Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 264: The richest man in the island country disappeared, Ryuichi Yamamoto is actually a zombi

Yamamoto Ryuichi?

Zhang Chulan looked puzzled.

"Fourth brother, is the richest man in the island country really called Yamamoto Ryuichi?"

Xu Si's eyes were a little solemn, and it was obvious that he attached great importance to the contents of the notebook.


"It's called Yamamoto Ryuichi."

"It's just that he disappeared more than ten years ago. I didn't expect to hear his name in this place."

"I don't know what his disappearance has to do with the owner of the notebook."

"Yamamoto Ryuichi?"

Zhao Fangxu had some memories at this time.

"Speaking of which, I have met this Yamamoto Ryuichi several times. He is also a very powerful alien."

"Especially in terms of physical body, it is so hard that it doesn't look like a human."

Hearing Zhao Fangxu say this, everyone couldn't help but be curious.

This former richest man in the island country is actually an extremely powerful alien in terms of physical body. It sounds incredible.

Su Zaiqiao noticed Jiang Chen.

"My great grandfather said that this Yamamoto Ryuichi has some relationship with Jiang Chen, and this Yamamoto Ryuichi has strong physical abilities. Doesn't that mean that this Yamamoto Ryuichi may be a zombie?"

"After all, according to the previous notes, this zombie bitten by Jiang Chen has no different characteristics from normal people except that it needs to suck blood every day and is invulnerable to swords and guns."

Hearing Su Zaiqiao say this, Zhang Chulan also felt that this was possible.

"Don't say it."

"If it is related to Jiang Chen, then it is very likely to be a zombie. I just don't know which generation of zombie this Yamamoto Ryuichi is."

Zhao Fangxu recalled at this time, but he didn't remember what was special about this Yamamoto Ryuichi.

Then he said:

"If this Yamamoto Ryuichi is a zombie, then doesn't it mean that this Yamamoto Ryuichi can't reproduce at all?"

"But Yamamoto Ryuichi's family is very large. He alone has married thirteen wives and has more than twenty children."

"Now these children are also very well-known in the political and business circles of the island country."

Hearing what Zhao Fangxu said, Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"If this Yamamoto Ryuichi is not a zombie, then what is the matter with the owner of the notebook saying that he has a relationship with Jiang Chen?"

After speaking, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, please continue reading, let's see what else is below."

Feng Baobao nodded.

Then he continued reading the notebook in his hand.

【However, Ma Xiaoling did not plan to take me to the island country, because in her opinion, once I went to the island country, I would definitely cause trouble. 】

【At the same time, Ma Xiaoling was preparing to take her best friend Wang Zhenzhen with her. However, I noticed that Wang Zhenzhen looked like she was going to die. If she followed Ma Xiaoling to the island country this time, she would most likely die unexpectedly. 】


Wang Zhenzhen?

Zhao Fangxu then looked at Xu Si.

“Old Four, use your authority as the person in charge to investigate whether there is a woman named Wang Zhenzhen in Hong Kong, and then the age range should be between 30 and 50 years old.”

“If there is, Ding Shian, you should go to Hong Kong and ask if this Wang Zhenzhen still has any memories of the past.”

“Yes, Mr. Zhao (Uncle Zhao).”

Xu Si and Ding Shian nodded immediately, and Xu Si began to investigate Wang Zhenzhen.

Not long after.

Xu Si said:

"I searched all the names of Wang Zhenzhen, such as Wang Zhenzhen, Wang Zhenzhen, Wang Zhenzhen, etc., and finally locked in about 190 women."

"And there was only one Wang Zhenzhen who went to the island country in 2000."

"So it can be confirmed that this Wang Zhenzhen is the Wang Zhenzhen in the notes."

Zhao Fangxu nodded, showing an expression of "as expected."

"As expected."

"Although for some reason, the exorcist dragon clan Ma family disappeared, but those who had contact and communication with the Ma family will not disappear."

When everyone heard Zhao Fangxu say this, they immediately realized this problem.


Although the Ma family is gone, it can be said that all those who have had intersections with the Ma family are like this.


Zhao Fangxu looked at Xu Si after he finished speaking.

"Old Four, look up any names related to the Ma family that appear next, and then make a list, and then go and look for them together."

"I want to see if the erased Ma family will leave any clues."

"Yes, Uncle Zhao."

After saying all this, Zhao Fangxu stopped talking.

Seeing this, Feng Baobao continued to read the rest of the notes.

