Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 173: Wu Gensheng's Enlightenment, Beyond the Spirit of God

[Soon, Wugensheng came to the canyon where the three-car force was recorded. He had many objections to the three-car force in the canyon. 】

[I even came up with the idea of ​​modifying this place. 】

[This coincides with my thoughts. Although Zhang Boduan's idea is good, it is a bit unrealistic. If everyone is like a dragon in the future, the world cannot withstand the torment. 】

[After experiencing so many things before, I developed a mentality that is difficult to tell others, that is, aliens, monsters, elves, ghosts and the like have no role in promoting the world, and are even the source of trouble. To some extent, the number should be reduced to 1% or even less than it is now, but it is definitely very difficult to do this, and I have no reason to exist. 】

Everyone was shocked when they heard the self-destructive content of the note owner.

I don’t know what happened to the owner of the note to have such a mentality.

Xu San spoke at this time.

"If the owner of the note really had this idea, it must be that he saw a hidden danger that we did not see at some level."

"My brother and I have discussed this issue before. Indeed, the damage caused by aliens to this world is far greater than the benefits to this."

"The ones who should really appear should be strangers like Er Zhuang and Zhi Jinhua who can have a huge boost to human civilization."

"Sects like these are only for the purpose of cultivating themselves, but they have no benefit to others."

"It's okay for the number of strangers to be small now, but I'm afraid there will be more and more of them."

Hearing Xu San say this, everyone was a little silent.


Strangers seem to be of little help to society.

Nowadays, technology is so advanced that if a stranger can do it, technology can now do it at will.

Just like the mobile phones used for communication today.

It can be said that foreigners in ancient times may not be able to practice thousands of miles of sound transmission after practicing for a lifetime, but now they can contact each other on the phone casually.

And bullets.

You have practiced so-called picking leaves and flying flowers all your life, but in the end you are not as good as a pistol.

There are only a few limited abilities that modern technology cannot yet achieve.

The rest will be done for you in minutes.

Just when everyone was thinking.

Feng Baobao has continued to read the notes.

[The Wugensheng passed through the Sancheli Canyon of the Twenty-four Sections Valley and then arrived at the Hewei Man Cave. The underground passage in the cave had been opened by me in advance, and the Wugensheng easily reached the Zhang Boduan Cave below. 】

[I just observed him like this, wanting to see what kind of technique this Wugensheng could finally master. 】

[I waited for him for three months. During this period, he was always thirsty and went out to drink water from the mountains. When he was hungry, he went to eat the fruits of the twenty-four valleys. 】

[Three months later, I could clearly see that he had realized something beyond the divine spirit, and at the same time he had reached the restrained state of Shenying. 】

"Is Shenying reserved?"

The Heavenly Master was a little surprised.

"This is considered a very high level."

At this time, Jin Feng recalled the first time he met the leader.

"When I saw the leader at that time, I felt that he was not as bright as other aliens. He was even worse than some ordinary people."

"But the more I get in touch with him later, the more I find that the leader's eyes seem to have magical powers. Only by understanding deeply can we see how extraordinary the leader is."

"Just like the god of autumn water reflecting the clear frost, pay attention to observe nature."

Hearing Grandma Jinfeng's comments, Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"Is he so awesome?"

Jinfeng looked at Feng Baobao who was reading notes.

"This girl who has been following you is actually very reserved. Have you not noticed the difference in her after being here for so long?"

Hearing Grandma Jinfeng say that Sister Baoer had also reached this level, Zhang Chulan suddenly felt a little ashamed.

"Ashamed, I really didn't pay attention to this."

Feng Baobao pointed at himself.

"Shenying is reserved?"


Jinfeng nodded.

"Yes, Shenying is reserved. Every time I see you, it's like seeing the original leader, so similar."

After hearing what Jin Feng said, Zhang Chulan's heart suddenly jumped, and then she quickly interrupted.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading. After reading, we have to go to the Bronze Gate."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.


After saying that, Feng Baobao continued reading the notes in his hand.

