Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 164 Zuo Ruotong invites the owner of the notebook to be his Taoist partner

[Zuo Ruotong’s words made me think that he had spied on me last night, but later I found out that I was overthinking. 】

[He told me that his practice has made no progress over the years, and he wanted me to be his Taoist companion to practice together. 】

Everyone was stunned when they heard that Zuo Ruotong actually invited the note owner to be his Taoist companion.

in their impression.

Aren't Taoist couples just lovers or husband and wife?

Looking at everyone's puzzled expressions.

Seeing this, Lu Jin quickly shouted: "Don't even think wrong!"

When Lu Jin suddenly shouted, everyone looked at Lu Jin blankly.

Don't know what this means.

Zhang Chulan smiled when he saw this.

"Mr. Lu, you really can't blame us for thinking wrongly. Nowadays, in many literary works, especially online novels, Taoist couple means husband and wife or lovers."

"Perhaps the original meaning was misunderstood by us."

Upon hearing this, Lu Jin sighed helplessly.

"Are you thinking wrongly?"

"At the beginning, my master had many insights into spiritual practice, one of which was the financial land of the Dharma couple. Only by possessing these four conditions can one's spiritual path become smoother."

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help but be curious.

"Does the Dharma couple have wealth?"

Lu Jin nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, it is this Dharma couple's land."

"The Dharma is to have very good cultivation methods and skills. This is the most important of the four conditions. Without the Dharma, everything else is empty talk."

"And a partner refers to a partner in practice. This partner is not limited to men and women, and it is definitely not meant to be a husband and wife."

"With a practicing partner, you can verify your own path well, and your practice will become twice the result with half the effort."

"Wealth is easy to understand. It means the resources and wealth needed for practice."

“The earth is the environment and place for practice and also requires great attention.”

After hearing that the Taoist companion meant this, Zhang Chulan smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu. It's all caused by those online novels nowadays, which caused the original meaning to be distorted."

Lu Jin waved his hand after hearing this.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, many people now have no understanding of this Taoist culture, and most of them are hearsay."

"For example, abbot, this was not originally a Buddhist abbot, but came from Taoism."

"It's just that so many film and television novels have been passed down now that they are beyond recognition."

At this moment, Lu Linglong spoke:

"My great-grandfather often told us when we were watching TV at home that the writers of these TV shows have no culture at all. They are just making up random things."

Hearing Lu Jin's helpless thoughts, Zhang Chulan also felt the same way.

"Indeed, it's like a novel I read. A female disciple in the Qi refining stage actually dared to slander the senior sister who was halfway to the immortal realm for stealing her things."

"I really don't know how I came up with such an outrageous plot."

Although Lu Jin didn't know what the Qi Refining Period meant, the Half-Step Immortal still knew.

After hearing this, my face was full of disbelief.

"Is that true?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, so if there is anything we don't understand, please bear with me. I also need to read more Taoist classics to correct my ideas."

Lu Jin nodded after hearing this.

"Well, it's best if you have such an idea."

"Okay, let's continue reading. Let me see what my master said to the owner of the note back then."

After hearing Lu Jin's words, Zhang Chulan also looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, it's your turn."

Feng Baobao nodded upon seeing this.

Then he started reading the notes.

[I asked Zuo Ruotong what he meant, and Zuo Ruotong told me that with his current level, in today's world of aliens, there may be a few people who can defeat him even in one and a half moves, but if he can defeat him in all aspects, There is simply no one who can crush and tear into pieces the body constructed by him at the peak of the third and second levels of reverse rebirth. 】

[But for some reason, he felt that with my strength, I could break his body open. 】

[So Zuo Ruotong wanted me to be his Taoist companion to verify his practice. 】

[I naturally refused such an unreasonable request and told him that if he wanted his body to be torn apart, there was no need to come to me. Technology is so advanced now that it would be less effective to just find a bomb and hold it on your body to detonate it. Not bad either. 】

Ah this!

Lu Jin heard the owner of the note commenting on his master, and for some reason, he felt a sense of humiliation.

The owner of the notebook seemed to be a little too disrespectful of his master.

But I thought about it for a moment.

This is really the truth.

The power produced by bombs is much greater than the damage caused by aliens.

And now that I have not reached the threshold of the second level peak, can I also use this method?

But then I thought about it.

Lu Jin still felt that it would be safer to go directly to the Heavenly Master for a fight than this.

While Lu Jin was thinking, Feng Baobao had already continued reading.

[Zuo Ruotong was very moved by my proposal. Indeed, this method is far faster and more direct than asking someone to do it. 】

[So he left directly, while I continued to take care of the three children. 】

[I have to say that this feeling of looking after children is completely different from when I came to Trinity Gate before. 】

[It can be said that the three little guys have their own characteristics and there are also things that make people like them. 】

[Especially Lu Jin, I really don’t know how the Lu family could teach such a good child. 】

[Polite and humble, well-behaved and sensible, which is gratifying. 】

Lu Jin sighed helplessly when he heard the senior praising himself so much in his notes.