[Although I don't have any friendship with Wang Zhenzhen, I can see that whether she died or not can be changed. ]

[In other words, Wang Zhenzhen can live, and her death has nothing to do with the world. ]

[So I plan to save as many people as possible. ]

[Then I told Ma Xiaoling that if she didn't let me go with her, I might do something extreme when she left. ]

[She even said that she might sell her company. ]

[Hearing my threat, Ma Xiaoling was forced to no avail, and then contacted Yamamoto Group and booked an extra hotel and flight for me. 】

【And Wang Zhenzhen's dead look seemed to be fading because of my visit. 】

[It seems that Wang Zhenzhen was killed because of some powerful forces encountered during this trip to the island country. ]

[In that case, there is nothing to say about her going with me. ]

[After going to the island country with Ma Xiaoling, I found that the breath of the first generation of zombies was looming in the island country. ]

[This breath is exactly the same as Yue Yinping's breath. It can be said that it is not a zombie, but a member of the first generation of Pangu. ]

[I think this breath is most likely Jiang Chen. I suspect that Xu Fu's Qi was exposed, so Jiang Chen was attracted. ]

[However, as soon as they got off the plane, Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen met two Hong Kong policemen. They came to investigate a homicide case, and their destination happened to be the hot spring hotel where Ma Xiaoling was going to exorcise the demon. ]

[But what surprised me was that I felt a breath similar to Xuan Kui on one of the policemen named Kuang Tianyou, which means that Kuang Tianyou is a zombie of the same level as Xuan Kui! 】

Kuang Tianyou?

Everyone was puzzled. Why did another Hong Kong policeman appear at this time? He was a zombie. Could it be that the policeman named Kuang Tianyou came to kill Wang Zhenzhen this time?

At this time, Xu Si had already searched for Kuang Tianyou in the system.

But after searching for a long time, he did not find any clues related to Kuang Tianyou, which surprised Xu Si.

"Uncle Zhao, there is no information about Kuang Tianyou here. It seems to have been deliberately erased."

Zhao Fangxu nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, don't check it. Just write it down. This matter needs to be personally asked by the old policeman."

After hearing what Zhao Fangxu said.

Ding Shiman on the side silently wrote down the name of Kuang Tianyou.

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"If this Kuang Tianyou is really a zombie, then it means that this Kuang Tianyou is now an immortal existence, and it is very likely that he is still living somewhere now."

Zhuge Qing was a little confused at this time.

"There are so many surveillance cameras on the streets now, and all kinds of information must be registered, otherwise you will be an illegal resident."

"If that's the case, then it must be hard for Kuang Tianyou to hide."

"I don't know if he has learned the art of disguise."

Hearing the art of disguise, Zhang Chulan thought of the Thousand Faces Human Domain Painting Poison in Quanxing.

"As far as I know, there are quite a few illegal residents in Quanxing. Although every alien has registered, there are still many people in Quanxing whose specific backgrounds cannot be found."

"Perhaps, Kuang Tianyou is hiding in Quanxing."

Xu Si waved his hand at this moment.

"No, who would be so stupid."

"If you want to hide, Nasen Island is his best place to hide."

Zhang Chulan once again heard from Xu Si about Nasen Island, the lawless place in the alien world, where I don't know how many strange people and lawless lunatics are hidden.


Kuang Tianyou can't find a place, so it's really possible that he is hiding there.

Just when Zhang Chulan was thinking.

Feng Baobao had continued to read the notes in his hand.

【After arriving at the club hotel arranged by the Yamamoto Group, I don’t know if it was intentional on the part of the Yamamoto Group, but the hotel they arranged was the haunted hotel. 】

【According to Ma Xiaoling, there is a fierce ghost in this haunted hotel. This fierce ghost is very powerful. Among the people killed, there are even strange people. They all died after losing all the blood in their bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to open the altar to suppress it. 】

Everyone was surprised to hear that this fierce ghost could actually kill strange people.

Good guy.

If this is the case, this is definitely a great pet for those who practice witchcraft.

【Just when Ma Xiaoling opened the altar, I directly used the spirit-stealing technique to control the fierce ghost and asked her why she wanted to be a vampire in this hotel. 】

【And the name of this fierce ghost is Chuchun. She used to be a waitress in this hot spring hotel. However, on the second day of working as a waitress in this hotel, she was sucked dry of blood by a zombie and died. 】

【This zombie is Yamamoto Ryuichi. 】

【Later, she became a puppet of Yamamoto Ryuichi, and every once in a while, she had to suck the blood of a person and offer it to Yamamoto Ryuichi. 】

【Just when I wanted to ask more, Kuang Tianyou came over, accompanied by an island monk. This island monk was a strange man named Kong Que, and his Buddhist cultivation was very strong. 】

【In my eyes, it can be seen that Kong Que's cultivation is enough to abuse this female ghost. I don't know where Kuang Tianyou was invited from. 】

【After asking some more questions, I learned that Yamamoto Ryuichi had raised a lot of zombies, so many that ordinary people would definitely feel numb. 】

【After that, I lifted the restrictions on Chuchun's seizure of the soul and put her back in the hotel. 】

【Now, it's better to maintain my personality as a gambler! 】

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