[At this moment, I feel that this child Wugensheng is indeed very talented. Perhaps his current character is formed because I took away his evil spirit. 】

[Perhaps the evil soul should be returned to him, otherwise, there will be no progress in his cultivation in the future. 】

[After I returned the evil soul of Wugensheng to Wugensheng again, Wugensheng struggled in pain in this valley for a while. 】

[But I know that this is the most critical period for him to be reborn. 】

[During the period of observing Wugensheng, I gradually realized that it feels really good to spy on others quietly like this. 】

[It seems that the person who peeks at me from time to time probably has the same mentality. 】

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised to hear the owner of the note say this.

"So the owner of the note hasn't found that person yet?"

"I really don't know who this person is who is spying on the owner of the note."

Su Zaiqiao also frowned.

"It's been so many years, I really don't know if my grandfather has found out the identity of this person, otherwise it would be a big trouble."

Xu San looked at Zhang Chulan at this time.

"Chulan, do you still remember the company's surveillance on you at that time?"

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing it.

"I know, isn't it you and Sister Baoer who are monitoring me in order to complete my grandfather's commission?"

"Why do you suddenly mention this?"

Xu San shook his head.

"That's not what I mean, but have you found any clues that we've been monitoring you even once in these years."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan was stunned.

I really have never found any clues.

But then.

Zhang Chulan thought of the purpose of Xu San's words.

"Third brother, you mean that if the gap in strength is too big, there is no way to find it, just like the owner of the notebook monitoring Wu Gensheng."

"But if the gap in strength is not big, or even if the other party is only relying on some special means to monitor, it will be easy to be discovered."

Xu San nodded.

"That's right. The person I want to monitor the owner of this notebook must be not much different in strength from the owner of the notebook, or even worse than the owner of the notebook."

"But because of some special means, he can monitor the owner of the notebook at all times."

"Just like modern technology, if you want to monitor a person, you only need to call up satellite monitoring."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan nodded.

"If that's the case, I almost understand."

At this time, Su Zaiqiao couldn't help asking.

"Does the ancient martial arts have any means comparable to satellite monitoring?"

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"No, I don't know."

"But I know a similar one, that is, the listening wind chant used by sorcerers like Zhuge Qing, which can monitor everything around through the wind."

"If you can practice the listening wind chant to the extreme, maybe you can also achieve this level of monitoring."

Su Zaiqiao shook his head.

"I also know a little about this listening wind chant, but it is just a skill to listen to the wall, and it is impossible to hear it thousands of miles away."

Zhang Chulan spread his hands helplessly.

"Then I don't know."

At this time, Xu San said:

"Don't worry about these things for now, let Baobao continue reading."


After hearing this, Feng Baobao immediately read from the notes in his hand.

[Now that his soul is complete, Wu Gensheng's strength has become stronger. ]

[And the new method he has learned is very good. Not only can it restore all things made of true qi to their original appearance, but it can also cut off the cause and effect between himself and everything around him. When there is no need to cut off the cause and effect, he can also let himself reintegrate into this world. ]

[It's time, it's time to guide Wu Gensheng to that dragon vein qi bureau. ]

Cut off your own cause and effect?

Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but think of what Wang Ye had told him before.

"Will there really be no trouble after cutting off the cause and effect?"

"Without the cause and effect with this world, there is no reason for this world to continue to accommodate you."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, the old Tianshi shook his head at this time.

"Chu Lan, that's not what you said."

"If what Wu Gensheng has realized can cut off his own cause and effect, he can definitely choose to cut it off."

"As long as he keeps an insignificant one, he can continue to survive in this world."

"For example, if he didn't pay for a meal and kept the bill, Wu Gensheng can choose not to cut off this cause and effect. As long as he never pays back, this cause and effect will always be connected to him."

"He will not be rejected by this world."

After saying this, the old Tianshi's eyes flashed with envy.

"There is another benefit of cutting off cause and effect, that is, after terminating or ending cause and effect with people and things, you will not be burdened by this worldly affairs, and thus achieve a truly pure and natural state."