No matter how much you praised me, you still didn't accept me as your disciple in the end?

Senior Jinyan, what on earth were you thinking at the beginning?

[My three children and I quickly got along, and by the way, I told them many things that I had experienced since time travel. Of course, these things have been modified by magic, but it also gave these three little guys an infinite yearning for the alien world. . 】

After Zhang Chulan heard this, he couldn't help but ask Lu Jin.

"Mr. Lu, what story did the owner of the notebook tell us at that time?"

Lu Jin shook his head.

"How old was I then? Some of the stories I told have long been forgotten."

"But there is one story that I have not forgotten, and that is the story that this senior told us about a brave man fighting a dragon."

"Looking back from what I heard just now, I think this story of the brave man fighting the dragon is probably the story of this senior killing the python sky dragon."

"After listening to it at that time, I dreamed of being able to kill the dragon alone when I grow up and become a successful practitioner."

"But looking at it now, even with my current strength, let alone killing the dragon, whether I can escape from the encounter with the dragon is a matter of two questions."

After hearing this sentence, everyone began to imagine.


No matter who in the alien world today faces the python sky dragon, they will not gain anything in the end.

It looks like this now.

The combat power of this notebook owner can be said to be the ceiling of the entire alien world.

While everyone was thinking, Feng Baobao had continued reading.

[As time passes, the little guy Li Muxuan becomes more and more courageous. 】

[In the end, it was actually to get the specific amount of water and firewood used by Sanyimen every day, and then carry water and chop firewood according to these fixed amounts. 】

[Zuo Ruotong and the others also knew about this matter, and they didn’t know how to evaluate this kid for a while. 】

[Chang Qing, who went to investigate Li Muxuan soon, came back. 】

[Chang Qing told Zuo Ruotong and the others all the naughty things Li Muxuan had done in his hometown, which also led Zuo Ruotong to see clearly what kind of person Li Muxuan was. 】

[I am naturally very happy to see this scene. This also means that Li Muxuan will be accepted by Zuo Ruotong for a while. 】

[But I also saw what Zuo Ruotong was thinking, that is, he valued Li Muxuan very much, and even said that he valued Li Muxuan more than Lu Jin and Liu Deshui combined. 】

"How can this be!"

Lu Jin couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this.

"How is this possible!"

"How could my master value this guy!"

"If you value him so much, why didn't you accept him as a disciple in the first place and instead sent him to the school at the foot of the mountain?"

Seeing Lu Jin like this, Zhang Chulan immediately realized that the content in this note was different from Lu Jin's memory.

"Master Lu, did your master really not value this Li Muxuan back then?"

Lu Jin then recalled it carefully.


"It's even said that there is some contempt. I haven't talked to him much at all."

"But this also led to Li Muchuan running away later."

"My master didn't say anything at the time."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Chulan immediately said:

"Master Lu, sometimes children's perspective is different from adults'."

"Perhaps your master didn't pay as little attention to Li Muxuan as you saw."

"Give me some time."

Lu Jin closed his eyes and began to recall what had happened.

Memories appeared one after another.

At this time, Lu Jin was surprised to find that maybe the truth was really not like this.

Because his master often mentioned Li Muxuan unconsciously.

Although it lasted only a short time.

But during the more than ten years he was on the mountain, he would do this several times almost every year.

If you don't value it.

How could it be possible that I could not forget it for such a long time?

Lu Jin was very confused at this time.

"I don't know what my master was thinking at the time. If he valued it so much, how could he let Li Muxuan leave?"

"Could it be that there is still a secret behind what happened back then?"

Hearing what Lu Jin said, Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"Master Lu, what kind of character is your master?"

Lu Jin's eyes recalled.

"My master, that is a very good person!"

"Be kind to others and have a gentle temperament."

"I just occasionally feel irritated by maintaining the triple reverse state for a long time."

"I also tried to maintain the triple level of rebirth for a long time, but within three months I felt restless and easily angry."

"It can be said that it is very difficult for my master to maintain that state of mind."

Zhang Chulan said again at this time:

"In that case, Mr. Lu, I think this Li Muxuan is also a bad naughty boy in nature. Could it be that there was some conflict between the two that led to Li Muxuan running away later?"

Hearing these words, Lu Jin couldn't help but be stunned.

He remembered the day when Li Muxuan ran away from the school at the foot of the mountain.

His master was rarely angry, and the whole Trinity School was speculating what happened all day.

He had also asked Senior Brother Shuiyun, but Senior Brother Shuiyun did not tell him why he was angry.

If that's the case.

Then everything makes sense!

Thinking of this, Lu Jin nodded.

"I think what Chulan said should make some sense."

"Because my master once got angry before, and I asked about it."

"But I didn't get any results later."

"From now on, maybe the reason why my master is like this is because Li Muxuan provokes him."

"I just don't know what the reason is."

"If it's a normal reason, my master will definitely not get so angry. Only when Li Muxuan violates my master's principles will he become like that."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan immediately looked at Feng Baobao.

