Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 202: The origin of Feng Baobao, a female immortal corpse turned into a spirit?

[After researching this Master Wu Xin, I found that the immortality substance on his body has no source. 】

[But it is the kind of blood and flesh that grows spontaneously, and at the same time, every cell can produce growth substances. 】

[In the eyes of a demon, this is simply a big piece of walking Tang Monk meat. 】

[However, because this unintentional blood restrained the demons, no demons dared to come to him to cause trouble. 】

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel that the world was starting to go crazy.

A piece of walking Tang Monk meat.

But because the blood has restraint on demons, no one dares to eat it.

Isn't this the same as if you were dying of thirst in the desert and then saw a bottle of poisonous mineral water?

Tsk tsk tsk.

This situation is really difficult.

[Since the source of Wuxin's living matter has not been found, we can now experiment to see what the highest level of Wuxin's recovery and self-healing ability can be. 】

[So I proposed my idea to Wuxin, and Wuxin agreed, but he said that if he wanted to recover quickly, he would need a lot of food. 】

[So I took him to rent a small courtyard in Wen County, purchased a large amount of shelf-stable food, and started experimenting. 】

[The first thing I experimented with was to cut off one of Wu Xin’s arms to see how long it would take for Wu Xin to grow a new one. 】

[The final experimental results proved that with sufficient food supply, Wuxin's arm could grow a new one in almost two hours. 】

[In the second experiment, I chopped off Wu Xin’s two thighs. 】

[After losing both thighs, it took Wuxin a full day and a half to grow them back. 】

[In the third experiment, I directly cut off Wu Xin’s head and soaked it in broth. 】


Zhi Jinhua was shocked when she heard the description in the note.

"That sounds a little cruel."

Zhang Chulan comforted herself upon seeing this.

"Zhijinhua, there's nothing wrong with this, because the owner of the note knows that Master Wuxin can grow himself again."

"It's like you're doing an operation. You're confident that the other person will be cured. Wouldn't it be cruel to disembowel him?"

Zhi Jinhua nodded after hearing Zhang Chulan's words.


After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because as far as he knew, Feng Baobao did not have the incredible recovery ability of Master Wu Xin. He vaguely remembered that Jia Zhengyu penetrated his body last time, and it took him a full day and night to recover.

This is just a penetrating injury.

I'm afraid that this Wu Xin Master is not even tickling.

[This time, it took about seven days to grow back. 】

[At the same time, during these seven days, Wu Xin can be said to have one form per day. The first day is a head, the second day is an egg, the third day is a worm, the fourth day is an animal, and the fifth day is... A baby is a child on the sixth day, and fully grows into an adult on the seventh day. 】

[This Wu Xin's recovery ability is indeed unparalleled in the world. It's a pity that even by cutting off his limbs, I couldn't figure out how the immortality substance in his body is continuously produced. 】

[In addition, Wu Xin has no breathing or heart, and is like a broken body. 】

[I asked Goddess Dokuohuo if she had seen the origin of Master Wuxin. Goddess Dokuohuo didn’t know, but she had a guess. It was very likely that Master Wuxin was the immortal corpse of an earthly immortal. 】

[Only in this way can we explain why he has no breathing and no heart, and why his body continues to produce immortality and infinite energy. 】

[The Corpse Execution Immortal cannot achieve such an effect, and the Heavenly Immortal is always in other worlds. Only the corpse of the Earthly Immortal can do the rest. I just don’t know how the Earthly Immortal was killed. 】

"Is it actually an immortal corpse that became a spirit?"

Zhang Chulan's eyes were surprised, and at the same time, she had more questions about Sister Bao'er.

If Master Wu Xin might have become a spirit from an immortal corpse, then might Sister Baoer also have a consciousness of her own from an immortal corpse?

After all, this is the only way to explain where Sister Baoer's endless energy comes from.

Watch now.

Only the saying that the immortal corpse becomes a spirit can explain it clearly.

He vaguely remembered his master's comments when he faced Sister Bao'er.

The spirit is pure and light, with the appearance of an immortal.

If Sister Baoer was an ordinary immortal, how could she be evaluated like this by her master?

Zhi Jinhua on the side looked yearning in her eyes after hearing Zhang Chulan's exclamation.

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that Master Wuxin's predecessor was an immortal?"

"People who can become immortals will definitely not be unknown in history."

Lu Linglong, however, did not have the same yearning as Zhi Jinhua.

"What I'm more curious about now is what kind of existence can actually kill an immortal, and even make this immortal lose his heart. After all, in my eyes, immortals know the past and present, the past and the future, seek good luck and avoid evil, and transform and receive objects. ”

"Even if there really is someone who can kill this immortal, then this immortal can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages to avoid this killing disaster."

Lu Linglong's words went straight to the essence.

Everyone couldn't help but think.

Zhang Chulan said: "In this case, I think there is only one possibility, and that is that this immortal encountered a murderous disaster that he cannot avoid even if he knows the future."

