Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 313 Open the door of truth and meet the owner of the notebook of the God of the source of tr

How to make the Philosopher's Stone?

Everyone was a little surprised.

They all know more or less about the Philosopher's Stone, which is a dream stone that can help people realize their wishes.

But what's going on now?

You can actually create the Philosopher's Stone!

At this time, Zhuge Qing was a little curious.

"Zhang Chulan, do you know about this?"

Zhang Chulan doesn't want to talk about this matter for the time being. Except for him and Sister Bao'er, no one else in the company knows about it.

He has to wait for a suitable time for Sister Baoer to speak.


Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"How do I know this? There is no record of this in the previous notes. Director Huang can prove it."

Huang Boren on the side also spoke immediately.


"There is indeed no record of this."

"Okay, don't ask any more questions, just listen to what else is there in the rest of the notes."

Zhuge Qing nodded.

The reason why he is so concerned is entirely because his ancestors are involved.

Don't know what exactly will happen next.


Zhuge Qing stopped talking.

Feng Baobao's voice also sounded again.

[Subsequently, I informed Zhuge Liang about this matter. Zhuge Liang did not refuse my request out of guilt, so I, the goddess Duokuohuo and Zhuge Liang divided into three groups and began to collect dream marks all over the world. 】

[After collecting these dream traces, I made the Philosopher's Stone on the spot. With more and more Philosopher's Stones, I felt the urge to verify a conjecture I had. 】

[I want to see what it would look like to use the Philosopher's Stone to create a sacrificial formation. 】

[Subsequently, when I finished collecting 41 Philosopher's Stones, I had already collected all the Philosopher's Stones I needed, so I asked Duokuohuo and Zhuge Liang to stop. 】

[At the same time, I started looking for a location to see where it would be suitable for this sacrifice. 】

[After Zhuge Liang learned about this incident, he advised me to stop, because this incident would harm the peace of heaven, and if I sacrificed it now, I would definitely be punished by heaven. 】

[I'm not the kind of person who doesn't listen to advice, so I placed the location in a fertile part of the ocean. 】

[And Zhuge Liang also got his wish and ascended. 】

[After a delay of nearly 1,800 years, now the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly. It’s true that the truth has been completely realized! 】

Hearing that his ancestor Zhuge Liang had really ascended to the throne, Zhuge Qing suddenly felt the urge to burst into tears in his chest.

"I didn't expect that."

"My ancestors have truly ascended."

"I want to tell the whole world about this."

"Let them all know."

"My Zhuge family has also produced immortals!"

Hearing what Zhuge Qing said, Huang Dong immediately stopped him.

"don't want!"

"If you do this, it will obviously cause huge trouble to the company."

"Have you ever thought about it, if you tell this matter, wouldn't everyone in the world want to know where you heard the news?"

"This way."

"Do you still want to expose the existence of the owner of the note?"

"To know."

"Now only the top leaders of a few sects know about these things."

"They were all tight-lipped."

"What's going on with you?"

Zhuge Qing's expression was sarcastic.

"Yes, Director Huang, I didn't think carefully."

"It's just me thinking."

"It would be great if this kind of thing could be done."

"After all, our ancestors have never been promoted as immortals."

"Even the greatest alien is not an immortal."

Director Huang nodded.

"Well, the company will consider your request."

"Perhaps, you can find an appropriate time and ask Dr. Xia to endorse it, saying that your ancestor Zhuge Liang's becoming an immortal is recorded in a batch of excavated ancient books."

"In this case, what do you think?"

Zhuge Qing's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Mr. Huang!"

Huang Boren waved his hand.

"This matter still needs to be decided by the board of directors, and it is not my decision alone."

"Okay, don't talk about this again in the future."

"Otherwise, God knows how much trouble it will cause."

Zhuge Qing nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, Director Huang!"

Xiao Zi on the side said at this time:

"Director Huang, I have learned the method of completely removing the three corpses. I wonder if I can teach these methods to those of the Three Demon Sects."

