Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 201 Wuxin Master, the Immortal Soul in the Red Coffin

Feng Baobao nodded.

Picked up the notes and prepared to read.

And Zhang Chulan also quickly opened the phone and video chatted with the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest in the video was a little surprised.

"What's wrong, Chulan, it's only been a few hours, and you have notes again?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, Master, Linglong and Zhi Jinhua have found a book. It seems that we can only go to Longhu Mountain tomorrow."

The old Taoist priest laughed.

"It doesn't matter, the notes are still the most important, read first!"

"Okay, Master."

Zhang Chulan then looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, you start reading."



Feng Baobao started reading.

[During the time I lived here in Ahriman, I can say that it was the first time that I felt some of the Republic of China customs described in the TV in my previous life. ]

[However, during my stay, I also found an immortal wizard. 】

【This mage calls himself Wuxin, and his true qi can be said to be endless. Even his blood can restrain all demons. 】

When Zhang Chulan heard that Wuxin's true qi was almost endless, his heart jumped.

Because he thought of Sister Baoer.

Immortality and endless true qi, it can be said that they are almost exactly the same as Sister Baoer's characteristics.

Xu San and Xu Si were also surprised.

After looking at each other, they speculated in their hearts what the relationship between Wuxin and Baobao was.

If there was a relationship.

Then it would be possible to find Baobao's family.

At this time, Feng Baobao did not realize anything, but continued to read the notes attentively.


【The reason why I found out that he was immortal was because he found it in the process of selling his own talismans. ]

[Because he didn't know any talismans, the talismans he drew had no meaning at all and couldn't communicate with the heavens at all, but the only difference was that he used his own blood to draw the talismans, so the talismans had a very strong ability to restrain demons and monsters, and could even directly kill some weak demons. ]

[This powerful effect naturally attracted many people to buy it in this chaotic world of demons, and it was even sold out at one point. ]

[At the same time, I saw a very rich longevity substance in his blood, which was another longevity substance different from the fountain of youth and the elixir of immortality. ]

[This longevity substance is different from the other two, and can give the owner extremely powerful self-healing ability. ]

[After my experiment, I found that although this kind of longevity substance cannot be reborn with a drop of blood, as long as the core of the longevity substance in this person's body is not destroyed, the host can be reborn with just a little blood and flesh. 】

"There is such a thing."

Zhi Jinhua looked curious, obviously very interested in the immortal person in the notes.

"Rebirth with some flesh and blood tissue, isn't this cloning technology?"

"And it is cloning technology that can clone itself, but I don't know if there will be any memory after rebirth."

After hearing Zhi Jinhua's words, Lu Linglong asked curiously.

"I heard that you once studied this cloning technology in order to revive dinosaurs some time ago. Did you find any results later?"

Zhi Jinhua shook her head.

"No, but I did use hacking technology to steal a lot of intelligence from the United States. Now it is certain that they can clone the human body through cells at will, but they have not yet developed the technology of consciousness transfer, otherwise, disguised immortals will appear."

"What did you say?"

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"What does it mean that immortals have appeared."

Zhi Jinhua explained when she saw this.

"If the United States develops a technology that can transfer consciousness, then a young body without thoughts can be cloned, and then the consciousness can be taken out of the old body and transplanted into the young body."

"Transplant when the body is old, transplant when it is old."

"As long as there is no sudden accident, then isn't this a disguised form of immortality?"

Zhang Chulan took a breath.

"Good guy, it's actually like this. I just don't know if Mr. Tang's group has invested in such a project. If it has, then I can visit it legitimately."

Zhi Jinhua also heard that Zhang Chulan has a 10% stake in the multinational company Tang Group, and she was a little tempted when she thought of this.

"If you really have the opportunity to visit, can you take me with you? After all, the gap between stolen information and on-site inspection is very large."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan immediately nodded in agreement.

"Of course, I always accept people who come for this kind of thing."

"Linglong can also come over then."

Hearing that she could also come, Lu Linglong nodded.

"Okay, I'll go with you guys when the time comes."

Zhang Chulan looked at Sister Baoer at this time.

"But then again, I don't know if this Wuxin Master is still alive or has been captured by the owner of the notebook for research."

Zhang Chulan's words also made everyone realize.


If this Wuxin Master is really an immortal, then he can definitely live to the modern times.

It's even possible that he is a little famous in the world of aliens today.

Xu Si spoke at this time.

"I think it's better not to think about this kind of thing. Maybe this Wuxin Master is hiding like the owner of the notebook."

"After all, modern society has such advanced technology that it is very difficult to forge identity information."

"It's better to hide away and be comfortable."

Zhang Chulan thought about it and it was true. With such advanced technology in modern society, all kinds of credentials will definitely become more and more complete in the future.

Even iris DNA and other things are needed.

In this situation, it's better to hide and come to Anxin.

Thinking of this.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.


