Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 169 The result of the ninety-nine and eighty-one thousand-year killing game

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, everyone thought of this scene.


If this Ghost Hand King was not his master, but Zuo Ruotong was, the results would definitely be different.

In fact, his current achievements would far exceed everyone else!

Feng Baobao continued to read at this time.

[When Li Muxuan saw the Taiping Essentials that I gave to the Ghost Hand King, he left the small courtyard as if he had collapsed, as if he had been greatly stimulated. ]

[I told the Ghost Hand King to teach Li Muxuan as soon as possible, and I would come to check in ten years. ]

[If I find that Li Muxuan has not learned the Taiping Essentials well, or if the Taiping Essentials is learned by others, then the whole Quanxing will be buried with it! ]

[After warning the Ghost Hand King about this, I left here. ]

[Now that the old immortal Nanhua has entrusted me with this matter, I can only leave it to fate and see if Li Muxuan has the fate to cultivate the Taiping Essentials in the end. ]

Hearing that the owner of the notebook gave up guiding Li Muxuan, everyone felt regretful.

I can only say that there are too many variables in this world.

Life is unpredictable.

It can be said that it runs through everyone's life.

[After I left, I deliberately observed Li Muxuan for a while and found that he worked harder to learn the Eight Reversals after I left. It can't even be said to be hardworking, but it was a bit desperate. ]

[I can see that this child regrets a little. After all, a small acrobatic skill like the Eight Reversals can be learned smoothly with just a little practice. ]

[And now he has completely missed the opportunity to learn the three levels of the Reverse Life that he wants to learn most in his life. ]

[But this kid is really stubborn and is unwilling to admit that he is wrong. He is still angry and wants to practice the Eight Reversals to be stronger than the Three Reversals. ]

[It has to be said that he is a stubborn donkey. ]

Hearing the owner of the notebook's evaluation of Li Muxuan, Zhang Chulan immediately showed a look of as expected.

"It seems that I was right. Li Muxuan knew that he was wrong in this matter, but he didn't change his mistakes, and even didn't admit his mistakes. He wanted to go to the end of the wrong path."

"He knew that he was a genius, so he hated the Ghost Hand King for making him miss the opportunity to learn the third level of the reverse life. But the Ghost Hand King is his real teacher after all. I think Li Muxuan must have been entangled since he was a child. On the one hand, he hated the Ghost Hand King, and on the other hand, he loved and relied on the Ghost Hand King."

"Master Lu, speaking of it, if this Li Muxuan had become your master's disciple, his strength in the third level of the reverse life would be stronger than yours now."

Lu Jin did not deny it after hearing it.

"Chu Lan, you are right. Li Muxuan's talent is better than mine and Liu Deshui's."

"I only found out later that my master trained him as a direct disciple at the time, just like the relationship between the old Tianshi and Zhang Lingyu."

"It's a pity that things didn't go as planned."

The old Tianshi's face suddenly turned black after hearing Zhang Lingyu.

"Don't tell me about that traitor. He's not on the mountain anymore. He ran down the mountain with Xia He and I don't know where he went."

When they heard that Zhang Lingyu actually ran away with Xia He, everyone looked unbelievable.

Zhang Lingyu is a high-ranking master of the Tianshi Mansion and a beloved disciple of the contemporary Tianshi.

Now he has been abducted by the Quanxing demon girl.

It's really not what people expected.

At this point, the old Tianshi seemed to have made a decision.

"I want to expel Zhang Lingyu from Longhu Mountain. What do you think?"

When they heard that Zhang Lingyu was going to be expelled from Longhu Mountain, everyone was shocked.

Lu Jin even advised:

"Old Tianshi, although Lingyu is wrong, I feel that he is a young man after all. How can young people not make mistakes?"

"Don't be so ruthless."

At this moment, the old Tianshi seemed to have not heard Lu Jin's words.

"No need to say, I have made up my mind."

"When the time comes, I will announce it to the world. We can't let this traitor continue to be willful!"

Hearing the words of the old Tianshi, everyone's heart trembled.

It seems that the decision has really been made.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan suddenly thought of something.

"Master, the Tongtian Talisman is still in my junior master's hands. If you say to expel him from the sect, I'm afraid those people will be restless again."

The old master narrowed his eyes slightly.

"That should be his fate!"

Seeing the old master say this, everyone couldn't dissuade him anymore.

But Zhang Chulan smelled a different smell.


This is the master's experience for the junior master.

After all, he had always stayed in the mountains before, and even if he went down the mountain, there was the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion behind him to protect him, and he had never suffered any big losses.

Now letting him suffer a loss like this may be able to change his temper.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan stopped talking.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to narrate.