Huang Boren was also a little surprised after hearing Xiao Zizai say that he had learned the method to completely remove the three corpses. He knew how important this method was to the people of the Three Demon Sect.

"You are lucky."

"Since you have realized this, it is your private matter, and the company is not qualified to take care of it, either emotionally or rationally."

"Don't worry about teaching me, but you need to pay attention to whether Tu Junfang is suitable for you to teach this kind of method."

"after all."

"He is the whole sex!"

Xiao Zizai nodded.

"Yes, Director Huang."

"I will consider this."

After seeing several people finish speaking, Feng Baobao continued to recite.

[After sighing with emotion, I came to this place with rich aquatic products with the goddess Dokuohuo, and started my experiment at the same time. 】

[After placing the Philosopher's Stone in the correct position, I began to make sacrifices. 】

[With the blessing of the vitality of a large number of marine creatures, the 41 Philosopher's Stones exploded with powerful power that I had not expected before. 】

[This power is close to the limit of this world. 】

[That is, the power that is close to the goddess Dokuohuo. 】

[But it is precisely because of this that this power can open the door to truth. 】

[After opening the Door of Truth, I saw the largest eye so far from inside the Door of Truth. 】

[This eye is profound and boundless, as if it contains all the truths of the universe. 】

[Goddess Duokuohuo told me that this is most likely a god who has not appeared in any history or mythology at all. It can be said that even she cannot see through it. 】

[After I heard it, I immediately entered the door of truth. I wanted to ask him how I can change the fate of everyone next, even if I don’t need the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Man. 】

[After entering the Gate of Truth, I felt the power of this god. I even said that when I looked at him, I was like a speck of dust looking up at the sun. 】

[This feeling does not exist even when I enter the world in the painting and face Yuanshi Tianzun. 】

[This god told me that he is called the Lord of the Source of Truth and has been born for countless epochs. This is the second time I have seen someone like me. 】

[I asked him who the first person was, and the god told me that his name was Flamel. Now even he doesn't know where Flamel has gone. 】

Zhang Chulan was surprised when he heard the words Flamel.

"Is he actually the greatest alchemist in the legend?"

"It is said that he gained immortality. Now it seems that it is not just like this. It is very likely that Flamel asked some ultimate questions and became as transcendent as the legendary immortal."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Huang Boren on the side said:

"The world is indeed not what it used to be."

"Okay, don't think about this now. After all, this is far away from us."

"Perhaps we will never know the reason at all."

Hearing what Huang Boren said, Zhang Chulan didn't say anything anymore.

He was curious now.

This note owner.

What would be the answer to the question asked.

Just then.

Feng Baobao's voice came to Zhang Chulan's ears.

[When I heard this god say that he didn’t know where Flamel had gone, I realized that it was very likely that Flamel had gained wisdom from him that was impossible for mortals to obtain. 】

[So I asked him if there was any way to free all living beings from the shackles of fate and control it themselves. 】

[The God of the Source of Truth was very surprised when he heard my wish, because he never thought that I would ask such a question. After all, in his eyes, my behavior was completely thankless. 】

[However, after thinking about it again and again, the God of the Source of Truth still told me the answer to my question. 】

[But I know this problem. That is to collect the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Man, so that all living things can be freed from the control of fate. However, after that, the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Man will also be destroyed, and there will be no plan for destiny. The earth is likely to go to two extremes. 】

[One extreme is that the earth becomes a wild horse, leading everyone into an eternal abyss that death has never reached. 】

[The other extreme is that everything on earth has successfully evolved and finally ascended to dimension smoothly. In this way, everyone will retain their own eternity, no longer have to worry about any difficulties, and will always be happy. 】

After hearing these two extreme possibilities, Huang Boren couldn't help but scratch his head.

"Isn't there any neutral choice?"