"If that's the case, this notebook may contain the reasons."

"Sister Baoer, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.



Feng Baobao continued reading with the notebook in hand.


[It must be said that Zuo Ruotong has a very sharp vision. He knows that Li Muxuan is likely to be the one who can lead the Sanyi Sect to glory. ]

[But if you are Quanzhen, Wudang or Longhushan, it's fine to accept Li Muxuan. ]

[But the people who created the three levels of reverse birth have not become immortals, so they have led Li Muxuan astray? ]

Hearing that this senior was dissing the three levels of reverse birth again, Lu Jin's mouth twitched, and then turned his face away so that everyone could not see his expression.


[After spending a long time with the three little guys, something unexpected happened to me, that is, Liu Deshui and Lu Jin wanted to worship me as their master one after another. ]

[Although these two little guys are naturally talented, I have no intention of accepting them as disciples. 】

【Lu Jin is a thin-skinned guy. After being rejected by me, he never revealed the slightest idea of ​​wanting to become my disciple. 】

【But Liu Deshui was unyielding and kept pestering me to become my disciple. Later, he pestered me so much that I had to teach him my self-created method, the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Method. 】

【This proves to what extent my method can help others to practice. 】

"What, Liu Deshui also became a disciple of this senior?"

"And he got the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Method created by the owner of the notebook?"

Lu Jin was a little surprised.

"At that time, this kid didn't reveal anything to me, and even didn't reveal the so-called Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Method during the later competition!"

"Damn, he hid it so well!"

When Lu Jin couldn't help but swear, everyone immediately realized that he was regretting.

That's right.

He gave up after being rejected once.

But who would have thought that Liu Deshui, his friend who was with him behind the scenes, got what he wanted because of his thick skin.

Lu Linglong felt sorry for her grandfather at this moment.

"It's true that the saying goes, thick-skinned people get enough to eat, thin-skinned people get nothing to eat."

Zhang Chulan, who learned the specific effects of the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique, looked envious.

"Then this Liu Deshui is really lucky. The Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique can prolong life. I'm afraid he is still in the world now."

Hearing that the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique can actually prolong life, Lu Jin couldn't help but feel moved.

"Chulan boy, do you know the specific functions of the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, I know."

"According to the owner of the notebook, if the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique can be used all the time, it can keep its own Yuan Qi from dissipating, and even reduce the consumption of life by a few points."

"All injuries can also be instantly restored with the Yuan Jing stored before."

"It's similar to the third level of reverse life, but as long as the Yuan Jing is sufficient, the speed of recovery should be faster than the third level of reverse life."

Lu Jin suddenly realized it after hearing it.

"It turned out to be this effect."

"If you look at it this way, Liu Deshui may not have died back then."

"Zhang Chulan, come to think of it, this Liu Deshui is your godfather."

Zhang Chulan was surprised when he heard this.

"You mean, this Liu Deshui was also one of the thirty-six people back then?"

Lu Jin nodded.


"According to the people in Yanwu Hall, they chased Liu Deshui to a cliff, and Liu Deshui jumped off the cliff and died."

"If this Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique is really as magical as you said, Liu Deshui may not have died."

"It is even possible that he is still alive today."

After hearing what Lu Jin said, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but shook his head.

"I never thought that this Liu Deshui was actually one of my godfathers."

"Why did they kill all these people so quickly back then?"

"Is it because of the Eight Wonders?"

Lu Jin shook his head.

"No, it's just that the head of the Shuzi Sect at that time was too harsh in his punishment. His own son was killed by him, so other sects had to express their opinions."

"It's helpless, but this is reality."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan remained silent.

It turns out that the cause of everything was just for face.

Could the scarred man I met in Kunlun Mountain before be this Liu Deshui?

How many of the thirty-six people back then are still alive? Where did Wu Gensheng go in the end?

For a moment, a certain fog shrouded Zhang Chulan's heart.

At this time.

Feng Baobao had also continued to read the notes.

[After I taught Liu Deshui the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique, I warned him that he must never tell outsiders that I taught him in the future. If I knew, I would definitely catch him and skin him alive. ]

[Liu Deshui, this little fat guy, was a little too honest. He was frightened by my words at the time. He even said that he would never use the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique in front of outsiders unless it was absolutely necessary. ]

[A few days after teaching Liu Deshui the Nine-Colored Jade Butterfly Technique, he was called away by Zuo Ruotong. According to Zuo Ruotong, Liu Deshui was not suitable for practicing the third level of reverse life, so he recommended him to Yanwu Hall. 】

【Soon after Liu Deshui left, Lu Jin also entered the inner sect and began to learn the third level of reverse life. However, practicing the third level of reverse life was full of dangers, so he finally called the head of the Lu family to confirm before deciding to accept him as a disciple. 】

【Half a month after the two of them left, Li Muxuan took the initiative to find me and said he wanted to worship me as his master! 】

I have been busy these days, so I am sorry for the unstable updates.

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