"But I think we can't know about this kind of existence that can kill immortals at that level, so there is no point in guessing and struggling with this issue."

"Let Sister Baoer continue reading and see what's behind."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[I carefully observed the corpse before Wu Xin. There was nothing in the heart of this corpse, but there were all blood vessels and arteries. This shows that Wu Xin had a heart in the distant past. 】

[At the same time, I also discovered that the cross-section of the blood vessel at the artery is a cross-section that can only be produced by being hit hard by something and then torn apart. 】

[In other words, the heart at this artery was knocked out, and for some reason Wu Xin could never recover his heart. 】

[After studying this point, the idea of ​​​​researching Wuxin becomes much clearer. 】

[I went into the interior and asked who took away Wu Xin’s heart. The price I paid was just what I could bear, but in the end I only got the four words “Green Grave”. I don’t know what these four words have. What's the point? The cost of asking about the interior was ten times more than before, so I had to give up in the end. 】

Green grave?

Everyone fell into deep thought after hearing this sentence.

What is the meaning of this green grave?

It is impossible to tell whether it is the name of a place, a person, or a creature.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan asked Xu San and Xu Si beside him.

"Third brother and fourth brother, you know more than me. Have you heard of this green grave?"

Xu San and Xu Si immediately shook their heads.

At this time Xu San spoke.

"This is the first time I've heard of this green tomb. Maybe it's a place where Wu Xin's predecessor, an Earth Immortal, had his heart taken away after he went there."

Zhi Jinhua’s eyes were surprised.

"If that's the case, it would be terrible. It could actually kill an immortal."

"In my impression, aren't all immortals immortal?"

Zhang Chulan said helplessly:

"Maybe this immortal is not dead. After all, his body is still walking in this world. From another perspective, this can be regarded as immortal."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Zhi Jinhua nodded.

"Okay, I just hope I don't encounter this green grave in my lifetime, otherwise there will be no way to escape."

Zhang Chulan looked relaxed.

"Zhi Jinhua, that may be a place only immortals can go to. Maybe we don't need to worry so much now."

Lu Linglong also echoed.

"Indeed, this kind of place must be in a place that no one in the world knows about. As long as we don't go exploring in inaccessible places, there is no need to worry at all."

Hearing the two singing in harmony, Zhi Jinhua's originally worried mood relaxed.

Her super brain allows her to clearly analyze the probability of encountering this so-called green grave, which is infinitely close to zero.

After Zhi Jinhua relaxed, Feng Baobao continued reading from his notes.

[Everything is stuck on this green tomb now. I guess I need to borrow the power of the goddess Dokuohuo to get the answer to this question. 】

[But now I only have one last chance to borrow the power of Goddess Dokuohuo. It is really a waste to waste it on this kind of thing. 】

[After finishing the research on Wuxin, I was ready to leave, because now I still have a lot to do. 】

[Wu Xin can be said to be homeless now. When he saw that I was leaving, Wu Xin also relied on me and pestered me to follow me. 】

[I had no choice but to agree to his request. 】

[Now I need to refine the jade pipa, but even though I have the two most critical materials, I still can't refine it because the jade pipa doesn't have a string yet. 】

[This pipa string is very crucial. It can be said that 80% of the power of this jade pipa lies in this pipa string. 】

[After many investigations, I set my sights on the remaining jasper ice silkworm cocoons. 】

[The silk spun out by this jasper ice silkworm can be said to be extremely tough. 】

[I asked Wu Xin to wait for me in the area of ​​Beijing and Jincheng first to slay demons and demons. This area is prosperous, has a large population, and naturally has many evil spirits. If you stay here, you won’t have to worry about having no work to do. 】


Zhang Chulan suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Third brother and fourth brother, Master Wu Xin used to slay demons and demons near the capital and Jincheng. It seems that he stayed there for a long time. If we investigate the alien information back then, wouldn't it mean that we can easily find it? The record of Master Wuxin.”

"After all, the number of famous Taoist priests and monks in history is very limited."

"Let alone those in our area."

Xu Si's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Chu Lan, you have a good idea. I will check it now."

After Xu Si finished speaking, he started checking the computer.

Some exclusive information about strangers is only available from the company.

"found it!"

Not long after, Xu Si turned the computer screen to face everyone.

Above is a black and white photo.

In the black and white photo, a monk is taking a photo with a family. The family's face is full of joy, and it is obvious that they have just gotten rid of some big trouble.

Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone can't help but come over to observe carefully.

The monk in the black and white photo has a handsome face, and his hair is not shaved completely bald, but similar to the current short hair.


Even in black and white photos, you can feel that he is extraordinary.

When she thought that the person in the photo might be an immortal, Zhi Jinhua couldn't help but get excited. She kept looking at him, as if she wanted to remember everything about the monk in her mind.

Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"Could it be that this is the Wuxin Master?"

Xu Si nodded.

"There is a 90% chance that it is the Wuxin Master, but the above information shows that it is not the Wuxin Master, but a monk named Ledu."

