Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 170: Unknown 1,700 Years, the Dead Body Next to the Corpse of Nanhua Old Immortal

[After hearing what Zhang Jiao said, I didn’t agree with it. I had a hunch that sooner or later, I would be able to find this person out. 】

[The deadline for the decisive battle between Zhang Jiao and the other reincarnated warlords of the Three Kingdoms is getting closer and closer, and strange things are constantly happening at Zhang Jiao's station. 】

[The most concerning thing is that the souls of some residents began to disappear inexplicably, and their bodies became like zombies. 】

[Although this situation has attracted Zhang Jiao's attention, he is still preparing for the decisive battle and has no time to deal with such trivial matters. 】

After hearing this sentence, Xu Si suddenly realized something.

"If we could find out where such strange things happened back then, wouldn't we be able to find out which warlord Zhang Jiao was reincarnated into?"

After Lu Jin heard this, he shook his head repeatedly.

"Do you still remember what I told you before about the evil demons of the Republic of China abducting people with seven points of destiny?"

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

"Of course I remember this."

Lu Jin then said:

"There were countless such things in the Republic of China at that time. Once troubled times came, some evil demons and ghosts hidden in the deep mountains and old forests would also appear."

"The strength can be said to be unfathomable."

"If it weren't restricted by some rules that we don't know about, I'm afraid this world would be dominated by these evil demons and ghosts until now."

Hearing Lu Jin say this, everyone suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

Zhang Chulan asked at this time:

"Master Lu, do you think such evil spirits still exist in modern society?"

"If they exist, where are they hiding?"

Lu Jin laughed after hearing Zhang Chulan's words.

"Now that we are in a prosperous age, the atmosphere of this prosperous age can crush these evil monsters to death."

"Of course these evil monsters don't dare to come out to harm people anymore."

"Okay, continue listening. I feel that this is similar to the evil demon that I have encountered before that captures people. Unlike this evil demon that captures people, this one captures the soul."

After hearing this, everyone cheered up and continued to listen to Feng Baobao's notes.

[Because there were so many victims, it looked really pitiful, so I started investigating the matter. 】

[By constantly visiting the families of those victims. 】

[In the end, I targeted a noodle stall that only came out late at night. All the people who lost their souls and became walking zombies had a common move, that is, they all ate noodles at this noodle stall. . 】

[So I turned into a merchant on the road late at night to see what was going on. 】

[I have to say that the place where this noodle stall is located is very remote. Finally, I saw the owner of this noodle stall in a small alley. 】

[The owner of this noodle stall is a middle-aged man who looks quite honest and honest. 】

[There are several small wooden stools and small tables next to it. It seems to be a place for guests to eat noodles, but some are too small, more like things used by children to eat. 】

[When I came, there was already a man wearing a black coat, a brimmed hat and round sunglasses eating noodles here. 】

[Seeing that someone had already eaten it, I stood aside and observed to see how the person reacted and changed after eating it. 】

[The noodle stall owner kept persuading me that eating a steaming bowl of Yangchun noodles at night would be a very comfortable thing. 】

[I saw that this person didn’t have any reaction after eating it, so I was going to observe the difference in the noodles at this noodle stall. 】

[After sitting down, a bowl of noodles was quickly served, but the man in sunglasses opposite warned me at this moment that this noodle was inedible. 】

[I didn’t observe anything special about this bowl of noodles. It wasn’t until I used the insights I learned from the Tang Sect that I discovered that this bowl of noodles was just a mess. I didn’t know what the consequences would be after eating it. 】

[But the man opposite started chatting with me. He said his name was Zhao Li, he was a ferryman, and he came here to solve the problem. 】

[The noodle stall owner stopped what he was doing and began to look at us directly, while Zhao Li began to tell a story. 】

[Once upon a time, there was a father who loved his child very much. The child was also very smart and well-behaved. But one day he suddenly drowned and died. The father collapsed and went crazy and started looking for a way to resurrect his child, but what he was looking for was In the process, the father himself also died, but he didn't know that he thought he was still alive. 】

[Finally, someone told him that if he found the legendary pawnshop No. 8, he could mortgage something of equal value to the pawnshop owner to resurrect his child. 】

[The pawnshop owner told him that it would take the souls of a hundred people to resurrect his child, so he turned into an evil ghost and chased souls for life. He would appear in a small alley every night to sell noodles. 】

[When I heard Officer Zhao talk about this, I had already realized. It turned out that what Officer Zhao was talking about belonged to the owner of this noodle stall. 】

[It seems that even if I didn’t come today, things here would have been resolved. 】

[My coming here is unnecessary. 】

Listening to the contents of the notes, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but be very curious.

