained from Gao Ning's master."

"And Gao Ning's master, I think, is Zhao Li, the disciple of the Buddhist Asura."

"Now Gao Ning snatched this brocade box from his master, which means that it is very likely that the owner of the notebook placed the brocade box with Gao Ning's master during the Republic of China."

"The owner of the notebook can be so confident in Gao Ning's master, I believe his strength must not be too bad, but I don't know why it was snatched away so easily by Gao Ning now."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Ding Shian in the board office spoke up.

"Since we knew Gao Ning stole the brocade box from that temple, we went to look for the old monk."

"According to the old monk's apprentice, the old monk's martial arts skills were superb, but he caught a bomb dropped by the Japanese from a plane just to protect a village."

"After the bomb exploded, the old monk's true qi meridians were also blown to pieces."

"It's a miracle that he can survive now. Naturally, there is no way to resist Gao Ning."

"But when we asked the old monk who put the brocade box in the temple, the old monk was very secretive and didn't want to tell us at all."

"In the end, he was forced to tell us that it was left to him by an old friend."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan spoke immediately.

"Then it seems to be left by the owner of this notebook."

"Otherwise, how could this old monk call him an old friend."

"I just don't know where the old monk's master Zhao Li went, which is the most important thing for us."

"After all, this is an Arhat."

"A realm that many great monks cannot reach."

After hearing this, Su Zaiqiao on the side spoke up.

"Since it is a ghost fairy, then maybe he returned to the underworld later."

"After all, although the underworld sounds scary, it is at least a formal organization."

"Didn't I say it before?"

"Ghost fairies cannot enter and leave the fairyland freely, and can only wander outside Xuanhuang all day long."

"Then although this underworld ghost messenger sounds low-end, it has a place to go."

"The current situation is already the best ending."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Qiaojie, you are right. Perhaps now, this Zhao Li is somewhere seducing souls."

"And the owner of the notebook may have returned to the Republic of China and then handed the brocade box to the old hero."

Ding Shiman nodded at this time.

"Yes, as you said, this brocade box has been in the hands of this old monk for more than 70 years."

"It should be given to him by the owner of the notebook before the founding of the People's Republic of China."

"Perhaps, there will be an answer in the following notes."

While everyone was discussing.

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

[I have made up my mind now. After temporarily sealing the Yu Guang disk, I will go to live in Hong Kong. ]

[Because I have never been to Hong Kong in the first half of my life, and I don't have a pass, living in Hong Kong may be my best choice. ]

[But what I didn't expect was that Hong Kong in 2000 was more chaotic than in the Republic of China. All kinds of gangsters had almost no morals and rules, and I don't know how they were formed. 】

After hearing what the owner of the notebook said, everyone immediately thought of the movie Young and Dangerous series. This kind of gangster movie can be said to be very popular in that era, and I don’t know how many young people were corrupted.

Now thinking back.

Some things have indeed improved since 2000.

I don’t know if it is because of the owner of the notebook.

【However, the chaos here also gave me a good opportunity to replace my identity. Only by obtaining a legal identity can I survive better in this era. 】

【After my layers of screening, I set my sights on a bad gambler. This guy lost his car, house, wife and daughter in the end. 】

【He can be regarded as the best of scum and the top of bad people. 】

【Through the calculation of this bad gambler, I found that his wife and daughter were already dead. From another perspective, it was this bad gambler who killed his wife and daughter. 】

【Therefore, killing such a person, I have no psychological burden. After turning this person into ashes, I disguised myself as this bad gambler to find a job. 】

[But what surprises me is that the Ma family was also present in this era, and the contemporary heir of the Ma family is Ma Xiaoling, a girl whom I had met in the Song Dynasty. 】

[Now she has opened an exorcism company, specializing in helping people deal with unclean things. 】

When he heard about the exorcism company, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at Xu Si.

"Fourth brother, are there really many exorcism companies in Xiangjiang?"

Xu Si nodded.

"Yes, there are actually quite a few exorcism companies in Xiangjiang. Because people in Xiangjiang believe in Feng Shui, exorcism companies can be considered as riding on the east wind and making a lot of money."

"There are more than 200 exorcism companies, large and small, in Xiangjiang, and none of them are headed by Ma."

"Because as long as it is an exorcism company, there must be an alien in charge, but none of the aliens registered are named Ma Xiaoling."

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but have a terrible guess in his mind.

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the Ma family disappeared after the owner of the notebook returned to the Republic of China because he violated the rules of heaven."

When Zhuge Qing heard what Zhang Chulan said, he immediately said:

"If that's the case, this note owner has destroyed a family."

Zhang Chulan immediately shook his head.

"Zhuge Qing, you don't know that the Ma family was created by the owner of the notebook, so according to this rule, the Ma family has completely gone through a reincarnation."

"It was born from the owner of the notebook and was destroyed by the owner of the notebook."

This was the first time Zhuge Qing heard this statement, and his eyes widened for a moment.

"Zhang Chulan, what did you say?"

"This Ma family was created by the owner of the notebook?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, that's it."

"It's just that it's a long story, and I won't be able to explain it to you for a while. When you get permission in the future, you can play back all the notes we talked about before."

Zhuge Qing nodded after hearing this.

"So that's it."

"Okay, now that you say it, I'm even more motivated."

Just after Zhuge Qing finished speaking, Feng Baobao continued reading the notes in his hand.

[In my setting, the Ma family gives out a total of three token tokens. As long as the person holding the token comes to the door, he must do something for him unconditionally. 】

[So I directly got a token and approached Ma Xiaoling, asking me to join her company and paying me a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan. 】

[Ma Xiaoling did not agree to me immediately after seeing the token in my hand, but took me and the token to find her aunt Ma Danna. 】

[Aunt Ma Danna told Ma Xiaoling that the ancestors of the Ma family had given three tokens in the Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. 】

[These three tokens all have Ma family’s unique markings. 】

[And this token was given out during the Republic of China, and I should be a descendant of that family. 】

[After verifying the authenticity of the token, Ma Xiaoling had no choice but to remain a little unwilling. 】

[Because she has found out through the dragon on her body that I was a bad gambler and even sold my wife and children, so Ma Xiaoling is unwilling to let me join her company from the bottom of her heart. 】

[Just because of the reputation of the Ma family token, Ma Xiaoling agreed to let me join, but asked me to be responsible for sweeping the floor every day. 】

[But being able to have a stable job and a legal identity in this era is already satisfying for me. 】

Listening to the narrative in the notes, a question arose in everyone's mind.

That's what happened next to make the entire Ma family disappear.

This event definitely has a huge impact on the entire world.

It even concerns each of them.

It’s just that what they know is too little. Even without this notebook, they would have no way to know such secrets.

To know.

The company's intelligence network can be said to be one of the best in the world.

Now, I can only hope that there will be something recorded in this notebook.

[As days passed, things soon took a turn for the better. After Ma Xiaoling exorcised ghosts in a building belonging to the island country, her professionalism attracted the interest of the island country businessman, so Ma Xiaoling was invited to go there. The island nation conducts ghost exorcism. 】

[I asked who this island country businessman was, and Ma Xiaoling said that he was the spokesperson for Yamamoto Ryuichi, the richest man in the island country. 】

[The purpose of inviting Ma Xiaoling this time is to invite Ma Xiaoling to a hot spring hotel in an island country to perform ghost exorcism. 】

[When I heard about the person who invited Ma Xiaoling, I immediately noticed something was wrong, because I vaguely felt that there was some connection between Yamamoto Ryuichi and the general. 】

【perhaps. 】

[I can meet the generals I have never seen before through this Yamamoto Ryuichi! 】

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