"One is an abyss, and the other is a paradise. Neither of them sounds very reliable!"

After Huang Boren finished speaking, Zhang Chulan on the side spoke.

"Director Huang, perhaps our current situation is the most neutral choice."


"I don't know what it will be like."

"But I think the current state, which is to say the state planned by fate, is indeed very safe."

At this time, Xiao Zizai on the side spoke.

"The Buddha said that the first intention is to achieve all kinds of good deeds. For example, Mount Sumeru is decorated with many treasures. The second intention is to practice Tanparamita. It is like the earth growing and cultivating all kinds of good dharma."

"Since the owner of this notebook has great ambitions, it means that he will not let us fall into the eternal abyss with the earth."

"Didn't you say before that everyone should evolve?"

"In my opinion."

"There's a good chance that we're all going to evolve."

"In this case, each of us will eventually gain eternity."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan on the side was a little curious.

"Brother Xiao, what else did you realize under the Nathan tree besides the method of completely removing the three corpses?"

"Why do I feel more and more like you are a great monk?"

Xiao Zizai smiled.

"Just some truth."

"Okay, let's not talk about this now. If you want to know in the future, then come and chat with me near Longhu Mountain. You know that place. I live there when I am not on a mission."

Zhang Chulan was a little excited when he heard what Xiao Zizi said.


"We have an agreement."

And just after Zhang Chulan finished speaking.

Feng Baobao also continued to speak.

[Perhaps because he knew that I knew the answer to this question, the God of the Root of Truth decided to let me ask him another question. ]

[Now that I know that there is only one way, the three books of heaven, earth and man, I gave up asking similar questions and asked how to snatch the Book of Earth from Yu Ji. ]

[The God of the Root of Truth told me that Yu Ji is now in a very subtle state. This state is not a physical entity, but is integrated into the rules of heaven and earth. ]

[However, although this state can avoid all detection, it also has a huge disadvantage. That is, after integrating into the rules, the thinking also changes with the rules, and there is no self-awareness. It is necessary to break away from the rules again. ]

[And the Book of Earth also merged into the rules with him. If you want to get the Book of Earth from him, you must first let him break away from the rules. ]

[The way to break away from the rules is to make Yu Ji feel a sense of crisis. This sense of crisis can come from provoking the rules or from the fear of the disappearance of the rules. ]

[In other words, as long as I provoke this rule, or even actively make this rule disappear, I can force Yu Ji out directly! 】

【Finally, I asked what the specific rules were. 】

【The God of the Root of Truth told me that this rule is reincarnation. As long as reincarnation disappears from this world, Yu Ji will appear automatically! 】

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan's eyes were surprised.

"That is to say, there was reincarnation before."

"But because of the owner of the notebook, there is no reincarnation now?"

"Then how to calculate it."

"Where did the souls of the newborns come from?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's question, Xiao Zizai on the side spoke.

"Buddha looks at a bowl of water, 84,000 insects."

"Perhaps, it is only the human soul that cannot be reincarnated, but all living things can."

"That is to say."

"Now the newborns are the souls of all things in this world."

The clarinet on the side also spoke.

"Well, that's about it."

"The Indians believe that everything in the world has a soul, even a piece of land has a soul. This can be said to be the most god-respecting race."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help feeling a little awkward when he heard this conclusion.

If I have a child in the future.

Could it be that it was born from a worm?

At this time, Feng Baobao also continued to read.

[After telling me this, the God of the Root of Truth closed the Gate of Truth and disappeared. Before leaving, he told me that after looking for him once, I should not look for him again, unless it was a new person, otherwise he would refuse to answer my questions. ]

[I hurriedly agreed to this. In this case, I would look for someone else. ]

[Then, I went to find Cui Laodao, intending to ask him how to destroy or hinder the rules of reincarnation. ]

[He has the Five Elements Avenue and some knowledge reserves, which are richer than mine. ]

[This Yu Ji really gave me a big problem. ]

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