Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 314 Li Muxuan announces his withdrawal from Quanxing, an unacceptable punishment

When Zhang Chulan heard this, he immediately realized that the purpose of the owner of the notebook teaching Haruman how to make the Philosopher's Stone was not simple.

It is very likely that he was using Haruman.

Tsk tsk.

If this is the case, then Haruman will never escape the calculations of the owner of the notebook.


Really miserable!

Others naturally did not know the cause and effect relationship. Huang Boren narrowed his eyes at this time.

"I don't know if the owner of the notebook has left the method of making the Philosopher's Stone with Dream Mark. If this method of making the Philosopher's Stone is left, I really want to ask the God of the Source of Truth some questions."

After hearing Huang Boren's words, Zhang Chulan on the side was shocked.

He suddenly didn't want Sister Baoer to tell the story.

If it was told.

Then it is very likely that it will be more important than the magical place like the Twenty-Four Sections Valley.

But he didn't know whether this matter should be told.

Because the things involved are too big.

While Zhang Chulan was thinking about whether to say it, Feng Baobao had already continued to read.

[When I found Cui Laodao, Cui Laodao was already very old. He had aged so fast in these years, as if he had consumed twenty years of life in ten years. ]

[For the first time, I intuitively felt what old age looked like in him. ]

[After seeing me, Cui Laodao didn't recognize me until I told him some secrets that only we knew, and then he believed that I was reincarnated. ]

[Then I asked Cui Laodao my question, asking him what he should do to destroy or hinder the development of reincarnation. ]

[Although Cui Laodao didn't know why I asked this question, he still told me with all his heart. ]

[First, I have to find the Six Paths Wheel, which controls the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and it rotates there forever. As long as the wheel rotates for one day, the Six Paths of Reincarnation will not stop. 】

【But the six reincarnation wheels are controlled by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. If I want to stop the six reincarnations, I have to pass the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! 】

"It's Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?"

Xiao Zizai on the side couldn't help but talk about the origin of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"The Buddhist scriptures say that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was instructed by Sakyamuni Buddha to save all sentient beings in the six realms and save all suffering before Sakyamuni was born and Maitreya was born."

"This Bodhisattva has great ambitions and great compassion."

"In the past life, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had saved his mother who was suffering in hell several times, and he has been vowing to save all suffering sentient beings, especially those in hell, for a long time."

"Therefore, there are many temples of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in hell."

"He is also sitting in hell for this."

"It can be said that the status of this Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is not inferior to that of the compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva."

Hearing what Xiao Zizai said, Zhang Chulan was a little worried.

"Then with the strength of the owner of the notebook, can he close the six-path wheel from the hands of this Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?"

Xiao Zizai shook his head immediately.

"Of course not."

"It's just that snakes have their own ways and rats have their own ways. No matter what problems you encounter, there are ways to solve them."


"There will be a way in the future."

"But I can't think of what it is."

After hearing what Xiao Zizai said, Zhang Chulan sighed.

"I always feel that no matter what the owner of this notebook wants to do, there will be great obstacles in front of him."

"I don't know if it's fate that wants to stop him."

Huang Boren frowned a little when he heard this.

"After all, this world does not revolve around him alone. It is normal to encounter some setbacks. Don't worry too much."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan nodded quietly.

"Yes, Mr. Huang."

Then, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, is there any follow-up?"

Feng Baobao spread her hands.

"No more, I've memorized it all."

As for the other notebook, Zhang Chulan didn't ask her to memorize it now, and she couldn't say a word.

When they heard that Feng Baobao had memorized it all, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

There was nothing to do next, just wait for the ship to dock.


Three days later.

Tianjin Port.

The head of the Lu family, Lu Jin, and some of the younger generations of the Lu family, Lu Linglong and Lu Lin were also inside.

There was also Na Ruhu, one of the two heroes, and some people from the Xigu Pavilion standing here.

Quietly watching a ship approaching the harbor.

Looking at the ship, Lu Jin rubbed his palms.

"Here it comes."

Na Ruhu felt a little numb in his legs at this time.

"It's true that when you get older, your body will have problems."

"I just stood for a long time, and I felt like I had been standing for a year or two."

