Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 165: Under the Changbai Mountain, Yunding Palace

[I am not surprised by Li Muxuan's arrival. ]

[Because Liu Deshui was sent away because he was not suitable, Lu Jin was accepted into the inner gate because he was suitable. ]

[He was the only one left in the outer courtyard. ]

[After all, he is still a child. He is neither good nor bad. He will eventually make people afraid. ]

[But this child is not sincere now. Nanhua Old Immortal told me that he must make his reincarnation willing, without any hesitation or cowardice, to have the opportunity to ascend to the immortal path in this world. ]

[Now it seems that the time is not right. ]

[Then I rejected Li Muxuan's request to become his disciple. ]

[Li Muxuan collapsed immediately and asked me why I wanted to accept him as a disciple in the first place, but now I am unwilling to accept him. ]

[I did not explain the reason, but just let Li Muxuan figure it out himself. ]

[I don't know when, I have become the riddle man I once hated the most. ]

Hearing that he was actually like this to Li Muxuan, Zhang Chulan was a little worried.

"Li Muxuan was still a child at that time. Could he really understand the good intentions of the owner of the notebook and the left leader?"

"Isn't this a bit too cruel to him?"

The old Taoist priest had a different opinion at this time.

"After all, it is about becoming an immortal, which is the most important thing for any individual."

"If anyone knew where there was an opportunity to become an immortal at that time, I am afraid it would set off a fight with a larger scope than the Eight Wonders."

Hearing what the master said, Zhang Chulan nodded.

"I know, master."

Obviously, he still didn't really take the old Taoist priest's words to heart.

Seeing Zhang Chulan like this, the old Taoist priest sighed.

"You haven't experienced that era, so naturally you don't understand the real thoughts of those people."

"It can be said that even I can't resist the temptation of becoming an immortal, let alone those sects."

After that, the old Taoist priest stopped talking.

And Zhang Chulan also understood the underlying meaning of the old Taoist priest's words.

That is to say,

In that era, even these so-called famous and upright sects did things that were essentially not much different from the people of Quanxing.

Thinking of this.

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, Master, I know!"

Lu Jin sighed helplessly when he heard that his master and senior notes chose to treat Li Muxuan like this.

"No wonder Li Muxuan became like that later."

"With this kind of experience, even if it was me, I would not have any way or patience to break the situation."

"The last choice is probably to notify my father to take me home."

"Then choose another sect to join."

Hearing Lu Jin say this, everyone realized that sometimes, doing anything really cannot rely entirely on one's own wishful thinking.

At this time.

Feng Baobao continued to read.

[After Li Muxuan left, he was silent for a few days, and then he chopped wood and fetched water as usual. Zuo Rutong found me at this time and said that he wanted Li Muxuan to go down the mountain to study. ]

[It is natural to learn more knowledge. I did not continue to care about this matter. Zuo Ruotong asked Li Muxuan to become a disciple of Dongshan. ]

[Dongshan is knowledgeable and can be said to have mastered the ancient and modern knowledge of China and foreign countries. ]

[If you want to embark on the road of immortality, you cannot do without knowledge. I chose to open a bookstore at the foot of the mountain of Sanyi Gate, so that I can observe Li Muxuan and see the various aspects of the world. ]

[I have been walking too fast in recent years, trying to complete things that others may not be able to complete in hundreds of years in a few decades. It is time to settle down. ]

[Li Muxuan also learned that I opened a bookstore at the foot of the mountain. ]

[I have to say that this kid is indeed very smart. He immediately realized that I did not give up on him, but was observing and testing him. ]

[But this test is equivalent to an insult to him, which accidentally stimulated his rebellious psychology. ]

[And came to my bookstore and claimed that he would never worship me as his teacher in this life. ]

Hearing this, everyone was also shocked.

Was the owner of the notebook discovered so quickly?

If so, this test may have lost its original purpose.

After all, Li Muxuan's future choice still depends on himself.

The owner of the notebook can no longer intervene.

I just don't know if the owner of the notebook has any other way to make up for it.

If he can't make up for it.

Then the matter of guiding Li Muxuan to become an immortal will be ruined.

All the calculations will be useless.

When everyone was thinking about it.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to sound.