"Because the worldly cause and effect between you and other people has been dissolved, there is no need to bother others, and you will not have any mental and physical pressure."

After saying this, the old Tianshi sighed.

"What a pity."

After hearing the old Tianshi's words, everyone could also hear that the old Tianshi was a little tired.

It seems that the position of Tianshi is not as glamorous as it seems.

Zhang Chulan looked at the slightly tired tone of the old master, and immediately understood why the master wanted to pass the position of the master to him.


The position of the master is not for humans.

Even a top figure like the master would feel uneasy.

Just then.

A voice came to Zhang Chulan's ears.

It was Sister Baoer who continued to read the notes.

[I let Gu Jiting get the notes about the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau. After Wu Gensheng left, he happened to know that Gu Jiting had obtained such a note. ]

[Perhaps because it was too coincidental, Wu Gensheng began to doubt this kind of thing. ]

[Suspecting that all this was arranged. ]

[I have to say that I still have no experience, otherwise, there is no need to be so deliberate. Guiding Wu Gensheng to take the initiative to find is the most perfect layout. ]

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan suddenly had a terrible guess in his mind.

If that's the case, then would the acquisition of these notes now also be the layout of the owner of the notes?

But Zhang Chulan did not tell others about his conjecture.

He was not sure whether telling others about this conjecture would lead to any consequences.

He glanced at the others.

At this time, they were all listening attentively.

Obviously, no one had thought of this level.

He sighed in his heart.

Zhang Chulan continued to listen to Feng Baobao's translation of the notes.

For some reason, his back began to feel cold, as if he had been spied on from beginning to end.

[Although Wu Gensheng had doubts in his heart, my plan was still successful. Wu Gensheng set out on the road to Kunlun alone without telling anyone. ]

[Now we are one step away from cracking the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau. Yes, this situation is exactly what I want. ]

[Because he set out alone, I think it will take some time for Wu Gensheng to reach the entrance of Kunlun Dragon Vein, so I took advantage of this time to start making arrangements. ]

[First, the passage to the Three-Eyed Kingdom was closed. 】

【If Wu Gensheng finds the Three-Eyed Kingdom, some of my plans will be disrupted. 】

【Then we will temporarily guide the thunderstorm in the Death Valley to other areas. The Death Valley is not a Qi Bureau. If Wu Gensheng is killed, the plan will be in vain. 】

When Zhang Chulan heard that the Death Valley was not a Qi Bureau, he couldn't help but look at Xu San.

"Brother San, didn't the company investigate before? What exactly is this Death Valley?"

"This is the first time I know that this Death Valley is not a Qi Bureau."

Xu San shook his head.

"It's not a Qi Bureau, but it's similar to a Qi Bureau. The details have not been studied, and it is still unknown in the field of science."

"At that time, many people died in order to study the Death Valley, and the investment could not be profitable, so now there is no motivation to investigate."

"We can only wait until science develops in the future."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan nodded silently.

Humans probably don't understand 5% of the things in this world.

[When Wu Gensheng arrived, it was already more than 40 days later. He seemed to have gone through a lot of torture during this period. He was a little depressed. It seemed that he had experienced the same experience as when Ma Chenguang led us here. ]

[Wu Gensheng did not choose to go to the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau as soon as possible. ]

[Instead, he searched everywhere for any place where there might be traces of people. ]

[But I hid very well, and Wu Gensheng would definitely not find me. ]

[After searching in vain, Wu Gensheng obediently went to the entrance of the dragon vein. However, when I wanted to follow him in, I found that the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau was in a constant process of change. Every time I entered, it was different. If I was not careful, I would be in trouble! ]

[I had no choice but to release the Wancai Qingsui Gu and directly passed through the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau to follow Wu Gensheng. ]

[After a long period of nourishment by the immortal corpse, this Wancai Qingsui Gu, in addition to its original abilities, also gave birth to many magical abilities. ]

[One of them is the innate Qi that can devour everything around it. It follows me in, I am relieved! 】

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