Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 172: The notes in Quan Xing's hand, the method to crack the dragon vein Qi Bureau

Lock Dragon Ridge.

Chu Longyin.

After various turnovers.

Zhang Chulan and his team have arrived here.

The two directors of the company, the head of the Northeast Region, and the staff are all in front of the bridge.

The bridge in front has been repaired, but no one dares to walk forward.

Not long after.

A weasel with golden hair ran over from the other end of the bridge.

The steep bridge made people sweat for it.

However, the weasel was very agile, and it ran over not only quickly but also steadily.

After coming to Gao Lian, the whole body stood up, and it looked like a person walking.

After a bow, the weasel mumbled something, and soon Gao Lian nodded, and the weasel ran into the bushes on the side and disappeared.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but be very curious.

I don't know what kind of weasel this is.

Gao Lian saw Xu San, Zhang Chulan and the others coming over and came over and extended his hand.

"Sorry, it's busy here, so I couldn't go over to pick you up."

Xu San also stepped forward to shake hands.

"It's okay, but I don't know what you were doing just now, Director Gao?"

Gao Lian smiled after hearing this.

"That's a small fairy I found nearby that hasn't yet acquired a human body. I promised to find a younger generation to help it set up a hall, and it helped me to get information ahead."

"Just now it told me that a team of Qing monsters came out to patrol for a while and then went back."

"From now on, these Qing monsters have no intention of leaving Locking Dragon Ridge."

"Plus, Director Zhao said before that we are not allowed to alert the enemy, so we haven't been there since we repaired this broken bridge."

Hearing Gao Lian say this, Xu San was a little confused.

"What are you going to do next?"

At this time, the female director came over after hearing this.

"Xiao San, you guys are here."

"We plan to find a sorcerer to set up a ghost wall around the Dragon Locking Ridge, and then seal off this area. In this way, even if there are pedestrians who accidentally enter here, they will automatically walk out of the Dragon Locking Ridge in the end."

"As for the underground Qing Yao, just keep an eye on it."

"If there is any unusual movement, our company doesn't need to take action, the higher-ups will stop it."

Hearing the company's plan, Xu San nodded.

And Gao Lian said at this time:

"Next, I plan to meet those Qing Yao."

Hearing Gao Lian say this, Xu San was a little confused.

"Isn't the Qing Yao's underground palace full of yin energy?"

"How can ordinary people get there?"

Gao Lian laughed.

"I have an immortal to protect me, and this immortal specializes in devouring evil spirits and evil spirits. The nature of this Yin Qi is similar to that of evil spirits, so it is natural that we can get through."

"Okay, Xiao Jinzi just said that those Qing monsters seem to have noticed our existence. In this case, we have to go and meet them."

Xu San nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, in this case, we will escort you through."


After Gao Lian finished speaking, he shouted.

"Please let Hu Tianbiao possess you!"

The next second, Gao Lian's body began to change, and at the same time, his face changed the most, turning directly into a fox face.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"This is similar to when Deng Youfu was possessed by Liu Kunsheng."

At this moment, Gao Lian's body has been occupied by Hu Tianbiao. Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Hu Tianbiao immediately snorted coldly.

"Don't compare me with that guy!"

"Okay, I'll go to the underground palace later and ask the emperor Fuduo what he meant."

"You don't have to follow me, I'm safe!"

After saying that, Hu Tianbiao stepped onto the narrow bridge. Seeing this, Xu San immediately called Zhang Chulan.

"Let's go over there."


After saying that, Xu San and Zhang Chulan followed behind Hu Tianbiao.

Hu Tianbiao snorted coldly and didn't say anything.

As he walked across the bridge, an underground entrance that looked like a huge tomb also appeared here.

Looking at the underground entrance in front of him, Hu Tianbiao felt a little nostalgic.

"I don't know how long I haven't been here. When the crooked tree was still there, this place was not so desolate."

After saying that, Hu Tianbiao turned into a ball of black air and entered the entrance of the underground palace.

Xu San and Zhang Chulan watched from behind.

Looking at the place recorded in the notes, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel like he was dreaming.

"Is this the place that the owner of the notebook had recorded before?"

"It's a different experience to come to a place where the owner of the notebook had been."

Xu San nodded.

"Indeed, the things recorded in that notebook are too incredible. I really don't know what kind of things I will encounter in the future."

"Next, it depends on how Hu Tianbiao talks with the existence of the underground Qing Palace."

"If the situation is not right, we will withdraw immediately."


The two waited here until the next morning.

From time to time, a humming sound came from the dark cave entrance. It was unknown whether it was the cry of the underground Qing monster or the sound of nature.

Just when Xu San wanted to take Zhang Chulan back, Hu Tianbiao rushed out of the cave entrance.

"Let's talk, let's go."

After saying that, Hu Tianbiao ran towards the bridge in the distance. Xu San and Zhang Chulan did not dare to neglect it, and hurriedly followed Hu Tianbiao back.

After returning, Hu Tianbiao automatically exited Gao Lian's body.

Perhaps because he had been possessed for too long, Gao Lian's facial skin became very loose.

As Gao Lian regained consciousness, the two directors hurriedly asked.

"How did the talk go?"

Seeing the two directors asking, Gao Lian nodded.

"The talk went well. The emperor Fu Duo of the underground Qing Palace said that he would not come out for the time being, because not only was there pressure from the Ling Kingdom, but the owner of the notebook seemed to have warned him at the beginning."

After hearing Gao Lian's answer, the director Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, that's good!"

"If we really start fighting, we will definitely not be able to go back."