My sister Baoer really has something to do with that Wuxin Master. After all, from the characteristics, they are too similar.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.


[I started looking for that Wuxin Master. According to the information provided by Ahriman, this Wuxin Master traveled all over the country. The last place he appeared was in a place called Wen County in Beihe Province. So after saying goodbye to Ahriman and Yu Shu, I set off directly to Beihe Province. 】


Wen County?

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at Xu San and Xu Si.

"Third brother and fourth brother, you are familiar with the land here. Is there a place called Wen County on the Beihe side?"

Xu Si shook his head.

Xu San had heard of it.

"This Wen County has now been renamed Wenhe County."

"If you haven't been there to perform a mission and heard the local people talk about it, you may not know it."

"It is said that there were many wars and small conflicts during the Republic of China period. It is said that because of the name, the feng shui was not good, so after the founding of the country, it was renamed from Wen County to Wenhe County."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan nodded.

"I don't know what happened when this Wuxin Master went to Wen County."

At this time, Feng Baobao also continued to read.


[After arriving in Wen County, I began to constantly inquire about the whereabouts of this Wuxin Master. In my opinion, this Wuxin Master can be said to be an excellent research material. ]

[After inquiring, I learned that he is now living in the home of Wen County Commander Gu Xuanwu, and is helping Gu Xuanwu to exorcise demons. ]

[I also disguised myself as a young Taoist priest and went to Gu Xuanwu's home to exorcise evil spirits. ]

[After arriving at Gu Xuanwu's home, I also met the Wuxin Master. At this time, Wuxin was constantly asking Gu Xuanwu for a high reward before he was willing to exorcise the demon. Gu Xuanwu was quite helpless about this. When he saw me coming here, it was like seeing a life-saving straw, and he turned to ask me if I could exorcise the demon. ]

[I naturally agreed to this matter and promised not to take a penny. Seeing that I had taken his job, the Wuxin Master was indignant, but he had no choice but to leave. ]

[Before he left, I put a poisonous insect on him to monitor Wuxin's whereabouts. ]

[But what I didn't expect was that the Wuxin Master directly lived in a mass grave outside the city, and stayed there motionless, and I didn't know what he was doing. ]

[Since I have accepted Gu Xuanwu's job, I naturally have to do his job beautifully and properly. 】

【After arriving at the haunted house he mentioned, I found that it was something under a dry well that was causing trouble. The thing under the well was a female ghost full of resentment, which finally condensed into an evil spirit. 】

【The female ghost's body was a ball of hair and a puppet. It was only because someone cast some kind of evil magic that it became such a fierce and murderous evil ghost. 】

【With a hundred years of gestation, its power is stronger than that of ordinary aliens. 】

【If those Liangshan witches saw it, I don't know how happy they would be. 】

【After I went down the well and killed the evil ghost, I unexpectedly found that there was an eight-diagram stone door at the bottom of the well. This eight-diagram stone door can be said to be quite old. Judging from the appearance, it must be at least a hundred years old. It is very likely something left over from the Daoguang period. 】

【At this time, the goddess Duokuohuo suddenly appeared. She told me that there was an immortal soul behind this sealed door. If I could capture this soul and refine it into a magic weapon, the power would be earth-shattering. 】

【After that, the goddess Duokuohuo attached herself to my hand again. 】

【And I also became interested in what was behind this Bagua stone door. 】

【She was able to let the goddess Duokuohuo tell me about it. 】

【Its value must be high. 】

【This immortality is only available to those spiritual creatures of heaven and earth. I wonder if the thing sealed behind this Bagua stone door is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth. 】

【So I started to destroy this Bagua stone door. After my destruction, the Bagua stone door was quickly broken by me, and at the same time, a red coffin inside also appeared behind the stone door. 】

【However, it seems that in order to suppress the things inside, the red coffin is tied with iron chains outside, and there are various talismans on the coffin to assist in sealing. 】

【I stepped forward and pulled off a talisman. I recognized this talisman. It was the Taiyi Emperor's exorcism and demon suppression talisman. It seems that the things in this coffin are indeed extraordinary. It takes so many talismans to suppress it. 】

When Zhang Chulan heard about the Taiyi Emperor's exorcism and demon-suppressing talisman, he also remembered that he had seen a related introduction in the book "The Book of Secret Talismans of Various Levels Filled Out by the Successor Han Tianshi of Zhengyi", which was the talisman collection given to him by his master.

This talisman can drive away evil spirits, resist various evil forces, and protect against the invasion and harassment of evil spirits. It also has the ability to weaken evil spirits.

If hundreds of similar talismans are placed together, even those ancient demons will be afraid.

