Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 287 The fairyland is a trap, the evil guidance of the demon god Po Xun

[Wugesheng also became worried after hearing my words. Those previous experiences were indeed very much like being guided by gods. 】

[And Bo Xun is a god. Good and evil gods are all the same, and there is no difference in guidance. 】

[As a human being, it is impossible to tell whether this is malicious or well-intentioned guidance! 】

[But now that he has come this far, he is unwilling to retreat, so what he has to do now is to walk all the way to the dark side. 】

[So he entrusted Bao'er to my care and continued to move forward. 】

[The others did not hesitate and followed Wugensheng deeper. Although Zhang Huaiyi had the intention to stay with me, the actions of others coerced him and made him unable to refuse. 】

Zhang Chulan's eyes were filled with worry.

"How could this be possible? I've obviously noticed it, so why would I go with this Wugensheng?"

After hearing this, Xu Si said:

"In fact, individual will often cannot decide anything in a group, so don't be so superstitious about your own will resistance."

Hearing what Xu Si said, Zhang Chulan nodded quietly.


At this moment, Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[Looking at the thirty-five people leaving, I no longer have the mood to stay here. Now that I have found Baoer, it is best to go to a quiet place to help Baoer heal his soul that is about to dissipate and be broken. should be done. 】

[Then I took Bao'er out of that space and restored my original appearance. After seeing me, Bao'er asked me why I gave her to Wu Gensheng to raise her in the first place. 】

[I am also very guilty about this matter. I can only say that what happened in the past is irreversible, and what I have to do now is to try my best to make up for it. 】

[Then I took Bao'er back to the Northeastern Ling Kingdom. I don't know if it was too coincidental, but on the first day I took Bao'er back to the Ling Kingdom, Daji gave birth to our child. 】

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan looked at Su Xiaoli on the side with some shock.

"Xiao Li, could it be said that your mother was pregnant with you for more than ten years before giving birth to you?"

Su Xiaoli nodded after hearing this.


"Sixteen years and seven months, to be precise."

Everyone was also surprised to hear that Daji had been pregnant with Su Xiaoli for so long.

Because among humans, the longest pregnancy is eleven months.

Sometimes babies born at full term are rare, and many babies are born prematurely.

It seems that being a member of the nine-tailed fox clan is different.

Sixteen years.

If it were placed on a human being, I'm afraid it would be because it was a monster.

At this moment, Feng Baobao's voice continued to come out.

[After placing Bao'er in the Northeast Ling Kingdom, I began to look for a way to heal her soul, and at the same time summoned all the immortal families to discuss the matter. 】

[These immortals have lived for so many years. Whoever can’t protect them will find a way to repair their souls. 】

[In the end, after a period of discussion, I finally adopted Kuroka Saburo's method, which was to break up all of Bao'er's souls, then gather the scattered souls together and pour them into the body, and use secret methods to nourish the soul, so that It can allow Bao'er to regain a brand new soul! 】

[The only price is that you will lose all your memories and emotions. If you want to regain your memories and emotions, you must hold the ceremony again! 】

[In this way, Bao'er's memories and emotions can be recovered again! 】

After hearing this, everyone on the side was a little surprised.

Is this actually the reason why Feng Baobao lost his memory?

Zhang Chulan then looked at Su Xiaoli who was standing aside.

"Xiao Li, is Saburo Heijia still in Lingguo?"

"What kind of immortal family is he?"

Su Xiaoli shook her head at this time.

"This Black Family Saburo is no longer in Lingguo a long time ago, and its body is a pangolin."

"Pangolin Fairy?"

Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"I just don't know where this Pangolin Immortal Kuroka Saburo is."

"If we want to re-perform the ceremony and retrieve Sister Bao'er's emotions and memories, we really have to find this Saburo Kuroka."

Su Xiaoli was not very worried at this time.

"Don't worry, don't worry, no matter how much this Black Family Saburo wanders around, he will still not be able to escape from the Northeast."

"When the time comes, I will send a few clever immortals to search, and we will be able to find this Saburo Kuroka."

Hearing Su Xiaoli say this, Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he had new doubts in his mind.

"But what happened next? Why didn't the owner of the note recover the memories and emotions for Sister Baoer at that time?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's doubts, Su Xiaoli shook her head.

"I don't know, I don't know about this either."

"I remember that my father left Lingguo in a hurry. From that time on, it seemed that he never came back."

"Of course, it's possible that he came back, but I didn't see him when he came back."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan nodded.

"I hope it's okay."

At this moment, Feng Baobao also continued reading the notes in his hand.