"Report to Chairman Zhao later and see what he says."


At this moment, Zhang Chulan's phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Zhang Chulan sighed helplessly with dark circles under his eyes.

"It was Xia Liuqing from Quanxing who called."

Hearing that it was Xia Liuqing who called, the female director was a little strange.

"Why did he call?"

Xu San saw this and quickly told Quan Xing that he also had a notebook in his hand.

The female director sighed.

"I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse for these Quan Xing to know the contents of the notebook, but now these Quan Xing are still honest, let them know, anyway, there is only one notebook."

"If we don't agree, we don't want to know the contents of this notebook."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Okay, I'll drive a car to pick up the two directors."

Gao Lian heard it and stopped him.

"For things like this, let's send someone over, and then go to the branch in the Northeast region."

Hearing Gao Lian say this, Zhang Chulan, who hadn't slept all night, naturally agreed with both hands.

"Thank you, Director Gao!"


Soon, Zhang Chulan and his party arrived at a branch of Nadutong in the Northeast.

Zhang Chulan, who was so sleepy, chose to fall asleep on the sofa at the company's front desk.

When he woke up, Xia Liuqing and the others had already arrived.

This was the first time Zhang Chulan met Ding Shiman.

He was still very interested in this one of the two heroes.

Even if he joined Quan Xing.

His real combat power is also one of the best in the national circle of extraordinary people.

Just then.

Xia Liuqing looked at Zhang Chulan, who was a little confused and sleepy, and laughed.

"Zhang Chulan, what did you do last night? You look so weak."

Zhang Chulan smiled.

"Nothing. By the way, Mr. Xia, where is the notebook?"


After saying that, Xia Liuqing took out a rather worn notebook, which even had some worm holes on it.

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised when he saw this notebook.

"Why is it so poorly preserved."

Xia Liuqing smiled helplessly.

"This is still good. The two exercises next to the notebook are even worse preserved. After the repair, there are still many missing words. There is no way to practice it at all."

Zhang Chulan immediately remembered that it was the Heart and I Two Destroying Spell and the Other Transformation Free Heavenly Demon Spell.

"Is the preservation really so bad?"

"It seems that the person who hid these books did not think that he would not come back in the future, so he chose this unprotected preservation method."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Jin Feng next to Xia Liuqing was also stunned.

In her eyes, these books were placed there by the head Wu Gensheng. If it is according to Zhang Chulan's statement, something must have happened later!

Thinking of this.

Jin Feng was very worried.

"Could it be that the head of the sect was in trouble at that time?"

Gao Lian, who was standing by, saw this and said:

"Please come to my office and see what is recorded in this notebook."

"Maybe this notebook records what happened at that time."

Hearing Gao Lian say this, Jin Feng nodded immediately.

"Okay, let's go and decipher the notebook!"


Gao Lian's office is very large, with five rows of sofas. It can be seen that it is specially arranged for people to come here for meetings.

The two directors have already sat here.

After getting permission, everyone sat down, and Feng Baobao stood in the front and began to read the notes.

[After working for so long, I can finally start to prepare to crack the dragon vein Qi Bureau. ]

[It is said that the child I created back then is now the head of Quanxing, and he also calls himself Wu Gensheng, which is really interesting! ]


Jin Feng stood up immediately.

"Was the head created by this person?"

"Is this true?"

Jin Feng's excitement scared Zhang Chulan who was standing beside her. Just after she had a video call with her master, this old lady Jin Feng did this to her.

Then Zhang Chulan hurriedly comforted her.

"Granny Jin Feng, don't get excited first."

"It's not really creation. At most, the supernatural power of you, the head, was given by the owner of the notes, which can eliminate everything made of Qi."

Granny Jin Feng frowned even more after hearing this.

"Isn't this the head's innate supernatural power? How can innate supernatural powers be artificially created?"

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"I don't know, but don't worry about Grandma Jinfeng's matter. Let's see what she says later."

Hearing this, Jinfeng nodded.

"Yes, you are right!"

At this time, Feng Baobao also continued to read.

【Looking back now, I did a really cruel thing to this child. If the experiment hadn't succeeded, this child would have been stupid for life. 】

【He's doing pretty well now, but his personality seems a little inhuman, which I don't like. 】

【But he'll have to rely on me to break the Dragon Vein Qi Bureau. I had no choice but to give him a notebook that had been to the Twenty-Four Sections Valley. 】

【I gave him the divine spirit, so I guess he can understand the words on it. 】

【In the end, as I expected, he showed great interest in the contents of my notebook and set out on a journey to find the Twenty-Four Sections Valley alone. 】

【With my deliberate guidance, Wu Gensheng quickly found the location of the Twenty-Four Sections Valley. 】

【It has to be said that Wu Gensheng's ability is naturally strong enough to overcome all Qi Bureaus. Even without my guidance, he found the safest way to the Twenty-Four Sections Valley. 】

After hearing this, Grandma Jin Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder the head of the sect was so familiar with the Twenty-Four Sections Valley when he took her there!

It turned out to be because of his divine spirit ability.

Jin Feng suddenly remembered another thing at this time.

That was the change in the headmaster's temperament later.

Could it be that he knew that he was being used by the owner of the notebook, so he became like that.

Thinking of this.

Jin Feng's heart immediately ached.

[After my observation of this rootless divine spirit, I found that this rootless divine spirit is still too weak to withstand the cause and effect of the dragon vein qi bureau. He must be allowed to comprehend a higher level of skills in this twenty-four-section valley! ]

[Only in this way can he withstand the cause and effect of the dragon vein qi bureau! ]

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