[It's too much. I remember the last time I was too much was in Eagle Country. I have to see if there is any way to make up for it. ]

[In the remaining days, Li Muxuan still studied his lessons honestly in the school. Looking at his serious look, it is obvious that he knew that Zuo Rutong was also testing him, and began to pretend to be a good boy to gain trust here. ]

[It would be fine if he could do whatever he wanted, but this is always a disguise, deceiving himself, and falling behind. 】

【I didn't give up, but chose to stay here to see when I could have a chance to make up for it. Yakan found me through the method I left for him and told me that Zhang Qilin, who I brought from the Northeast, had recovered some of his memories. 】

【Zhang Qilin is related to the truth of longevity and longevity substances, so I have to leave temporarily now. 】

[However, Zuo Ruotong's plan is to let Li Muxuan study in the academy for three years, so it doesn't matter even if he leaves for a while. ]

Hearing that the owner of the notebook is going to find the truth about immortality again, Zhang Chulan can't help but look at Lu Jin.

"Master Lu, do you know the details of this matter?"

"What happened later?"

Hearing this, Lu Jin nodded.

"I know the details. This senior said goodbye to my master before leaving and said he would come back after a while."

"I happened to be there at the time, and I don't know what he did."

"Now it seems that the senior owner of the notebook is going to find the mystery of immortality."

Zhang Chulan is very curious at this moment.

"Did Li Muxuan finally worship this senior as his teacher?"

Lu Jin shook his head.

"I don't know the specific situation. I thought he didn't become his disciple, but from the content of the notes just now, I'm not sure."

"So, this matter can only be determined by what is written in the notes later."

Hearing Lu Jin say this, Zhang Chulan hurriedly looked at Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao also understood.

He began to read the notes.

【I found them according to the address left by Yakan. 】

【Now the cooking club is full of talents. The current Yakan has become completely different from before and is more confident. 】

【Yakan told me that after Zhang Qilin awakened his memory, he only knew to go to Changbai Mountain. There is a secret about his remaining memory under Changbai Mountain. As long as he goes to Changbai Mountain, he can restore his remaining memory. 】

【Changbai Mountain Tianchi is the entrance to the spiritual country. I don't know if this has anything to do with those immortals. 】

【Yakan took some people from the cooking club and Zhang Qilin to the Changbai Mountains. 】

【I arrived first and asked those immortals what was under Changbai Mountain. ]

[After asking, I found that these immortals didn't know the details. They only knew that the Zhang family did have a forbidden area under the Changbai Mountains, which spanned 500 kilometers. ]

[But they didn't know what was in these forbidden areas, because there were terrifying things there, and they didn't dare to get close. ]

When they heard that there were terrifying things under the Changbai Mountains, Zhang Chulan and the others were also very curious.

I don't know what this thing that the immortals dared not provoke is.


[Seeing that there was so little information, I no longer had the interest to continue asking, and turned to wait for Yakan and the others to arrive. ]

[Because it was winter, there was heavy snow between the Xiaosheng Mountain and the Dasheng Mountain in the Changbai Mountains. ]

[When Yakan and the others came here, the heavy snow had already sealed this place. If it was an ordinary expedition team, it would be impossible to get through. ]

[But as a team of aliens, everything seemed so simple. ]

[On the way, I asked Zhang Qilin what was under the place where their Zhang family was, and even the immortals didn't dare to get close. ]

[Zhang Qilin has no memory of this. Seeing Zhang Qilin like this, I also realized that if we go underground, we must be careful of that thing. ]

[After all, Zhang Qilin has no memory, and that thing will definitely attack us. ]

[It must be said that the place we are going to is completely different from the Tianchi, the main peak of Changbai Mountain. It can even be said that it is completely two different worlds. ]

[Here, we are like coming to the Siberian snowfield, and there is no life at all. ]

[When we came to the place Zhang Qilin said, we found that this was a giant mausoleum. No one knew who was buried here. ]

[Perhaps because Zhang Qilin lost his memory, no one has come here for decades. The entrance to the mausoleum has an ice layer several hundred meters thick. ]

[Zhang Qilin told us that we can't break through here by force, otherwise it will trigger an avalanche, and no one will be spared at that time. ]

[Although I am not afraid of avalanches, Yakan and his team cannot avoid them. Even with the fire power, they will inevitably die in the face of such natural disasters.]

[Finally, after deciding, Yakan and his team used fire to break through the ice layer that was several hundred meters thick and create a passage, so as to minimize the danger.]

[After a period of breaking the ice, Yakan and his team's true qi had been consumed. At this rate, it would take about a week to completely break through.]

[But this speed is already very good. After staying here for about a week, we finally broke through a passage that could be entered by one person.]

[After entering this passage, Zhang Qilin opened the mausoleum under the passage. After entering it, we entered a dark place and lit the mermaid candle. In an instant, the lights were bright, and I also saw the underground heavenly palace that the Zhang family had guarded for generations!]

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