"I think this should be a pseudonym, because this monk Ledu did come to the vicinity of Beijing and Tianjin in the past three or four years. His means of exorcising demons can be said to be very powerful. Basically, there is no problem that he cannot solve."

"According to the low-key personality of the owner of this notebook, he will definitely let this Wuxin Master travel under a new pseudonym."

At this time, the old Taoist priest also saw this monk Ledu.

After seeing this scene, his eyes could not help but be surprised.

"I didn't expect it to be this person. When the Lu family's grandfather celebrated his birthday, this monk Ledu was also invited. Later, I heard that he went to Lingyin Temple to become a monk."

Everyone was a little surprised to hear that the old Taoist priest knew this monk Ledu.

Lu Linglong asked hurriedly.

"Was my grandfather also present at my ancestor's birthday?"

The old Taoist priest nodded.

"Of course he was. He had just returned from studying at Trinity. He was full of energy and enthusiasm."

At this point, the old Taoist stopped talking.

Seeing this, Lu Linglong did not hesitate and took out her cell phone to call her grandfather.

"Grandpa, it's me. I want to ask you something. Do you know the monk Ledu?"


"Yes, it's him. Do you know him?"



"So that's it..."


"Okay, Grandpa, yes, I found another notebook. I'll tell you when I get back. Goodbye, Grandpa."

After Lu Linglong hung up the phone, he looked at everyone.

"According to my great grandfather, the Lu family was robbed that year, and the luck of the people in the clan began to become bad. One person knocked out a tooth that day, and another cut off a finger while cutting vegetables."

"So from that time on, my ancestor realized that the clan must have attracted evil spirits, but our Lu family did not have the means to cure these evil spirits, so we invited a Taoist priest from Maoshan to perform a ritual to exorcise the evil spirits."

"But even after the Taoist priest from Maoshan came, it didn't work. The luck of the people in the clan was still terrible."

"Then I don't know from where, my ancestor After hearing about this Master Le Du, he personally went to the capital to invite Master Le Du to the Lu family. "

"After Master Le Du came to our family, he looked everything over inside and out. In the end, he did nothing else but smeared a few drops of his blood on each door. "

"From then on, our Lu family was no longer so unlucky."

"Everything returned to normal."

After listening to Lu Linglong's words, Zhang Chulan immediately remembered that the blood of the Wuxin Master could restrain demons, and then he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"In this case, it can be absolutely confirmed that it was the Wuxin Master without a doubt."

"Does Master Lu know what happened later?"

Lu Linglong shook her head.

"After all, this is my ancestor's friend. In addition, my great grandfather was studying at Sanyi, so it can be said that there was no way for him to know this Wuxin Master."

"Later, I heard that this Wuxin Master, under the pseudonym of Monk Liaodu, became a monk in Lingyin Temple."

"Lingyin Temple should have information about this Monk Liaodu."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"If that's the case, then this Monk Liaodu must not be dead. After reading the notes, let the company's people ask the people in Lingyin Temple."

After that, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, you continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded.

Then he continued reading.

【After leaving Wuxin, I directly came to the Five Immortals Sect through Fire Escape. 】

【Because he knew that I could use Fire Escape, Lan Ling asked the followers to light a fire that would never go out so that I could go home at any time. 】

【After returning to the Five Immortals Sect, I asked Lan Ling to take out all the jade ice silkworm cocoons. Now the jade ice silkworms can reproduce in large quantities and there is no shortage of biomass. I only kept one male and one female of the remaining jade ice silkworms, and I spun the silk from all the others. 】

【I have to say that the jade ice silk is very tough. Each strand can pull a 20-kilogram weight, which is almost many times tougher than the best steel wire! 】

【Now that I have the pipa strings, I started to refine the magic weapon. 】

【The immortal soul also kept begging me for mercy, claiming that her name was Yue Qiluo, and she was a lady from an official family. Because she was young and ignorant, she committed suicide with a scholar. Later, the scholar's family invited a Taoist priest to seal her in a coffin. 】

【I naturally don't believe this kind of nonsense. Can the soul of a young lady from an official family be cultivated to the level of immortality? It's just a bunch of nonsense. 】

【During the refining process, I came up with an idea, that is, I can make this jade pipa a magical instrument that can automatically play music and attack. 】

【In the pawn items taken from the No. 8 pawnshop, there were many skills and experiences of pipa girls. 】

【When these pipa girls were young, they wandered among the sons of princes with their beautiful faces. After they got old and faded, their pipa skills were useless. It's better to pawn them to the No. 8 pawnshop in exchange for some things they need at this age. 】

【Afterwards, I gave a lot of pipa experience to Yue Qiluo, including Yunshuiyin, Busigui, Fenglaiyi, Yufeiyin, Qionghuatan, Zanglulan, Tiandixiao, etc. 】

【From then on, while controlling this jade pipa, you can command Yue Qiluo to play it, and you don't have to learn the pipa repertoire to successfully control it! 】

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