"By the way, Mr. Lu, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Jin's eyes flashed a cold light.

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Just then.

The ship docked.

At the same time, it quickly anchored and paved the way.

A group of people walked down from the deck of the ship at this moment.

They were Huang Boren, Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Xiao Zizai, Hei Guaner, Zhuge Qing, Ding Shiman, Li Muxuan, King Nasen and her Nasen Nine Guards.

Lu Jin strode forward at this time.

Walk towards Li Muxuan.

Li Muxuan also had a dangerous look in his eyes as he walked out of the crowd and walked towards Lu Jin.

Everyone was very nervous at the moment.

It's unclear what will happen next.

Just when the two were still two meters away from each other, they stopped.

Lu Jin looked at the man in front of him whom he had not seen for decades.

The outline of his face suddenly overlapped with that of the naughty boy from before.

The anger in his heart also dissipated invisible.

Because he knows now.

The master's disappearance was not to blame on Li Muxuan, so he was not prepared to pursue the matter.

And now that he's back.

Then let's talk about old times.

Thinking of this, Lu Jin spoke.

"You old guy, you're not dead yet!"

Li Muxuan then said:

"You're not dead, how can I die!"

After Lu Jin finished speaking, he stepped forward and took Li Muxuan's arm.

"Let's go!"

"Go home, let's have a good drink."

"You old guy, why are you holding on so tightly?"

"Aren't you afraid that you will run away?"

"Then you don't need to activate reverse rebirth, right?"

"I'm happy to..."

Afterwards, Li Muxuan was dragged away by Lu Jin.

Lu Linglong, Lu Lin, and some juniors from the Lu family also followed Lu Jin away.

The people on the side looked confused.

Na Ruhu even doubted himself.

"What's going on?"

"I thought there would be a conflict."

At this time, Huang Boren came over, and when he saw the tiger queen, he immediately understood.

"I think it's because Lu Jin didn't have much confidence that he invited you to help him."

Na Ruhu shook his head quickly after hearing this.

"Director Huang, it's nothing."

"I just thought, if there is a conflict, I will start a fight. Otherwise, there is no need for me to come."

Hearing what Na Ruhu said, Huang Boren chuckled.

"Okay, I'll buy you a drink when you have time."

"It can be considered a contribution to the security of the alien world."


A motorcade was approaching from outside the port at this time.

All are Hongqi cars, which look powerful and domineering.

Looking at this scene.

Huang Boren immediately greeted King Nathan.

"King Nathan, come with me. Next, the company will make arrangements for you."

At this time, all the nine Nathan guards looked wary.

No one knows what the Dragon Kingdom's Nadutong will do to them.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Chulan said:

"Don't worry, the outcome will definitely not be too bad for you."

"Also, remember not to bargain when negotiating. Based on my understanding of the company, the terms they offered the first time were definitely the most generous."

King Nathan is not the kind of person who is ignorant.

She knew Zhang Chulan didn't lie to her.

"Thank you, I understand."

"Next, I will seriously consider it."

After saying that, King Nathan walked towards the convoy.

Nathan Nine Guards followed closely behind.

As a guard of King Nathan.

All they can do is to use all their strength to protect the safety of their king until the moment when life stops.


Ding Zhangan, Zhuge Qing and Huang Boren all left.

Xiao Zizai and Black Guan'er looked at Zhang Chulan and the others and chose to say goodbye.

After completing this task.

There are other tasks waiting for them next.

As a temporary worker.

Always so busy.

As everyone left, Zhang Chulan finally reacted.

"Oh, that's not right!"

"Where's the car that picks us up?"

"Is it possible that we still have to walk back?"

Feng Baobao is also very curious.

Because according to the character of the third and fourth children, they will definitely come to pick them up now.

Thinking of this, Feng Baobao looked at Zhang Chulan.

"Then let's walk back."

Zhang Chulan waved her hands quickly.

"No, it's up to me."

After saying that, Zhang Chulan recited the Golden Light Escape formula silently in his heart.

"Let's go!"

The next moment.

Zhang Chulan grabbed Feng Baobao's shoulders.

The two of them instantly turned into a golden light and disappeared.

When they appeared again, they had arrived at the North China branch.