[After observing for a while, I gradually felt bored. It was a waste of time to spend time on people like Li Muxuan. I still have a lot of things to do, and now is the time for me to do it. 】

【I first found the reincarnated Zhang Jiao, who has now sold most of the treasures and gave me a check for 90 million US dollars. 】

【After the two were settled, I asked the reincarnated Zhang Jiao what he planned to do next. 】

[The reincarnated Zhang Jue told me that he had no ambition to unify the world. It was about to be the time for all the reincarnated warlords of the Three Kingdoms to fight a decisive battle. After the decisive battle, a winner would emerge. This winner could choose to end this thousand-year killing game or let it continue. ]

[If this winner chooses to let this thousand-year killing game continue, then after all the reincarnated people die, they will continue to reincarnate after a period of time. After reincarnation, everyone will regain the power of the spiritual jade to kill again, and so on. ]

[But if you choose to end this thousand-year killing game, then all the souls of the reincarnated characters of the Three Kingdoms will disappear, and there will be no possibility of resurrection and reincarnation. ]

Hearing this, everyone's heart was shocked.

If you choose to end this thousand-year killing game, wouldn't that mean nothing would cease to exist?

It would be better to let this killing game continue than to choose to completely perish in this world.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but speak.

"If I were the final winner of this killing game, I'm afraid I wouldn't choose to end it in the end."

"Because ending it means that my soul will be scattered, and my former comrades, brothers, and even lovers will have no chance to revive again."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's point of view, Su Zaiqiao said:

"I'm afraid the initiator of this thousand-year killing game has grasped the psychology of these people, so that they will never take the initiative to end this matter."

"Nowadays, I'm afraid these reincarnated people from the Three Kingdoms are still fighting each other in a place we don't know."

After hearing this, Xu Si helplessly spread his hands.

"The whereabouts of these people seem to be very secretive. Even the company has only found a few clues so far, and there is also a mysterious power protecting them, so that the sorcerer cannot predict their specific location."

Hearing that there is a mysterious power protecting them, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but ask curiously.

"If this is the case, can it be said that the mysterious power behind protecting these people is generated by the existence that set up the thousand-year killing game?"

Xu Si nodded.

"What you said makes some sense, but the whereabouts of these people are so unpredictable."

"Besides, there were so many warlords of all sizes across the country before the Northern Expedition of the Republic of China, and we don't know which of these people were reincarnated."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan comforted him:

"Fourth brother, since we don't know, there is no need for us to guess."

"Let's listen to what Sister Baoer says next."

After hearing this, Xu Si nodded.


After hearing this, Feng Baobao also continued to read.


[I asked Zhang Jiao what choice he would make if he was the final winner. Zhang Jiao told me that if he won, he would choose to let this thousand-year killing game continue, because only in this way can the souls of him and his brothers be preserved, and there will be a chance to be brothers again in the next life. ]

[I was not surprised by Zhang Jiao's choice, but everyone would make the same choice. ]

[However, after I had this idea, I thought of Zhou Yu's reincarnation in his previous life. He was indeed a strange man. Now I think that if the winner of this thousand-year killing game was Zhou Yu in this life, perhaps this cycle of killing could be broken. ]

[But there is no if, and there is no assumption in history. ]

[All I can say is that everything that happened must be accepted, and it is all fate. ]

[After using the fire escape to hand over the 90 million US dollars to Tang Jian, I returned to the warlord's station where Zhang Jiao was. ]

[I want to witness the end of this thousand-year killing game with my own eyes. ]

[However, at this time, the feeling of being spied on was stronger than ever before, as if the person who was spied on me was hiding next to me. ]

Hearing that the person who was spied on him had appeared again, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but frown.

"I don't know who this person is, and he actually has such a bad taste."

"It can't even be called a bad taste, it's full of malice."

At this time, Lu Jin said:

"There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this world of mortals. Maybe one day we meet a person who is a fairy behind us."

Hearing Lu Jin say this, Zhang Chulan immediately thought of what his master said that he might have met a fairy.

"Maybe, maybe the fairy is hiding next to us."

Just then.

Feng Baobao was still reading.

【After I lived in Zhang Jiao's mansion for a while. 】

【This strong feeling gradually disappeared, and I told Zhang Jiao about it. 】

【Zhang Jiao told me that he had had this feeling in several of the previous dozen lives, but Zhang Jiao didn't care, because he knew that he couldn't find the source in his lifetime. This was an intuition brought by practicing Taiping Yaoshu, or a feeling. 】

【Even if you don't do anything else in this life and concentrate on looking for this person who is spying on you, you can't find it at all. 】

【To put it in more modern terms, the other person and you are not in the same dimension at all. 】

【You are in the third dimension, and the other person is in the fourth dimension, so you can't find each other at all! 】

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