[Because the seal is too strong, I used the Samadhi True Fire to burn off the chains tied outside. After opening the coffin, a woman in a wedding dress unexpectedly appeared inside. ]

[This woman seems to be dead, but because of the existence of the immortal soul in her body, her body is still active. ]

[It must be said that the soul power contained in this immortal soul is indeed very powerful, even stronger than that of the Black Tortoise, one of the Eight Fraud Gods. ]

[If this soul can be extracted, it will definitely be possible to refine an incredible magic weapon. 】

【Then I remembered the jade pipa I got from Xuanyuan's tomb. I wonder what kind of powerful magic weapon this jade pipa plus the immortal soul will be refined into! 】

【Then, I took out the jade pipa directly, and used the blood expulsion method to drive the immortal soul directly into the jade pipa. At the same time, I also used magic to seal it, so that the immortal soul could not escape from the jade pipa. 】

Hearing that the jade pipa was also refined into a magic weapon, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but be curious.

I don't know who the owner of the notebook left this jade pipa to in the end.

According to the description above, if this jade pipa is refined into a magic weapon, it is much stronger than the Iron Armor Guard or even Zhuge Shenji.

After all, the materials and souls used are top-notch.

If it is still not as good as the Iron Armor Guard, that guy is a bit too lame.

While Zhang Chulan was thinking secretly, Feng Baobao did not stop reading.

[Now that all the crises here have been resolved, I put the jade pipa into the swallowing bag and ran towards the mass grave outside the city. ]

[Because of the long-term wars in Wen County, there are a lot of dead people buried in the mass grave. You may find several dead people buried under your feet after walking a few steps. Therefore, there are always wronged souls wandering here. ]

[However, after I came here, I found that the wronged souls here have gradually dispersed. Finally, I found that it was the Wuxin Master who was chanting the Rebirth Mantra on the mass grave to help these wronged souls. ]

[I have to say that this Wuxin Master is a good person in my opinion. I decided to be gentle when I catch him next time. ]

When they heard that the owner of the notebook wanted to catch this Wuxin Master, they couldn't help but look at each other, wondering how he would deal with him next.

[Master Wuxin was very angry when he saw me, but he seemed to have no special means except immortality, blood exorcism and infinite true qi. ]

[He can't even use the simplest means of attacking with true qi by aliens. From this point of view, I am very curious about how he has lived from the past to the present. ]

Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan were shocked when they heard it.

Isn't Baobao like this?

Immortality, infinite true qi, no means of attacking with true qi by aliens, but I don't know if blood can exorcise evil.

I haven't tried it before.

It seems that I need to try it after this note is finished.

Just when everyone was thinking wildly.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[I easily caught this Master Wuxin with the ladder to heaven and brought him to a nearby river. 】

【I asked about the origin of this Wuxin Master, but he didn't know, because his memory would be refreshed every hundred years. After the refresh, the memory of the previous experience would only have a little bit of blurry image. 】

【He vaguely remembered that he had been crazy about death for hundreds of years, and even to the point of being desperate, he took the initiative to go to the nests of various demons and let them kill him. 】

【But in the end, he couldn't get what he wanted, so he slept like crazy in the past few hundred years, and only woke up recently because of the rampant demons in the troubled times. 】

【As for how many years he has lived, he doesn't know, nor does he know his former identity. 】

After hearing the description of himself by this Wuxin Master, Xu San and others became more nervous.

From this point of view.

Bao Bao is really likely to be related to this Wuxin Master.

At this time, Zhang Chulan had an extremely terrible guess in his heart. Could it be that Sister Baoer is this Wuxin Master?

Not only did she lose her past memories, but she also became a woman for some unknown reasons.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan shook his head subconsciously.

No, that's not right.

The truth of the matter can't be like this, otherwise, how can it be explained that Sister Baoer can understand the notes of the owner of this notebook.

Sister Baoer must not be this Wuxin Master!!

Definitely not!

At most, there is some relationship.

Zhang Chulan's random thoughts made Feng Baobao look over.

"Zhang Chulan, why is your Qi so messy?"

Zhang Chulan was shocked.

Afraid that others would see the clues, he scratched his head quickly.

"Ahaha, this, this is me thinking about where this Wuxin Master is."

"I'm fine, Sister Baoer, you continue reading."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say that he was fine, Feng Baobao nodded, and then continued to read the notes in his hand.


[I asked the Wuxin Master if he still wanted to die. Wuxin Master seemed very determined and still wanted to die. He even said that as long as I could make him die, I would do anything to him. ]

[Because he had lived for so many years, he had already had enough and just wanted to die and put an end to it all. ]

[I could see that Wuxin Master was not lying, so I told him that I wanted to use him for experiments. ]

[By the way, let's see if we can extract all the longevity substances in his body. ]

[Wuxin Master readily agreed. For him, dying was more important than anything else! ]

[During the period of studying Wuxin, I asked him if he had encountered any zombies chasing him, but Wuxin told me that there had never been any zombies chasing him. ]

[Through this conversation, I can know that Wuxin is definitely not a human being. I just don't know what kind of spirit he is! ]

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