Feng Baobao looked at this scene with his mouth wide open.

"That's amazing, Zhang Chulan."

"I didn't expect you to have this skill."

Zhang Chulan smiled proudly.

"Don't forget, I have been practicing Golden Light Escape a lot during this time."

After saying this, Zhang Chulan's face turned pale.

This is the sequelae of excessive use of Zhen Qi.

Feng Baobao was a little anxious when he saw it, and quickly reached out and slapped Zhang Chulan in the face.

Zhang Chulan was stunned by this slap.

He didn't know why his sister Baoer hit him.

Can be followed immediately.

A cool and refreshing energy came from the place where he was beaten.

It continuously extends towards the damaged meridians of the body, like countless gentle little hands touching and massaging there.


Zhang Chulan felt that the discomfort he had just felt disappeared.

"Sister Bao'er, you are really amazing."

"This will allow you to cure me."

Feng Baobao was also confused after hearing this.

"Actually, I don't know. I just saw a gap in your Qi face, so I just wanted to cover it up. I didn't think much about the rest."

Zhang Chulan moved his body.

"Now, Sister Bao'er, you will be my inflatable baby from now on."

"Let's go and see what's going on with Fourth Brother and the others."

"They didn't come to pick us up."

After entering the company, the two searched for a while, but found that there was no one inside or outside the company, and Su Zaiqiao was not there either.

After asking the front desk, they found out.

Xu San, Xu Si and Su Zaiqiao had left here early in the morning.

I don't know what mission they went to perform.

Zhang Chulan was a little helpless.

Now he had to go back to the dormitory to sleep and wait for all of them to come back.


At the same time.

Lu family.

Li Muxuan had followed Lu Jin to a manor of the Lu family in Tianjin City.

Looking at the surrounding furnishings.

Li Muxuan showed a trace of nostalgia.

"It's been so many years, I haven't seen this kind of decoration."

Lu Jin laughed.

"Why, are you going back to your broken island this time?"

Li Muxuan smiled bitterly.

"How can I go back? The island has sunk!"


Lu Jin was surprised.

He knew what Nasen Island represented.

But even such a place sank.

It was really shocking.

Then Li Muxuan said:

"Bring me here, do you want revenge?"

"Come on, you can start now. After the start, I will find Li Jinyan to fulfill my promise!"

Lu Jin was stunned.


"What do you mean by fulfilling your promise?"

"Senior Li Jinyan hasn't appeared for many years. Where can you find him to fulfill his promise!"

"What did you say!"

Li Muxuan is such a smart person.

I immediately realized that Zhang Chulan, this kid, knew about his bet from somewhere and deceived him.

Thinking of this.

Li Muxuan was a little angry.

But then he was secretly happy.

If that's the case.

Doesn't that mean that he will still be a free man in the future.

If that's the case.

Life will be so cool!

Seeing Li Muxuan rolling his eyes and thinking about things, Lu Jin, who knew that Li Muxuan was extremely smart, spoke up quickly.

For fear that he would change his mind and do something.

"Why, what have you thought of?"

After hearing this, Li Muxuan told Zhang Chulan about how he had been deceived.

Lu Jin spoke up for Zhang Chulan.

"This little guy is smart, but he doesn't use it in the right way."

Li Muxuan was not angry after hearing this.

"Forget it, now I have finally gotten rid of one of my worries."

"As for the rest, I am going to quit Quanxing."

"Quit Quanxing?"

Lu Jin opened his mouth.

Obviously, he did not expect Li Muxuan to say this.

"You said you want to quit Quanxing, how many people in Quanxing still know you?"

"With your current state."

"What's the difference between quitting and not quitting?"

Li Muxuan shook his head.

"No, you don't know, it means something different to me."

"First of all, I can't get over this hurdle in my heart."

"That's it, please tell the company about this."


"I'll wait for those people in Quanxing to come to me."

Hearing what Li Muxuan said, Lu Jin sighed.

"The rules have changed now."

"Quitting Quanxing is no longer the same as before, where everyone in Quanxing can do whatever they want to you."

"Instead, you'll be stabbed three times and six times."

"Can your old bones still hold on?"

Hearing this.

Li Muxuan opened his mouth.

He couldn't say anything.

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