"What is this ferryman, and what is pawnshop No. 8?"

"Is it possible that there is such an unnatural thing that one can resurrect others by pawning their souls?"

Lu Jin's eyes were deep.

"I've said before that there were countless evil demons that came out to cause trouble during the Republic of China. Someone calculated that there were about 200 million people who died abnormally during the Republic of China. I'm afraid that tens of millions of them were harmed by these evil demons who came out to cause trouble."

"And the owner of the No. 8 pawnshop is probably some kind of evil demon with magical powers, who can fulfill some wishes for others through some kind of exchange."

"The Philosopher's Stone?" Hearing Lu Jin's words, the first thing Zhang Chulan thought of was the Philosopher's Stone.

Hearing the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Jin was a little curious.

"Why, does this Philosopher's Stone have similar functions?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, the Philosopher's Stone is about equal exchange."

"If I didn't know that the Philosopher's Stone had been obtained by the owner of this note, I would have thought that the owner of the No. 8 Pawnshop was the Philosopher's Stone in spirit."

"The greater the wish you want to fulfill, the greater the price you will pay."

"It seems that this so-called No. 8 Pawnshop owner is an alternative living Philosopher's Stone monster."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's explanation, Lu Jin also nodded.

"Well, you are right."

"In fact, many things end up in different ways, and it is normal for people or things to have similar abilities."

"But I have never heard of the ferryman mentioned in this note just now, and other sects have not called themselves ferrymen, but from the performance in the note, it seems like someone from a righteous sect, and I don't know if it is a hidden sect."

Hearing that Master Lu didn't know, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at his master.

"Master, do you know?"

The old master's eyes flashed.

"If I say I know, I do."

"But there are some things I can't say. If there is a record of the origin of the ferryman in the notes, you can learn from here."

Hearing that the old Taoist priest knew but couldn't say it, Zhang Chulan immediately thought of the Taoist priest's degree.

Could it be that the origin of the ferryman is recorded in the Taoist priest's degree?

Just then.

A voice came to Zhang Chulan's ears.

It was the voice of Feng Baobao who continued to read the notes.

【The noodle stall owner began to beg Zhao Li and said that as long as he could gather one more soul, he could go to the owner of the No. 8 pawnshop to revive his child. 】

【However, Zhao Li ignored this guy, but took out a musket and beat the noodle stall owner to death. 】

【And the souls imprisoned behind the noodle shop owner's stall were also sent back to their respective bodies by Zhao Li and me. I asked Zhao Li what the ferryman meant, and Zhao Li told me that I would know later. 】

【After Zhao Li left, I no longer wanted to stay with Zhang Jiao. ]

[It seems that the real war will not start until at least the end of the year. Now there are still four months before the Chinese New Year, and I am going to leave to find the so-called owner of the No. 8 pawnshop. ]

[But before that, I need to make sufficient preparations. ]

[I thought I had the ability to dominate the world before, but now it seems that this confidence comes from my shallowness and ignorance. ]

[I returned to the tomb of King Xian and came to the place where the corpse of the old immortal Nanhua was buried nine thousand meters underground. Since I want to find the owner of the No. 8 pawnshop, I must get the help of the Wancai Qingsui Gu. ]

[I just don’t know if the Wancai Qingsui Gu has changed in the past 1,700 years. ]

[When I found the corpse of the old immortal Nanhua, I unexpectedly found a sloppy Taoist next to the corpse of the old immortal Nanhua. The sloppy Taoist had died, but because of his high cultivation, the corpse of the sloppy Taoist did not decay, but was the same as before, except that his eyes had been eaten out by the Wancai Qingsui Gu. 】

When they heard that a sloppy Taoist had actually found the corpse of Nanhua Old Immortal, everyone was shocked.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but say:

"I don't know who this sloppy Taoist is."