[Saburo Kuroka told me that it would take at least ten years to repair the soul. When I heard that it would take ten years, I did not continue to wait in Lingguo, because there are still many things waiting for me to complete. 】

[The first thing to do now is to find a way to gather the national destiny. If the national destiny is not gathered together, I am afraid that the future of the Dragon Kingdom will suffer an indelible disaster. 】

When they heard that the National Destiny was gathered, everyone was a little confused.

What does this mean.

Why have you been talking about gathering the national destiny for a long time?

What gathers the national destiny?

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but speak.

"I don't know what is going on. When did the notes say that we are going to gather the national destiny."

"I didn't tell you any reasons before."

Zhang Chulan's words immediately resonated with everyone.

"Yeah, what is this about gathering national destiny?"

"I didn't explain it in the previous notes."

At this time, Su Zaiqiao slowly spoke.

"If that's the case, I think there should be a notebook that we haven't found, so I don't know what the gathering of national fortunes my grandfather is talking about is."

"Perhaps this happened before."

Zhang Chulan nodded slowly after hearing this.

"Well, it seems that there are still a lot of notes that have not been found, that's why it's like this."

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading and see what else is below."

Feng Baobao shook his head after hearing this.

"Finished reading."

"Have you finished reading?"

"So short?"

Feng Baobao nodded.

"Yes, I have finished reading it, and the handwriting at the back is very sloppy. It is obvious that there is some anxiety in it."

"I don't know what he was worried about at that time."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

"It seems that there was something urgent at the time, so I left so quickly."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Chulan looked at Su Xiaoli.

"Xiao Li, can you go back to Lingguo first, and then send someone to find Saburo Heijia?"

"I believe that by finding Saburo Kuroka and letting him complete the unfinished ritual, Sister Baoer can regain her emotions and memories."

Su Xiaoli nodded after hearing this.


"If that's the case, then I'll go back now."

After saying that, Su Xiaoli looked at Xu Si.

"Just contact Guan Shihua next."

"I will send some immortals with healing powers."

"For no other reason than I hope Aunt Bao'er won't get hurt."

Afterwards, Su Xiaoli opened the door to Lingguo according to the previous method, and disappeared in one step.

Looking at Su Xiaoli who had disappeared, the Heavenly Master spoke at this moment.

"After I obtained the jade cabbage before, I haven't studied it carefully. Now, it's time for me to study it."

"Chu Lan, if the company gets new notes then, please remember to contact me."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

"Okay Master! Don't worry, if there are new notes, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible!"

The Heavenly Master nodded slowly.


"I think your thunder method is about to reach its bottleneck. Next time you have time, come to the Five Thunder Palace in Longhu Mountain. Only there can you obtain the advanced method."

Zhang Chulan nodded quickly after hearing this.

"Okay Master!"

"I'll definitely come over when I have time!"

Afterwards, the old Heavenly Master turned into a golden light and disappeared.

Looking at the departing Heavenly Master, Xu Si couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm afraid that if I see Master Tian next time, he will become an immortal!"

"I don't know what it is like to become an immortal. So many people have been flocking to it throughout the ages. I believe it must be a very powerful state."

Zhang Chulan also looked expectant after hearing this.


"But what I'm looking forward to more is the other notes."

"The broken destiny of the country is recorded in which notebook?"

"What is the reason for the collapse of the national destiny?"

Zhang Chulan murmured to himself.

Obviously he is very interested in this matter.

Seeing Zhang Chulan say this, Xu Si on the side said:

"I think this may be because the note owner likes to write notes in abbreviated form."

"He couldn't write down everything in his notes."

"For example, he didn't record the story of Su Xiaoli and Bao Bao's time together in his notes. Judging from Su Xiaoli's tone before, she had been with Bao Bao for at least two years."

"And if the baby doesn't remember the memory of being with her, it must be what happened before the soul was repaired."

"It's a pity that this notebook doesn't record the year, month and day when it was unloaded, so I'm so confused that I can't find a clue."

Before Zhang Chulan could say anything, Xu Si's cell phone suddenly rang.

After seeing the caller ID, Xu Si was a little surprised.

Then he picked up.

Others were also a little curious when they saw this, wondering who called at this time.

Then, Xu Si spoke.

"Director Bi, why are you thinking of calling me?"

"What did you say!"

"Chen Jinkui, one of the ten men, is crazy!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Is it within our jurisdiction? Okay, I'll send someone there now!"

"Don't worry, this matter will be done beautifully!"

"Okay, see you, Mr. Bi!"

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