"You know, this is a corpse of an immortal. If you want to find the location of the corpse from the inner scene, the price you pay is probably terrifying."

The old Taoist looked surprised at this moment.

"Could it be that this is a being who is about to become an immortal, and found the corpse of Nanhua Old Immortal before becoming an immortal, but was finally killed by this Wancai Qingsui Gu?"

Although Lu Jin had not heard of the previous notes, he could get a general conclusion from everyone's reactions.

"Perhaps there was a person who became an immortal in history but actually did not become an immortal, but died here in the end."

"But who is this sloppy Taoist?"

The old Taoist shook his head at this moment.

"I don't know. There were many Taoists in history who behaved and dressed sloppily. It is disrespectful to immortals to speculate. Let's not talk about this matter."

Hearing what the old Taoist said, everyone chose not to take the initiative to mention this matter.

But I couldn't help but wonder who it was.

[The Wancai Qingsui Gu was very happy to see me, just like when I buried it with the corpse of Nanhua Old Immortal. ]

[At the same time, the Wancai Qingsui Gu may have stayed with the corpse of Nanhua Old Immortal for too long, so it gained the ability to communicate with me through consciousness. ]

[I asked it who this sloppy Taoist was, but Wancai Qingsui Gu didn't know. It only knew that the sloppy Taoist wanted to steal the corpse of Nanhua Old Immortal, but it naturally refused. After a fight, and because it was extremely restrained in its body-protecting Qi, the sloppy Taoist was no match for it. It drilled through the body-protecting Qi and sucked out his brain marrow, killing him. ]

[Being able to know the location of Nanhua Old Immortal's corpse through divination, and being able to travel to nine kilometers underground at will, I'm afraid this sloppy Taoist must be famous in history. ]

[But now he is dead, and it's meaningless to trace his specific origins. ]

[With Wancai Qingsui Gu, I began to look for the traces of the No. 8 Pawnshop. Through some previous connections, I learned that a wealthy businessman had done business with the No. 8 Pawnshop. ]

[After finding the rich businessman, I began to ask him what kind of transaction he had made with the No. 8 Pawnshop. The rich businessman did not admit it at first, until I threatened his property and he agreed to tell me what had happened. ]

[It was in 1919. At that time, he was penniless and desperate, and he picked up a mysterious key that could enter the No. 8 Pawnshop. ]

[After entering, Han Nuo, the current owner of the No. 8 Pawnshop, told him that as long as he pawned his conscience, he could get 10,000 yuan. ]

[So he pawned his conscience and exchanged the 10,000 yuan as start-up capital. ]

[With 10,000 yuan and no conscience, he started a prosperous business, and now he has become a well-known rich businessman in the country. ]

Hearing this, Lu Jin couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"In the past, there was no business without a sharp knife, but now it has become no business without a dishonest one."

"These businessmen, their consciences have been eaten by dogs."

Zhang Chulan said at this time:

"Master Lu, perhaps it can be said that the businessmen with conscience have failed."

Lu Jin shook his head, obviously dissatisfied with this situation.

"You are right, let's see what happens next."


[I asked the rich businessman where the key he had obtained before was. At first, this guy didn't want to say it, but after my persuasion, he handed the key to me obediently. ]

[Using the key, I was summoned to the No. 8 pawnshop. ]

[This No. 8 pawnshop is not in the world, but is similar to an independent space. ]

[As soon as I entered, I felt a very strong sense of oppression. At this moment, I even had the idea of ​​summoning the goddess Dokuohuo to use her power. ]

[However, this sense of oppression was fleeting, and I successfully met Han Nuo, the owner of the legendary No. 8 pawnshop. 】

【Han Nuo told me that no matter what I want, as long as I pay an equal price, he can help me achieve it. 】

【I told him that I want to become an immortal, can it be realized? 】

Thanks to brother 20230226 for the reward!!

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